Micro-commits in Git

So we had a power outage at my college today and a bunch of seniors were angry coz they hadn't saved when the power went out and lost hours of work. Sucks to be them. Anyways, I save regularly and I also version control all my files using Git and this gave me and idea. I would like to be able to set things up so that whenever I make a change to a git controlled file and save it, Git records it but not actually as an individual commit with a message. This way every change I made is added to version control and i'm not stuck with just linear undo and redo. However, I'm not an advanced Git user by any means so i don't know how I could go about setting this up. I'm also mostly a Emacs user, so ideally I would be able to browse these microcommits and reload them at will. When I'm done for one session i can make an actual commit with a proper message. Any ideas on how to set this up?

I have heard about flashbake and I think I'll look into. However, I would like to be able to 'hide' or fold these auto commits from view when I see the git logs (not sure if that's possible). Also I'd like to be able to quickly browse the recent autocommits (preferably from inside Emacs). Can anyone recommend Git elisp packages that can do what I'm looking for. Additionally if there is an emacs package that allows non-linear undo/restore, I could not go the VCS route.
@bwalk, I don't think you quite understood what I meant. I do backup regularly (hitting C-x C-s has become something of a reflex whenever I pause typing), but I would like the individual changes to be saved so that I could browse and rollback without depending on a linear undo buffer.

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  • Verifying GPG signatures of commits in *-git packages

    Hi, I'm wondering if there's a way to have makepkg check the GPG signature present on git commits.
    I am not talking about checking tag signatures; this is for *-git packages, which build from the HEAD revision of the repository. If all commits in that repository are signed (using 'git commit -S'), then the signature can be checked before building the package.
    I have already hacked together a PKGBUILD that does this, but it's not exactly pretty. I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this, as there does seem to be some built-in GPG signature checking on regular files (triggered whenever one of the source files ends in '.asc' apparently, which is why I had to rename the key file in that PKGBUILD). It seems to be confused when used against git sources, however.
    Last edited by WindPower (2013-07-10 22:42:44)

    falconindy wrote:Why do you even want this? The repo itself ensures integrity.
    git does pretty well at integrity, in that every git commit has a hash which is unique to the commit and which is tamper-proof in the sense that it is not computationally possible to come up with a commit that has the same hash but with a different diff attached to it. As the commit hash also covers the hash of the preceeding commit in the tree, a single commit hash is enough to guarantee the integrity of the entire source tree. However, this provides just that: integrity. It provides no authentication whatsoever. The 'git://' protocol also provides no encryption or authentication (unlike for example 'git+https://'). Therefore, there is no way to know if a repository cloned over the 'git://' protocol really is the same as what it should be, without a secure (i.e. authenticated) way of knowing what the true hash of the latest commit is. That is where signed tags and commits come in; all that is needed is to sign the hash of the latest commit, and the PKGBUILD can check if the signature matches said hash. If so, then the entire history of the repository (up to the signed commit) can be considered to be as trustworthy as the GPG key itself is.
    tl;dr: git is pretty smart, but it does not provide any authentication guarantee. Signature verification solves this problem.
    HalosGhost wrote:Conceptually speaking, however, this hypothetical gpgkeys=() array wouldn't list keys to be matched to the source file; instead, it would list keys with which it would be acceptable for the git repo to be signed. So, you could have multiple keys that only pertain to one source file. I would imagine it would work so that instead of putting 'SKIP' for the checksum array value of the given source repo, you would put something like 'GPG[0:2]', and then that source file would be checked for integrity using the first three keys listed in the gpgkeys array.
    That would be pretty damn cool.
    Last edited by WindPower (2013-07-11 03:13:53)

  • Problem [with netcat] in git

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    [root@mysystem /home/user/gitrepos]# git clone git://github.com/me/myrepository
    Cloning into 'myrepository'...
    nc: connection failed, SOCKS error 6
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    I have reinstalled git and netcat but it had no effects.
    Last edited by prodigen (2013-04-20 18:27:36)

    First, welcome to the Arch community.
    Second, please use code tags
    (like so)
    It makes everything much easier to read.
    Third, please don't post faux commands, post what you actually typed and ran; it makes troubleshooting much simpler.
    All the best,

