Metadata Has Conflict

So all the sudden some of the photos I'm editing start to pop up with a "metadata has conflict" sign. It says the metadata was changed in Lightroom and another application. I don't know where else it would have been changed. I wasn't using any other application. It wants me import settings from disk or overwrite settings. Not sure what to do. Please help. Thanks.
Lightroom 4

The best way to determine which option is the correct one is to check out all the metadata on that image.
If it is correct and up to date as far as develop edits and metadata that you have added such as IPTC metadata and keywords then one can overwrite the settings in the XMP sidecar files or in the TIFF, DNG, or JPEG images.
The other way around is a bit harder since it would take Bridge or another application to see all the data in the XMP file or the other files and then decide on the best option.
Ultimately unless you need to write metadata to disk it is fine just to make sure that the catalog has the right metadata.
You do not necessarily need to let Lightroom bully you into changing things in this context.
Tony Jay

Similar Messages

  • "Sidecar file has conflict", keyword changes in LR not being written to JPEGs

    I am new to Lightroom and evalutating 3.6 on a trial.
    I performed the following test:
    1. Imported 3 pictures into Lightroom from my hard drive
    2. In Lightroom, I made a keyword change to one photo (removed a keyword).
    3. All three photos' Metadata icon show the arrow, indicating that there has been a change. (I only changed the keyword on one photo.)
    4. I click the icon for the photo whose keyword I changed.
    5. I get the message "The metadata for this photo has been changed in Lightroom. Save the changes to disk?"
    6. I click "Yes".
    7. The photo's Metadata icon shows an exclamation point. When you hover over the exclamation point, it shows the message "Sidecar has conflict".
    I have two questions:
    1. My expectation is that when I changed a keyword, or any other metadata, in LR, it will show up on the photo outside of LR. My understanding is that this is a functionality of LR. Am I wrong? (The Help files seem to indicate that this is a reasonable expectation.)
    2. I am assuming, having read many posts on the forum, that the error message "Sidecar has conflict" is a bug. Am I right? (My understanding is that JPEGs don't have sidecar files, which just makes this message even more odd.)
    I am on Windows 7 Home Premium (upgraded from Vista Home Premium), 32 bit.
    Thanks for your help,

    Beat, Thanks for taking the time to answer.
    Your expectation is not quite right:
    Any change to metadata will primarily be recorded in your catalog, and nowhere else. Only if you perform "Save Metadata to File" (which can be set to be done automatically in your catalog settings) or "Save the Changes to Disk" after pressing the arrow, the changes will be written into your JPEGs (or into *.xmp sidecard files for Raw images) and can be seen from outside of LR.
    Yes, you are right. What I should have written was: My expectation is that when I change a keyword, or any other metadata in LR, the change will show up outside of LR, after I "Save Metadata to File". This is not happening, instead I get the error message and different keywords in LR than outside.
    Where do your originals reside? Could it be you don't have the proper authority to rewirte the JPEGs?
    My originals reside on my Public drive: I definitely have rights. In fact, I did many other change to photos in the same drive after I posted this on the forum.

  • Sidecar file has conflict

    * I imported several thousands photos (JPGs) into lightroom.
    * I edited metadata of these photos before import in lr with some other tools
    * I selected "Automatically write changes into XMP" in lr catalog settings
    * I reorganized my keywords
    ==> I saw that some of those photos has "Sidecar file has conflict" (the "!" sign at the upper right corner in grid view)
    * I searched for the error and I saw, that some of the photos did only have IPTC and no XMP metadata included.
    * If I copy IPTC data to XMP, I can save metdata to file in lr
    ==> My question: Because there are thousands of photos: Is there a way to search only those photos which have  "Sidecar file has conflict" in lr?

    To all contributing on this thread -
    A .bat file called from a Shortcut Icon works as Rob suggested: only two lines (in Windows).
        Start sqlite3.exe "Lightroom 3 Catalog.lrcat" ".read BadToFile.sql"
        Start "" "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3\lightroom.exe"
    The BadToFile.sql includes the code previously suggested with a couple of lines to define file name and turn headers off.  I then set up a smart collection for LR marked images.  Now occasionally when I want to update image, instead of selecting all and updating them with Ctrl-S, I:
         1.     Exit LR and re-enter;
         2.     Run the LR Tranporter routine to mark images that are in the file list just created before start-up;
         3.     Select the smart collection and the select all images in there; then
         4.     Hit Ctrl-S.
    Not a bad short-term solution.  Also, if I then exit and repeat the step, it leave in those few images that can't ever seem to get updated with Ctrl-S and I can work on them individually by clicking the update icon or Updating DNG Previews (sometimes these work).
    Anyway thanks for this thread.
    PS - The marking "Red" also works similarly but the downside is that when selecting the collection of those that are "Red", you can't save them before removing the "Red" or they will continue to have a mis-match when the "Red" is removed.  You have to first save a quick or dumb collection to not lose the selected group.  Also, if you have color labels in use, it overwrites them in "Red" and can't remember what color it was before - can be a bummer.
    PSS - After playing with the sqlite command window, I agree that the table structures of this LR database seem a bit of a mess.  It has probably morphed over time and may not be the best design if one were starting from scratch.  I therefore wouldn't want to spend too much time working with this database as a re-structure seems in order sometime in the future.

