MessageConsumer receives no messages

i successfully establish a connection to a remote SonicMQ message broker (from one of our custumers) and then call receive to ask the consumer for any
messages in the queue, but i always get a NULL return result, indicating that the "MessageConsumer was concurrently closed" (as stated in
the java api for jms).
I use exactly the same testing code to receive messages as our customer does it (which successfully can read any messages). The queue
is not empty, we have balanced all settings ensuring they are the same.
My question is: could it be a firewall or other networking issue? or are there any security policies that must be explicity set to allow
me to read messages from the queue?
Any ideas and hints are appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!

markus2007 wrote:
Hi again,
here is some code. I don�t receive any messages. If you're monitoring the queue, does this mean the message never gets there, or they arrive and pile up?
Receive always returns null, no matter how big the timeout is specified. i have also
tried without a timeout (blocking forever) and asynchronous method (via mesage listener), but i�m not able to get any messages.
And this is exact the same code our customer uses to read messages from the queue.Forget about that. It's not exactly the same, because it's on your server. You've done something wrong, and it's your job to figure out what.
I can connect to the queue without any problems, and the customer can see via his message browser that there are messages
"consumed" as i access the queue, but they never reach me...
progress.jclient.message.QueueConnectionFactory factory = new progress.jclient.message.QueueConnectionFactory();
progress.jclient.message.Connection conn = factory.createQueueConnection(user, password);
progress.jclient.message.QueueSession session= conn.createQueueSession(false, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
progress.jclient.message.Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);
progress.jclient.message.QueueReceiver receiver= session.createReceiver(queue);
Message m = receiver.receive(30000);  Edited by: markus2007 on Apr 17, 2008 12:44 PM
Edited by: markus2007 on Apr 17, 2008 12:46 PMI don't see any line that starts the connection. Shouldn't you have:
QueueConnectionFactory factory = new QueueConnectionFactory();
Connection conn = factory.createQueueConnection(user, password);
QueueSession session= conn.createQueueSession(false, Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);
QueueReceiver receiver= session.createReceiver(queue);
conn.start();  // Isn't this line necessary?
Message m = receiver.receive(30000);  I've not done it this way. I usually create a MessageListener and register it with the queue before starting. I've used WebLogic JMS, not Sonic.

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  • JMS (Transaction ???) problem, consumer receives all messages at once.

