Microsoft word looks grainy

I have the retina display and my microsoft word program looks grainy. How come? Can this be fixed?

The latset version of MS Office 2011 for Mac, 14.2.5, has added support for Retina. Make certain that you have the latest version installed, via the Help menu in any Office app, and you'll be able to have Retina-quaility in all of your Office apps.
Good luck,

Similar Messages

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    I need to be able to copy/paste documents into the body of an email and have them look exactly like the original document.  I could always do this on my PC using Microsoft Word.  And all writers submitting work to agents do this.   I just tried it with Apple's Pages and when I pasted it into the body of the email, the document looked totally different . . . no double spacing, no paragraphing  etc.  Even when I exported the document to Word, I copy/pasted it into an email and it looked totally different.  I suspect Apple's version of Word does not perform like the real Word in all circumstances . . . Before I go out and buy Word and put it on my Apple, I would like to know if anyone else has had this issue and how they may have dealt with it.  Thanks.

    Drag and drop the file into the email, the formatting will be retained when it is opened by the recipient.

  • Dante font used in manuscript - when I try to save as a pdf document in Microsoft Word whole pages change their look, with wide gaps forming between certain paragraphs or sections. This does not happen with other fonts.

    Dante font used in manuscript … when I try to save as a pdf document in Microsoft Word whole pages change their look, with wide gaps forming between certain paragraphs or sections. This does not happen with other fonts.

    OK, we've got it!
    What is happening is that when you use Microsoft's save as PDF in Word, the font isn't embedded even though the font is tagged to allow embedding. Furthermore, Microsoft doesn't properly put the font name into the PDF file such that Acrobat or Reader can readily find the font installed on your system such that the text can be properly displayed and/or printed. Acrobat and Reader attempt to display and/or print the text using a “substitution font” and of course, as they say, YMMV (“your mileage may vary”)!
    I personally submitted the report of this problem (both the embedding and the font name problem) to Microsoft. They acknowledge the bug, tried a fix and provided me a build with it, but it wasn't right. Maybe they will ultimately fix it, maybe they won't. We don't know yet. We do know that if it is fixed, it will be fixed only for Office 2013 (problem occurs with all Office applications since they use the same PDF generation code) and thus such a fix won't help you.
    Adobe Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro  both provide an Adobe PDFMaker plug-in to Office applications (including full support for Office 2010) that adds an Acrobat Toolbar as well as a Save as Adobe PDF menu item. The resultant PDF file fully supports embedding of OpenType CFF, TrueType, and Type 1 fonts and in many other ways produces much superior PDF with a full range of PDF generation options not available with the Microsoft PDF. (Note that beginning with Office 2013, Microsoft does not support Type 1 fonts in Office documents at all, even for existing documents!) The Acrobat Office functions are widely used and respected in the end user community and whatever “issues” there are (all software has “issues” of some type - it is a matter of how many and how severe), you should be in much better shape for PDF production that with what you currently are using.
    Good luck and let us know if this resolves your problems. (Note that you can download and install a free fully-functional 30 trial of Acrobat Pro to assure that it meets your needs! You can then buy a license and activate what you already have installed.)
              - Dov

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    I played around and actually solved the problem myself. The bottom left corner, i had to switch to the Print Layout View. Previously it was in Draft mode.

  • Have replaced the normal.dotm in Windows 8 in %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\ and in %appdata%\Microsoft\Word\Startup. None of my customizations have come over. Keeps reverting to default. Where else can I look?

    None of the above helps. Brand new computer and I want my normal.dotm to populate. Have copied it into all the know locations but when I open word it is still the default template which has none of my autotext, or toolbars.

    The first path (%appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\) looks correct. I have tried this on my own computer and that works for me. Not sure what’s the root problem, but please follow my steps exactly below and try again to see if it works this time:
    1.Navigate to %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\
    2.Rename existing Normal.dotm to a different name, say Normal.dotm.old.
    3.Copy your own Normal.dotm file to %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates\
    Please then close and restart Word to see if it works this time.

