MI Client Installation Problems

I have installed
MI Version & SP Level -- MI 25 SP 13 (JSP )
- installation file type: -- setup.exe
- platform OS -- Windows XP
- JDK info -- j2sdk 1.4.2 08.
After installation i made an Entry into "MobileEngine.config"
then i started server using command Prompt startup.bat. I am able to see server running with the following Message
D:\MIJSP>set JAVA_EXE=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\bin\java.exe
D:\MIJSP>set JAVA_HOME=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08
D:\MIJSP>set bootstrapjars=;
D:\MIJSP>REM set bootstrapjars=D:\MIJSP\lib\system\crimson.jar;D:\MIJSP\lib\sy
D:\MIJSP>copy /b "D:\MIJSP\SetMejar.txt" + "D:\MIJSP\listOfJars.txt" "D:\MIJSP\s
        1 file(s) copied.
D:\MIJSP>call "D:\MIJSP\setMeJar.bat"
D:\MIJSP>SET _MEJARS=D:\MIJSP\lib\crimson.jar;D:\MIJSP\lib\jasper.jar;D:\MIJSP\l
D:\MIJSP>if exist "D:\MIJSP\lib\jsse.jar" set _SSLJARS=D:\MIJSP\lib\jsse.jar
D:\MIJSP>if exist "D:\MIJSP\lib\jcert.jar" set _SSLJARS=;D:\MIJSP\lib\jcert.jar
D:\MIJSP>if exist "D:\MIJSP\lib\jnet.jar" set _SSLJARS=;D:\MIJSP\lib\jnet.jar
D:\MIJSP>set CLASSPATH=D:\MIJSP\lib\crimson.jar;D:\MIJSP\lib\jasper.jar;D:\MIJSP
D:\MIJSP>echo Using CLASSPATH: D:\MIJSP\lib\crimson.jar;D:\MIJSP\lib\jasper.jar;
Using CLASSPATH: D:\MIJSP\lib\crimson.jar;D:\MIJSP\lib\jasper.jar;D:\MIJSP\lib\j
D:\MIJSP>"C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\bin\java.exe"  -DSERVER_IMPL="com.sap.tc.webdynpro.se
rverimpl.me.MEServerImplementation" -Duse.repository=noDB com.sap.ip.me.core.Sta
rtup "-home:D:\MIJSP"
Use the MobileEngine classloader
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\crimson.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\jasper.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\jaxp.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\MEg.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\pinstall.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\servlet.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\webserver.jar
Collect jar: D:\MIJSP\lib\xalan.jar
Initialize framework ...
   Configuration initialized. Installation Base = D:\MIJSP
   Path settings adjusted
   Timezone initialized; use timezone id 'Europe/Berlin'
   Trace initialized. Log is switched on.
   Framework singletons initialized.
   Gzip data compression configuration initialized.
   Registry initialized.
    MI OS installer lib (D:\MIJSP\bin\NATSTART.DLL) loaded successfully.
   Dlls loaded.
   Timed Sync initialized.
   Persistence initialized.
   Smart Sync initialized.
   CCMS initialized.
   Agents initialized.
   Communication server initialized.
Framework initialized.
Check if running inside installation server.
Installation toolkit parameters D:\MIJSP/itool.properties not detected
Use normal startup: true
Starting tomcat. Check logs/tomcat.log for error messages
after that ,i started MI Client or double clicked MobileEngine.exe . I am getting Page Cannot be Displayed Error.
Please let me know ,am i missing any configuration settings.
Thanks a Lot

