Mi iphone 4s se quedo actulizando ios 7 Que ago

Quien me ayuda mi iphone se quedo en la restauracion despues deque lo actualizara con ios 7 quien me ayuda a arreglaro cuando lo conecto a itunes y le doi restaurar me sale error 21 Quien me ayuda urgente

You can't go back to 7.1.2

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    The iOS 7.1 update solved the WIFI issues on my iphone.
    I'll try to upgrade my ipad later on and then
    I think I can sell my hairdryer and my freezer.
    Thanks to the people @ infinite loop ;-)

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    Hey.. I have had this issue since yesterday afternoon.. Some people are saying to keep restoring again and again until it finally goes through.. I have done so like 10 times on my MAC and then I used my husband's PC and tried it 4 times.. No success.. I called apple support, but no help came from there at the end, and the only thing they were able to suggest to me is to sell me a new phone just like mine for a discounted price.. **** NO
    Anyways after about 18h of search and stress I came across this link:
    http://techglobex.blogspot.com/2012/06/downgrade-from-ios-6-beta-firmware-to.htm l
    That will only make it possibe to go backward.. You will end up back with the IOS 5, but at least you will have a working phone and it will bring back all your contacts and everything else that you ever had backed up on icloud and on your computer. There might be descripencies with the Applications but again this is an issue easily solved, you can always download them back.
    Two more things: One, you do not have to download the old version of the itunes, the newest version worked for me without any issues
    When choosing to download the older IOS 5.1.1, you will need to figure out whether your carrier is GSM or CDMA but you can easily google this info online..
    Well hope that will work for you like it did for me

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Maybe a long shot, but WD is not known for the quality of some of their enclosures, although I do like the drives themselves. It may be worth mounting this drive in a different enclosure, something like one of OWC's FireWire enclosures with the highly reliable Oxford chip sets. I wouldn't be inclined to trust a WD enclosure, especially if it already seemed to be acting in a flakey manner.
    Here's an example of what I mean:
    I have 3 of these and I really like them.
    From what I understand, if the drive spins up, it is often possible to recover data from it. To be absolutely certain to destroy the data, you just about have to take a hammer to the disk. Hopefully, there will be a way to get your data back.
    Good luck!

  • HT4623 I have followed the directions and my iphone is not installing the iOS 7.0.2.  My iphone is plugged into my lap top that has the most recent version of itunes.  It is a dsl connection.  Is that my problem?

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    Exactly what version of iTunes are you running? And DON'T say 'the latest version'... CHECK the version number. You need to be running 11.1 or higher.

  • HT1688 iPhone 4S no WiFi anywhere iOS 5 after Apple Tech help same issue on iOS 6