  • Use Git to manage dotfiles

    :: Disclaimer
    I found some topics about placing ~ under version control, but none of the threads were specifically about dotfiles.
    I'm completely new to Git and version control in general.
    :: Problem
    I want to version control some configuration files (.bashrc, .vimrc etc.) in ~ using Git. My reasons for this are as follows:
    - Easy to backup files and discard changes.
    - Share and synchronize configuration files between computers. I want to allow local customizations, more on this later.
    Sounds pretty reasonable? The question is, how do I accomplish this? I did a little research, hoping to find a good article that described everything. What I found was a lot of articles[0-5], each describing its own way of using Git for dotfiles.
    :: Solution?
    I want to find an easy and straightforward way, that still allows flexibility. After some reading, I've come to the following conclusions:
    - Having one git repository directly in ~ isn't a good idea. It's better to have one repo for each group of related files (e.g. all vim configuration).
    - Some put the files in ~/dotfiles/* and symlink them, often using a script. This sounds rather complicated to me.
    - There are already some scripts to handle everything: git-home and git-home-history. However, these seem to handle the whole ~, not specific dotfiles.
    - My plan is to have a master branch where the common configuration are stored, and one branch for each computer for local customizations. (I haven't worked with branches before, but this is a pretty good opportunity to learn how, right?).
    I like the sound of detached worktrees[5], but while it doesn't use symbolic links, it requires custom tools (scripts/mr tool). Maybe it's easier to go with the symbolic linking approach?
    > Which method do you like the most, and are there any common pitfalls to look out for?
    [0] http://psung.blogspot.com/2007/11/versi … emote.html
    [1] http://wiki.debian-community.org/planet … directory/
    [2] http://www.silassewell.com/blog/2009/03 … nd-github/
    [3] http://robescriva.com/2009/01/manage-yo … -with-git/
    [4] http://mnemonikk.org/2009/03/23/finally … n-control/
    [5] http://tensixtyone.com/perma/the-versio … -directory

    Mhh, problems.
    I did the following in my ~/, ~/dotfiles is the folder where the git repo is placed:
    echo 'testtesttest'> testfile
    ln -s ~/testfile ~/dotfiles/testfile
    cd dotfiles/
    git status
    worked like expected:
    git status
    # On branch master
    # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 6 commits.
    # Untracked files:
    # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    # testfile
    nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
    git add .
    git status
    # On branch master
    # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 6 commits.
    # Changes to be committed:
    # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
    # new file: testfile
    git commit -m 'testfile'
    [master 818fefe] testfile
    1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
    create mode 120000 testfile
    Ok, now for the problem.:D
    cd ~/
    nano testfile (modifying the testfile)
    cd dotfiles/
    git status
    # On branch master
    # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 7 commits.
    nothing to commit (working directory clean)
    I modified the testfile but git is not recognizing it?
    I don't get it, also a 'git add .' did nothing. Why isn't git aware that I changed the testfile?
    Thanks for help.

  • [fluxbox-git] stopping randomly (un-solved)

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    I'm running Xorg 1.8 with fluxbox-git, and I don't know why, X sometimes shutdown...
    In my Xorg.0.log, I've only these lines with (EE): http://pastebin.archlinux.fr/402529, I don't know where I can found answers.. Fluxbox hasn't got any log..
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by Cr0k (2010-07-04 17:33:08)

    Hi Cr0k
    Yep, it's a bug introduced during the latest revisions.  For me it would crash whenever I would go to full-screen with flash and shrink back down to normal (and only then). Took me awhile to figure out that it was Fluxbox causing this as it's always been pretty rock-stable for me. I'm using x86_64 now and since we don't have flash anymore I have been using the new git-version anyway (as it does fix some other annoying things).
    Someone already filed a bug report concerning this.
    http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=de … tid=413960
    The devs haven't made any new revisions in the last four weeks so this bug might be hanging around awhile. I would recommend to use fluxbox 1.1.1-1  from the Repos until they get this worked out (if ever?). If your familiar enough with git (I'm not) then I guess you could regress through the upstream commits until you find the one causing the issue but that would probably involve a lot of work.
    Here is the link so you can read what changes they have committed.
    Hope this save some hair-pulling for you!!:)
    Last edited by harryNID (2010-07-04 12:37:09)