I have no files as agent.properties. When I want to start SAP Mobile Client it says Time out 61. Can not connect to server.
And here is the trace file.
[20060620 13:02:28:218] I [MI/API/Logging           ] ***** LOG / TRACE SWITCHED ON
[20060620 13:02:28:218] I [MI/API/Logging           ] ***** Mobile Engine version: MI 25 SP 15 Patch 00 Build 200512142038
[20060620 13:02:28:218] I [MI/API/Logging           ] ***** Current timezone: Europe/Istanbul
[20060620 13:02:28:280] A [MI/Persistence           ] com.sap.ip.me.core.PersistedDataUpgradeComponent miSyncDataVersionBeforeConversion is 251300
[20060620 13:02:28:280] A [MI/Persistence           ] No upgrade necessary for com.sap.ip.me.core.PersistedDataUpgradeComponent because MI.Sync.DataVersion is 251300
[20060620 13:02:28:781] I [MI/Core                  ] The https protocol is able to run with the currently used java version: 1.4.2_08
[20060620 13:02:28:796] D [MI/Core                  ] System property javax.net.ssl.keyStore has value: C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\settings\keystore
[20060620 13:02:28:796] D [MI/Core                  ] System property javax.net.ssl.trustStore has value: C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\settings\truststore
[20060620 13:02:28:796] D [MI/Core                  ] SecurityManager: The following security providers are available:
[20060620 13:02:28:796] D [MI/Core                  ]   Name: SUN, preference order: 1, info: SUN (DSA key/parameter generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509 certificates; JKS keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP, Collection CertStores), version: 1.42.
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/Core                  ]   Name: SunJSSE, preference order: 2, info: Sun JSSE provider(implements RSA Signatures, PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories, SSLv3, TLSv1), version: 1.42.
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/Core                  ]   Name: SunRsaSign, preference order: 3, info: SUN's provider for RSA signatures, version: 1.42.
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/Core                  ]   Name: SunJCE, preference order: 4, info: SunJCE Provider (implements DES, Triple DES, AES, Blowfish, PBE, Diffie-Hellman, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1), version: 1.42.
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/Core                  ]   Name: SunJGSS, preference order: 5, info: Sun (Kerberos v5), version: 1.
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/Core                  ] SecurityManager: The following message digest algorithm was instantiated:  SHA-1 Message Digest from SUN, <initialized>
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/Core                  ] SecurityManager: Selected synchronization password handling option:  AtSync
[20060620 13:02:28:812] D [MI/API/Configuration     ] null (root cause: null [java.lang.NumberFormatException])
[20060620 13:02:28:843] D [MI/Core                  ] New UserManager SINGLETON created : com.sap.ip.me.core.UserManagerImpl@15a8767
[20060620 13:02:28:859] P [MI/Core                  ] Set current application to 'Framework'
[20060620 13:02:28:968] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 176EB66BA658CD47B23668F9ACD46510
[20060620 13:02:28:984] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 03E9B5EB17196145B9B19E0993E1BEF1
[20060620 13:02:29:000] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 19E00AF9B0B020409F1B04A15E51FCF6
[20060620 13:02:29:031] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 4FE8C3EB9BA8CD4CBA0177B6B9427141
[20060620 13:02:29:031] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id D4A0AA68D9E1EF4BB32BE1417BE43DC5
[20060620 13:02:29:031] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 863106AB9593D34C842657C72A0EE240
[20060620 13:02:29:046] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 20C28975ABA38840ACD50BF27B0CDE2C
[20060620 13:02:29:046] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id MI2853484152454429
[20060620 13:02:29:046] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id MI50454c494e
[20060620 13:02:29:062] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id MI43524d524643
[20060620 13:02:29:062] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id 0C0D21BD9FC56F4BB292DD05716B64A5
[20060620 13:02:29:078] D [MI/Core                  ] load conversation id AA171B4F6252D54A96D9D499ACA05E29
[20060620 13:02:29:125] D [MI/API/Services          ] Read Hashtable from directory C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\eventListeners
[20060620 13:02:29:265] D [MI/Core                  ] GzipDataCompressionConfiguration: GzipDataCompression is switched on.
[20060620 13:02:29:297] I [MI/Core                  ] MI OS installer lib (C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\bin\NATSTART.DLL) loaded successfully
[20060620 13:02:29:297] I [MI/Core                  ] Libraries are loaded
[20060620 13:02:29:297] I [MI/API/Persistence       ] Determined PersistenceImplementation (implementation / config paramter value): DB2E / DB2E
[20060620 13:02:29:406] D [MI/Core                  ] DB2e DLLs loaded
[20060620 13:02:29:531] D [MI/API/Services          ] Read Hashtable from directory C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\inboundProcessors
[20060620 13:02:29:969] D [MI/API/Services          ] Read Hashtable from directory C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\registeredMethods
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ] Start dumping of registered inbound processors (inboundProcessors)
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "WAF_INSTALLATION_LOG" --> com.sap.ip.me.core.InstallationLog
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "WAF_REGISTRY" --> com.sapmarkets.web.liTS.util.reg.RegistrySyncInboundProcessing
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "CLIENT_ALERT" --> com.sap.ip.me.ccms.AlertInboundProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "SYSTEMNEWS" --> com.sap.ip.mi.systemnews.InboundListener
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "CRMHH_SYNC_PLAYBACK" --> com.sap.crm.handheld.core.sync.response.UpSyncProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "DEVICEINFO" --> com.sap.ip.me.core.DeviceAttributeInboundProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "MI_SET_CLIENTTRACE" --> com.sap.ip.me.ccms.remotetracing.RemoteTracingInboundProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "AGENT_PARAMETERS" --> com.sap.ip.me.services.os.AgentManager$AgentInboundProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "SMARTSYNC" --> com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "CRMHH_SYNC" --> com.sap.crm.handheld.core.sync.response.DownSyncProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ]   "CENTRAL_TRACING" --> com.sap.ip.me.sync.LogSenderInboundProcessor
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ] End of dump of registered inbound processors (inboundProcessors)
[20060620 13:02:30:047] D [MI/Sync                  ] Register inbound processor com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter for method SMARTSYNC
[20060620 13:02:30:063] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId 176EB66BA658CD47B23668F9ACD46510
[20060620 13:02:30:063] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId 03E9B5EB17196145B9B19E0993E1BEF1
[20060620 13:02:30:063] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId 19E00AF9B0B020409F1B04A15E51FCF6
[20060620 13:02:30:078] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId 863106AB9593D34C842657C72A0EE240
[20060620 13:02:30:078] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId 20C28975ABA38840ACD50BF27B0CDE2C
[20060620 13:02:30:078] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId 4FE8C3EB9BA8CD4CBA0177B6B9427141
[20060620 13:02:30:078] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId D4A0AA68D9E1EF4BB32BE1417BE43DC5
[20060620 13:02:30:110] D [MI/API/Sync              ] SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 was registered for key com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter/MI2853484152454429
[20060620 13:02:30:110] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId MI50454c494e
[20060620 13:02:30:110] D [MI/API/Sync              ] Do not register SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 for ConvId MI43524d524643
[20060620 13:02:30:141] D [MI/API/Sync              ] SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 was registered for key com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter/0C0D21BD9FC56F4BB292DD05716B64A5
[20060620 13:02:30:188] D [MI/API/Sync              ] SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter@18d9850 was registered for key com.sap.ip.me.smartsync.core.SyncAdapter/AA171B4F6252D54A96D9D499ACA05E29
[20060620 13:02:30:188] D [MI/Smartsync             ] Smart Sync Framework successfully initialzed.
[20060620 13:02:30:235] D [MI/API/Sync              ] SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.ccms.AlertManagerImpl@b5dac4 was registered for key com.sap.ip.me.ccms.AlertManagerImpl/MI2853484152454429
[20060620 13:02:30:235] D [MI/Sync                  ] Register inbound processor com.sap.ip.me.ccms.AlertInboundProcessor for method CLIENT_ALERT
[20060620 13:02:30:313] D [MI/API/Sync              ] SyncEventListener com.sap.ip.me.ccms.LastSuccessfulSyncAlert@1ff0dde was registered for key com.sap.ip.me.ccms.LastSuccessfulSyncAlert/MI2853484152454429
[20060620 13:02:30:391] I [MI/Services/Os           ] Error:.java.lang.NullPointerException