  • Error: Sidecar File has Conflict

    I've just tried to work on a collection of files, previously edited in Lightroom, and found they are marked with a '!', which, when hovered over indicates that 'Sidecar File has Conflict'
    Does anyone know what this means?

    When you have metadata conflict:
    If you edited them in Silver FX, without going through "proper" Lightroom (Edit In) channel, and haven't edited them in Lightroom (since xmp was saved), then it's a bug. What Lr should have done is set the up-arrow icon (indicating external changes need to be incorporated in Lightroom). If you have changed photo in Lightroom too (since xmp was saved), then it's not a bug, since Lr doesn't know which changes to keep and which to discard - settings from one source must replace changed settings in the other source, to resolve conflict.
    If you edited them by going through proper Lr-involved procedure (i.e. Edit In...), then it's a bug, because Lr (and companion app) should always "do the right thing" in this case.
    Dunno if that answers your question, since I couldn't be sure what happened exactly based on your description.
    The thing to do is make sure metadata is squared away (e.g. no down-arrow, no up-arrow, no exclamation icon..) before editing externally, then there should be no conflict - it there is, it's a bug and you can resolve (safely) by reading metadata from disk (Lr's metadata menu).
    Conversely, if you haven't edited externally, there should be no conflict, and if there is, it's a bug, and you can safely resolve conflict by saving metadata to disk.
    PS - Change Manager (a plugin I wrote) can be used to see exactly what is different between settings and metadata in catalog vs. disk (xmp).
    Hope this helps,

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    Don, not that I'm doubting your statement, and in truth I can't recall whether or not there were jpegs with the same name, but if having a jpeg with the same filename causes this kind of problem, isn't that pretty much the definition of a BUG? Again, this seems a pretty major problem, although I suppose if it only happens occasionally and the people affected don't mind losing their changes, its no big deal...

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    I got 2 * 256MB DDR 400 of the above ram.
    Is there any conflicted with K7N2 DELTA??
    amd 2500+
    thank you
    BIOS version 7.4

    Originally posted by utada
    I have already brought kingmax
    These boards are very picky with RAM. As Bonz has pointed out their is an approved list near the top of the Forum but unfortunately I don't beleive Kingmax is on it. Sometimes the generic RAMS run, sometimes not. It seems to be hit or miss. If you want a recommendation of good quality RAM I would suggest MUSHKIN first and CORSAIR second. Good Luck

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    Lightroom is not saving metadata. I have done several things to save and I still get the tag that states is is not saved. I have also created 2 smart collections. One showing metadata has been changed and one showing metadata is not up to date. No matter what I do it is not showing in LR that it is saved. I spent 2 days with Seth Resnick trying to correct this and we re created my catalog. It was ok, until I imported new images and same problem. Now I have a new problem, when I bring image to PS it saves it but does not bring back to LR. Am I the only one out there who has this problem?

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  • Error saying "Metadata has been changed externally"

    I recently added an external hard drive and am now saving my new pictures to that hard drive. Lightroom still lives on my hard drive. I imported some pictures into LR last night and several of them have an arrow icon on them and the error message says "Metadata has been changed externally" but it hasn't. These are DNG files that have not been opened anywhere other than LR. I did synchronize the settings of these pictures, but all within LR. Please help!

    Yes, this is a longstanding "feature" of Lr. You know the saying: when bugs exist long enough they become a feature.
    It disappears when you uncheck the box <Automatically write changes to xmp>. You still can save to xmp when the box is unchecked but you have to do it manually (select all the images in the Grid View and press Ctrl / Cmd + S).
    Another procedure that makes the message disappear (when you leave the box <Automatically write changes to xmp> checked) is to do the <Save metadata to file> (via >Metadata >Save metadata to file - Cmd / Ctrl + S) and immediately do a <Read metadata from file>. You have to do this immediatly after saving to file because the <Read metadata from file> overwrites the catalog data, so you first have to save the catalog settings to file (save metadata to file) and immediately read them back.
    The message in itself is not harmful. It says that the "Metadata has been changed externally" but you have to read this "externally" as: metadata has been changed in a different instance of Lr. This seems to be strange. But sometimes Lr has no "memory" of saving the metadata to file because this step has been obliterated in the history panel (by going back to a previous step in the history) and thus this <saving metadata to file>-step is not in the catalog. In this situation Lr "concludes" that the metadata in the file must have been changed externally by a different program.
    the message has driven numerous Lr users crazy. But rest assured, your images are safe and sound. And you rmetadata are saved to file.

  • Javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: No metadata has been registered

    Hi all,
    I get the following error when running the following call:
    String fieldNames[] =
    for (int i = 0; i <fieldNames.length; i++) {
    JDOHelper.makeDirty(emp, fieldNames);
    javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: No metadata has been registered for
    class persistent.Person.
         at javax.jdo.spi.JDOImplHelper.getMeta(
         at javax.jdo.spi.JDOImplHelper.getFieldNames(
         at test.TestVersionNumber.main(
    I placed the package.jdo file in the same package as the class.
    Thanks in advance.

    Looks like a classpath issue. To debug you could try to read the jdo file to see if it can be found in the classpath.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 8491: * Fixed NPE caused by SkinPart functionality when metadata has a typo.

    Revision: 8491
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-07-09 13:03:59 -0700 (Thu, 09 Jul 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixed NPE caused by SkinPart functionality when metadata has a typo.
    tests Passed: checkintests
    Needs QA: YES
    Needs DOC: NO
    Bug fixes: SDK-22073
    API Change: NO
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Code-level description of changes:
      Modified evaluate(Context cx, MetaDataNode node) to check for a null
      id before comparing it.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • LR3 coversion Sidecar file has conflict

    I converted my LR2.7 catolague to 3.0. The photo have all loaded but in the library mode I am getting an exclaimation stating that the Sidecar file has a conflict. How do I correct this?

    I've been having this problem along with the host of other performance issues that make Lightroom 3.0 unsuitable for anything more than aggravation.
    If one is on any sort of deadline or timeframe, Lightroom 3 is an unmitigated disaster.
    Wasted time, frustration, risk to past and ongoing work.  Incredible sloth, associated compromises general system performance and freezes, forced frequent reboots that lose work in LR and other open applications, the list goes on and on.
    I've reverted to 32 bit on my modern Mac, attempted all the bandaid 'fixes" in the voluminous "Slowness" thread offered by both well intended participants and condescending jerks that need to get a life. Some have had small benefit. Nothing has had impact enough either singly or collectively to remove this newfound disdain from LR or it's incompetent founders. Since Adobe itself has been unwilling or unable to respond in any meaningful way to convert this inexcusable sow's ear into it's intended silk purse, I've gone back to 2.7, lost more than two weeks since needing to redo on 2.7 what 3.0 confounded me to do, and determined to never again so stupidly entrust Adobe with my livelihood or scarce resources.
    As concerns Sidecar File conflicts, in side by side comparison the same files have no such issues in 2.7 while 3.0 is wildly resplendent with such episodes scattered across my 66,000 photo catalogue. Recreating catalogues, optimizing, etc are inappropriate little bandaids instead of solutions that don't seem to do much for this or the other failures rampant in LR3, other than to waste further time and frustration. We spend our good money and time and faith on LR3 from prior sponsorship of Adobe, and should not have to "try" scores of little fixes for these multitudes of PROBLEMS that remain non-issues in 2.7, or at least are reasonably workable there.
    Early on I thought (and hoped) that something must have gone terribly wrong at Adobe to permit some isolated issue to cause this fiasco, which would be quickly and readily addressed upon subsequent discovery. I haven't actively participated much here, expecting instead that the company would respond (and in part because of some holier than thou cheerleaders here encouraging working professionals who have real life problems as a result of LR3 with the likes of "just suck it up").
    It's been sad to see so many others so significantly negatively impacted as I have been by this unfortunate episode of Adobe continuing to pump out sales without any public recognition of the disaster this is. I and many others will not forget. Very short sighted. More current sales to more unwarily duped former Adobe fans not a good idea. What are they thinking?

  • Verizon Quantum Gateway has conflict with Airport Express

    Does anyone have a problem with the Verizon Quantum Gateway in conflict with the Airport Express.

