Messed up push notifications

Have messed up notifications. Tried several fixes and no go.
Tried resetting the notification settings for the affected apps
reinstalling those apps
resetting their notification settings
redoing iOS 6.1.4
Messed up in the sense that some apps give double notifications & others repeat notifications from as far back as a day.

Taken at 5:55pm. As you could see it still sends notifications from 17 hours prior & doubles the notification that was sent at the time.

Similar Messages

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    Right, I synced my iphone up a while back to add a song to my phone.
    Since then, I've had several problems I have yet to resolve:
    1) I keep getting 'Connect to iTunes to Use Push Notifications.'
         I searched through the forums and have yet to find a solution, nothing seems to work. Tried changing sims, rebooting/resyncing, messing with the notifications, etc., etc., etc. Nothing has worked.
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    Macbook Pro is running 10.6.8.
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    Some of you must have had this problem, any help would be appreciated, that pop-up for Push Notifications is really driving me insane.

    Did you get any help on this? From what I can see from surfing this site, it's a BUG that no one has offered a solution to. It sometimes happens after a 'reset' and going to ITunes does not offer a way to 'set up push notifications'.

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    I reset it and restored from an iCloud backup. Everything is back to normal

  • IOS 4 and Push Notifications?

    Are push notifications finally supported on SLS now that iOS 4.0 has been released?
    Message was edited by: Rusty Ross

    Works on the iPhone and iPod (running OS 3.1.3) I tested. Believe me, you almost have to have the SLS machine sitting on a public IP for everything to work correctly, but it does appear to work for us (20+ iPhone/iPod/iPad users, 50+ laptop/desktop clients). SSL is an absolute requirement for all services, and you must use the FQDN for all services when configuring the clients. Users should be shortname@FQDN when configuring services on the clients. Reverse DNS must match forward DNS (FQDN) for the server, and the SSL certificate also must match the FQDN of the server. Aliases make a huge mess of things (IMHO), so I don't use them.
    Everything still works on the iPhones and iPods running iOS 4, but it seems the push notifications are a bit slower for some reason in iCal. I was messing with the iPod this morning using iCal, and noticed an update made to a calendar from a desktop took a couple minutes to appear on the iPod. Still much faster than the 30 minute "pull" interval configured on the iPod for services that do not support push.

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    And btw, I would also like to get the push notifications back on. Connecting to iTunes did absolutely nothing. Resetting the network settings only made my situation worse. Help please!

    Hi there Julia,
    Ahh The iPhone isn't "stupid" it's been called "stupid" because you are frustrated at the situation , but try
    Load iTunes. Backup your phone. Make sure it is backed up !! Run restore. This will get rid of the error! And please what ever you do , do not skip the back up!

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    I have an iPhone on the Sprint network..
    I got one of my buddies who works at ATT to look at it...
    it recently stored everything to iCloud and when it did that it messed it up.
    I backed my phone up to my computer and restored it.
    All push notifications are working now!

  • Push Notification Background Task Crashes Emulator/Device

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    So I've done some more investigating and it turns out the
    sample app actually does not work as intended. When I thought it was working, I actually wasn't invoking the background task capability, but rather the
    pushnotificationreceived event on the notification channel. After running the part of the app that is supposed to run the background task on receiving a push notification, I get the same crashing behavior as my own application. Based on this,
    it would seem that Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview does not actually support background tasks triggered by push notifications.
    Here are some screenshots of the emulator after I try pushing a raw notification via the NSE.

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  • IOS 7 Issue -Push Notifications

    Good Evening All,
    I am having an issue with the recent iOS7 update.
    My wife & I both have iPhone 4s (same apple IDs), I recently updated our phones to iOS7, mine worked without issue, however, my wifes phone keeps getting the message "Connect to iTunes to use Push Notifications"
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    Does anyone know how I may be able to resolve this issue ??