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    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'StatusAgentInitialization' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:26.922-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'ClientRegistrationStartup' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.265-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'MtcPreStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.265-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'StateMessageManagerStartup' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.265-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PreStartup')]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.374-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('Startup')]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.374-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'CcmEvalTaskStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.530-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'ClientIDManagerStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.530-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'EndpointProtectionAgentStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.546-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'UserAffinityTaskStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.546-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'EEAStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.671-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5252" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'StatusAgentStartup' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.137-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
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    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.636-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.636-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.808-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.808-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.808-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.808-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.870-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.917-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.917-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_LocalMP=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.980-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_LocalMP=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:30.980-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'MtrMgrStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.011-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'CTMStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.026-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SrcUpdateStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.026-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5252" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'FileBITSStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.026-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'RebootCoordStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.026-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SrvWinMgrStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.042-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'DTSStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.042-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'ScanAgentStartupTask'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.058-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PeerDPmgrStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.089-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'ExecmgrStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.089-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'CIStore_Startup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.229-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'CIStateStore_Startup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.229-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'CIDownloader_Startup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.261-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'CIAgent_Startup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.276-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'UpdatesDeploymentStartupTask'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.292-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SMSSHA_Startup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.323-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'DCMAgent_Startup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.339-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SCStartUp' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:31.526-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrAgentStartupTask'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.546-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('Startup')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.577-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[Running PostStartup tasks.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.577-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:966">
    <![LOG[SystemTaskProcessor::QueueEvent(PostStartup, 1)]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.577-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="systemtaskprocessor.cpp:428">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChanged')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.577-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PowerStateManager_PowerChanged' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.593-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrMgmtPowerChanged' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.593-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChanged')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.593-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChangedEx')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.593-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrMgmtPowerChangedEx' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.624-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChangedEx')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.624-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChanged')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.624-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PowerStateManager_PowerChanged' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.640-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrMgmtPowerChanged' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.640-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChanged')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.640-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChangedEx')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.640-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrMgmtPowerChangedEx' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.671-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChangedEx')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.671-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChanged')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.671-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PowerStateManager_PowerChanged' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.687-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrMgmtPowerChanged' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.687-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChanged')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.687-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChangedEx')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.687-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrMgmtPowerChangedEx' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.702-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PowerChangedEx')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.702-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('PostStartup')]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.702-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PolicyEvaluator_PostStartup' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.733-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SchedulerStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:41.796-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PolicyAgent_PostStartup'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5284" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('PostStartup')]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[Sending "Logon" event for all logged on users...]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="senslog.cpp:1693">
    <![LOG[SystemTaskProcessor::QueueEvent(Logon, 0)]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="systemtaskprocessor.cpp:428">
    <![LOG[Starting endpoint queue processors.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:981">
    <![LOG[Starting outgoing queue processors.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:985">
    <![LOG[Creating and signaling service running event.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:997">
    <![LOG[Invoking task to release idle endpoints every 300 seconds.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:1017">
    <![LOG[Invoking task to check memory every 60 seconds.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:1039">
    <![LOG[Invoking task to purge obsolete system files every 43200 seconds.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:1061">
    <![LOG[CoFreeUnusedLibraries will be called every 600 seconds.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:1091">
    <![LOG[Initializing Command Execution subsystem.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="init.cpp:1115">
    <![LOG[*** System is now free to go to sleep]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3508" file="powerstatemanager.cpp:925">
    <![LOG[Completed phase 1 initialization. Service is now fully operational.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="entrypoint.cpp:2346">
    <![LOG[BEGIN ExecuteSystemTasks('Logon')]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.202-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:564">
    <![LOG[Winmgmt service current status is 0x4. Process Id 996.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.311-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3528" file="wmiprocessmonitor.cpp:177">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'FileBITSLogon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.326-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="6028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'ExecmgrLogon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.404-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SchedulerLogon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.451-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5284" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.529-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.576-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SrcUpdateLogon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.576-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.623-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'DTSLogon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.654-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5284" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SCUpdateMgrLogOn' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.654-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.654-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.701-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.701-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PolicyEvaluator_Logon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.763-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5204" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'RebootCoordLogon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.763-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'LSLogon'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.763-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.841-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.966-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:42.966-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.232-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.232-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.232-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_Authority.Name="SMS:S01" for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.232-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_LocalMP=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.232-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_LocalMP=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.232-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.481-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.481-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="5488"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.700-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_MPProxyInformation=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.700-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784"
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'SrcUpdateMgr' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_LocalMP=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.778-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Notifying endpoint 'LS_ScheduledCleanup' of __InstanceModificationEvent settings change on object SMS_LocalMP=@ for user 'S-1-5-18'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.778-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="3784" file="wmisettings.cpp:225">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'PwrAgentLogonTask'.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.809-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:167">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'UpdatesDeploymentLogonTask' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.809-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="3016" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'DCMAgent_Logon' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.825-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[Invoking system task 'SCLogOn' via ICcmSystemTask2 interface.]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.872-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="5028" file="systemtask.cpp:155">
    <![LOG[END ExecuteSystemTasks('Logon')]LOG]!><time="08:35:43.872-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CcmExec" context="" type="1" thread="4904" file="systemtask.cpp:676">
    <![LOG[*** Keep the system awake]LOG]!><time="08:36:41.558-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="2884" file="powerstatemanager.cpp:914">
    <![LOG[*** System is now free to go to sleep]LOG]!><time="08:36:41.667-60" date="11-16-2012" component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" thread="2884" file="powerstatemanager.cpp:925">

