Mi rimane il logo della mela con la barra sotto

itunes non lo trova e non mi si accende più ho fisso il logo della mela con la barra sotto

Google translate:
during recovery dwl ipod is stuck on the apple and the empty bar on itunes and ipod remains on waiting or waited for 5 hours and either tried again but to no avail
- iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
- Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
- If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
- If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
  Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Thanks for the question. Let’s try placing your iPad in recovery mode and restoring it. If you previously synced with iTunes or iCloud, you might be able to restore from your backup afterwards.
    If you can't update or restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
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    Google translate:
    during recovery dwl ipod is stuck on the apple and the empty bar on itunes and ipod remains on waiting or waited for 5 hours and either tried again but to no avail
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    Hi @Dige85 ,
    Thank you for visiting our English HP Support Forum. We are only able to reply to posts written in English. To insure a quick response it would be advisable to post your question in English. The following links are here to assist you if you prefer to post in the following Language Forum.
    English: http://h30434.www3.hp.com
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    Thank you for your understanding
    I work for HP. However I speak only for myself, not for HP nor anyone else

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    To backup your library, Mac or PC, you need to copy the entire iTunes folder and all its subfolders to a new location on a network or external drive. For any easy way to do this with Windows see this User Tip. For a Mac Carbon Copy Cloner will do the same job.
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    Translated by Google. Hope it makes sense.
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    Hola Yvettemch,
    Para importar y exportar archivos del Firefox OS desde su conexión USB en su computadora, por favor, sigue las instrucciones disponibles en el artigo de ayuda:
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    YOu may have to do this a few times http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808

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    Forse trovata soluzione, provate così:
    Fate il Backup di tutto
    Fate triplo-click sulla linea sottostante per selezionarla per intero:
    ~/Library/Application Support/SyncServices/
    Click destro o control-click sulla linea selezionata
    Selezionare "Mostra nel Finder" dal menu contestuale.
    Verrà individuata la cartella della riga sopra contenente un solo file.
    Chiudete iTunes.
    Spostate nel cestino il file contenuto nella cartella.
    Riaprite iTunes e provate la sincronizzazione.
    Good luck!

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    Yosemite sometimes has problems, often related to "default" permissions needing to be changed
    -one person's solution https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1689788
    Please read https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499014
    -try some steps such as changing browsers and turning off your firewall
    -also flush your browser cache so you are starting with a fresh browser
    http://myleniumerrors.com/installation-and-licensing-problems/creative-cloud-error-codes-w ip/
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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    Hola y bienvenida a la comunidad WD.
    Su unidad My cloud tiene una IP estática o dinámica? En caso de ser dinámica trate de cambiar la configuracion estática, a ver si ese cambio arregla la coneccion al programa de respaldo.

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