    Works on the iPhone and iPod (running OS 3.1.3) I tested. Believe me, you almost have to have the SLS machine sitting on a public IP for everything to work correctly, but it does appear to work for us (20+ iPhone/iPod/iPad users, 50+ laptop/desktop clients). SSL is an absolute requirement for all services, and you must use the FQDN for all services when configuring the clients. Users should be shortname@FQDN when configuring services on the clients. Reverse DNS must match forward DNS (FQDN) for the server, and the SSL certificate also must match the FQDN of the server. Aliases make a huge mess of things (IMHO), so I don't use them.
    Everything still works on the iPhones and iPods running iOS 4, but it seems the push notifications are a bit slower for some reason in iCal. I was messing with the iPod this morning using iCal, and noticed an update made to a calendar from a desktop took a couple minutes to appear on the iPod. Still much faster than the 30 minute "pull" interval configured on the iPod for services that do not support push.

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    this update is really starting to annoy me now.
    everytime i go on texts/whatsapp/kik/ anything it tells me to connect my phone to itunes to use push notifications.. so i connected to itunes and got load of songs i didnt want on my phone and no push notifications.
    i have no idea how to delete the songs cause swiping accross doesnt work and clicking it just makes it play.. so help ??
    and how do i get my push notifications to work?! its driving me crazy
    i dont really wanna throw my phone at the wall but i can see it happening.....
    Lots of people (myself included) are having similar issues.

  • Push Notifications to APNS Fail 50% of the Time

    Sending a notification to an iOS device fails half the time with this error:
       The Push Notification System returned an Internal Server Error
    Here is my setup:
    Free Trial version of Azure
    Sandbox certificates uploaded to a Mobile Service/Notification Hub
    App developed with PhoneGap and built using Adobe's PhoneGap Build service
    Using the Cordova plugin
    I am able to use either the DEBUG page on the Azure site, Visual Studio 2013 (Server Explorer -> Azure), or the ServiceBusExplorer open source program to send test JSON messages to Apple. It works, half the time, and the other half of the time I
    receive the error above.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Open Visual Studio --> Server Explorer --> Azure. It points to my trial account.
    Context-click on my Notification Hub a pick "Diagnose"
    Under Device Registrations, I delete any registrations I've previously accumulated. There are now no device registrations.
    Delete and re-install the test app on the iPhone (iOS 8)
    Launch the test app. A new registration appears in the notification hub. The type is "Native." (I've also had problems with "Template.")
    Go to the Test Send tab; Recipient: Broadcast; Message Type: Apple (Default)
    I am using the default, sample notification (but I get similar outcomes with other JSON messages):
    {"aps":{"alert":"Notification Hub test notification"}}
    Hit "Send"; It fails. Under "Message Result:," for my single registration I have this error message: "The Push Notification System returned an Internal Server Error"
    Wait 90 seconds, hit Send again. The notification works, it appears on the phone, the message result is "The Notification was successfully sent to the Push Notification System"
    Wait another 90 seconds, hit Send again. The notification fails
    with the same Internal Server Error that it did the first time.
    Wait another 90 seconds, hit Send again. It works perfectly just like it did on the second attempt.
    Overall it is working about half the time. In the example above, it worked every-other time, but this is not always the case--it can succeed multiple times in a row or fail multiple times in a row. I'm not changing the JSON at all between
    the above test messages. Even if I vary the JSON, I get the same outcome. I get similar outcomes regardless of whether I do the testing through Visual Studio (above), the Azure portal (the DEBUG tab), or through the ServiceBusExplorer program.
    What is causing this? How do I troubleshoot this?

