Metadata columns in Finder

I was just wondering why there is no option to view extra metadata information within the finder (i.e. for audio files: title, artist, etc). Obviously in the form of a column within the list view. As such, is there any way to go about doing so? Any good third party apps that don't require a change of file browser?

You can use an AppleScript (or any application) from a Finder window's toolbar. I use something like the following script to show Spotlight metadata - paste it into the *AppleScript Editor*, save it as an application (wherever you want), then drag the application icon into the toolbar of a Finder window. From there, just make a selection in the Finder window and click the toolbar button.
<pre style="
font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0px;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
width: 720px; height: 340px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #FFEE80;
overflow: auto;"
title="this text can be pasted into the AppleScript Editor">
-- get file metadata - selections are copied to the clipboard
set theClipboard to "" -- this will be what gets copied to the clipboard
tell application to get window 1 -- test for an open Finder window
tell application "Finder" to set itemList to the selection
if itemList is {} then set itemList to (choose file with multiple selections allowed and invisibles)
on error -- no window (e.g. double-click from the desktop)
set itemList to (choose file with multiple selections allowed and invisibles)
end try
repeat with myItem from 1 to (count itemList)
set theItem to (item myItem of itemList)
activate me
set {tempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
get paragraphs of (do shell script "mdls " & quoted form of POSIX path of (theItem as text))
on error errorMessage
get errorMessage as list
end try
choose from list result with title "Spotlight metadata  (" & myItem & " of " & (count itemList) & ")" with prompt (POSIX path of (theItem as text)) with empty selection allowed and multiple selections allowed
if result is false then -- no choice
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID
error number -128
else -- add items to the clipboard
if theClipboard is "" then -- blank item
set theClipboard to result as text
set theClipboard to {theClipboard, result} as text
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID
end if
end repeat
set the clipboard to theClipboard
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
if (errorNumber is -128) or (errorNumber is -1711) then -- nothing (user cancelled)
activate me
display alert "Error " & (errorNumber as string) message errorMessage as warning buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
end if
end try
The dialog displayed is just a raw dump of the metadata - as mentioned, there can be a lot of information (and not all files have the same metadata), but the script can be modified to clean up specific items if needed.

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    Issue: In SharePoint 2010 On-premises, I am able to set an empty Managed Metadata column on a file in a document library via SPD workflow using the following format:
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    Thanks in advance for any help or guidance.

    I try to reproduce the issue in my SharePoint Online environment, however, everything works well.
    I create term set as below:
    Then start the workflow and the value in the browser view. The result is as below:
    I recommend to create another managed metadata column to check whether it works.
    Or you can create another library to check whether it works.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Caml query using managed metadata column

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    SPList splistLIST = parenttWeb.Lists.TryGetList("LIST1");
                          if ((splistLIST.Items.Count > 0 && splistLIST!= null))
                              SPQuery   objnodeQuery = new SPQuery();
                              objnodeQuery.Query =
           "<OrderBy>" +
              "<FieldRef Name='ID' />" +
           "</OrderBy>" +
           "<Where>" +
              "<Eq>" +
                 "<FieldRef Name='myTaxonomy' />" +
                 "<Value Type='Text'>{0}</Value>" +
              "</Eq>" +
           "</Where>", _mcurrentPathTermSet);
                              SPListItemCollection nodeItemCollection = splistLIST1.GetItems(objnodeQuery);
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    Managed metada column does not supported in lookup column as the thread below:
    If you prefer managed metadata in Search, then I'd suggest you find workaround to use managed metadata column in lookup column. You could use a workflow to copy the managed metadata column to a text field, make the text field to be hidded from the list if
    necessary. Then lookup this text field in other list.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Many thanks for your very clear explanation of how this works.  After posting I played around some more and I began to see a pattern which pointed to what you've written.
    I'll have to experiment with some scenarios to make sure I understand this more fully.  I was getting pretty frustrated. 
    None of the training I've done explains this beyond the most basic level, but as I'm discovering, there are many little "gotchas" which most training simply glosses over.  Having said that, I do enjoy the challenges... keeps me on my toes.  PPro is one hell of a product, and I use it as an amateur for my own personal stuff.
    Again, I appreciate your taking the time to explain this to me.  Thanks.

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    anyone pls help me out. Thank you.