  • (solved) Can't install snd-aloop on kernel 2.6.35

    On my hda-intel soundcard I have no mixing option to record my soundcard's output.
    I got round this by using the snd-aloop module as advised - https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=97598
    To install the snd-aloop module you have to get the alsa-driver source file and compile with
    ./configure --with-cards=loopback
    This worked fine on kernel 2.6.32/33/34
    But on the latest kernel (.35) I get an error:-
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.35-ARCH/build SUBDIRS=/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23  CPP="gcc -E" CC="gcc" modules
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.35-ARCH'
      CC [M]  /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/memory_wrapper.o
      CC [M]  /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/memalloc.o
      CC [M]  /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/sgbuf.o
      CC [M]  /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/pcm.o
      CC [M]  /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/pcm_native.o
    /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/pcm_native.c: In function 'snd_pcm_hw_params':
    /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/pcm_native.c:489:2: error: implicit declaration of function 'pm_qos_remove_requirement'
    /usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/pcm_native.c:492:3: error: implicit declaration of function 'pm_qos_add_requirement'
    make[3]: *** [/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore/pcm_native.o] Error 1
    make[2]: *** [/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23/acore] Error 2
    make[1]: *** [_module_/usr/src/alsa-driver-1.0.23] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.35-ARCH'
    make: *** [compile] Error 2
    I am using alsa-driiver 1.0.23 - does anyone have any hints ?
    Last edited by yossarianuk (2010-08-20 23:14:01)

    you could add
    static inline void remove_acceptable_latency(char *name)
    static inline void set_acceptable_latency(char *name, s32 value)
    to the beginning of include/pm_qos_params_compat.h
    #include <pm_qos_params_compat.h>
    to the includes of acore/pcm_native.c
    and touch /include/linux/latency.h
    It compiles, but I can't say if it works, seems to be broken;)
    Real fixes have been commited to git (git clone git://git.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver.git alsa-driver)
    Last edited by DIDI2002 (2010-08-20 16:46:55)

  • Mac OS X Server, File Sharing, Permission

    Hi All,
              I’m trying to use Mac os X server Maverick in a small team within my
              organization. I was able to successfully install and setup the server, which
              resides in a local network. I did the following setup:
         1 )  Open Directory Setup
          2 )  File Sharing ,  /Users , available for home directory over AFP
          3 )  Created Network users with home folder pointing to /Users
          4 )  Bound Clients to the server
          5 )  XCode Server Setup with git repository
          Users now can login using their own account and their home folder 
          is loaded from the server. Unfortunately there  are issues. Clients are having permission issues,
          which we have never encountered on local machines before we switched to using XCode Server. 
          Here is a list of some of the issues so far 
          Xcode issues on client computer:
               a)   When creating a XCode project, it reports the error “Couldn’t not find build module Drawin” when clicking create
                 button.I found online a workaround fix that supposedly works, which is to set "Enable Modules (C and Objective C)"
                  to No. But we didn’t have to do this before using XCode server.
               b )  When committing to git repo , the following error happens “fatal: Repository has been updated ,
                    but unable to write to new_index. Check the disk is not full or quota is not exceeded ,
                    and then "git reset HEAD"   to recover”  Another work around we found online is to do on the client, 
                   cp index backup ; mv backup index
           We don’t want to have to do this every time we create a project, what could be wrong with the setup?

    You need to run Server Admin and click on the File Sharing icon at the top. Then click on Share Points, and Browse. You then browse to the folder you want to set the permissions on.
    You will see in the bottom half of the window the current permissions. While in theory you can use just POSIX permissions, Snow Leopard prefers using ACL permissions. So as an example to set a folder to be only accessible by members of a specific group and to deny access to everyone else you would do the following.
    Click on the + symbol at the bottom
    A window will open listing all your users and groups, click on groups at the top
    Find the special 'Everyone' group and drag it to the ACL section
    Find the group you want to give access to and also drag that to the ACL section but make sure it is above the Everyone group as higher setting override lower settings
    Set the Everyone group to Deny Read permission, this will prevent them being able to access this folder
    Set the group you do want to have access to Allow Read or Allow Read/Write, the first would let them only be able to read, the second also allows them to create files or modify files.
    Now click on the Save button in the bottom right.
    You might also want to click on the gear wheel symbol and choose 'Propagate permissions' if you want to apply these permissions to all the files and folders within this folder.