    DNS - ok and service account have full rights on the client computer
    <![LOG[[----- STARTUP -----]]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.821-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmidstore.cpp:411">
    <![LOG[Running query 'SELECT * FROM CCM_Service_HostedApplication WHERE Type="Server"' against namespace: '\\TOGL-ACS01V\ROOT\CCM\Policy\Machine']LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1"
    thread="3704" file="hostingutil.cpp:312">
    <![LOG[CCMExec is currently NOT hosting a server application.]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="hostingutil.cpp:403">
    <![LOG[Machine: TOGL-ACS01V]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1394">
    <![LOG[OS Version: 6.0 Service Pack 2]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1398">
    <![LOG[SCCM Client Version: 5.00.7711.0000]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1402">
    <![LOG['RDV' Identity store does not support backup.]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmidstore.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[CCM Identity is in sync with Identity stores]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.837-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1441">
    <![LOG[PopulateRegistrationHint: Client has an SMSID, certificates, and has no CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation=@ instance, setting the hint.]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.853-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1"
    thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1916">
    <![LOG[Retrieved Certificate options successfully]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.853-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmgencert.cpp:3535">
    <![LOG[Begin validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 78E2787F92AB081E923E50A44B17E15ADA566684] issued to 'SMS']LOG]!><time="08:18:07.853-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmcert.cpp:1169">
    <![LOG[Client is set to use HTTPS when available. The current state is 224.]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.885-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmutillib.cpp:362">
    <![LOG[Completed validation of Certificate [Thumbprint 78E2787F92AB081E923E50A44B17E15ADA566684] issued to 'SMS']LOG]!><time="08:18:07.948-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmcert.cpp:1310">
    <![LOG[PopulateRegistrationHint: Using the CertificateID to set the hint.]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.948-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1982">
    <![LOG[PopulateRegistrationHint: Registration hint successfully populated.]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.996-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmid.cpp:1994">
    <![LOG[Deleted Certificate ID from registry successfully]LOG]!><time="08:18:07.996-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmgencert.cpp:3493">
    <![LOG[[RegTask] - Executing registration task synchronously.]LOG]!><time="08:18:29.313-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="regtask.cpp:915">
    <![LOG[Read SMBIOS (encoded): 56004D0077006100720065002D00340032002000310036002000610063002000620033002000310064002000320034002000620036002000660030002D0031003900200064006300200038006400200062003500200030006300200037003900200036003200200037003800]LOG]!><time="08:18:29.313-60"
    date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="smbiosident.cpp:118">
    <![LOG[Evaluated SMBIOS (encoded): 56004D0077006100720065002D00340032002000310036002000610063002000620033002000310064002000320034002000620036002000660030002D0031003900200064006300200038006400200062003500200030006300200037003900200036003200200037003800]LOG]!><time="08:18:29.313-60"
    date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="smbiosident.cpp:184">
    <![LOG[No SMBIOS Changed]LOG]!><time="08:18:29.329-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="smbiosident.cpp:65">
    <![LOG[SMBIOS unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:18:29.329-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="ccmid.cpp:657">
    <![LOG[SID unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:18:29.329-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="ccmid.cpp:674">
    <![LOG[HWID unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:18:30.375-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="ccmid.cpp:691">
    <![LOG[RegEndPoint: Event notification: CCM_RemoteClient_Reassigned]LOG]!><time="08:18:31.849-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="1508" file="regendpoint.cpp:205">
    <![LOG[RegEndPoint: Received notification for site assignment change from '<none>' to 'S01'.]LOG]!><time="08:18:31.849-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="1508" file="regendpoint.cpp:233">
    <![LOG[GetSystemEnclosureChassisInfo: IsFixed=FALSE, IsLaptop=FALSE]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.230-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="ccmid.cpp:210">
    <![LOG[Computed HardwareID=2:F5B477FB236C672D327F13BF4499009C61C8FDD6
    Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber=VMware-42 16 ac b3 1d 24 b6 f0-19 dc 8d b5 0c 79 62 78
    Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.MACAddress=00:50:56:96:00:60]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.246-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="ccmid.cpp:449">
    <![LOG[[RegTask] - Client is not registered. Sending registration request for GUID:9F8051B2-FA13-48BC-86B3-87B8359D6815 ...]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.261-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="regtask.cpp:1595">
    <![LOG[[RegTask] - Client is registered. Server assigned ClientID is GUID:9F8051B2-FA13-48BC-86B3-87B8359D6815. Approval status 1]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.388-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="regtask.cpp:1603">
    <![LOG['RDV' Identity store does not support backup.]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.452-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="ccmidstore.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(852), SMS_LocaleID(1045)]
    instance of SMS_RemoteClient_Reassigned
    ClientID = "GUID:9F8051B2-FA13-48BC-86B3-87B8359D6815";
    DateTime = "20121116071832.452000+000";
    LastAssignedSite = "";
    MachineName = "TOGL-ACS01V";
    NewAssignedSite = "S01";
    ProcessID = 2872;
    SiteCode = "S01";
    ThreadID = 3496;
    ]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.452-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="event.cpp:729">
    <![LOG[Raising event:
    instance of CCM_Framework_ClientIdChanged
    ClientID = "GUID:9F8051B2-FA13-48BC-86B3-87B8359D6815";
    DateTime = "20121116071832.467000+000";
    PreviousClientId = "Unknown";
    ProcessID = 2872;
    ThreadID = 3496;
    ]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.467-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="event.cpp:729">
    <![LOG[[RegTask] - Client is registered. Exiting.]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.467-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3496" file="regtask.cpp:1942">
    <![LOG[Read SMBIOS (encoded): 56004D0077006100720065002D00340032002000310036002000610063002000620033002000310064002000320034002000620036002000660030002D0031003900200064006300200038006400200062003500200030006300200037003900200036003200200037003800]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.975-60"
    date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="smbiosident.cpp:118">
    <![LOG[Evaluated SMBIOS (encoded): 56004D0077006100720065002D00340032002000310036002000610063002000620033002000310064002000320034002000620036002000660030002D0031003900200064006300200038006400200062003500200030006300200037003900200036003200200037003800]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.975-60"
    date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="smbiosident.cpp:184">
    <![LOG[No SMBIOS Changed]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.975-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="smbiosident.cpp:65">
    <![LOG[SMBIOS unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.975-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="ccmid.cpp:657">
    <![LOG[SID unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.975-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="ccmid.cpp:674">
    <![LOG[HWID unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:18:32.990-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="ccmid.cpp:691">
    <![LOG[GetSystemEnclosureChassisInfo: IsFixed=FALSE, IsLaptop=FALSE]LOG]!><time="08:18:33.038-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="ccmid.cpp:210">
    <![LOG[Computed HardwareID=2:F5B477FB236C672D327F13BF4499009C61C8FDD6
    Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber=VMware-42 16 ac b3 1d 24 b6 f0-19 dc 8d b5 0c 79 62 78
    Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.MACAddress=00:50:56:96:00:60]LOG]!><time="08:18:33.054-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="ccmid.cpp:449">
    <![LOG[Persisted hardware IDs in CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation=@:
    HardwareID2=20310500010000FE]LOG]!><time="08:18:33.070-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3452" file="ccmid.cpp:556">
    <![LOG[[----- SHUTDOWN -----]]LOG]!><time="08:33:36.247-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="3704" file="ccmidstore.cpp:509">
    <![LOG[[----- STARTUP -----]]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.807-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmidstore.cpp:411">
    <![LOG[Running query 'SELECT * FROM CCM_Service_HostedApplication WHERE Type="Server"' against namespace: '\\TOGL-ACS01V\ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine']LOG]!><time="08:35:17.822-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1"
    thread="2900" file="hostingutil.cpp:312">
    <![LOG[CCMExec is currently NOT hosting a server application.]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.822-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="hostingutil.cpp:403">
    <![LOG[Machine: TOGL-ACS01V]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.822-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmid.cpp:1394">
    <![LOG[OS Version: 6.0 Service Pack 2]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.822-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmid.cpp:1398">
    <![LOG[SCCM Client Version: 5.00.7711.0000]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.822-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmid.cpp:1402">
    <![LOG['RDV' Identity store does not support backup.]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.838-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmidstore.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[CCM Identity is in sync with Identity stores]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.838-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmid.cpp:1441">
    <![LOG['RDV' Identity store does not support backup.]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.838-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmidstore.cpp:369">
    <![LOG[Deleted Certificate ID from registry successfully]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.838-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmgencert.cpp:3493">
    <![LOG[Client is set to use HTTPS when available. The current state is 224.]LOG]!><time="08:35:17.838-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="2900" file="ccmutillib.cpp:362">
    <![LOG[[RegTask] - Executing registration task synchronously.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.265-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="regtask.cpp:915">
    <![LOG[[RegTask] - Client is already registered. Exiting.]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.265-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="4468" file="regtask.cpp:792">
    <![LOG[Read SMBIOS (encoded): 56004D0077006100720065002D00340032002000310036002000610063002000620033002000310064002000320034002000620036002000660030002D0031003900200064006300200038006400200062003500200030006300200037003900200036003200200037003800]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.546-60"
    date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="smbiosident.cpp:118">
    <![LOG[Evaluated SMBIOS (encoded): 56004D0077006100720065002D00340032002000310036002000610063002000620033002000310064002000320034002000620036002000660030002D0031003900200064006300200038006400200062003500200030006300200037003900200036003200200037003800]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.546-60"
    date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="smbiosident.cpp:184">
    <![LOG[No SMBIOS Changed]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.546-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="smbiosident.cpp:65">
    <![LOG[SMBIOS unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.546-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="ccmid.cpp:657">
    <![LOG[SID unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:35:27.561-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="ccmid.cpp:674">
    <![LOG[HWID unchanged]LOG]!><time="08:35:28.685-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="ccmid.cpp:691">
    <![LOG[GetSystemEnclosureChassisInfo: IsFixed=FALSE, IsLaptop=FALSE]LOG]!><time="08:35:28.701-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="ccmid.cpp:210">
    <![LOG[Computed HardwareID=2:F5B477FB236C672D327F13BF4499009C61C8FDD6
    Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber=VMware-42 16 ac b3 1d 24 b6 f0-19 dc 8d b5 0c 79 62 78
    Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.MACAddress=00:50:56:96:00:60]LOG]!><time="08:35:28.716-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="ccmid.cpp:449">
    <![LOG[Persisted hardware IDs in CCM_ClientIdentificationInformation=@:
    HardwareID2=20310500010000FE]LOG]!><time="08:35:28.716-60" date="11-16-2012" component="ClientIDManagerStartup" context="" type="1" thread="5012" file="ccmid.cpp:556">