    Hi David,
    I don't have an answer for you, but I wanted to chime in because I am having problems as well. I get the same "The Push Notification System returned an Internal Server Error" message trying to send a test push via either the Debug tab in the
    console or in Visual Studio.
    I have been focused on troubleshooting this problem since yesterday (Saturday February 21) but I believe it has been happening quite a bit longer.
    At one point I was able to get some notifications through after clearing all the registrations, but now it is failing again. I have had the same certificate since last April (2014) and it has worked fine, so I know the certificate setup is good.
    More data points:
    using the SimplePush PHP script from with the same certificate, the notifications go through immediately.
    Normally we send notifications from our Mobile Service using the Javascript backend, and it gets a "success" response from the Notification Hub even when it fails, e.g.
    {"isSuccessful":true,"statusCode":201,"body":"","headers":{"transfer-encoding":"chunked","content-type":"application/xml; charset=utf-8","server":"Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0","date":"Sun,
    22 Feb 2015 05:05:20 GMT"}}
    We have another notification hub with our production certificate, and it seems to be working better.

  • Sending Push Notifications with Adobe DPS

    I'm testing out all the Adobe DPS and Apple options. And one of the things I would like to test is Push Notifications.
    I followed the iPad publishing guide to be able to get all the certificates so that's ok. Then I was looking for a way to send
    push notifications. Because Adobe DPS doesn't really have a UI environment (PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong ;-) to send push
    notifications I have to do it 'by hand'. When I tested my app on my iPad I got the "app name wants to send you push notifications",
    so i'm sure my certificates are working. Now I just need to send a push message.
    So I followed this great tutorial:
    I was able to do everything and was able to send a push notification ... but I never received it. And the reason for this is because
    I don't have the app device token, which is a 64 character serial number which acts as your app address. So I don't have any way of sending the notification
    to my particular app. (which is a test sideload multifolio app).
    Because the Adobe DPS is cloud based you don't get any code (which I love). But I think that is currently stopping me
    from finding out my device token.
    What I'm asking:
    - Does this mean I can't send any push notifications to Adobe DPS created apps?
    - If this is supported somehow, I suppose (again, correct me) I need the app device token for the created app. Where do I get this?
    Thanks !

    At this time, it's not possible to manually push notifications. When you enable push, only publishing a new folio displays the red badge. At some point, when third-party push is supported, manual pushes will be possible.

  • IOS 6.1.4 - Apple Native Email Client - Push Notification is not working

    Hi, I just upgraded to IOS 6.1.4 this morning no issues Upgrade went well.
    Now My Email Push Notfication is not working.
    1. Bussiness Gmail Account - Configured as Exchange
    2. Hotmail Account - Configured as Exchange
    Both Account - Push is ON
    if some one send email i am not getting it. I have to manually open the Native Email client then i can see.
    Restarted the IPhone Twice.
    Any one facing similar issue?

    1.   Removed the Email Account and Added again - Problem Presist.
    2.   Erase All Content - Restored from previous Backup - No Luck
    3.   Again Erased All Content - Setup as New Phone - Just add Gmail Enterprise Email Account - Not Working.
    Surprisingly - Icloud / Hotmail PUSH Notifications works Fine.
    I have removed all My Devices from the Google Apps Administrator page and re-requeste for new deivce and then tried all the above still same Issues.
    Now what?
    Any one experiencing this issue?

  • Iphone 4 push notifications not working for any app

    hi, Actually I own an iPhone 4 os 4.2.1(8c148). The thing is that push notification for all the apps that support this feature is not working, I've been an iphone user for long time now, so I konw all the stuff about turning on the push notifications etc. the problem is that my phone give me the pushes like 1 hr or 2 late, or some times never , i just have to open the apps to see my new messages and stuff. Since i live in colombia I have brought the iphone to the store and they take it for like a week and then they give me the phone back saying that is ok , but it isn't. I' have reinstalled the software, I've done anything you can think of, like turning on an of push notification, put it in plane mode, restore as new, backups, and I don't know what else to do, and the thing is that in colombia they don't exchange your phone that easy as it is in the US. So please any advise? ANd I'm sorry about my English. Thank you!

    Unfortunately you have already done everything we can possibly instruct you to do.. at this point the only option is getting them to exchange it its under warranty its not working you have to get a exchange

Maybe you are looking for