    It's kind of a lot of code... but here goes!
    This all goes into a separate JS file:
    (Tip, to copy this code chunk, it's easiest to start your selection outside the code block)
    var js_MultiFilter = (function () {
    function js_MultiFilter(listName, site) {
    this.document = document; f (typeof listName == "undefined") { listName = 'Documents'; }if (typeof site == "undefined") { this.useCurrentSite = true; }else { this.useCurrentSite = false; }this.listName = listName;this.listRootfolder = ""; = site;this.notificationEnabled = true;this.filterFields = []; this.filterNames = []; this.selectModes = []; this.filterValueLists = []; this.displayFields = []; this.displayNames = []; this.displayModes = []; this.items = []; this.potentialFilters = []; this.queryFields = []; this.selectedFilters = []; this.sortField = "Title"; this.sortDesc = false; this.selectMode = "checkbox"; this.filterHeadingClass = "js_MFFilterHeading"; this.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable"; this.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn"; this.innerFilterColumnClass = "js_MFInnerFilterColumn"; this.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell"; this.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter"; this.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable"; this.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow";
    this.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader"; this.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell"; this.filterLabelClass = "js_MFFilterLabel"; this.filterLabelHoverClass = "js_MFFilterHoverLabel"; this.filterLabelSelectClass = "js_MFFilterSelectLabel"; this.filterLabelUnusedClass = "js_MFFilterUnusedLabel"; this.resultCountClass = "js_MFResultCount"; this.maxResultHeight = "270px"; this.rowLimit = 100; this.divId; this.evenColumnWidths = true; this.evenFilterColumnWidths = true; this.resultsId = "js_MultiFilterResults1"; this.showMetadataGuids = false; this.maxFilterHeight = 13;
    /*Methods*/ this.containsString = containsString; this.getIndexOf = getIndexOf; this.addDisplayField = addDisplayField; this.addStaticDisplayField = addStaticDisplayField; this.addFilterField = addFilterField; this.bindToDiv = bindToDiv; this.onQuerySucceeded = onQuerySucceeded; this.onQueryFailed = onQueryFailed; this.getValueAsString = getValueAsString; this.showLoading = showLoading; this.removeLoading = removeLoading; this.toggleAndApplyFilter = toggleAndApplyFilter; this.applyFilter = applyFilter; this.insertDefaultCss = insertDefaultCss; this.get_defaultCss = get_defaultCss; this.isPageInEditMode = isPageInEditMode; this.HoverFilterLabel = HoverFilterLabel; this.DeHoverFilterLabel = DeHoverFilterLabel;
    /*Interface Functions*/
    function isPageInEditMode() { return (document.forms[0].elements["MSOLayout_InDesignMode"].value == "1") }
    function addFilterField(fieldName, displayName, selectMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = fieldName; } if (typeof (selectMode) == "undefined") { selectMode = this.selectMode; } this.filterFields.push(fieldName); this.filterNames.push(displayName); this.selectModes.push(selectMode.toString().toLowerCase()); var filterValueList = []; this.filterValueLists.push(filterValueList); var potFilterValueList = []; this.potentialFilters.push(potFilterValueList); if (!this.containsString(this.queryFields, fieldName)) { this.queryFields.push(fieldName); } }
    function addDisplayField(fieldName, displayName, displayMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = fieldName; } if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } this.displayFields.push(fieldName); this.displayNames.push(displayName); this.displayModes.push(displayMode); if (!this.containsString(this.queryFields, fieldName)) { this.queryFields.push(fieldName); } }
    function addStaticDisplayField(displayText, displayName, displayMode) { if (typeof (displayName) == "undefined") { displayName = displayText; } if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } this.displayFields.push("@" + displayText); this.displayNames.push(displayName); this.displayModes.push(displayMode); }
    function insertDefaultCss(RevertToDefaultStyles) { var js_style = this.document.createElement("style"); js_style.type = "text/css"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js_style); var newCss = this.get_defaultCss(RevertToDefaultStyles); if (typeof js_style.styleSheet != "undefined") { js_style.styleSheet.cssText = newCss; } else { js_style.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(newCss)); } }
    function bindToDiv(divId) { /* Causes the control to appear in the specified div.*/ if (typeof (divId) != "undefined") { this.divId = divId; } if (this.notificationEnabled) { showLoading(this); } var clientContext; if (this.useCurrentSite) { clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); } else { clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(; } var web = clientContext.get_web(); var lists = web.get_lists(); var list = lists.getByTitle(this.listName); var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery(); var descending = ""; if (this.sortDesc) { descending = " Ascending='False'"; } var camlString = '<View><Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name=\'' + this.sortField + '\'' + descending + '/></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>' + this.rowLimit + '</RowLimit></View>'; camlQuery.set_viewXml(camlString); this.collListItem = list.getItems(camlQuery); var strFields = "ID,"; if (containsString(this.displayModes, "fileref", true)) { strFields += "FileRef," }
    for (var i = 0; i < this.queryFields.length; i++) { strFields += this.queryFields[i] + ","; } strFields = strFields.substring(0, strFields.length - 1); this.listRootfolder = list.get_rootFolder(); clientContext.load(this.listRootfolder); clientContext.load(this.collListItem, "Include(" + strFields + ")"); clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed)); }
    function showLoading(parent) { parent.notifyId = SP.UI.Notify.addNotification("Loading...", true); }
    function removeLoading(parent) { SP.UI.Notify.removeNotification(parent.notifyId); }
    function getValueAsString(fieldValue, activeHyperlinks, showLinkUrl, displayMode, additionalFieldValue) { var localNull = null; if (typeof (displayMode) == "undefined") { displayMode = "default"; } /*wraps hyperlink text in <a> tag*/ if (typeof (activeHyperlinks) == "undefined") { activeHyperlinks = false; } /*causes hyperlinks to display URL by default instead of description*/ if (typeof (showLinkUrl) == "undefined") { showLinkUrl = true; } var returnValue = []; var isArray = false if (typeof (fieldValue) == "object" && fieldValue != localNull) { if (fieldValue[0] != localNull) { if (fieldValue.length) { for (var i = 0; i < fieldValue.length; i++) { returnValue.push(this.getValueAsString(fieldValue[i])); isArray = true; } } } } if (!isArray) { if (fieldIsText(fieldValue)) { if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "link") { returnValue = '<a href="' + fieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; }
