Messenger Messaging Agent Error SPL Request 0xB106

I restarted the messaging agent and all of a sudden SPL Request (Get Other Status) [0xB106] cn=xxxo,=xx Host is unknown to system errors started generating. I followed the TID placing the host in the host list. My host I have listed is the name of the GW PO domain. Then I restarted the agent but I still get the same errors.

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    I have tried the other solutions on here with no luck. HELP please.
    Many Thanks.

    Progress Update.
    I made a back of what existing phtos and Videos I had on my Iplhone.  I used Image capture to do this making an entire back up of photos and videoa that were still intact on the phone.
    Image capture is god for this purpose, as it does exactly what you ask it to do without applying any rules or squishing the files back into iphote (which might also be corupted) 
    Image capture wil do the basic function of retriving the contents of the phone and save them as native files on your hard drive.
    Once I did this I erased my iphone, and re intitialised it restoring an older back up from icloud.
    As the retore was happneing - I did retreive the missing files that cuased the intial beviour as above, and I could play the videos that were missing in the above scenerio.  The wierd ting was however that even though the source files were now back on the device, the thumbnail previews were missing. Where I ahd balck thumb nails for server portions of the resotred content.
    I then went to bed as the restore is a long process.  When I woke up the library had library had cleaned itself up.  Mysteriously the prcess had deleted the files missing the their thumbnails.
    This is very perculiar and bad behavior.
    I am now repeating the process, and will attempt to download the missing content as it is restored and prior to the phone trying to fix itself.
    Here are the lessons learned.
    DO NOT rely on Photo Stream to keep back ups and synchornise videos from you IOS device. IT DOES NOT SUPPORT THIS CAPBILITY
    DO NOT rely on iCloud Back Up alone - always fd an occassional iTunes back up or more reliably still always take a back up of photos and video files using Image Capture to be doubly sure that you a have backd up any content.
    DO THIS NOW - dont wait to loose your phone ofr have your phone repaired by replacement at the apple Store.  (I did both :-(

  • Error message while creating Appropriation Request

    Hey there,
    I am getting Error message while creating Appropriation Request.
    I have done all the confiig according to SAP Best Practices U30 Investment Management.
    When going into transaction IMA11(Create an AR) I can full in all fields but as soon as I click on the Control Tab I get a Run time error. Also when attempting to save the AR without clicking on the Control tab I get this message.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated
    RAISE_ exception
    Runtime Errors         RAISE_EXCEPTION                                                            
    Date and Time          18.07.2011 07:15:07                                                                               
    Exception condition "ERROR_IN_STATUS" raised.                                                                               
    What happened?                                                                               
    The current ABAP/4 program encountered an unexpected                                         
    Error analysis                                                                               
    A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLAIA_TOOL" raised the exception                         
         condition "ERROR_IN_STATUS".                                                                 
         Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program                                
         in the hierarchy, processing was terminated.                                                                               
    Short description of exception condition:                                                                               
    For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use                                   
         Transaction SE37 (Function Library). You can take the called                                 
         function module from the display of active calls.                                            
    Trigger Location of Runtime Error                                                                
         Program                                 SAPLAIA_TOOL                                         
         Include                                 LAIA_TOOLU11                                         
         Row                                     119                                                  
         Module type                             (FUNCTION)                                           
         Module Name                             AIA_TOOL_GET_STATUS                      
    Source Code Extract                                                                               
    Line  SourceCde                                                                               
    89 *                TYPE       = SY-MSGTY                              
        90 *                CL         = SY-MSGID                              
        91 *                NUMBER     = SY-MSGNO                              
        92 *                PAR1       = SY-MSGV1                              
        93 *                PAR2       = SY-MSGV2                              
        94 *                PAR3       = SY-MSGV3                              
        95 *                PAR4       = SY-MSGV4                              
        96 *           IMPORTING                                               
        97 *                RETURN     = ls_return.                            
        98 *   endif.                                                          
        99 *   if not ls_return is initial.                                    
       100 *      append ls_return to return.                                  
       101 *      raise error_in_status.                                       
       102 *   endif.                                                          
       103 *                                                                   
       104 *  Füllen der Ausgabetabellen                                       
       105    perform fill_output_tables tables lt_status                      
       106                                      lt_jsto                        
       107                                      et_appreq_status               
       108                                      et_appreqvarnt_status          
       109                                      et_appreq_user_status          
       110                                      et_appreqvarnt_user_status     
       111                                      lt_objnr                       
       112                                      lt_objnr_varnt                 
       113                                      lt_return                      
       114                               using  i_language                     
       115                                      i_with_text.                   
       117    if not lt_return[] is initial.                                   
       118       append lines of lt_return to return.                          
    >>>>>       raise error_in_status.                                        
       120    endif.                                                           
       123 ENDFUNCTION.