  • Installation Problem on Win8

    Hello all
    I need your help for troubleshooting an installation problem on a Win8 (x64) client. There is already JavaJRE installed, but we wanted to install some other versions, too. But it didn't work. So we tried to unistall to curently version. This was running badly. Now there entry is removed from windows software, but the software is still on the system. Always if we try to install any java, we get a failure message with no error discription. So we looked for some installation logs, but I can't find the problem. Can you have a look? What can I do?
    Thank you guys for your support.
    Installation Logs:
    java_install.log - Pastebin.com
    java_install_reg.log - Pastebin.com
    JavaDeployReg.log - Pastebin.com

    Hi people!
    I have two problems with nokia suite...
    first of all I can't install it at my windows 8.1, I receive the message attached...
    in another notebook, all time I tried to update my N8 to Symbian bella I receive a blue screen of death, at windows 8
    can somebody help me?
    mokiasuit.png ‏13 KB

  • Oracle 9iAS Installation Problem on HP-UX - f90servlet, hangs

    PLATFORM: HP-UX 11i (Server)
    -------- Windows XP, NT (Client)
    1. On a HP box, using oracle installer, installed Oracle 9.0.2 Infrastruture successfully. Installation & configuration went with no errors.Used JDK 1.3.1 build ( for installation.
    2. On the same HP box, using oracle installer, installed Oracle 9.0.2 Business Intelligence (Forms & Discoverer) successfully. Used JDK 1.3.1 (build for installation.
    3. Loaded Jinitiator on the client platform
    (Windows XP).
    While trying to access
    http://hpbox:7778/forms90/f90servlet, we see the following line on the Java Console.
    "Downloading http://hpbox:7778/forms90/java/f90all_jinit.jar to JAR cache". The browser keeps showing "Loading Java Applet". When i look at the Cache location, i see the file f90all_jinit.jar-4cf20c5f-178c08b8(zipped). The size of this file stays the same even though browser keeps spinning. Not sure what is going on. I've verified that the Forms servers is still running on the HP box.
    Tried Jinitator,, and We've also tried Windows XP (IE6) as well as Windows NT (IE5). Same result on all the platforms.
    Had spent a LOT of time trouble shooting this problem. Any help is highly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot Wayne !
    I tried with "./server.....bin -mode=console". I am facing the same problem.
    Although weblogic installation completes, it still just hangs at "Copying JDK....".
    Giving the output below for your reference.
    Choose Product Directory:
    ->1| Yes, use this product directory [home1/utils/bea/weblogic700]
    2| No, select another product directory
    Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>
    <------------- WebLogic Platform Installer - WebLogic Platform ---------
    Copying files..
    0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
    Copying JDK....
    I am also attaching the top output with this message.
    "Wayne W. Scott" <[email protected]> wrote:
    When all else fails, read the manual! The method changed from 6.1 to
    ../filename.bin -mode=console
    Soundar wrote:
    I am trying to install Weblogic 7.01 evaluation copy on HP-UX 11.00.After exporting
    DISPLAY variable to my workstation, when I run "./server701_hpux.bin",the extraction
    of the files is successful, followed by some warning messages regardingthe fonts
    and then the BEA Weblogic startup screen comes up. But it hangs thereforever.
    I am attaching the output. If I run "./server..." in text mode i.e.without
    exporting DISPLAY variable, although the installation of Weblogic softwareis
    successful, but it hangs at "Copying JDK..." i.e. hangs at JDK installation.
    I already have JDK installation on my HP-UX system (1.3.1_02).
    If someone knows how to solve this problem, please let me know. Also,as I already
    have JDK installation on my system, is it possible to disable JDK installation
    in weblogic installation.
    Thanks in Advance.

  • Oracle 8.1.7 Client Installation Error

    Could anyone tell me what's wrong when JREW error occur during Oracle Client Installation? How to overcome this problem?
    The details are:
    This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
    Jrew caused an invalid page fault in module JAVAI.DLL at 018f:6ee37f8a.
    Registers: ......
    (OS Win98)
    Thanks in advance.

    You are aware that the 8.1.7 client is only going to enable you to connect to Oracle systems, right? It's not the Oracle 8.1.7 database.
    You should be able to unzip the file and find the Oracle Universal installer which will actually install the 8.1.7 Client for you.