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    Word opens fine in other browsers.
    The web link, ending in doc, appears at the bottom of the page - but Firefox just stays on the original page.

    Ok, when you go to the Content menu, you see a list of files which are set to open with a particular program by default.
    To change the application, click the one which is assigned to it already and then from the dropdown menu which appears, click the bottom option called "Use Other".
    This will open a menu where you'll see another set of apps you can use to open the file with. If Microsoft Word is not in the list, click the "Browse" button and then navigate to the folder containing Word.exe. I don't have it on my system, but I believe you'll find it in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Word

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    Microsoft Office for Mac Home and Student 2011 Family Pack
    Microsoft Office for Mac Home and Business 2011 - 1 license
    Microsoft Office for Mac Home and Business 2011 - 2 installs
    Or you could use pages ( MAc Program).
    iWork Family Pack

  • Adobe does not recognize footers in Microsoft Word 2007 to PDF

    I have copied and pasted the details, below, from a previous message I have sent out to an assistive technology listserv.
    I am encountering this problem with various builds and versions of Adobe Acrobat:
    Acrobat X on a Windows Vista 64-bit build (note that this is the best Acrobat I can install on Windows Vista, Adobe Reader XI is not even supported)
    Acrobat X on a Windows XP build, sorry, do not know the bit count (it is my work computer so I can't upgrade anything)
    Acrobat 9 on a Windows 7 64-bit build.
    I have also encountered and checked into whether or not the PDF reads (and does what I want it to) in JAWS 14, latest update (Feb 2013). We encounter the same problem with JAWS and this morning found out that there is a conversion error between Word and Adobe. (See this post, where the ---- are).
    Summary, I have spoken with JAWS, put out a support ticket with NVDA via e-mail, spoken with Microsoft, and tried to communicate with Adobe about this issue for help and Adobe is refusing to help. The other places tried everything they knew but they could not get it to work. I even tried to strip all the page numbers from Word and number using Adobe's page numbering feature, but that was not successful either because I cannot use Roman numerals.
    I would appreciate any feedback the Adobe Forums can give me; please note that I cannot post a sample document at this time as the only document I have is a private work document (cannot share those by policy, so I will have to make up a fake document if I get the time and energy).
    Thank you very much for your time and expertise. The pertient info is above and below in "Original Message" and "Activities section" - the other information is there if you'd like to look. And to provide feedback to Adobe about things I think they could improve, since they will not let me email them directly.
    ----Original Message----
    My question concerns the reading of Footers / Headers in Microsoft Word 2007 and Adobe Acrobat (headers/footers designed in Microsoft Word 2007 and then converted to PDF with "Bookmark" checked in Adobe Acrobat conversion settings).
    The document is a word document containing 50+ pages. There are 12 pages of "front matter" that are marked with Roman numerals. Subsequently, the body text of the document has an Arabic number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) in the bottom right corner. Footers are used properly in the document. All Table of Contents links, which do link to both headings in the "front matter" and to headings in the body text, are picked up properly. Literately, the only thing not reading on the document are page numbers (the Word Status bar is reading its page numbers, but the page numbers in the footer are not reading).
    I then need to convert the document to Adobe Acrobat PDF. Granted, I have a full copy of Adobe Acrobat X available to me, and my various assistive technologies have always functioned better when opened directly in Acrobat (rather than Adobe Reader). So, I set the accessibility options (from Word) properly, asking it to bookmark Headers and Footers as appropriate, thinking that this will pick up the page numbers and make them read as the bottom right corner of my PDF.
    All links work in Adobe to navigate by section/heading. All figures are alt tagged. Everything is perfect - but the one thing that NVDA won't read are the page numbers. Visually, the page numbers are there on the document, but NVDA won't pick them up. Additionally, I also changed the appropriate page numbers in Adobe (Page Thumbnail Pane, on the Navigation Pane I believe it is called) - to reflect the section where it is Roman numerals and Arabic numerals. This did not help, and for what it is worth, I cannot get NVDA to voice when I am in this pane, so I don't seem to have a chance of getting the page number info from there.