    else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "display") { returnValue = '<a href="' + this.listRootfolder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + '/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "edit") { returnValue = '<a href="' + this.listRootfolder.get_serverRelativeUrl() + '/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "fileref") { returnValue = '<a href="' + additionalFieldValue + '">' + fieldValue + '</a>'; } else { returnValue = fieldValue; } } else { if (fieldValue == localNull) { returnValue = ""; } else { if (fieldIsDate(fieldValue)) { returnValue = fieldValue._toFormattedString(); } else { if (fieldIsHyperlink(fieldValue)) { var desc = fieldValue.get_description(); var url = fieldValue.get_url(); if (showLinkUrl) { if (url != localNull) { returnValue = url; } else { if (desc != localNull) { returnValue = desc; } } }
    else { if (desc != localNull) { returnValue = desc; } else { if (url != localNull) { returnValue = url; } } } if (activeHyperlinks && url != localNull) { returnValue = '<a href="' + url + '">' + returnValue + '</a>'; } } else { if (fieldIsLookup(fieldValue)) { if (displayMode.toString().toLowerCase() == "link") { returnValue = '<a href="' + fieldValue.get_lookupValue() + '">' + fieldValue.get_lookupValue() + '</a>'; } else { if(fieldValue.get_lookupValue() == ""){ /* When doing a lookup count, the lookup ID is used */ returnValue = fieldValue.get_lookupId(); }else{ returnValue = fieldValue.get_lookupValue(); } } } else { returnValue = ""; } } } } } } return returnValue; }
    function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) { var listItemEnumerator = this.collListItem.getEnumerator(); while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) { var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current(); var localNull = null; var item = new Object(); item.filterValues = []; item.displayValues = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var filterValue = []; /*Collect all filter values*/ var rawValue = this.getValueAsString(oListItem.get_item(this.filterFields[i])); if (typeof (rawValue) == "string") { filterValue.push(rawValue); } else { filterValue = rawValue; } for (var k = 0; k < filterValue.length; k++) { /*if this value hasn't been encountered before, add it to our filter value list for this filter field*/ var thisvalue = filterValue[k]; if (this.showMetadataGuids == false) { if (thisvalue.indexOf('|') != -1) { thisvalue = thisvalue.split('|')[0]; } } if (!containsString(this.filterValueLists[i], thisvalue)) { this.filterValueLists[i].push(thisvalue); } } item.filterValues.push(filterValue); }
    for (var j = 0; j < this.displayFields.length; j++) { var initialValue = this.displayFields[j]; if (initialValue.startsWith("@")) { initialValue = initialValue.substring(initialValue.indexOf("@") + 1); } else { initialValue = oListItem.get_item(this.displayFields[j]) } /*Collect all display values*/ if (this.displayModes[j] == "fileref") { var displayValue = this.getValueAsString(initialValue, true, false, this.displayModes[j], oListItem.get_item("FileRef")); } else { var displayValue = this.getValueAsString(initialValue, true, false, this.displayModes[j], oListItem.get_item("ID")); } item.displayValues.push(displayValue); } this.items.push(item); } var filterSelectBoxes = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var selectbox = this.document.createElement("div"); selectbox.className = this.filterColumnClass; selectbox.setAttribute("index", i); var heading = this.document.createElement("div"); heading.className = this.filterHeadingClass;
    heading.innerHTML = this.filterNames[i]; selectbox.appendChild(heading); var columnContainer = document.createElement("div"); selectbox.appendChild(columnContainer); var innerColumns = []; for (var j = 0; j < this.filterValueLists[i].length; j += this.maxFilterHeight) { var innerColumn = document.createElement("div"); innerColumn.className = this.innerFilterColumnClass; innerColumns.push(innerColumn); columnContainer.appendChild(innerColumn); } this.filterValueLists[i].sort(); for (var j = 0; j < this.filterValueLists[i].length; j++) { var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = this.selectModes[i]; input.className = this.filterCheckboxClass; var checkboxText = this.filterValueLists[i][j]; input.setAttribute("name", this.filterFields[i]); = "js_mf_" + i + "_" + j; var labelid = "label_" + i + "_" + j; input.setAttribute("label", labelid); input.value = checkboxText; var checkboxlabel = document.createTextNode(checkboxText); var checkboxlabelspan = document.createElement("span");
    checkboxlabelspan.className = this.filterLabelClass; = labelid; checkboxlabelspan.setAttribute("checkbox",; checkboxlabelspan.appendChild(checkboxlabel); var parent = this;
    /*ADD EVENT HANDLER*/ if (input.addEventListener) { /*chrome, firefox, and new IE*/ input.addEventListener("change", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); input.addEventListener("click", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("click", function (element) { parent.toggleAndApplyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("mouseenter", function (element) { parent.HoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.addEventListener("mouseout", function (element) { parent.DeHoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); } else { /*legacy internet explorer*/ input.attachEvent("onchange", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); input.attachEvent("onclick", function (element) { parent.applyFilter(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onclick", function (element) { parent.toggleAndApplyFilter(element, parent) });
    checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onmouseenter", function (element) { parent.HoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); checkboxlabelspan.attachEvent("onmouseout", function (element) { parent.DeHoverFilterLabel(element, parent) }); } var currentColumnIndex = 0; for (var k = 0; k < innerColumns.length; k++) { if (j >= k * this.maxFilterHeight) currentColumnIndex = k; } var currentColumn = innerColumns[currentColumnIndex]; currentColumn.appendChild(input); currentColumn.appendChild(checkboxlabelspan); currentColumn.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } filterSelectBoxes.push(selectbox); } var htmlToWrite = document.createElement("div"); htmlToWrite.className = this.filterTableClass; for (var i = 0; i < filterSelectBoxes.length; i++) { htmlToWrite.appendChild(filterSelectBoxes[i]); }
    /*clear the loading image and add our filters*/ document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(this.divId).appendChild(htmlToWrite);
    /*Create the div to display the results*/ var detailsDiv = document.createElement("div"); detailsDiv.className = this.displayOuterClass; var detailIdstring = "Details"; iterator = 0; var detailsId = detailIdstring + iterator; while (this.document.getElementById(detailsId) != localNull) { iterator = iterator + 1; detailsId = detailIdstring + iterator; } = detailsId; this.resultsId = detailsId;
    /*create a div for a row within the results table*/ var detailDiv = document.createElement("div"); detailDiv.className = this.displayRowClass; detailDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<img src='/_layouts/images/loading.gif' />")); detailsDiv.appendChild(detailDiv);