    ranamaska wrote:
    Can you tell me exactly how to do this?
    Should Verizon have this instruction for me to find?
    Just ignore the verizon.. it really should not be a major issue.
    If you are having problems fixing the channels in one router should then solve the problem by forcing the other router to use different channels.
    I cannot tell you how to fix the verizon anyway as I have no idea what it is nor can i get one to play with.
    Anyhow reset the Express to factory and start over.. the utility get it right most of the time.. and all you need to do is tweak the values.
    I strongly recommend you use all short names, no spaces and pure alphanumerics.. password the same but 8-20 characters.
    So do the setup with Express WAN port plugged into the LAN port of the Verizon router.
    When you are finished.. click on the Express in the airport utility and click on Edit.. I don't have an express but the setup is identical for my Time Capsule.
    When you click edit you will get the full manual setup.
    Looks like this.. first tab is Base Station where you set name and password.
    Go to the Network tab.. it must be bridged.
    Go to the Wireless Tab. And you must Create a wireless network..
    Down the bottom of that page is wireless options.. (sorry I cut it off in the screenshot).
    This allows you to set a different name for 5ghz.. up to you.. I prefer doing this but it is perfectly fine not to.
    At the bottom it shows wireless channels are set to automatic.
    Click that and fix it ..
    Here is my actual current setup.
    Once you complete this setup.. you can reboot the Verizon modem router.. that will give it a chance then to reset its wireless and you should then be able to clearly see what is happening..
    Use the tools apple has given you .. in Mac OS since Mountain Lion an excellent wireless survey program is built in.
    About Wireless Diagnostics - Apple Support
    Start the utility and do a scan and then you will see all the channels and signal levels you have available in the area.
    You can also check the performance of the link you are using.

  • .Mac sync has conflicts but i can't view them

    When I sync in the drop down menu it shows i have 6 conflicts, but the conflicts don't show up to resolve them.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    There are appear to be issues with the Conflict Manager under Mac OS X 10.5 and there are certainly issues with .Mac Sync synchronization since an extended 'maintenance' period started on October 19, 2007.
    iSync has almost nothing to do with your issue, however, so you should instead post your query here in the .Mac Sync forum.

  • Wacom/Yosamite/CS6 Has Conflict

    My problems might be complicated. After I updated to Yosamite. (10.10.2)  wacom tablet (intuos 3 PTZ) started to become unresponsive, but only in CS5. I'd tap outside of the PS environment and then tap inside the environment to regain control. At this point the zoom bar takes it upon itself to zoom and unzoom in quick succession.
    I updated the wacom driver to 6.3.11-w3. I found I lost my interface for wacom tablet and the tablet was still unpresponsive. I called wacom and they instructed me to uninstall the new driver and perform a fix permissions task. Then install old driver 6.3.10w-2. I regained wacom interface, but tablet is still unresponsive.
    I updated to CS6 thinking that might be it. It wasn't. Now my brushes can change all on their own. The colour sampler will grab a sample in mid brush stroke and change the colour in my pallet. The zoom will sometimes work, but after working in PS for a few brush strokes it feels my system resources were being taxed. But only in PS! It feels like PS's temp files build up and don't dump.
    I read all the forums on optimizing my PS for my work habits. Since I save a lot (as PS tends to hang or lock up eventually) I work in big, short stacks of layers. I reduced history to 10 from 20. All this used to work before! I can hit the "purge" command ocassionally and that helps a bit. Eventually PS hangs and I have to do a force quit.  Tablet is still acting weird.
    I then installed 8gb of ram giving me now 12gb as I thought CS6 might be a little heavy. No avail.
    I have called Adobe and they say it's Wacom. Wacom says it's Apple. Apple says it's Adobe. It's been 3 weeks now. I have tried every trick that worked for others, but nothing works.
    Can anybody shed some light on this so I can get back to work?

    Yes, i deleted the file and emptied my recycling bin, but it turns out this is very easy to recreate for me, so i have another file created the same way, and it has killed Photoshop CS6 64bit, Photoshop CS4 Extended 64bit, and Photoshop 7.0.1. Below is the image file in a zip file uploaded to zshare.
    The image was created from Pixologic's ZBrush 4R2, by using it's multi-map exporter, and telling it to export an Ambient Occlusion map (which doesn't work properly and i was getting a screen shot to show their forum what result i got). The image is set to 16bit, TIFF, Greyscale, and ever since opening it in CS6 no other version of Photoshop i have installed works anymore until i restart my syste
    Very odd problem indeed, no idea on earth how it breaks everything...

  • Have just upgraded to LR 3. keep getting 'sidecar file has conflict' does this affect my using LR3 ?

    Lightroom support suggests that I continue and ignore the icon on the image until it becomes a problem. Will the conflict message have any effect on my using any LR programme. Can I easily get rid of the message. It is scatterred on many images with no obvious pattern of selection

    Pete, you wrote:
    "Unfortunately this is not the case...a sidecar file will not move "automatically" with the file it relates to if you move the file in the OS."
    I recently moved a lot of image-files to a different drive; the move was done by my OS (Win XP). I just checked, and xmp-files are there.
    I haven't worked with any of these images since the move (they are copies that are not imported into LR), so the xmp-files are not re-created new.

Maybe you are looking for

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