    Hallo, I have an application which implements asynch communication between the web and business layer using JMS.
    On a page a user can upload files, which are processed by the backend. For large files this can be a long running process, thats why we use JMS to send the file asynchronously and use JMS to update progress information on the page.
    The application works fine on JBoss 6 with HornetMQ.
    After porting to Weblogic I see consistently a strange phenomenon. The update messages from the processing backend logic are send as expected. But the receiver does not receive one message after another but receives all the messsages almost at once after only the producer has sent the last message.
    For me this is totally unexpected behavior and of course our progress bar on the page does not work properly, but merely jumps from 0 to 100% after the data has been processed.
    It looks like the consumer waits until the producer has finished its transaction. But how can this be possibly? I have learned that transaction never span producer - messagesystem - consumer.
    Example Code:
    import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
    import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
    import javax.annotation.Resource;
    import javax.ejb.EJB;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.interceptor.Interceptors;
    import javax.jms.Connection;
    import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
    import javax.jms.DeliveryMode;
    import javax.jms.Destination;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
    import javax.jms.Session;
    import javax.jms.TextMessage;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import dsde.core.aspects.DsdeException;
    import dsde.core.aspects.ExceptionHandler;
    import dsde.core.entity.Data;
    public class ParserBean implements Parser {
         private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
         private DataDAO dataDAO;
         private Destination backQueue;
         private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
         private Connection connection;
         public void parse(String text, String description, String sessionId) throws DsdeException{
              double percentDone = 0;
              double j = 0.0;
              //Simuliere was langdauerndes, schwieriges
              for (int i=0; i < text.length(); i++) {
                   j = i;
                   percentDone = j / text.length() * 100;
                   try {
                   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                   if (i % 2 == 0) {
                        //periodisch das Frontend mit dem Fortschritt updaten
                        sendFeedback((int)percentDone, sessionId);
              //Zum Schluss noch senden dass wir fertig sind
              //Sonst wird der Send Button nicht wieder aktiv
              sendFeedback((int)percentDone, sessionId);
              //Jetzt wird noch richtig geparsed :-)
              String[] words = text.split(" ");
              //Entity konstruieren
              Data data = new Data(description, words);
              //Das Ergebnis in die Datenbank schreiben
         private void sendFeedback(int percentDone, String sessionId) {
              Session session = null;
              try {
                   session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
                   MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(backQueue);
                   TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
                   message.setText("" + percentDone);
         "ParserBean has sent " + percentDone);
              } catch (JMSException e) {
              } finally {
                   if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (JMSException e) {
         public void init(){
              try {
                   connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
              } catch (JMSException e) {
         public void close() {
              try {
              } catch (JMSException e) {
    import javax.annotation.ManagedBean;
    import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
    import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
    import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.jms.Connection;
    import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.Message;
    import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
    import javax.jms.MessageListener;
    import javax.jms.Queue;
    import javax.jms.Session;
    import javax.jms.TextMessage;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    public class FeedbackReceiverBean implements MessageListener {
         private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
         //jndi names of managed objects
         private String connectionFactoryName;
         private String queueName;
         private Connection connection;
         private Session session;
         private int percent;
         private boolean disabled;
         public boolean isDisabled() {
              return disabled;
         public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) {
              this.disabled = disabled;
         public int getPercent() {
              return percent;
         public void setPercent(int percent) {
              this.percent = percent;
         public void setConnectionFactoryName(String connectionFactoryName) {
              this.connectionFactoryName = connectionFactoryName;
         public void setQueueName(String queueName) {
              this.queueName = queueName;
         public void init() throws NamingException, JMSException {
              FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              HttpSession httpSession = (HttpSession) facesContext.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
              String sessionId = httpSession.getId();
              Context context = new InitialContext();
              ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup(this.connectionFactoryName);
              Queue queue = (Queue) context.lookup(this.queueName);
              this.connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
              this.session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
              String filter = "JMSCorrelationID = '" + sessionId + "'";
              MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue, filter);
         public void close() throws JMSException {
         public void onMessage(Message message) {
              if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
                   TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) message;
                   try {
                        this.percent = Integer.parseInt(textMessage.getText());
                        if (percent >= 100) {
                             this.disabled = false;
              "Prozent " + percent);
                   } catch (JMSException e) {
              else {
                   log.error(message.toString() + " is no TextMessage");
         public void disable() {
              this.disabled = true;
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <weblogic-jms xmlns="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <connection-factory name="dsdeConnectionFcatory">
      <queue name="dsdeQueue">
      <queue name="dsdeFeedbackQueue">
      <queue name="dsdeBackQueue">
    </weblogic-jms>Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for posting your analysis!
    I think your solution is probably best.
    FYI: Your JMS session was never a "transacted" session. It's definitely confusing, but the term "transacted session" has a special meaning in JMS, it actually refers to a session that is not XA/JTA aware and instead maintains an internal local transaction that's scoped only to the current JMS session's operations. A transacted session is created by passing "true" to the first parameter of createSession, and such a session's local transaction is committed by calling session.commit() (which starts a new transaction). To further add to the confusion, I think that JEE servers are actually obligated to ignore requests to set the transacted flag to true -- WebLogic does this trick by secretly wrapping access to the JMS API when applications lookup JMS connection factories via a resource reference.

  • JMS consumer is not receiving any messages. am i missing something ?

    Hi bellow is the consumer code, my consumer is not receiving any messages even though there are messages in the queue. I have tried to debug the code. but the consumer is not calling the onMessage() method even though there are messages in the queue. Please guide me on the same. if i am missing something.
    package org.icrm.cons;
    import javax.jms.Connection;
    import javax.jms.Destination;
    import javax.jms.ExceptionListener;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import javax.jms.Message;
    import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
    import javax.jms.MessageListener;
    import javax.jms.Session;
    import javax.jms.TextMessage;
    import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory;
    public class JConsumer implements ExceptionListener,MessageListener{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              JConsumer consumer = new JConsumer();
              System.out.println("here 1");
         public void consumeMessage(String queueName){
                   System.out.println("here 2");
                   ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616");
                   Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
                   Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
                   Destination destination = session.createQueue(queueName);
                   MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
                   /*Message message = consumer.receive(1000);
                   TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage)message;
                   String text = textMessage.getText();
                   System.out.println("Received : " + text);
              }catch(Exception e){
                   System.out.println("Caught: " + e);
         public void onException(JMSException arg0) {
              System.out.println("JMS Exception occured.  Shutting down client.");
         public void onMessage(Message message) {
                   TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage)message;
                   String text = textMessage.getText();
                   System.out.println("Received: " + text);
              }catch(JMSException e){

    I commented the following line of code. and i got all the messages.
    //connection.close();but then when should i close the consumer, session and connection object ???