    /*Add the results below the filters*/ document.getElementById(this.divId).appendChild(detailsDiv); for (var i = 0; i < this.filterFields.length; i++) { var selectedFieldArray = []; this.selectedFilters.push(selectedFieldArray); } if (this.notificationEnabled) { this.removeLoading(this); } applyFilter(null, this); }
    function DeHoverFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else if (sourcelabel.getAttribute("unused") == "unused") { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelClass; } }
    function SelectFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; hover = false; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } }
    function HoverFilterLabel(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; var hover = true; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); if (el.checked) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else if (sourcelabel.getAttribute("unused") == "unused") { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; } else if (hover) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelHoverClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelClass; } }
    function toggleAndApplyFilter(labelel, parent) { var sourcelabel = labelel.srcElement; if (typeof (sourcelabel) == "undefined") { sourcelabel = labelel; } var checkboxid = sourcelabel.getAttribute("checkbox"); var el = document.getElementById(checkboxid); var select = false; if (el.checked) { el.checked = false; } else { el.checked = true; select = true; } parent.applyFilter(el, parent); if (select) { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else { sourcelabel.className = parent.filterLabelHoverClass; } }
    function applyFilter(el, parent) { var localNull = null; var resultcount = 0; if (el != localNull) { var element = el.srcElement; if (typeof (element) == "undefined") { element = el; } SelectFilterLabel(document.getElementById(element.getAttribute("label")), parent); var filter = element.value; var parentNode = element.parentNode; var tempElement = element.parentNode; while (tempElement.getAttribute("index") == localNull) { tempElement = tempElement.parentNode; } var fieldIndex = tempElement.getAttribute("index"); var elements = document.getElementsByName(element.getAttribute("name")); for (var inc = 0; inc < elements.length; inc++) { var thisel = elements[inc]; if (typeof (thisel.getAttribute("label")) != "undefined") { DeHoverFilterLabel(document.getElementById(thisel.getAttribute("label")), parent); } } if (element.checked) {
    if (parent.selectModes[fieldIndex] == "radio") { /*remove all other filters in this field.*/ parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex] = []; } if (!containsString(parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex], filter)) { parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex].push(filter); } } else { var index = getIndexOf(parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex], filter); if (typeof (index) != "undefined") { parent.selectedFilters[fieldIndex].splice(index, 1); } } } var resultsOuterDiv = document.createElement("div"); resultsOuterDiv.className = parent.displayTableClass; document.getElementById(parent.resultsId).innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById(parent.resultsId).appendChild(resultsOuterDiv); var resultsHeaderDiv = document.createElement("div"); resultsHeaderDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; for (var i = 0; i < parent.displayNames.length; i++) { var headerCell = document.createElement("div"); headerCell.className = parent.displayHeaderClass; headerCell.innerHTML = parent.displayNames[i]; resultsHeaderDiv.appendChild(headerCell); }
    resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(resultsHeaderDiv); for (var i = 0; i < parent.potentialFilters.length; i++) { parent.potentialFilters[i] = []; /*initialize an array of empty arrays (one per filter)*/ } for (var i = 0; i < parent.items.length; i++) { /*for each item...*/ var itemfields = parent.items[i].filterValues var itemContainsAllSelectedValues = true; for (var j = 0; j < parent.selectedFilters.length; j++) { /*for each filter field*/ for (var k = 0; k < parent.selectedFilters[j].length; k++) { /*for each selected filter value*/ if (parent.selectedFilters[j].length == 0) continue; /*skip it if nothing is selected.*/ var thisvalue = parent.items[i].filterValues[j]; /*check if the item has that value within that field*/ if (!containsString(thisvalue, parent.selectedFilters[j][k], this.showMetadataGuids)) { itemContainsAllSelectedValues = false; break; } if (!itemContainsAllSelectedValues) break; } }
    if (itemContainsAllSelectedValues) { resultcount++; var rowDiv = document.createElement("div"); rowDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; for (var j = 0; j < parent.items[i].displayValues.length; j++) { var cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.className = parent.displayCellClass; cellDiv.innerHTML = parent.items[i].displayValues[j]; rowDiv.appendChild(cellDiv); } for (var j = 0; j < parent.items[i].filterValues.length; j++) { for (var k = 0; k < parent.items[i].filterValues[j].length; k++) { parent.potentialFilters[j].push(parent.items[i].filterValues[j][k]); } } resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(rowDiv); } } if (resultcount == 0) { var rowDiv = document.createElement("div"); rowDiv.className = parent.displayRowClass; var cellDiv = document.createElement("div"); cellDiv.className = parent.displayCellClass; cellDiv.innerHTML = "No results were found for the specified criteria."; rowDiv.appendChild(cellDiv); resultsOuterDiv.appendChild(rowDiv); }
    /*Stylize dead-end filter options*/ for (var i = 0; i < parent.filterValueLists.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < parent.filterValueLists[i].length; j++) { var labelid = "label_" + i + "_" + j; var checkboxid = "js_mf_" + i + "_" + j; var filterCheck = document.getElementById(checkboxid); var fieldValue = parent.filterValueLists[i][j]; var tempElement = filterCheck.parentNode; while (tempElement.getAttribute("index") == localNull) { tempElement = tempElement.parentNode; } var fieldIndex = tempElement.getAttribute("index"); if (!containsString(parent.potentialFilters[fieldIndex], fieldValue, parent.showMetadataGuids)) { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelUnusedClass; document.getElementById(labelid).setAttribute("unused", "unused"); } else { if (document.getElementById(checkboxid).checked) { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelSelectClass; } else { document.getElementById(labelid).className = parent.filterLabelClass; }
    document.getElementById(labelid).setAttribute("unused", "false"); } } } var resultCountId = "js_mf_resultcount"; var resultCountDiv; if (document.getElementById(resultCountId) == null) { resultCountDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "js_mf_resultcount"; resultCountDiv.className = parent.resultCountClass; document.getElementById(parent.divId).appendChild(resultCountDiv) } else { resultCountDiv = document.getElementById(resultCountId); } if (resultcount == 1) { resultCountDiv.innerHTML = resultcount + " result"; } else { resultCountDiv.innerHTML = resultcount + " results"; } }