    You said you are trying to do this stuff in IDES right.
    If you are using IDES provided by a company and where many people play on IDES, then you can get many such issues...
    This is by our experience.  Today you do something in IDES and tommorow that thing or config is screwed up by others.
    If you have your own IDES, then check the suggestion given by the forum Guru's.

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    The problem was solved by Apple Technical Help. The process is as flollows:
    1. Open Safari
    2. Menu item Safari-Reset Safari - remove all website data - reset
    3. Now if you try to login on iTunes connect it will work.

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    Warning: Error in parsing value for 'background-image'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File:
    Line: 0
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    Hello everyone with AVG, I have the simple solution. 1) Open your AVG Antivirus File 2) Under Tools, Open Advance Settings 3) On the left side, Click on LinkScanner 4) On the Box on the right-hand side... Unclick "ENABLE SURF-SHIELD" Click OK on the bottom of the page. PROBLEM FIXED

  • Request Message Mapping - error

    Scenario :
    Flat file => File adapter => XI 2.0 => IDoc => SAP
    The adapter picks up the file, sends it to Integration Engine. In the Monitoring tool, the following are fine : Inbound Message, Receiver determination, Interface determination, Technical routing, Receiver grouping, Message split.
    We are getting error in Request Message Mapping. The error is below :
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping
    - <SAP:ErrorHeader xmlns:SAP="">
      <SAP:Context />
      <SAP:Code p1="Error during mapping" p2="--- Creating Java mapping --- Using MappingResolver with context URL /sapmnt/XID/global/xi/mapping/http%3A%2F%2FABCxyz%2Ecom%2Fxi%2FTest%2F/bc52cef0be3411d8b277cade640701c6/ --- Loaded class --- Fatal Error: com.inqmy.lib.xml.parser.ParserException: XMLParser: No data allowed here:BLO (:main:, row:1, col:3) at at at at at at at at at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at at at at$Server.dispatchRequest(Unknown Source) at$Server.nativeListen(Native Method) at$Server.listen(Unknown Source) at$Server.listen(Unknown Source) at$ Source) at --- An error occured during the execution of the Java mapping . Fatal Error: com.inqmy.lib.xml.parser.ParserException: XMLParser: No data allowed here:BLO (:main:, row:1, col:3) ---" p3="" p4="">MAPPING.GENERIC</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:Text language="EN">Error during mapping</SAP:Text>
    For same scenario, another interface, we get the below error :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping
    - <SAP:ErrorHeader xmlns:SAP="">
      <SAP:Context />
      <SAP:Code p1="Error during mapping" p2="--- Creating Java mapping --- Using MappingResolver with context URL /sapmnt/XID/global/xi/mapping/http%3A%2F%2FABCxyz%2Ecom%2Fxi%2FTest%2F/bc52cef0be3411d8b277cade640701c6/ --- Load of com/sap/xi/tf/_xMsg_mapping_.class from /sapmnt/XID/global/xi/mapping/http%3A%2F%2FOwensCorning%2Ecom%2Fxi%2Ftest%2F/bc52cef0be3411d8b277cade640701c6 failed. --- Class not found: --- java.lang.ClassNotFoundException at RUMappingJava.load(): Could not load class: Class not found: --- at at at at at at at at at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at at at at$Server.dispatchRequest(Unknown Source) at$Server.nativeListen(Native Method) at$Server.listen(Unknown Source) at$Server.listen(Unknown Source) at$ Source) at ---" p3="" p4="">MAPPING.GENERIC</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:Text language="EN">Error during mapping</SAP:Text>
    Any help in resolving these issues is greatly appreciated.