  • MessageConsumer.receive() Vs JMS Listener

    Just wondering if MessageConsumer.receive() is better option than the MessageListener.
    I have a situation where I am writing a code that is in a common module for an internal application. I need to write a consumer where the consumer can be configured with minimum values as parameters like ContextFactory, Provider URL, Destnation Name, I need to pick the message from that destination.
    Here the problem is if I use the JMS Listener then we need to wait untill message arrives and this may keep the thread blocked for hours. Sisce it is purly going to be plugable JMS providers, I am planning to use the receiveNoWait() and process the queue. Pick the message only if available. Otherwise, no messages are picked and the user can retry after some time.
    Please comment.

    I am in the middlle of enhancement of an old system to add the JMS feature to it.
    Ya, It is a batch processing system where users put a configuration file on with similar kind of jobs in some sequence. The jobs can be doing some basic java tasks.
    For example, if you want to subscribe from JMS topic on any server, may be at 10:00 AM every business day. After that you want to send the content as a Email to set of users and then again put it in a different queue. then all you need to just put the configuration of the process in sequence. Thats it. The system can schedule it and do it for us.
    The JMS receiver process is just one processors in our sequence. We have around 100 similar processes for internal use. We have around half a million users and 5000 such sequences running round the clock.
    In my case I cannot have an MDB because of the fact that the Topics/Queues are totally ad-hoc in nature. To make it cross platform we need to strictly use JMS Specification and cannot really on vendor specific code.
    Now, I am bit confused in my choice of using an appropriate adapter. Should I go for JMS Listener or a MessageConsumer's receive() Method.
    Note_: All sequences are run in seperate threads.

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    Have you tried restoring the Preferences yet?

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    rjliii wrote:
    Solved problem with original Canon software.  When I downloaded Canon software upgraded for OS X 10.8, I got all by Navigator Ex. Noticed that on Canon's site, the upgraded version is 3.1; my app was 2.1. Upgraded to 3.1 for Nav. Ex, and it works.
    You should still use Image Capture IMHO.  If it was my gear, that's what I would do.  No need to worry about software upgrades.

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    My 120GB IPod classic is not recognized by my Windows 7 PC.  When I plug the ipod into my computer I receive a message saying that the USD device is not recognized.  The Device Manager lists it as an Unknown Device.  I've tried uninstalling iTunes and reinstalling it, but it had no affect.  The odd thing is that our other iPod (160 GB Classic) is recognized on the same computer using the same USB cable.  When I plug the ipod in question into another PC, the PC seems to recognize the iPod and lists it in Windows Explorer (iTunes is not installed on this machine).  There seems to be something out of wack with this PC/iPod combo.  Any thoughts on what I can do to try to resolve this issue?  I tried all of the steps listed here, but they didn't help me.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Are you plugging the iPod into a high powered USB 2.0 port on the back of your PC? Have you tried a different USB cable?
    What happens if you try to reset the device with it still connected to the PC?
    How to reset iPod
    Has this iPod ever worked on this PC or is this the first time you have time you have tried connecting it?
    Have you carefully worked through each and every single suggestion in this Apple support document?
    iPod not recognized in 'My Computer' and in iTunes for Windows

  • I can call out but all incoming calls are going directly to VM with no signal that I missed a call or have VM. I can send/receive text messages from other iPhone/iPad/iTouch users, I am assuming this is really "iMessage." Is it apple software?

    I have spent hours on the phone with Apple and AT&T. I went thought reset, on/off, etc, etc with both companies to no avail. Each company pointed fingers at the being the source of the problem.
    Problems: Suddenly ALL  incoming calls were going directly to VM with no signal I missed calls and/or had VM. I was also unable to receive all Text Messages...Oddly, I could send text messages to anyone (even non-apple users but I could not receive their responses)........then I when I got home I started receiving text messages from other apples users ONLY. I assume now - iMessage kicked in and I could text (send/receive)  other iPhone/iPad/iTouch users ONLY. ....yes, I could still (send) text messages to my husband's blackberry (he received my messages fine) but my phone would NOT receive his text respones.
    Finally, I googled the problem and found this community where other people have had the exact same problems! One person said he "turned off 3 G" which was the solution for I did the same and VIOLA! My problem  solved! Nevermind the fact that I pay for 3G and cannot use here's my question, if 3G is the problem on my phone is this an APPLE issue or a NETWORK problem? Do I purchase a new phone and slip in my same SIM card and hope the same does not occur or do I get a whole new SIM card and phone? What is the long term resolution to this problem?
    I am happy however to find that my problem is NOT an isolated incident and wish Apple or AT&T had told me this is not so uncommon because I thought (based on the baffled response from Apple) that this has never occurred before.  Where is Steve Jobs when we need him?