    function onQueryFailed(sender, args) { this.removeLoading(this); this.document.getElementById(this.divId).innerHTML = 'The page was unable to populate the data this time.' + '<br/><span style="color:white">' + args.get_message() + '</span>\n'; }
    function get_defaultCss(useTheseClasses, includeStyleTags) { if (typeof useTheseClasses != "boolean") useTheseClasses = true; if (useTheseClasses) { this.filterHeadingClass = "js_Heading"; this.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable"; this.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn"; this.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell"; this.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter"; this.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable"; this.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow"; this.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader"; this.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell"; this.filterLabelClass = "js_MFFilterLabel"; } if (typeof includeStyleTags != "boolean") includeStyleTags = false; var openstyletag = ""; var closestyletag = ""; if (includeStyleTags) { openstyletag = "<style>"; closestyletag = "</style>"; } var leftright_padding = "padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;"; var tableLayoutFixed = ""; var filterTableLayoutFixed = ""; if (this.evenColumnWidths || this.dockResultHeaders) { tableLayoutFixed = "table-layout:fixed; "; }
    if (this.evenFilterColumnWidths) { filterTableLayoutFixed = "table-layout:fixed; "; } return openstyletag + "." + this.filterHeadingClass + "{font-weight:bold;background:#DDDDDD;text-align:center;}." + this.filterTableClass + "{background:#EEEEEE;display:table;width:100%;"+filterTableLayoutFixed+"}." + this.filterColumnClass + "{ display:table-cell;border-left:1px solid #CCC; border-right:1px solid #CCC;}." + this.filterCheckboxClass + "{padding-left: 5px;}." + this.displayOuterClass + "{height:" + this.maxResultHeight + "; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #CCC;}." + this.displayTableClass + "{display:table; " + tableLayoutFixed + "width:100%; text-align:left;}." + this.displayRowClass + "{width:100%;text-align:left;display:table-row;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;}." + this.displayHeaderClass + "{background:gray;color:white;display:table-cell; padding:5px; font-weight:bold;}." + this.displayCellClass + "{border-right:solid #CCC 1px; " + "border-left:0px;border-top:0px;border-bottom:1px solid #EEEEEE;"
    + "display:table-cell;padding:5px;}." + this.innerFilterColumnClass + "{float:left;}." + this.filterLabelClass + "{margin:1px; cursor:pointer;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelHoverClass + "{cursor:pointer; margin:1px;text-decoration:underline;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelSelectClass + "{background: #555; color:white; cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #555;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.filterLabelUnusedClass + "{color:#bbb;margin:1px;cursor:default;" + leftright_padding + "}." + this.resultCountClass + "{text-align:right;font-weight:bold;}" + closestyletag; }
    function fieldIsLookup(field) { return (typeof field.get_lookupValue == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsDate(field) { return (typeof field._toFormattedString == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsHyperlink(field) { return (typeof field.get_url == 'function'); }
    function fieldIsText(field) { return (typeof field == 'string'); }
    /* Helper function to imitate Array.contains() method */ function containsString(strArray, text, showMetadataGuids) { if (typeof (showMetadataGuids) == "undefined") { showMetadataGuids = true; } var contains = false; for (i in strArray) { if (strArray[i] == text) { contains = true; break; } else if (showMetadataGuids == false) { if (strArray[i].indexOf('|') != -1) { if (strArray[i].split('|')[0] == text) { contains = true; break; } } } } return contains; }
    /* Helper function to imitate Array.indexOf() method */ function getIndexOf(strArray, text) { for (i in strArray) { if (strArray[i] == text) return i; } }
    return js_MultiFilter;})();
    Then you can reference the JS file and put the filter control on your page like so:
    <div id="js_MultiFilterExample"><img src="/_layouts/images/loading.gif"/></div>
    <script src="/[wherever you saved your js file]/js_MultiFilter.js"></script>
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(newInstance, "sp.js");
    function newInstance(){
    var mf = new js_MultiFilter("Library Name"); // pass the list display name
    //// Optional Parameters
    //mf.maxResultHeight = "100%"; // set the max height of the results (default: "270px")
    mf.sortField = "FileLeafRef"; // specify internal name of field to sort results by (default: Title)
    //mf.sortDesc = true; // sort descending (default: false)
    //mf.evenColumnWidths = false; // equal result column widths (disable at own risk) (default: true)
    mf.evenFilterColumnWidths = false; // equal filter column widths (default: true)
    //mf.rowLimit = 500; // increase the result row limit imposed on the query (default: 100)
    //mf.notificationEnabled = false; // show the fly-out Loading notification (default: true)
    //mf.selectMode = "radio"; // Specify the default select mode i.e. checkbox or radio (default: checkbox)
    //mf.showMetadataGuids = true; // Do not trim the GUID suffix from managed metadata filters (default: false)
    //mf.maxFilterHeight = 20 ; // Specify the maximum number of options to display in a column before adding another column (default: 13)
    //// Filter and Display Fields
    mf.addFilterField("Category","Category","radio"); // (internal name, display name (optional), select mode (optional))
    //// addDisplayField() displays an additional field from each list item
    //// addStaticDisplayField() adds a column that displays the same text for every item
    mf.addDisplayField("FileLeafRef","Link to Doc","fileref"); // (internal name, display name (optional), display mode (optional))
    mf.addStaticDisplayField("View Properties","Display Form","display"); // (display text, display name (optional), display mode (optional))
    mf.addDisplayField("Author","Created By");
    //// Valid display modes are: default (display value as text), link (treat the value as a hyperlink),
    //// display (link to library display form), edit (link to library edit form), and fileref (link to document)
    //// CSS classes used by the control
    //mf.filterHeadingClass = "js_MFFilterHeading";
    //mf.filterTableClass = "js_MFFilterTable";
    //mf.filterColumnClass = "js_MFFilterColumn";
    //mf.filterInnerColumnClass = "js_MFInnerFilterColumn";
    //mf.filterCheckboxClass = "js_MFFilterCell";
    //mf.displayOuterClass = "js_MFResultOuter";
    //mf.displayTableClass = "js_MFResultTable";
    //mf.displayRowClass = "js_MFResultRow";
    //mf.displayHeaderClass = "js_MFResultHeader";
    //mf.displayCellClass = "js_MFResultCell";
    //mf.filterLabelHoverClass = "js_MFFilterHoverLabel";
    //mf.filterLabelSelectClass = "js_MFFilterSelectLabel";
    //mf.filterLabelUnusedClass = "js_MFFilterUnusedLabel";
    //mf.resultCountClass = "js_MFResultCount";
    Uncomment anything you need to change!