  • Distrib -e "Arch(org|code|pkgs|aur|forum|wiki|bugs|.*)?" -- thoughts

    design the output of every tool we use to look like merge-able chains in a DSCM.
    this is something i've been thinking about long before i came to Arch.  i want to see next-generation package/configuration/change management in a distributed distribution.
    I am familiar with git, and most of what i have tried is relating with it; however. it's only because i know much about it.  other possibilities would be bazaar?/mercurial/fossil/etc.  i like fossil; i have not tried it but it looks closest to what i want to achieve.  i don't think it could scale to the levels we'd need however.
    ) all PKGBUILD are DSCM (git/?) based
    ) bugs should ride along with software, and be merge-able when branches merge
    ) cryptographic signatures for each user
    ) wiki for each software
    ) forum "channels" for each software
    ) P2P sharing of SCM (blobs/trees/commits in git) units
    ) P2P sharing of common SCM (packs in git) pack
    ) P2P sharing of user configs and ABS build trees; each user may host their own binary/source repo, and sign their packages)
    ) P2P and distribution are good
    essentially, everything is a branch/tree and we use facilities of DSCM with a P2P layer above.  the arch servers could become another node in the system and a long term record keeping peer.  others could add servers.  you could open the wiki/bugs/etc offline, in a web browser, and merge later.  when you edit your PKGBUILDS, they can be forked by others and improved, maybe pushed to the core/community repos.  official repo builds could be signed by an official Arch GPG key.  bring everything as close to source as possible, and spread it out.
    this is completely brainstorming right now, but i have done some tricky cool stuff with git.  i want to keep all/most of the logic/information withing the git DAG (commit graph).  i think we could do neat stuff with the git index, git grafts, and several operations could safely be done in parallel.  we could do mapreduce type calculations on the "ArchNet" to get crazy statistics and visualizations.
    i intend to actually build something soon-ish-awhile.  right now im working on an app that can produce 3D visualizations in VPython from any kind of input stream... i want to hook that kind of stuff up and visualize the arch/linux/gnu/buzz.
    another offshoot project for me was to use VPython (that app is really fun) to navigate and manipulate git repositories in real time.  imagine visualizing your system in 3D while working on it.  like a 3D admin panel where you overlay others configs and entire systems on to your own to see what changes/etc. DSCM can do this.
    thoughts?  what other kinds of things could we do if everything Arch behaved like a P2P super-repository?
    Last edited by extofme (2010-02-14 01:34:37)