    It pains me to hear about your experience with the Home Phone Connect.  This device usually works seamlessly and is a great alternative to a landline phone.  It sounds like we've done our fair share of work on your account here.  I'm going to go ahead and send you a Private Message so that we can access your account and review any open tickets for you.  I look forward to speaking with you.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Help! I received a message on my iPhone that "phone Number Added to iPad4 [NAME of IPAD] is now using [PHONE NUMBER] for FaceTime and iMessage" and it is not my iPad!! What do I do, how do I shut them out??

    Help! I received a message on my iPhone that "phone Number Added to iPad4 [NAME of IPAD] is now using [PHONE NUMBER] for FaceTime and iMessage" and it is not my iPad!! What do I do, how do I shut them out??

    Use a strong password and set up Two Step Verification on your account.

  • TS2755 My husband and I have a linked apple account and i cloud. Now he is receiving all of my text messages. How can I fix it to where he only receives his messages and not mine? Any help is appreciated!

    My husband and I both have iphones and both are linked to the app store and i cloud. Now my husband is receiving all of my text messages and has all my contacts. How can we get it to where he does not receive my messages anymore? Any help is appreciated!

    Best way is to get your own Apple ID, but until then have him go to Settings > Message > Receive at and remove your phone number.

  • What do I need to do when I receive the message ". . . your startup disc is full, you need to make some room by deleting some files"

    I hope I'm in the right place since I was sort of redirected here Recently I have been receiving the message that my startup disc is full and that I need to make room by deleting files.  At first I received the message when I left my computer unattended with my virtual machine on, using VMWare Fusion to run Windows.  Recently though, I got the message when I left my computer unattended for about 6 hours without the virtual machine running.  As an aside, I get extremely nervous when anything freezes VMWare because it is usually a nightmare to get back into Windows if I can at all without calling Tech Support. This new message however, appeared without the virtual machine active, so I was relieved that VMWare most likely was not the cause.  After reading a number of Tech Support articles and Community discussion questions and answers, I started wondering if iTunes or the SMC firmware or a combination thereof may be causing the problems.  Mind you I know nothing about the SMC stuff because as I said, I am really new to Mac and know very little about computer code or processors or any of that stuff.  But I do know that iTunes has recently been giving me some trouble, such as opening on start up and I can't figure out why and messing around with my iTunes libraries.  I also read about the SMC firmware and the computer's sleep cycle so that sort of made sense.  But I seriously need advice from someone a lot smarter than me.  So, before you ask, both iTunes and my SMC firmware are up to date. I'm running a mid-2007 iMac Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with 2.4 GHz of speed.
    You may not need all this junk, but in case you do, since the message tells me to make room and delete files, here goes.  Now, if I need to make space and delete files, this is where I get confused and it's probably very simple but I'm still a relatively new Mac user and I still can't seem to find all the info about my Mac!  I'm not exactly sure how much space I have left on my hard drive.  I had to replace my hard drive last December and the invoice says it is a 500 GB 7200 SATA hard drive.  For some reason I thought I had more than that.  Regardless, System Profiler shows 10.26 GB currently available, 499.76 used; I assume that the used portion includes my partitioned drive that has my virtual machine on it?  I may be using the wrong language when calling it that but that's how I understand it as a "partitioned drive".  Now, when looking at the System Profiler, under Volumes, Capacity 209 MB writable diskOs1 - I think this my Virtual Machine.  I also have three Western Digital drives that I use for Time Machine and for pictures and music; however, as I said, I am still new with Macs and do not fully understand the file structure so there may be pictures on my Mac hard drive that are duplicated on 1 or more of my WD drives but I don't know how to find them or if I do, I'm afraid to delete them.  Of these WD external drives, 1 is 500 GB and is full with Time Machine backups; the 2nd WD drive is 3 TB and has 2.18 TB available and is currently being used for Time Machine backups; the final WD drive is 1 TB Firewire and currently has 694.33 GB available.
    Any help would be appreciated.  Please forgive any inaccurate terms or mis-statements of terminology as I do not really know what I'm talking about as far as the pieces and parts of the operating system; I'm just trying my best to describe what I see.
    One more piece of advice that I would appreciate would be recommendations about a good file cleaner, for duplicates, messy file structure, space utilization software; it also needs to be idiot proof software.  I have a trial version of Appdelete that I never really used and I have the purchased version of Tune Up My Mac that I haven't spent much time with because I'm afraid I'll delete something I shouldn't
    Thank you for your help

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

  • LG Revolution not receiving text messages from iphone user

    I am not receiving text messages from iphone user, sporatically.  The messages are showing as reveived on Verizon website in usage detail, but not being received on my phone.