    ISSUE  - can not connect to any WiFi hotspot at all
    Several weeks ago my daughters iPhone 4S AT&T (on iOS 5) phone number failed to connect to any WiFi hotspot on her college campus including: campus wide WiFi, Starbucks  or her Cisco 1500 WiFi in her dorm room.  She has an iPhone 4S under warranty (I think now in the range of 30-20 more days).
    The iPhone couldn't find any WiFi at all, but her roommates iPhone 4 worked perfectly everywhere on all hotspots.
    So I have been paying for massive data overage charges with AT&T because the iPhone 4S is broken.
    AT&T and then APPLE tech support first  call 4 hours long
    She rented a car and drove home 47 miles (94 miles round trip) and spent the afternoon a few Sundays ago and I spent 4 hours on the phone with AT&T and then Apple support.   I was weird I pointed our that her phone was 0.06GB over capacity e.g. a yellow caution alert in iTunes - but the Apple tech on the phone said just back it up and we would reset and restore it.
    We did all the usual stuff with AT&T and then they gave up and moved us to Apple (backups, resets, then a full system factory revert, and restore) - it was brutal I hadn't seen my daughter in 2 months and her entire visit was a tech support nightmare.
    Despite saying I did not want her to upgrade to iOS 6.X - the apple tech wanted to do a full restore BUT the restore procedure triggered an unwanted iOS 6.X upgrade  (and wiped the phone and started a massive download) without my permission - it was a slow painful 1 hour 40 minute download.  Worse yet I kept thinking that if she is 0.06GB over capacity and the iOS 6.X is "bigger" than 5.X what was going to happen to her phone ?  The apple tech got testy with me when I pointed this out I had to say "you know if a glass of water is overfilled by 0.06 and you want to replace 2 oz with 3 oz (e.g. the iOS upgrade form 5 to 6 ) then obviously it will spill some more - she didn't get it.
    So I have a near 2 hour download - scheduled a call call back but was hung up on (Apples IP phone system couldn't here me talk) and had to go back through AT&T's 611 support number support to get an Apple technician since the Apple line said it was closed - her iPhone was in a limbo 1/2 upgraded state waiting for user input in iTunes.
    During the restore (I say during not after) that her WiFi did start working while the apple tech was on the line BUT the restore was still gong on in the background - her camera roll took 16+ hours to restore ( yes sixteen hours !!!) - during which time she left the phone tethered to her Mac-book didn't use it and left her Mac-book attached to a power source. 
    Overall she says that lost some data and her also her music playlists on her phone, and it did connect to WiFi when the rep was on the line and when she first got back to the her college campus.
    Comments (not related to the issue at hand):
    1. Overall this was a very very time consuming experience - I am a computer guy (not stupid but not super Mac knowledgeable either) but it seems to me that we should be able to attache the iPhone to iTunes and Apple should be able to remote control everything instead of saying click her click there and having Apple technicians say there is a non-existent menu (she was mixed up between Mac OS-X and Windows PC iTunes) here etc. etc.. Seriously why have the end user involved this is 2012 and if the iTunes is on the Internet there is no excuse for not granting access to Apple Tech!
    2. As for iOS 6.X (I loaded it my IPhone 4) your maps are crap and useless I hate it thanks for giving me a worthless mapping system - I gout out my old GPS unit and put it back in my car.  Seriously give us back Google maps. My other daughter gets pop-ups upgrade to iOS 6 but can not load iOS 6 because it then says not enough space.  What a joke !
    ---------------------------------------ISSUE recurred after 1-2 days can not connect to any WiFi at all
    But it only worked for one (1) or two (2) days and then under iOS 6.X the same issue started happening.   Her iPhone 4S failed to connect to any WiFi hotspot on her college campus (LMU) including: campus wide WiFi, Starbucks  or her Cisco 1500 WiFi in her dorm room.  The exact same thing.
    I keep getting hammered on over use cellular charges from AT&T despite she should be cooked due to all the WiFi radiation coursing through her body on campus form both her own Cisco 1500 hotspot and the campus wide network.
    ---------------------------------------AT&T  tech support second call AT&T said the phone was broken Apple should replace
    So it only worked for one (1) or two (2) days despite my daughter driving almost 100 miles and being sucked into a a marathon 4 hour tech support nightmare with Apple.  The net result the exact same thing started happening again no WiFi capabilities again.  So I had her call AT&T at 611 and the AT&T technician talked to her looked at the lengthy case notes from the prior call e.g. the history and said that the iPhone 4S was defective phone no point in wasting another four hours of every one's time.  She was told by AT&T to go to the Apple store get the iPhone replaced as it was under warranty.
    Problem is that she has no way to get to the Apple store (no car) so I now have a 94 mile round trip to pick her up and go to an Apple store before her one (1) year warranty expires - as such I made this appointment.
    I did some more research and this seems to be a pretty big problem for people - Apple is hiding the issue hoping people just go away and they have no concept of cost and time that they force down customers throughts to debug problems.  
    It even seems like Apple actually hid a known problem from me during my initial four hour tech nightmare that Tim Cook admitted publicly on Sept 24, 2012 (last few links) see below links for further research:
    http://forums.appleinsider.com/t/152837/tim-cook-acknowledges-disabled-greyed-ou t-wifi-issue
    http://bpmredux.wordpress.com/2012/09/24/tim-cook-shows-youre-never-to-big-to-re spond-to-the-little-guy/
    All in all Apple is really dissapointing me 5 iphones and the newer they get the more bugs 3G worked great no issues, iPhone 4 no major issues, iPhone 4S buggy WiFi - never want to use an iPhone 5 form what I am reading.

    No one is going to read your lengthy post.
    If the basic troubleshooting steps outlined in the User Guide don't work, then bring your phone in for replacement.

  • Hi! I'm just having a little trouble when it comes to battery charging of my iPhone 5 with its new iOS 7! It doesn't indicates that the battery is fully charge unlike the old version of iOS! They said it should be pulsating but it's not

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    Thanks for the replies. It took a while not hearing anything so thought I was alone. I have done many of the suggestions already. The key here is that it occurs on both phones with apps, and phones still packaged in a box.
    A Genius Bar supervisor also checked his Verizon data usage log and found the same 6 hour incremental use. Suprisingly, he did not express much intrigue over that. Maybe he did, but did not show it.
    I think the 6 hour incremental usage is the main issue here. I spoke with Verizon (again) and they confirmed that all they do is log exactly when the phone connected to the tower and used data. The time it records is when the usage started. I also found out that the time recorded is GMT.
    What is using data, unsolicited, every 6 hours?
    Why does it change?
    Why does it only happen on the iPhone 5 series and not the 4?
    Since no one from Apple seems to be chiming in on this, and I have not received the promised calls from Apple tech support that the Genius Bar staff said I was suppose to receive, it is starting to feel like something is being swept under the rug.
    I woke up the other day with another thought ... What application would use such large amounts of data? Well ... music, video, sound and pictures of course. Well ... what would someone set automatically that is of any use to them? hmmm ... video, pictures, sound. Is the iPhone 5 succeptible to snooping? Can an app be buried in the IOS that automatically turns on video and sound recording, and send it somewhere ... every 6 hours? Chilling. I noted that the smallest data usage is during the night when nothing is going on, then it peaks during the day. The Genius Bar tech and I looked at each other when I drew this sine wave graph on the log print outs during an appointment ...