    Anntoin wrote:Some interesting ideas. But you need to start small first and make a proof of concept before you try and tackle everything. A detailed plan of how packages are handled and a basic implementation would be a start for example (still not a small job though), then testing the behaviours that you are interested with that framework. You have an idea where you want to go with this but you will need to focus on a few core features and show their benefit before anyone will consider this.
    ah yes of course.  the first step is getting a distributed index, and a "package" format (packages become fuzzy items, below/above); this will be realized in the form of:
    "AUR3 [aur-pyjs] implementation in python (pyjs) + JSON-RPC"
    i have a package in the AUR for that [aur-pyjs], but it's old as i haven't been able to update in awhile, and won't be until i secure a development job in my new city (next week hopefully).  aur-pyjs will be built on top of the concepts i have outlined in this thread, and will in time become prototype.  check it out; pretty neat even though it can't do much yet :-).  soon though, i will update the package, and it will then be able to run as a native python desktop app (pyjamas allows the same code to run as a website or a desktop app).  at that point, it will be trivial to implement connectivity to the old AUR/repos, and we will in effect have a pacman+aur replacement.  from there i will tackle bugs+forum, of which there are already several implementations on top of DSCM sub-systems to research and learn from.
    stefanwilkens wrote:
    Dieter@be wrote:Interesting ideas, I think i like them.
    but trying to store too many big files (ie package files) inside a VCS seems like a bad idea.  space requirements will be much bigger then what we have now, unless you make the VCS "forget" about older versions or something...
    mostly this.
    the base of what you're proposing is a tremendous amount of data that would never be touched after a new version is released, how do your suggestions fit the rolling release model. Especially relatively large packages updated with high frequency (nvidia binary drivers, for instance) could cause the space requirement to increase rapidly unless moderated.
    packages are not stored in the DSCM, their contents are.  the package itself is simply a top-level tree object in git, linking to all other trees and blobs comprising the package state, and a reference to said tree.  this means everything and anything that is common between _any_ package and _any_ version will be reused; if ten unrelated packages reference the same file, only one copy will ever exist; blobs are the same.  however, some packages may indeed create gigantic, singular blob type objects that always change, and this will be addressed (next...).
    git compresses the individual objects itself, in gz format; this could be changed to use the xz format, or anything else.  it also generates pack files full of differentiated objects, also compressed. it would not always be necessary to have the full history of a package (if you look somewhere above, i breifly touch this point with various "kinds" of packages, some capable of source rebuild, some capable of becoming any past source/binary version, some a single version/binary only, etc.).  you would not have to retain all versions of "packages" if you did not want, but you could retrieve them at anytime so long as their components existed somewhere on the network.  servers could be set up to provide all packs, all version, effectively and automatically performing the intended duty of the "arch rollback machine".  the exact mechanism is not defined yet, but it will likely involve some sort of SHA routing protocol, to resolve missing chunks.
    git's data model is stupid simple; structures can be created to represent a package, it's history, it's bugs/status, and it's information (wiki/etc.), in an independent way so they do not depend on each other, but still relate to each other, and possess knowledge of how to "complete" and find each other.  it will not be structured in the typical way git is used now.  unfortunately this is very low level git stuff, and difficult to explain properly, so i won't go there; just know that ultimately the system will only pull the objects you need to fulfill the directive you gave it, and there will be rules to control your object cache.  your object cache can then be used to fulfill the requests of others; ie. P2P.
    since git itself is in a rather poor state when it comes to bindings, i will be using the pure python git library, dulwich, instead.  while in time this could be changed to use proper bindings, or some bits written as C modules, it's possible pypy will make all that unnecessary.  i don't need anything git core offers except its data structures and concepts; although, i intend to make the entire system (adding bugs/updating packages/editing wiki/editing forum/etc.) _completely_ 100% accessible from a basic git client.  for example, you could write a post in the forum by "committing" to a special branch; you could search the entire wiki, and its history from the terminal while installing; you could add a bug, and link a patch to it, directly usable and buildable by others for testing; this could all be done offline, and pushed once a connection was available... this will lead to all sorts of interesting paths...
    in one super run-on sentence:
    i intend to construct a "social", 100% distributed distribution platform, where everyone is a [potentially] contributing node and has [nearly] full access to all informations, each node's contributions are cryptographically verifiable, each node may easily participate in testing/discussion or lend computing resources, each node may republish variations of any object or collection under their own signature, each node may "track" or "follow" any number of signatures with configurable aggressiveness (no such thing as "official repos"; your personal "repo" is the unique overlay of other nodes you trust, and by proxy some nodes they trust; "official repos" degrade into an Arch signature, a Debian signature, Fedora, etc.), and finally, do all of this is a way that is agnostic to the customized distribution (or other package managers) above it, or it's goals, and eventually spread to other distros, thus creating a monstrous pool of shared bandwidth, space, ideas, and workload, whilst at the same time converging user/developer/tester/vendor/packager/contributor/etc. toward: person.
    piece of cake
    C Anthony
    Last edited by extofme (2010-09-11 05:23:46)

  • FF 29 What's New/Committed to privacy page keeps opening

    The What's New/Committed to privacy page keeps opening. Windows 7 for the OS. Things I have tried:
    Delete user.js and prefs.js. Didn't fix the issue.
    Set browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone to ignore both via about:config and directly editing prefs.js (one at a time, and both at the same time). Didn't fix the issue. It just overwrote that when FF opened the next time.
    Set prefs.js to read only after changing the mstone setting. Same thing, it still opened even though the file was read only and said ignore.
    This is not a home page issue. I don't have multiple home pages, the what's new page is not in my home page, I'm not saving open tabs, etc.
    Here is my support info:
    Application Basics
    Name: Firefox
    Version: 29.0.1
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
    Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
    All Crash Reports
    Name: Adblock Plus
    Version: 2.6.3
    Enabled: true
    ID: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}
    Name: Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon
    Version: 0.9.2
    Enabled: true
    ID: [email protected]
    Name: CS Lite Mod
    Version: 1.4.9
    Enabled: true
    ID: [email protected]
    Name: Download Status Bar
    Version: 10.0.0
    Enabled: true
    ID: {6c28e999-e900-4635-a39d-b1ec90ba0c0f}
    Name: Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
    Version: 1.3
    Enabled: true
    ID: [email protected]
    Name: external IP
    Enabled: true
    ID: [email protected]
    Name: FireFTP
    Version: 2.0.19
    Enabled: true
    ID: {a7c6cf7f-112c-4500-a7ea-39801a327e5f}
    Name: Forecastfox
    Version: 2.2.4
    Enabled: true
    ID: {0538E3E3-7E9B-4d49-8831-A227C80A7AD3}
    Name: IE Tab
    Version: 4.0.20130422
    Enabled: true
    ID: {77b819fa-95ad-4f2c-ac7c-486b356188a9}
    Name: IE View
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    Version: 6.5
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    ID: {F003DA68-8256-4b37-A6C4-350FA04494DF}
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    ID: [email protected]
    Name: NoScript
    Enabled: true
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    Version: 3.5.1
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    Name: Password Exporter
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    Version: 3.2
    Enabled: true
    ID: the-addon-bar@GeekInTraining-GiT
    Name: WebEx Productivity Tools
    Version: 2.0
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    Name: Windows Media Player Extension for Firefox
    Version: 1.1
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    Version: 4.2.1
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    Enabled: false
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    Important Modified Preferences
    accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0
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    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 6
    browser.search.openintab: true
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    Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.16 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.16
    Version in use: 3.16