  • How to update managed metadata column for all file in document library using powershell

    How to update managed metadata column for all file in document library using powershell?
    Any help on it.
    Thanks & REgards
    Poomani Sankaran

    Hi TanPart,
    I have changed the code which you have give in order to get the files from SharePoint 2010 Foundation  Document Library.But i am getting below error in powershell.
    Property 'ListItemCollectionPosition' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
    Could you tell me which is the issues in it?
    See the code below.
    $web = Get-SPWeb http://ntmoss2010:9090/Site
    $list = $web.Lists["DocLib"]
    $query = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
    $query.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'";
    $query.RowLimit = 2000
    $caml = '<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Title" /><Value Type="Text">Process Documents/Delivery</Value></Contains></Where>' +
            '<OrderBy Override="TRUE"><FieldRef Name="ID"/></OrderBy>'
    $query.Query = $caml
        $listItems = $list.GetItems($query)
        $spQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = $listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition
        foreach($item in $listItems)
            #Cast to SPListItem to avoid ambiguous overload error
            $spItem = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem]$item;
            Write-Host $spItem.Title       
    while ($spQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition -ne $null)
    Thanks & Regards
    Poomani Sankaran

  • Provision a document library definition with managed metadata column using Visual Studio 2010 designer

    hi all,
    how can i create a document library with a managed metadata column and lookup column .
     what  should be the  type for managed metadata column ? is it "Taxonomy", if yes how can i enter the term set values which should be populated by default.
    also would like to know how to refer the parent list / column[field] in the loopkup field
    help is appreciated!

    To add a Managed Metadata field into the list definition, you can take a look at the link below with steps in details about the same requirement.
    For the Lookup field:
    What’s more, if you have several questions to ask, I suggest you post them into every single thread to make them easier to be discussed in the forum.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to create a managed metadata column in sharepoint document library programmatically

    I want to create a column of type "Managed metadata" in a document library.
    I am new to managed metadata and its basics. So i need to know what it requires to create it. i got this
    1. Create a term set Group.
    2. Create term set.
    3. Create a term.
    I am using sharepoint foundation where "Term Store Management" service is not available.
    I am writing this code for OFFICE 365. So can write a code with prediction, assuming i have basic info required to run my code?
    var termStore = session.TermStores["Managed Metadata"];
    var group = termStore.Groups.GetByName("KB Submission Policy");
    var termSet = group.TermSets["KB"];
    Can write this code with respect to screen shot as follows in my term store 
    Please reply...

