Method override problems

I am new to Java programming and this is likely a trivial problem, but I have been unable to find an answer after a few hours in books and on the Web.
I have created two subclasses of a class, and overridden a public method (the same method) in each of the subclasses. At runtime however, all calls to this method from an instance of the superclass or either subclass results in the same method; i.e. the override in one subclass is overriding the other subclass and the superclass. Why is the scope of this override so large, and how do I fix this?
~Jon Hurst

I think there must be something wrong in the way the instance is being created. Anyway try running the sample below and you will see that it works the way it is expected to.
Hope this helps.
public class SuperClass{
public void display(){
System.out.println("display in super class");
import SuperClass;
public class AnotherClass{
public AnotherClass(){
          SuperClass sc = new SuperClass();
          SubClass1 sb1 = new SubClass1();
          SubClass2 sb2 = new SubClass2();
public void display(){
System.out.println("display in AnotherClass");
private class SubClass1 extends SuperClass{
public void display(){
System.out.println("display in SubClass1");
private class SubClass2 extends SuperClass{
public void display(){
System.out.println("display in SubClass2");
public static void main(String args[]){
AnotherClass ac = new AnotherClass();

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    karthikbhuvana wrote:
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    Supose you do:
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    int i = u.getInt("XX");This would throw a NumberFormatException, which is a checked exception, yet the compiler doesn't know this because Util.getInt() has no throws clause. Such a loophole would defeat the whole point of having throws clauses.
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    855754 wrote:
    What is the actual use of Method overriding? Why to override a base class method, when I can create a different method and write specific code which I would
    otherwise would have put in overriding method?You know the method's name, that is, what it does. But you don't know or care how it does it.
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    public void method2()
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    Hi mac,
    did you mean this
    The documentation and the code didn´t note any function
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        public <T> void foo(T p);
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        public <T extends Integer> void foo(T p) {
             //does something
    }However, javac 1.5 gives me: MyClass is not abstract and does not override abstract method <T>foo(T) in MyIface
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    1 error
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    Coco, you have to understand how generics work in the compiler to understand this. Basically, erasure means that all the fancy generics stuff you write in your source code gets 'erased' when it gets compiled... So:public interface MyIface {
        public <T> void foo(T p);
    }gets compiled and the resulting .class file, if you decompiled it, would actually look like this:public interface MyIface {
        public void foo(Object p); // NOTICE that "T" gets erased to plain old java.lang.Object
    }See? The same thing happens with MyClass:public class MyClass implements MyIface {
        public <T extends Integer> void foo(T p) {
             //does something
    }after it's compiled, actually looks like this inside the .class file:public class MyClass implements MyIface {
        public void foo(Integer p) { // NOTICE that "T extends Integer" gets erased to plain old Integer!
             //does something
    }Do you see what the problem is now? MyClass has a method called foo(Integer) and MyIface has a method called foo(Object). Obviously now, you see, foo(Integer) shouldn't override foo(Object). The Eclipse compiler should actually complain that you haven't implemented foo(Object) in MyClass. Do you follow?
    Let's look at your second example.public class Base {
      public <S> void foo(S a) {
        System.out.println("Base: " + a);
    public class Sub extends Base {
      public <S extends Integer> void foo(S a) {; // should be an error here! doesn't exist!
        System.out.println("Sub: " + a);
    }Let's apply erasure manually and see why there is no error:public class Base {
      public void foo(Object a) {
        System.out.println("Base: " + a);
    public class Sub extends Base {
      public void foo(Integer a) {; // calls foo(Object a)! you could also write ""
        System.out.println("Sub: " + a);
    }Sub actually has two methods - foo(Integer a) which it defines explicitly - and foo(Object a) which it inherits from Base.

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    Hi, my problem is the following: (basic sketch)
    class A {
         public void y() { ... x(1, 5); ... }
         protected void x(int i, int j) { ... }
    class B extends A {
         protected void x(int i, int j) { ... }
    The meaning of which is that B is supposed to change part of y()'s behavior.
    Now when in a project classes are modified all around, it may happen that someone changes the signature of A.x(), say to x(int i, int j, int k)
    This immediately causes that calling B.y() produces no different behavior than calling A.y(), which is not intended.
    So is there a way to force that B.x() must override a method in the base class? I would like to have it such that if A.x()'s signature changes and B.x()'s not, then a compile-time error occurs. (It makes sense if x() is some function with distinctive charasteristics, no overloaded forms, etc.)
    Maybe it can be reached somehow with abstract methods?

    Something like this is what I've finally come up with:
    Please note that I wasn't allowed to change the fact that B extends A for other reasons in the real application.
    class A {
         protected interface I {
              void x(int i, int j);
         private static class AX implements I {
              public void x(int i, int j) { ... }
         private I getI() { return new AX(); }
         public void y() {
              I i = getI();
              i.x(1, 5);
    class B extends A {
         private static class BX implements I {
              public void x(int i, int j) { ... }
         private I getI() { return new BX(); }
    Requires a little additional work, but it's worth it so you don't have to check A if x()'s signature is still the same and B still does what you want, because whoever changes AX.x()'s signature, has to change I as well, and gets a compilation error if BX.x() isn't modified accordingly.

  • 2 override problems

    I've written my simple 'preFree' override and it works, but now I have difficulties to make it invoked when an object is deleted via web interface. Does somebody knows what the problem is?
    Second question is how to write more advanced override to store a copy of deleting document in my 'Archive' folder. I cannot find method to access the arichive folder from the server side if I know its path. Besides how to create a copy of the deleting document and put it to the folder?
    In the documentation there is S_Folder method addItem(S_PublicObject, S_LibraryObjectDefinition) but I cannot understand why it has 2 params and what the meaning of each of them is? If S_PublicObject is my copy which I want to add to the folder, what the second one is for and how to crate the copy? And if the S_LibraryObjectDefinition is a definition to create my document copy, what the first param is for?
    Has anybody managed to create archiving mechanism in iFS and can give me some clues because I'm really lost at this moment?
    Thanks in advance for any help.