    HI prospero63,
    Thank you for your question, there is a new update going out today, version 30. IF the privacy page is set for your homepage you can change this, however in the new version this campaign is no longer on the start up. You can click do not show again as well.

  • [SOLVED] Best practice on updating git-sourced packages?

    So quick question. Im maintaining an AUR package that grabs sources from git. How should I update the package? Will the package be automatically updated when the git repo has new commits, or do I have to manually increment the pkgrel variable in the PKGBUILD or is there something else I should be doing?
    Last edited by Zygote (2014-04-03 07:04:44)

    Zygote wrote:Im maintaining an AUR package that grabs sources from git. How should I update the package?
    As a maintainer, you shouldn't "update" anything. As long as the PKGBUILD file successfully builds the package then it's good!
    Will the package be automatically updated when the git repo has new commits
    No, it will not. There is nothing automatic about the AUR.
    do I have to manually increment the pkgrel variable in the PKGBUILD or is there something else I should be doing?
    Updating a package that relies on git is the responsibility of the end user.
    As an end user, it's my responsibility to read the project's commit messages and mailing lists and bug reports, decide that the software is stable, and when I have enough time, run "makepkg" (or an AUR helper) to create a fresh new package based on the latest source code from the git repository.

  • Libgit2 Error - Trying to checkout/clone a git repository with Visual Studio Tools for Git

    I'm trying to clone a branch from our git repository using Visual Studio Tools for Git. I'm doing the following:
    1. We have a local server that stores all our repositories and they are tracked using GIT+Stash
    2. I create a subbranch B1 from master in repository X using stash
    3. Stash will give me a URL in the form http://user@stash:7990/src/x/repository.git
    4. I go to Visual Studio (where I already installed Visual Studio Tools for Git) and follow the instructions to clone this branch to my local machine using the procedure as described in: Open and Clone a Git team project http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh850445.aspx#remote_3rd_party_connect_clone
    5. Visual studio shows the following error: An error occurred. Detailed message: An error was raised by libgit2. Category = Zlib (Error).
    Failed to inflate packfile
    What is libgit2? Is there anything I should change in my settings or paths? The only workaround I have found for this issue is to clone my branch through Source Tree (third party tool) and then open visual studio, then any other functionality will be fine
    (e.g. commits, push, sync, pull etc, all this I can do directly from Visual Studio)... but why can't I clone from Visual Studio?
    - We're not using TFS (i.e. we only use Git and I'm effectively trying to do the step found in this URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh850445.aspx#remote_3rd_party_connect_clone)
    - We use Atlassian Stash (installed in our servers) to create the repositories and branches
    - I'm using Visual Studio 2012

    Hi David,
    I am sorry that I can't reproduce your issue on my machine. I can't set the shared folder path (\\DEVELOPMENT) as local path, but I can set D:\folder which maps to the
    \\DEVELOPMENT path as the local path.
    Maybe you can submit one feedback on the Microsoft Connect site here above your issue:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • TFS GIT HTTPS Push Problem