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    I think the McAfee suite will do the trick when I pay them a one-time fee of $69 or $179 for a year for unlimited support.
    Your call of course but IMO a waste of money. Please read this first:
    There are many forms of ‘Malware’ that can affect a computer system, of which ‘a virus’ is but one type, ‘trojans’ another. Using the strict definition of a computer virus, no viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions. The same is not true of other forms of malware, such as Trojans. Whilst it is a fairly safe bet that your Mac has NOT been infected by a virus, it may have another security-related problem, but more likely a technical problem unrelated to any malware threat.
    You may find this User Tip on Viruses, Trojan Detection and Removal, as well as general Internet Security and Privacy, useful:
    The User Tip (which you are welcome to print out and retain for future reference) seeks to offer guidance on the main security threats and how to avoid them.
    More useful information can also be found here:

  • Updated my iphone 3gs to the 5 ios and now my phone wont read my sim card when i reacticate it

    updated my iphone 3gs to the 5 ios and now my phone wont read my sim card when i reactivate it.
    Every time i connect it to itunes all it says is "There is no SIM card installed in the iphone you are attempting to activate." Even thought there is a sim card connected in my phone.

    Is the SIM from a supported carrier?
    Is the device carrier locked, officially unlocked, or hacked to be unlocked?
    Has the SIM been reseated?  If not, try that.
    Also, basic troubleshooting is reset, restart, restore.  Has any of that been tried?

  • HT201210 i tray to update my iphone but refused to update iOS 6.and give me note there is problem in dawn loud . please tell me what can i do?dawn loud

    i tray to update my iphone but refused to update iOS 6.and give me note there is problem in dawn loud . please tell me what can i do?dawn loud

    Error 2, 4 (or -4), 6, 1000, 9006
    Follow Troubleshooting security software. Often, uninstalling third-party security software will resolve these errors.
    There may be third-party software that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting a TcpWindowSize entry into your registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause these errors. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance or follow this article by Microsoft: How to reset Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
    Verify that access to ports 80 and 443 are allowed on your network.
    Verify that communication to albert.apple.com or photos.apple.com is not blocked by a firewall, or other Internet security setting.
    Discard the .ipsw file, open iTunes and attempt to download the update again. See the steps underAdvanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations.
    Restore your device while connected to a different network.
    Restore using a different computer.

  • My iphone 4 is updated to ios 7 and now it is always on recovery mode when i switch it off, my iphone 4 is updated to ios 7 and now it is always on recovery mode when i switch it off

    my iphone 4 is upadated to ios 7 and now it is always on recovery mode when i switch it off

    Hi tori_42,
    If you are having issues with WiFi on your iPhone, you may find the troubleshooting steps in the following article helpful:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    If WiFi settings are completely inaccessable because they are dim or greyed out, you find this article more useful:
    iOS: Wi-Fi settings grayed out or dim
    - Brenden

  • Why has Siri stopped working on iPhone 4 after upgrading to IOS 5?

    Why has Siri stopped working on iPhone 4 after upgrading to IOS 5? I've tried the disable and reboot but continue to get the network error.

    Apple has not been forthcoming on the explanation. My Siri worked on my iphone4 (not 4s) immediately after upgrading to IOS5, but I take it they have redirected the servers that used to support Siri to only work with Iphone4s.
    It is one thing for apple to only bundle the improved Siri with IPhone 4S, or  for them to remove Siri from the Ap store.
    But it is another thing all together for apple to purchase a company, and then cease the service that many of us paid for.
    Attempts to contact apple at apple store and via email have been unhelpful.
    Apple Fan--

  • HT1695 how do i activate my iphone 4 after upgrading to ioS 5.1

    how do i activate my iphone 4 after upgrading to ioS 5.1

    I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, but I'll try to answer!    You can either connect to iTunes and set up and activate there, or you can also use the setup assistant to set up your iPhone.  As far as carrier activation, you'll have to follow the protocol that your carrier uses.  Either switch SIM card, or call the number they use to allow device activation.  Is that what you were wanting to know?

  • I'm using an iPhone 4 after upgrading to iOS 5 i'm getting an error 1635 now i'm facing problems syncing my contacts and facing many problems, i have restored my iPhone but still i'm getting the same error

    i'm using an iPhone 4 after upgrading to iOS 5 i'm getting an error 1635 now i'm facing problems syncing my contacts and facing many problems, i have restored my iPhone but still i'm getting the same error

    Did you check your security software settings? eliminating conflicts from third-party security software.

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