  • Business One Client installation issue

    Last Friday we upgraded our SAP Busness One to 8.81 from 8.8 and the update launched for the client installation on XP Pro box, but the installation got interupted and did not complete.  I was faced with the problem that I can't uninstall the old client with Add/Remove programs as it has an error that files are missing.  the same is if I click on the Setup.exe in the Client shared folder, it wants to uninstall the old version, but bombs as it is missing files. 
    The question is how do I manually uninstall the old client so I can do a new install of the new version? 
    As a bandaid, I was able to upgrade another XP Pro box and copy the directory into the probelm one and it lets SAP Business One run.  However, I am missing a couple of registry entries.

    Same happen to me month back , it was unable to uninstall or remove registry from the system and when we start the new setup it says you already have SAP B1 installed in your system. I check the Program Files folder and there is no SAP folder in it .
    Solution but not a professional one...
    Just copy the SAP folder from other system which has client installed and working properly and paste it into Program Files .
    Now you can run SAP

  • SQL Developer Installation Problems

    We are trying to find a workable alternative to TOAD and have tried to install SQL Developer with not much success.... I think I am just about to give up but hope this last attempt to post for help can create a miracle.
    I would appreciate very much if any one knows of a comprehensive document out there that can help trouble shoot the installation problems.
    Let me give you the hardware and software versions first and then the problems.
    1) SQL Developer tried: sqldeveloper- and sqldeveloper-
    2) JRE tried: JRE 1.5 and JRE 6 (C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03)
    3) Window: XP Professional version 2002 Service pack 2
    4) Hardware: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.80 GHz, 1.98 GB of RAM
    1) SQL Developer could not find native JDBC. I don't understand why, despite all the variables set in Oracleclient10g_basic in the registry, SQL Developer did not seem to be able to find a 10g client on a network drive. I have to install 10g client directly onto my pc (C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1) to solve this problem.
    2) SQL Developer abruptly disappeared after database login.
    I was able to connect and log into an Oralce 10g database with TNS Connect Identifier approach. There were objects (tables, views, etc) showed up briefly on the left hand side of the SQL Developer and then it just completely disappeared without even an error message or a tearful good-bye.
    The only thing I can find is this error log about EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. After hours searching through OTN for possible mentioning of this error with SQL Developer, I found nothing so far.
    Why is it so difficult to install SQL Developer? Are there a set of un-spoken pre-requisites that has to be satisfied before it can be installed properly? If so, what are they? Path system variable? Registry? Anything else?
    Here's the complete EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error log:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x2ca5683c, pid=952, tid=2576
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_03-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [OraOCIEI10.dll+0x4f683c]
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    # http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x04330400): JavaThread "Init Insight" [_thread_in_native, id=2576]
    siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x00000000
    EAX=0x31a28e40, EBX=0x00000000, ECX=0x03231622, EDX=0x00000000
    ESP=0x04b0f168, EBP=0x04b0f1a8, ESI=0x00000001, EDI=0x0413ded4
    EIP=0x2ca5683c, EFLAGS=0x00010297
    Top of Stack: (sp=0x04b0f168)
    0x04b0f168: 00000001 00a3fb8e 0000000a 00000001
    0x04b0f178: 0413c78c 00000001 02c52aa8 0000000a
    0x04b0f188: 00000020 00a4047e 090ea038 0413def4
    0x04b0f198: 03231622 6d8a87b3 032325c1 0413c78c
    0x04b0f1a8: 04b0f1d8 2ca57072 0413ded4 032325c1
    0x04b0f1b8: 00000001 00000000 03231620 03231622
    0x04b0f1c8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    0x04b0f1d8: 04b0f234 2ca56e06 0413c78c 0413ded4
    Instructions: (pc=0x2ca5683c)
    0x2ca5682c: 5c 00 a1 80 58 b3 31 88 9f c4 00 00 00 8b 14 98
    0x2ca5683c: 8b 0a 81 e1 00 80 00 00 89 4d dc 0f 85 90 03 00
    Stack: [0x04ac0000,0x04b10000), sp=0x04b0f168, free space=316k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    C [OraOCIEI10.dll+0x4f683c]
    C [OraOCIEI10.dll+0x4f7072]
    C [OraOCIEI10.dll+0x4f6e06]
    C [OraOCIEI10.dll+0x419685]
    C [OCI.dll+0x7333]
    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CStatement.t2cParseExecuteDescribe(Loracle/jdbc/driver/OracleStatement;JIIIZZZZ[BIBII[SI[B[CII[SII[B[CII[I[S[BIIIIZZ[Loracle/jdbc/driver/Accessor;[[[B[J[BI[CI[SIZ)I+0
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CCallableStatement.executeForDescribe()V+271
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.T2CCallableStatement.executeForRows(Z)V+41
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout()V+275
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal()I+94
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute()Z+17
    j oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.execute()Z+60
    j oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.getInsightableOracleDatabase(Loracle/javatools/db/Database;)Loracle/dbtools/raptor/insight/InsightableDatabase;+70
    j oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.<init>(Loracle/ide/Context;Loracle/javatools/db/Database;)V+161
    j oracle.dbtools.sqlworksheet.sqlview.SqlEditorMainPanel$5.run()V+52
    j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    =>0x04330400 JavaThread "Init Insight" [_thread_in_native, id=2576]
    0x0416ac00 JavaThread "Timer-4" [_thread_blocked, id=1460]
    0x0412cc00 JavaThread "Timer-3" [_thread_blocked, id=2544]
    0x04323800 JavaThread "WeakDataReference polling" [_thread_blocked, id=3756]
    0x0315cc00 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3412]
    0x02c17c00 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2124]
    0x04324800 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2088]
    0x04321800 JavaThread "Image Fetcher 0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=276]
    0x02ca2c00 JavaThread "WaitCursorTimer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2096]
    0x00296800 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=3816]
    0x02cb0400 JavaThread "Timer-1" [_thread_blocked, id=2832]
    0x02c32000 JavaThread "IconOverlayTracker Timer" [_thread_blocked, id=1204]
    0x04060800 JavaThread "Log Page Updater" [_thread_blocked, id=2160]
    0x03323800 JavaThread "TimerQueue" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3996]
    0x032d1800 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=4004]
    0x032ca400 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1488]
    0x032c9800 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=256]
    0x032c8400 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1064]
    0x02c0d000 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2956]
    0x02c08400 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3236]
    0x02c07400 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3248]
    0x02c06800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3232]
    0x02bfe400 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2328]