    Please check this
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • Issue when filtering with Managed Metadata Columns in Share Point Document Library

    Hi All
    I have a document library, and a four Metadata Columns in it, with each column having a number of term in it. I have no issues in adding a document or in term sets. We have set property of Managed Metadata Column as Allow Multiple Values. So some of the items
    in library contains values with only one term set. While other documents contains values with multiple values.
    We have a number of country sites having the document library  with same metadata columns. In document library default view i am showing Metadata column, User want to filter the documents (view) based on Metadata column selected.
    The filtering is giving inconsistent behavior. In production server it is giving in error with some correlation ID. On our development machine some times it is working fine and some other times it is given error of Validation of Viewstate MAC failed. i tried
    on different countries sites.
    I checked we have already kept the Metadata Navigation and Filtering under site action feature as activated. It was even more weird when i deactivated the feature on one country site and the filtering was working fine. And on other country site where i
    kept the feature as activated and the filtering was giving an error.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Amit,
    Have you checked the ULS error message for more information with correlation ID?
    Please try using the library metadata navigation to filter these managed metadata columns value via configuring library "Metadata navigation settings" after you enabled the "Metadata Navigation and Filtering" feature,
    then check if the issue would still persist.
    Please see more information from below article with similar issue.
    Daniel Yang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you havefeedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] 
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Updating a managed metadata column from choice column value

    I am trying loop through
    all lists in a web, and for each list, 
    1. create a managed metadata column->Working
    Pull value from choice column->Working
    3. Move
    choice column value to managed metadata column->Not Working
    Point number 3 is not working. Please advise
    Here is the code:
    static void Main(string[] args)
    //Pulling the rootweb of the Site
    const string SPLocationListColumn = "CHECK6";
    SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp2010:8080");
    SPWeb rootweb = site.RootWeb;
    //Setting up the taxonomy terstore, termset and term
    Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession taxonomySession = new Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomySession(site);
    TermStore termStore = taxonomySession.TermStores["Managed Metadata Service"];
    Group group = termStore.Groups["KM Metatags"];
    TermSet termSet = group.TermSets["Document Classification"];
    Guid termsetid = termSet.Id;
    Term term = termSet.Terms["Document subclassification"];
    TermCollection terms = termSet.Terms;
    Console.WriteLine(term.Name);//Looping through all webs of the input website
    SPWebCollection collWebsite = site.AllWebs;
    for (int i = 0; i < collWebsite.Count; i++)
    using (SPWeb oWebsite = collWebsite[i])
    //Looping through all lists in web
    SPListCollection collList = oWebsite.GetListsOfType(SPBaseType.DocumentLibrary); ;
    for (int j = 0; j < collList.Count; j++)
    SPList list = collList[j];//if the list name is Documents, create a new field of MMS type
    if (list.Title == "Documents")
    TaxonomyField field = list.Fields.CreateNewField("TaxonomyFieldType", SPLocationListColumn) as TaxonomyField;
    field.SspId = termSet.TermStore.Id;
    field.TermSetId = termSet.Id;
    field.AnchorId = Guid.Empty;
    {//Add the newly added MMS field to default view
    SPView view = list.DefaultView;
    SPViewFieldCollection collViewFields = view.ViewFields;
    catch (Exception e1)
    }//Capture a choice field by name subclass and move it to the newly added MMS field
    for (int f = 1; f < list.ItemCount; f++)
    if (list.Title == "Documents")
    SPListItem item = list.Items[f];
    if (item.Fields.ContainsField("subclass"))
    SPField field9 = item.Fields["subclass"];
    String subclassvalue = field9.GetFieldValueAsText(item["subclass"]);
    TaxonomyField taxonomyField = item.Fields["CHECK6"] as TaxonomyField;
    TaxonomyFieldValue taxonomyFieldValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(taxonomyField);
    taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = term.Id.ToString();
    taxonomyFieldValue.Label = subclassvalue;

    From here:
    taxonomyFieldValue.TermGuid = term.Id.ToString();
    taxonomyFieldValue.Label = term.Name;
    SPListItem item = list.Items.Add();
    # item["Title"] ="Sample";
    item["TaxonomyField"] = taxonomyFieldValue;
    it appears you're missing the point where you assign that taxonomyFieldValue to the item's taxonomy field in question.

  • Get/retreive managed metadata column value from Document Library using SharePoint 2013 JSOM

    I am trying to retrieve managed metadata column (NewsCategory) value in SharePoint 2013 Document library using JSOM.
    I get "Object Object" rather than actual value.
    I tried:-
    var newsCat = item.get_item('NewsCategory');
    alert(newsCat) //Displays [Object Object]
    var newsCatLabel = newsCat.get_label();
    var newsCatId = newsCat.get_termGuid();
    But, I get the error "Object doesn't support property or method get_label()"
    I also tried :-
    var newsTags = item.get_item(' NewsCategory ');
    for (var i = 0; i < newsTags.get_count() ; i++) {
    var newsTag = newsTags.getItemAtIndex(i);
    var newsTagLabel = newsTag.get_label();
    var newsTagId = newsTag.get_termGuid();
    Even now I get the error "Object doesn't support property or method get_count()"
    I have included " NewsCategory " in the load request:- context.load(items, 'Include(File, NewsCategory)');
    Any idea what the issue is? Do I have to add any *.js file using $.getScript?
    I added following .js files
    var scriptbase = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "/_layouts/15/";
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.Runtime.js", function () {
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.js", function () {
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.Core.js", function () {
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Patrick,
    I already added those references. I just pasted the parts of script snippet in my initial post. To avoid confusion I am pasting here complete script.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var scriptbase = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "/_layouts/15/";
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.Runtime.js", function () {
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.js", function () {
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.Core.js", function () {
    function getdata() {
    var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var web = context.get_web();
    var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle('Documents');
    var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
    var filterCategory = 'Solutions';
    var IDfromTaxonomyHiddenList = 15;
    camlQuery.set_viewXml('<View><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef LookupId="TRUE" Name="'+filterCategory+'" /><Value Type="ID">' + IDfromTaxonomyHiddenList +'</Value></Eq></Where></Query></View>');
    /*the above CAML query successfully gets all the list items matching the criteria including "NewsCategory" managed metadata column values
    But when I try to display the value it retrieved it ouputs/emits Object Object rather than actual values */
    var items = list.getItems(camlQuery);
    context.load(items, 'Include(File,NewsCategory)');
    Function.createDelegate(this, function (sender, args) {
    if (items.get_count() > 0) {
    var listItemEnumerator = items.getEnumerator();
    while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
    var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
    var file = oListItem.get_file();
    var name = file.get_name();
    var newsCat = oListItem.get_item('NewsCategory'); alert(newsTags.constructor.getName());
    alert(newsCat) //Displays [Object Object]
    var newsCatLabel = newsCat.get_label(); // Here it errors out with message "Object doesn't support property or method get_label()"
    var newsCatId = newsCat.get_termGuid();
    } //end while
    }//end if
    Function.createDelegate(this, function (sender, args) {
    alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
    ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getdata, "SP.Core.js");
    In the above script "var name = file.get_name(); " gets the exact file name.
    But the line "var newsCat = item.get_item('NewsCategory');
           alert(newsCat) //Displays [Object Object]  rather than actual value.
    Issue resolved replace "oListItem.get_item('NewsCategory');" with oListItem.get_item('NewsCategory').get_label();"