        This issue needs fixed asap! I have a few suggestions that should help you get this resolved. If they are showing up in the usage details, that means they are hitting the Verizon network, but for some reason they are not showing up on the phone.   I recommend clearing the cache from your messaging/text messaging programs. Go to settings> applications> manage apps> all> Messaging/Text Messaging> Force Stop/Clear Cache/Clear Data. Erase the old text threads that you have saved and retry.
    If that doesn't work, please let us know the following:
    1) Do they come in delayed or not at all?
    2) Do you have any 3rd party messaging apps installed?
    3) Do they have any problems receiving messages from you?
    4) When they're sending messages, are they directly to you, or do you have this problem when the iPhone user sends to a group of people?
    Thanks for the additional info! I'm sure we can find a fix.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • LG Revolution receiving text messages

    I just got this phone on 7/1. It was all programmed and I started using it. I was both sending and receiving text messages. I noticed that since 7/3 I have not been receiving text messages. I can still send them. I am sure it is probably something I did, but have no clue. I powered the phone down (without battery removal) and powered back up. Still no texts receive.

    Hi Missjennfur1, 
    Are you having issues receiving any text messages or receiving replies back to your text messages? I would try doing a soft reset on your device. Afterwards, send a message to a person asking them to reply back to your message. If the reply message does not come through, contact the person to ask what error messages did they see when they tried to send you a reply. Also, use this link to our website site. You can send yourself a message. If the message does not go through, it will give you back the results with an error message that will shed more light on the issue with posting back the results you observed. If you need additional assistance afterward trying these suggestions, send me a private message with your information. 

  • LG Revolution isn't receiving text messages?

    I got my cell phone on Black Friday, I was so excited and no I am just frustrated. I don't receive text messages half the time and my phone randomly turns off and on. Is there anyway to fix the text message problem because as a young adult that is how I mostly communicate. Please and thank you.

    Hi hkell:
    I can understand why you're frustrated with the problems that you've listed. There are a few suggestions I can think of to ensure your issue is resolved. For the texting problem, are you using any 3rd party messaging applications? If so, please remove them and retest using the stock messaging application. If your device is resetting intermittently, I would recommend performing a factory reset on your Revolution.  This will rule out any issues potentially caused by 3rd party applications.
    You can also ensure that your software is up to date. You can check the current version of software here and see if your software is up to date.
    If neither of those has helped in resolving your concern, please feel free to send me a DM. I've followed you to ensure this is possible.  We also have a Warranty Center (Tech Support) line that can reached at 866-406-5154 for troubleshooting.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • TS4268 Ever since I uploaded i0s7 I haven't been able to receive I messages or face time. I have took it to the apple store and they couldn't figure it out. I have also followed the trouble shooting from I tunes and still can't get it working

    Ever since I uploaded i0s7 I haven't been able to receive I messages or face time. I have took it to the apple store and they couldn't figure it out. I have also followed the trouble shooting from I tunes and still can't get it working

    Strikes -
    Go into compositionReady and have 3 variables you will be able to set them like this
    strike1 = 0;
    strike2 = 0;
    strike3 = 0;
    So on the wrong item click have
    if(strike1 == 0) {
    strike1 = 1;
    else if(strike2 == 0) {
    strike2 = 1;
    else if(strike3 == 0) {
    strike3 = 1;
    So this will make it so when the wrong item is clicked each strike will be played in order.
    Random Scrolling -
    You should look into the Math.Random function to make things random in edge.
    This is an example of the Random function. It will generate a random number up to 100.
    var random = Math.floor (Math.random () * 100);
    Lose Screen Score -
    So we can create another variable in compositionReady for the lose score.
    score = 0;
    Now when the user gains a point to add to the score you could do this code on the click
    which would add 1 to the score, However you can add however much you like to the score doing "score + 2" and so on.
    To edit a text with the score at the end which I'm assuming you will want to do you will use .html
    so $("Text").html("You score is " + score);
    I hope this helps!

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