    0x02bfd400 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1668]
    Other Threads:
    0x02bfc000 VMThread [id=2868]
    0x02c0e800 WatcherThread [id=2940]
    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
    def new generation total 1536K, used 500K [0x06960000, 0x06b00000, 0x090c0000)
    eden space 1408K, 26% used [0x06960000, 0x069bd3b0, 0x06ac0000)
    from space 128K, 100% used [0x06ac0000, 0x06ae0000, 0x06ae0000)
    to space 128K, 0% used [0x06ae0000, 0x06ae0000, 0x06b00000)
    tenured generation total 19372K, used 12857K [0x090c0000, 0x0a3ab000, 0x26960000)
    the space 19372K, 66% used [0x090c0000, 0x09d4e400, 0x09d4e400, 0x0a3ab000)
    compacting perm gen total 22272K, used 22205K [0x26960000, 0x27f20000, 0x2a960000)
    the space 22272K, 99% used [0x26960000, 0x27f0f780, 0x27f0f800, 0x27f20000)
    ro space 8192K, 62% used [0x2a960000, 0x2ae614a8, 0x2ae61600, 0x2b160000)
    rw space 12288K, 52% used [0x2b160000, 0x2b7a7278, 0x2b7a7400, 0x2bd60000)
    Dynamic libraries:
    0x00400000 - 0x00423000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\java.exe
    0x7c900000 - 0x7c9b0000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
    0x7c800000 - 0x7c8f5000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
    0x77dd0000 - 0x77e6b000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
    0x77e70000 - 0x77f02000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
    0x77fe0000 - 0x77ff1000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
    0x7c340000 - 0x7c396000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\msvcr71.dll
    0x6d7c0000 - 0x6da0a000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\client\jvm.dll
    0x7e410000 - 0x7e4a0000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
    0x77f10000 - 0x77f57000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
    0x76b40000 - 0x76b6d000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
    0x6d310000 - 0x6d318000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\hpi.dll
    0x76bf0000 - 0x76bfb000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL
    0x6d770000 - 0x6d77c000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\verify.dll
    0x6d3b0000 - 0x6d3cf000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\java.dll
    0x6d7b0000 - 0x6d7bf000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\zip.dll
    0x6d000000 - 0x6d1c3000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\awt.dll
    0x73000000 - 0x73026000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    0x77c10000 - 0x77c68000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
    0x76390000 - 0x763ad000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll
    0x774e0000 - 0x7761d000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
    0x5ad70000 - 0x5ada8000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
    0x73760000 - 0x737a9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll
    0x73bc0000 - 0x73bc6000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
    0x6d2b0000 - 0x6d303000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\fontmanager.dll
    0x74720000 - 0x7476b000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
    0x7c9c0000 - 0x7d1d7000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
    0x77f60000 - 0x77fd6000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
    0x773d0000 - 0x774d3000      C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03\comctl32.dll
    0x5d090000 - 0x5d12a000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll
    0x77b40000 - 0x77b62000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll
    0x77c00000 - 0x77c08000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
    0x03850000 - 0x0386a000      C:\sqldeveloper-\sqldeveloper\ide\lib\idenative.dll
    0x77120000 - 0x771ab000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
    0x6d570000 - 0x6d583000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\net.dll
    0x71ab0000 - 0x71ac7000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
    0x71aa0000 - 0x71aa8000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
    0x6d590000 - 0x6d599000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\nio.dll
    0x605d0000 - 0x605d9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll
    0x6d220000 - 0x6d243000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\dcpr.dll
    0x71a50000 - 0x71a8f000      C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll
    0x76f20000 - 0x76f47000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll
    0x76fb0000 - 0x76fb8000      C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll
    0x76f60000 - 0x76f8c000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll
    0x66210000 - 0x66219000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\netware\NWWS2NDS.DLL
    0x50d50000 - 0x50d98000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETWIN32.DLL
    0x50d00000 - 0x50d15000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLNWIN32.DLL
    0x50df0000 - 0x50e10000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\LOCWIN32.DLL
    0x50db0000 - 0x50ddc000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\NCPWIN32.dll
    0x71ad0000 - 0x71ad9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll
    0x66220000 - 0x6622c000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\netware\NWWS2SLP.DLL
    0x66250000 - 0x66257000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\NWSRVLOC.dll
    0x76fc0000 - 0x76fc6000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll
    0x662b0000 - 0x66308000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll
    0x71a90000 - 0x71a98000      C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll
    0x6d560000 - 0x6d569000      C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\management.dll
    0x62f00000 - 0x62f13000      C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\ocijdbc10.dll
    0x03e50000 - 0x03ea7000      C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\OCI.dll
    0x2c560000 - 0x31bf6000      C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\OraOCIEI10.dll
    0x77a80000 - 0x77b14000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll
    0x77b20000 - 0x77b32000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll
    VM Arguments:
    jvm_args: -Xmx512M -Xverify:none -XX:JavaPriority10_To_OSPriority=10 -XX:JavaPriority9_To_OSPriority=9 -Doracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG=true -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false -Dwindows.shell.font.languages= -Dide.conf=sqldeveloper.conf -Dide.home.dir.name=.sqldeveloper
    java_command: oracle.ide.boot.Launcher
    Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
    Environment Variables:
    PATH=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1;X:\oracle10g\product\10.2.0\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX;C:\WINDOWS\system32\nls;C:\WINDOWS\system32\nls\ENGLISH;C:\Program Files\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraEdit-32
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
    --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------
    OS: Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 2
    CPU:total 1 (1 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 15 model 2 stepping 9, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2
    Memory: 4k page, physical 2079468k(1385300k free), swap 4021668k(3516444k free)
    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.6.0_03-b05) for windows-x86, built on Sep 24 2007 22:24:33 by "java_re" with unknown MS VC++:1310
    Is this a java problem? SQL Developer problem? Or something else?
    Thanks in advance,
    a TOAD lover