    Hi everyone,
    we have a problem with TFS 2013/ GIT and HTTPS Push. From Visual Studio, pushing large commits is quite fine, using GIT Bash it results in:
    Accept-Encoding: gzip
    Content-Type: application/x-git-receive-pack-request
    Accept: application/x-git-receive-pack-result
    Content-Length: 35005416
    * SSL read: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0), errno 10053
    * Closing connection 2
    efrror: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 401
    atal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
    Everything up-to-date
    The following overview shows what I already tested:
    HTTP (Push commit > 30MB to TFS 2013)
    Visual Studio 2013
    GIT Bash 1.9.5            
    OK       (Installation via WebInstaller using Visual Studio 2013 itself!)
    HTTPS (Push commit > 30MB to TFS 2013)
    Visual Studio 2013      
    GIT Bash 1.9.5            
    NOK     (Installation via WebInstaller using Visual Studio 2013 itself!)
    GIT Bash 1.9.5            
    NOK     (Default-GIT-Installation from git-scm.org)
    GIT Bash 1.8.0            
    OK       (Default-GIT-Installation from git-scm.org)
    HTTPS (Push commit > 30MB to Apache / OpenSSL / git-http-backend)
    Visual Studio 2013      
    not tested
    GIT Bash 1.9.5            
    OK       (Installation via WebInstaller using Visual Studio 2013 itself!)
    GIT Bash 1.9.5            
    OK       (Default-GIT-Installation from git-scm.org)
    We would like to use the commandline to automate a few things, but that's currently not possible :-(
    Any hints?
    Thank you,

    Hi Tom,
    I'd like to know whether you push the same commit by using Git bash "1.9.5" and "1.8.0", and more specific size of the commit.
    You can check whether it works if you use a parameter of postbuffer in your command. Check this
    thread for more information. Another option is check whether downgrade to use Git Bash "1.8.0" is possible. However, you can also check with
    Git site to see if it's related to the version of Git Bash "1.9.5".
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Git extention for SQL Developer 3

    I try to use SQL Developer and I want to use Git for versioning. At first I want to know from where I can download git extention and the second I want to know how can I setup the git repository and set the ssh remote.

    Tanx Jeff, by the way I set the repository by try and error, but I cant add a "procedures" to stage for committing and pushing to my repository yet. Is there any way to do that?

  • Can't build empathy-git from the AUR

    I'm using empathy-devel (2.7.5) is quite stable~ and it supports video chat and audio chat for gtalk, which works even better than pidgin 2.6.1(with video and audio enabled when compiling).
    Using empathy-devel (2.7.5) can't hear the voice from the other side. But the person on the other side can hear me~ (The other side was using google chrome with gtalk plugin for gmail under windows system.) 
    this happen to my friend who is a archlinux user too.
    I don't know if this is a bug or we are missing something to recieve the sound from the other side.
    So, I tried to install empathy-git and empathy-devel( I edited the PKGBUILD to the newest version, see if it works better~
    Unfortunately, I failed to compile both version of empathy above.
    I got the same error when compiling~~(not the dependecy check in the PKGBUILD)
    configure: error: gnome-doc-utils >= 0.17.3 not found
    I've already installed gnome-common-svn gnome-doc-utils-svn.
    1. Now i have no idea how to get the latest empathy installed on my system.
    2. And if being unable to hear the other's voice is not a bug of empathy (2.7.5), what can I do to make it works properly.
    Please give me a hand~
    Thank you so much!

    you have to update gnome-doc-utils using abs to that version. i believe that they are preparing for gnome 2.28 release. also you need to use telepathy-mission-control-5 from aur.
    like a side note. gnome-doc-utils-svn is not even used anymore. they migrated to git so in svn nobody commited anything.
    Last edited by wonder (2009-08-28 07:58:09)

  • Can't build emerald-git

    Can someone help me building emerald-git from AUR. I know it is flagged as "out of date" but this should not be problem building it. I know the process of makepkg but i just can't build this PKGBUILD. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=11539
    Error output when compiling the package:
    main.c:3044:11: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
    main.c: In function ‘update_switcher_window’:
    main.c:3242:9: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
    main.c:3291:11: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast [enabled by default]
    mv -f .deps/engine_loader.Tpo .deps/engine_loader.Po
    main.c: In function ‘main’:
    main.c:5620:5: error: too few arguments to function ‘decor_set_dm_check_hint’
    /usr/include/compiz/decoration.h:462:1: note: declared here
    make[2]: *** [main.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/saso/Downloads/emerald-git/src/emerald-build/src'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/saso/Downloads/emerald-git/src/emerald-build'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

    I think, this is due to Emerald being discontinued. The packages version is of 2007, the last commit in the git repo is of mid 2010 with three code commits since the beginning of 2009 (everything else are just version bumps and translation updates): http://gitweb.compiz.org/?p=fusion/deco … ;a=summary So I'm not really surprised that something is broken now...

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