    Hallo Homiar,
    to the first problem:
    Do you get the same error, if you test the mapping in the Integration Builder:Design? I mean, you can download the XML instance which is entered into the Message
    Mapping  zMsgMap in the Integration Engine Monitor (R/3 Transaction SXMB_MONI) and use this XML in the test environment of the Message Mapping in the Integration Builder:Design.
    to the second problem:
    It looks like that the  Message Mapping xMsg_mapping could not be found by the Integration Engine. You can try to reactivate the Message Mapping in the Integration Builder. This is done for example by changing the description of the corresponding Message Mapping object and saving and activating the object.
    Regards Franz

  • Network message format error. GET request must have a QUERY_STRING value

    I have installed new Content Server 10gR on my laptop.
    Web Server is : Apache 2.2.4
    DB is : Oracle 10g (Standard Edition)
    Platform : Windows
    CS is up & running. I am able to login and browse through content store. But when I try to perform any type of Submit operation anywhere in CS Portal ( for example "Updating My Profile and clicking on Submit" ) I get following error:
    "Network message format error. GET request must have a QUERY_STRING value (the CGI parameters on the URL) "
    1. Does any one know why I am getting this ?
    2. Is some configuration missing for Apache which connects Apache with CS ?
    Below is the httpd.conf changes:
    LoadModule IdcApacheAuth D:/oracle/ucm/idc/shared/os/win32/lib/IdcApache22Auth.dll
    IdcUserDB idc "D:/oracle/ucm/idc/data/users/userdb.txt"
    Alias /idc "D:/oracle/ucm/idc/weblayout"
    <Location /idc>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    DirectoryIndex portal.htm
    IdcSecurity idc
    3. One things that I see that before hitting the Submit button the URL is:
    And after hitting Submit button on "My Profile" the URL becomes:
    I guess part of URL gets truncated/missed etc and so we are getting this error ?
    Any way to fix this ?
    Edited by: user12188052 on Sep 21, 2010 10:10 AM

    This issue is resolved.
    - After installation when I started CS , I saw "D:\oracle\ucm\idc\weblayout\idcplg" folder missing error in logs. Reason why I created this "idcplg" folder inside "weblayout" folder was because I thought it was not created during installation. I created this folder & copied "idc_cgi_isapi.dll" this file into it.. This was the issue
    - I deleted the folder "D:\oracle\ucm\idc\weblayout\idcplg" and everything started working fine now.

  • On opening A.8, I get this error message "Runtime error (VisualC  ) This application has requested to terminate in an unusual way. Pls. contact the app's supoort team."

    On opening A.8, I get this error message "Runtime error (VisualC  ) This application has requested to terminate in an unusual way. Pls. contact the app's supoort team." This happens on opening .pdf file or opening the application.

    XP. Yes, it was working fine. When I open Control Panel/Add or Remove
    programs, Acrobat isn't listed (Creative Suite 3 and 2 Flash Players,
    and an Acrobat Reader that I installed yesterday show up, but no
    Acrobat). Acrobat 6 and 8 appear in Explorer under Program
    Files/Adobe.??? Thanks.

  • Can't open iTunes Store features tab on iPad mini. Message given is: 'Your request produced an error. (newNullResponse)."

    I can't open iTunes Store features tab on iPad mini. Message given is: 'Your request produced an error. (newNullResponse)." 
    How do I resolve this problem?

    Try restarting your iPad or testing on another Wi-Fi network.
    If that doesn't do it, try the troubleshooting steps in this iTunes Store doc. The same steps should help with App Store problems.
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting

  • Software update on iMac. Trying to update software I get message "an error has occurred. the request has been timed out" how do i know if there are updates?

    Am trying to update software through "Software Update" on my iMac (latest Lion operating system).
    I keep getting message "An error has occurred. The request timed out"
    How do I know if there are software dates available to down load.

    Two things, bushmanernie (love the name)
    First what version of Lion are you running and have you downloaded any Combo updates since you installed it.
    Second; I see you only have 10.6.2 in your profile.   You might like to update it.
    I don't have Lion myself but I'm guessing you don't have the very latest version.  You can check what should be available through the opening Apple support page > downloads.

  • I get an error message that reads "error parsing request" when loading travelocity pages. any ideas what causes this??

    since upgrading to 4.0.1 the travelocity website has given the error message... error parsing request ...and can proceed no further. have reinstalled 4.0.1 and travelocity bookmark with no success.

    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    * "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites causing problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

  • RegTask: Failed to send registration request message. Error: 0x80040231

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    RegTask: Failed to send registration request message. Error: 0x80040231
    RegTask: Failed to send registration request. Error: 0x80040231
    Error initializing client registration (0x80040222).
    Please let me know how can i solve the error.

    Checked this ?
    Arnav Sharma | Facebook |
    Twitter Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members
    reading the thread.

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    Your phone needs more storage, buying storage on doesn't change that.
    Delete some of the stuff off of your phone, it's full.

Maybe you are looking for