    The problem you are seeing (the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) is a result of a version mismatch between the JDBC driver being used by SQL Developer and the Oracle client that is found on the path.
    This issue only occurs when trying to use the OCI version of the JDBC driver. The simplest fix is to switch to using the basic connection type and thus using the thin (all Java) JDBC driver. As no Oracle client is required in this case, the version mismatch won't be an issue.
    However, the connection approach you are using should work, and if you wish to try to sort out the problems there, we should be able to further diagnose the underlying cause of the version mismatch.
    To do this, I would need to see what SQL Developer thinks are the potential Oracle client installs, as well as which install it ends up picking. Can you copy/paste the output in the Log Window (Logging Page) that is present after SQL Developer starts (but before you attempt to connect to any database)? There should be a whole series of entries like 'Checking for ORACLE_HOME environment variable' and 'Checking JDBC driver at <some path>'
    These log entries are output by SQL Developer as it tries to sort out the various bits of information about Oracle client installs and thus give a peek at the selection logic being used.
    Oh, and also - the value of your PATH variable would be useful as well. It may be that there is an Oracle client install on the PATH that supersedes the install SQL Developer is finding via the registry or ORACLE_HOME variable.
    - John McGinnis
    SQL Developer Team

  • ISE Posture Remediation issue with AV client installation

    Problem: If  user start AV client installation in pc via AV link remediation after some time (while AV client  installation not completed yet) trend micro Update windows gets pop up but not start automatic AV or AS def  remediation and Cisco NAC agent shows the message AV definition is not up to date.
    Also some time NAC agent give message automatic remediation failed or required user intervention to press ok so NAC can complete remediation process.
    I am facing this issues when users don’t have Antivirus client in pc and performing client installation.
    We have the following posture policies,
    1      AV installation check: if AV is not installed in PC then perform link remediation and let user to download the Antivirus client from provided link.
    2      AV definition & AS definition version check (both remediation requirement I putted in one policy): if AV or AS definition version found old then perform automatic remediation.
    3.     WSUS check
    4      SP   check
    Actually I want, first user install AV client via link remediation once installation complete then move to AV & AS def remediation if required (because in first time AV client installation it automatically download all update from the AV server) otherwise def remediate policy wait for AV client installation completion.
    Please can anybody let me know how remediation work internally ? like if  "AV inst" remediation start  so nac agent wait for it completion and don't start other remediation process e.g AS & AV def?
    Second question:what is remediation process sequence ?
    Third question: is there anyway we can configure timer in remediation process e.g 5 min for AV inst then 3 min for AV & AS def remediation and then go to other posture remediations ?

    Please check the below guide for Posture Configuration:

  • SRM "one-client" installation on ECC 6.0 EhP: Own client needed for SRM?

    Hello experts,
    i've a question concerning the SRM "one-client" installation on ECC 6.0 EhP4 as Add-On.
    Is it possible to use SRM and ERP funtionality in a single client e.g. 001?
    Or do we have to use different clients on the system like for SUS?
    I haven't found any information regarding this topic in SAP ressources. I'm currently using CG "SAP SRM on One Client in
    SAP ERP" Release date 2008 (found on marketplace/srm-inst --> srm7.0); SRM - Technical Basis Configuration (BuildingBlock S00/S03). I'm facing problems while going through the following customizing steps:
    Assign logical System to Client [both logicall systems are on the same client (001)] ==> error while trying to reference the second logical sys. because client (001) cannot be used again (own presumption: error message differs)
    I've seen that some of you have successfully installed and customized this szenario. If someone could provide me any helpful information or guideline how to proceed in general... would be great...
    Best regards,

    Thanks for your reply. I've checked the offline documentation because i've no access to solman.
    There is a document which describes the steps for configuring one-client customizing on marketplace.
    Link: [SAP SRM 7.0: SAP SRM on One Client with SAP ERP|https://websmp203.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/011000358700001201562009E]
    The problem is that its impossible to cofigure the system like it's described in the document.
    Let me explain why...
    SRM Addon is installed and customizing is done in client 001 (same client as erp)
    overview about defined logical systems:
    -ONECLNTERP (for ERP is defined)
    -ONECLNTEBP (for SRM is defined)
    When I try to assign the logical system to client 001 it works for the first entry
    for the second log. system it shows up an error message.
    -->I assume because client 001 has been already assigned. I cant use client 001 again.
    But One-Client szenario schould be possible in a single client or is SAPs One-Client more like One-System with differnet clients for SRM and ERP on the same machine?
    Because of the above mentioned problem I assume that it's impossible to run ERP and SRM in the same Client number.
    Am I right? Do I have to use two Clients on One System for proper Customizing?
    Or if it's possible to use a single client on one machine for both ERP and SRM how is it possible to assign two log. systems to one client number?
    I'm totally confused. Any help would be appreciated  - any tips/hints/experiences from someone who has customized One-Client?
    BR, Patrick

  • R/3 4.6B Installation Problem

    Dear all,
    I have installation problem when system carry out the final step "Initializing the Workbench Organizer with RFC" after I click Continue to skip importing non-latin language.
    the error message is showing below
    INFO 2009-01-22 11:28:00
        Starting up the SAP System
    INFO 2009-01-22 11:28:32
        Initializing the Workbench Organizer with RFC
    Thu Jan 22 11:28:32 2009
    RFC> SetErrorState 0 (line: 447)
    RFC resize I/O buffer to 16000 bytes
    RFC >>>> C11          : EXT  saptester >>> OPEN.
    RFC >>>> C11          : EXT  saptester >>> 94913478&#26367; .
    RFC *> RfcOpen
    RFC         options->destination  = C11
    RFC         options->mode         = RFC_MODE_R3ONLY
    RFC         options->connopt.hostname        = saptester
    RFC         options->connopt.sysnr           = 0
    RFC         options->connopt.gateway_host    = saptester
    RFC         options->connopt.gateway_service = sapgw00
    RFC         options->client       = 000
    RFC         options->user         = DDIC
    RFC         options->password     = secret (-:
    RFC         options->language     = EN
    RFC         options->trace        = 3
    Thu Jan 22 11:28:34 2009
    >>> RfcCall...
    RFC *> RfcCall
    RFC         handle = 1
    RFC >>>> C11          : EXT  saptester >>> WRITE.
    RFC >>>> C11          : EXT  saptester >>> FLUSH(WRITE).
    RFC <* RfcCall: returns 0:RFC_OK
    RFC >>>> C11          : EXT  saptester >>> FLUSH(WRITE).
    >>>> Listen/WaitForRequest (counter = 3)
    RFC> SetErrorState 10 (line: 724)
    RFC >>>> C11          : EXT  saptester >>> CLOSE.
    >>> RfcReceive...
    RFC> CheckErrorState 10 (line: 895)
    RFC *> RfcReceive
    RFC         handle = 1
    RFC <* RfcReceive: returns 3:RFC_SYS_EXCEPTION
    WARNING 2009-01-22 11:28:36 RFCRSWBOINI_IND_IND CRfcPing:0
        Pinging of RFC destination failed.
    RFC *> RfcClose
    RFC         handle = 1
    Can any one tell me what happen, please.

    No, reinstallation doesn't work, the same problem come up again!
    despite this problem, the SAP system does up and runing in the MMC console. but when I logon to the system, there is always ABAP program problem come up immediately, system always report there is missing function, I can not do any further processing.
    any idea?

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