  • HashMap , int [][] - key , compareTo override problem , help

    i've a hashmap Map<int [][] , Integer> and i want to get the corresponding value for int a[][] from the map.
    if i use , map.containsKey(a)
    it doesn't compare as required( it doesn't consider order )
    so i thought of using class key implementing comparable like this,
    class key implements Comparable
              int a[][];
              public key(int p[][])
              {     a=p;     }
              public int compareTo(Object o)
                            key k = (key)o;
                   for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
                        for(int j = 0 ;j < 3 ; j++)
                             if(a[i][j]!=k.a[i][j])     return 1;
                   return 0;
    }now when i create a key ,
    key KK = new key(a) // a is int[][]
    map.containsKey(KK) doesn't invoke compareTo method itself ..
    don't what the problem is.
    but when i try . TreeMap it invokes compareTo method
    but don't know why , it acts as before when Map<int [][] , Integer> was used.. any idea

    manishmulani@nitk wrote:
    wil the following way of overriding hashcode work??
    class key
              int a[][];
              public key(int p[][])
              {     a=p;     }
              public boolean equals(Object o)
                   key k = (key)o;
                   for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
                        for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
                             if(a[i][j]!=k.a[i][j])     return false;
                   return true;
              public int hashCode()
                   return a.hashCode();
    NO! When doing that, you will get undesirable results. Execute the following lines of code and examine the output:
    System.out.println(new int[][]{{1,2},{3,4}}.hashCode());
    System.out.println(new int[][]{{1,2},{3,4}}.hashCode());This is better:
    public int hashCode() {
      int hash = 1, mutliplier = 1;
      for(int[] row: array) {
        for(int val: row) {
          hash ^= (val * mutliplier);
          mutliplier *= 10;
      return hash;
    ok this will be same if i use TreeMap and implement Comparable<key> and override compareTo() right??Err, yes, more or less. Of course, a HashMap and TreeMap are not the same.

  • I have a basic applet method timing problem with Firefox (and Chrome), not IE nor Opera. Works if JavaScript issues windows.alert() prior, fails otherwise.

    I have an applet method, which is invoked from a JavaScript function, that is triggered by the window.onload event. The problem seems to center in the loading of the applet and its methods.
    If I step through the 3 applet acceptance prompts (I chose to use a down-level Java), the applet method is never invoked, nor is an exception raised. How this happens is beyond my understanding.
    As additional information, the Init(), start(), and "desired" Java methods all use the synchronized keyword. This is an attempt to minimize the exposure to a multi-thread environment.
    If I issue a message from JavaScript (via window.alert()) PRIOR to invoking the method, I can get the desired results in special circumstances:
    1) When the alert is presented, Firefox also prompts, SIMULTANEOUSLY, to block/continue the applet (the first of the 3 applet acceptance prompts). I can accept that these are separate threads.
    2a) If I walk through the 3 applet acceptance prompts FIRST, and then hit the OK button on the alert message SECOND, I get the desired results, my applet method executes, and all is well (other than the fact that I would prefer not to have the alert in place at all).
    2b) If I hit the OK button on the alert message FIRST, and then walk through the 3 applet acceptance prompts SECOND, I get the same results as when the page loads WITHOUT the alert, which is the applet method is never invoked, nor is an exception raised. Weird, huh?
    The above problem only occurs when the browser and the applet's URL are loaded for the first time.
    Subsequent invocations (after the page & applet has been loaded initially) do not have the failing symptoms.
    It is my understanding that IE and Firefox (and Chrome and Opera, for that matter) each use the same implementation of JavaScript provided by Microsoft. Please correct me if this information is inaccurate.
    The failing page and it's applet are proprietary; I cannot provide the Internet URL, nor the Java or JavaScript source, to aid in your analysis.

    I can speak to the source code, but have no access to it.
    The current process/thread that invokes an applet method must check to see that the applet is not currently being loaded by another process/thread. If it is being loaded, the current process/thread should block until the load is complete, THEN attempt to invoke the applet method.
    Please forward my concern to a knowledgable developer. The nature of the problem, once identified, can be addressed in a very straightforward manner.

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    The problem is that the video that came out of compressor, when simulated in DVD SP 3.5 (and also when burned on DVD) has weird "interlaced" looking edges whenever there is movement in the video. It is a figure against a black background, and whenever the figure moves back and forth against the black background, the edges of the figure show interlaced-looking lines. The rest of the video where there is slow movement looks fine. BTW, motion was set to "Best" in compressor.
    What am I doing wrong? was there something not mentioned in Stone's walk-thru, having to do with de-interlacing, or something I have missed? Is there a better way to produce a standard def DVD from HDV 1080i material?
    Thank you so much for your help. I am down to the wire on this one...

    exporting the 10 minute sequence using QT conversion, as a pro res 422 HQ quicktime movie...
    You are adding an unneeded compression cycle for a start. Export with QuickTime Conversion always recompresses your footage, even when you use the same settings as your Timeline.
    Export to QuickTime with Current Settings, Self Contained will give you a Master file that is identical to what you edited.
    weird "interlaced" looking edges whenever there is movement in the video...
    If your source material is interlaced it will look odd on a computer monitor. It will display correctly on a TV set.
    having to do with de-interlacing, or something I have missed?
    Deinterlacing will throw away half of the vertical resolution. Bye bye HD. No good can come of that, right?
    What is your intended delivery format? Does the method that you are currently using to view the material compare with how the end product will be seen?

Maybe you are looking for

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