  • SP Online - Managed Metadata column Default Value for folders (using CSOM)

    I am working on setting default values (metadata columns)  for different folders on my document library. As so far, I've found solution about how to set default values on whole library and many solutions which works for folders, but not for sharepoint
    online (using metadataDefaults object).
    The only working solution for folders in SPO I've found is editing file library/Forms/client_LocationBasedDefaults and add some data here.
    My question is: is there any easier method to set default values for each folder in document library without manually editing this file? 

    I second that, I have a client looking to do the same thing but I don't see a way to automate this.

  • Retrieving entire path of metadata column

    To emulate document permissions based on metadata, I'm trying to create my own document routing logic through a workflow retrieving the value from a metadata column and moving the file to the appropriate folder. It works fine except for the fact that I'm
    using a hierarchical term set for my metadata so I need the folder system to be two levels deep. Therefore I need to retrieve the full path for the metadata term. But I haven't found a way to do it!
    If I have a document tagged Economics:Reports I need it to be moved to the Reports folder inside of the Economics folder, but I can only retrieve the term name "Reports". I've tried using the "TaxonomyHiddenList" and the Rest API, but
    I guess I'm too ignorant to understand how to do it.
    Can anyone please help me out or guide me if there is another way to solve it?

    How you are fetching info? and what is the display format of taxonomy field you are using?
    i.e have you set taxonomy column setting to "display the entire path to the term in the field".?
    Refer following link to set this option:
    Avni Bhatt

  • Retrieving column value from multiselect managed metadata column and updating metadat column in list.

    I have Library having metadata column when a document is uploaded i need update another list with metadata column of
    library in list.I have an event reciever to do that,Code is given below
    public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
                    SPList saList = properties.Web.Lists["mylist"];
                    SPListItem item = saList.AddItem();
                    item["Department"] = properties.ListItem["Department"].ToString();
                    EventFiringEnabled = false;
                    EventFiringEnabled = true;   
    my elements.xml file is as below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Elements xmlns="">
      <Receivers ListUrl="Documents">
            <Type> ItemUpdated</Type>
    but i did not see the the List column getting updated.But when i use the code to update a column of single line of text
    it works fine.But when i do it for multi select metadata column in debug mode i could see its giving null value even though Library had column value.
    Any pointers on how to update Multiselect metadata column programatically on itemeadding event in library to a list will
    be helpful.

    You need to use the TaxonomyFieldValueCollection class. The following code is from SP2010 but should still apply in SP2013. It is an example of updating multivalued taxonomy fields.
    public static void SetListItemMultiMetaDataColumn(Int32 id)
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://basesmc2008"))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    TermSet termSet = null;
    TaxonomySession txs = new TaxonomySession(site);
    SPList list = web.Lists["Shared Documents"] as SPList;
    SPListItem item = list.GetItemById(id);
    TaxonomyField field = item.Fields["multimanage"] as TaxonomyField;
    if (field != null)
    termSet = txs.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore.GetTermSet(field.TermSetId);
    Term term = termSet.GetTerms("sts", false).FirstOrDefault();
    if (field.AllowMultipleValues)
    TaxonomyFieldValueCollection currentCollection = item[field.Id] as TaxonomyFieldValueCollection;
    TaxonomyFieldValue tfv = new TaxonomyFieldValue(field);
    tfv.TermGuid = term.Id.ToString();
    tfv.Label = term.GetPath();
    tfv.WssId = TaxonomyField.GetWssIdsOfTerm(site, txs.DefaultSiteCollectionTermStore.Id, termSet.Id, term.Id, false, 1).First();
    field.SetFieldValue(item, currentCollection);
    Blog |SharePoint Field Notes Dev Tool |

  • [HOWTO] Nautilus and mp3 metadata columns in list view (bitrate etc.)

    Hidden deeply in the wikipages, I just added a small howto on adding music metadata columns to nautilus's list view: … te_etc..29
    It allows for Album, Artist, Track Title and Bitrate Columns in list view mode. A feature I was missing from Nautilus.
    Credit to be found here:
    Posted here for all to enjoy.
    Last edited by stefanwilkens (2009-07-09 13:00:43)

    searching for the same thing.
    what about using mutagen and python2-nautilus from
    the official repositories?
    can not run it succesful. any idea?

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi all, I have created a page based on dynamic tabs, in the navigation pane when I click any item for the first time I get the error below, but the second click is working correctly, I am trying to lunch one of fragments on page load and because of t