    NVDA reads the document just fine except for the above-mentioned snare. However, when it reads, it will go to the next page, and say, "Page 2 of 54, (page text), Page 3 of 54 (page text)," etc. when I will need it to say Page ii of 54 (page text), Page iii of 54 (page text)," and so on, changing to "Page 1" when the Arabic numbers are used.
    I know that the Page Label issue is part of Adobe's issue, with them not releasing the PageLabel aspect. (I have looked through some NVDA tickets). I do not know how to put a "changeset" into my copy of NVDA though, or even if it would help (I have no computer scripting skill). The easy answer would be to upgrade to Adobe Reader XI and see if that helps, but I don't have the ability to put it on every computer I use, and *I need this file to read consistently across multiple versions of Adobe* (including Adobe Reader/Acrobat 9, X, and XI). (This file is also going out to people who may not have the latest version of Adobe, but are also running some copy of NVDA, either a portable or a full install).
    Is there any way to pick up the Footers with page numbers voicing in NVDA, and/or have it read the user-editable page number box that is on Adobe's Toolbar (next to the 1 of 54 parentheses). This user-editable box, to jump to page numbers, reflects the Roman numerals I have loaded into the pages of Adobe. When I press Ctrl+Shift+N in Adobe, I can also go to the appropriate page (if I type in iii, it will take me to iii, if I type in 34, it will take me to the Arabic number 34 -- NOT the 34 of 54, which would land me on a different page. And I want to land on the page that has the Arabic 34, so that's functioning fine.
    I just need the page numbers in the footer to voice, "Page iii," or "Page iv," or "Page 29," etc. If I could get NVDA to do that, I could say to viewers of this document, "If you are using NVDA, remember to Ctrl+Shift+N to get the GoTo Box, then type in the page number you want if you cannot follow a link or a bookmark." This document is *very* accessible in my opinion with lots of ways to navigate...the only aspect of navigation that isn't being picked up are those footer page numbers!
    I do have my Document Formatting settings on the NVDA menu set to "Report Headers," but that does not seem to help in either Microsoft Word 2007 or Adobe Acrobat. I have even switched the page numbers from the footer to the header to see if that would help and it didn't.
    ----Activities I have done today----
    I spent over an hour on the phone today with Freedom Scientific (makers of JAWS) trying to troubleshoot this. We discovered that Footers will not read very well in JAWS and Microsoft Word 2007 (only solution is to stop reading document text and read Virtual Viewer text briefly, then go back out to document text, then back into Virtual Viewer which is NOT an acceptable or accessible solution whatsoever -- too much work for someone trying to read the document) -- and then we also discovered that:
    Upon conversion from Word 2007 to .txt file (.docx to .txt), there are no alt tags for the figures in the document, or page numbers.
    Upon conversion from Word 2007 to Adobe Acrobat X then to .txt file, every insert of a page number and footer is replaced with the same alt numberpad numerical code: the one that generates female. ♀No wonder JAWS and NVDA are skipping this, neither understand how to communicate it.
    On the advice of JAWS Technical Support I contacted Microsoft Accessibility Technical Support and spent an hour on the phone with them. They say that unless Adobe can find a solution, it appears that it is impossible for Microsoft products to read the footer if JAWS was unsuccessful doing what I wanted it to do. The document/footer in question includes about 12 pages of front matter (numbered in Roman numerals) and 44 pages of body text (numbered in Arabic numerals).
    I kindly explained to the Microsoft Support Agent that I found this issue hard to believe, although I understood. Sighted folks have the ability to make their documents look quite professional and that is the caliber and quality of documents anticipated from everyone, especially college students graduating from school, or job applicants. That a coding issue prevents the footer from being read properly, except in Edit view, is disappointing. The representative was with me 100% of the way. She completely understood where I came from. And yes, when I am designing the document myself, I know what I put there (or I pretty much do, anyway). But if I recieve a document, it is much harder to tell what is really there or not, or how the page numbers really lay. And this is confusing as heck, believe me.
    I then called Adobe Technical Support, after having a brief online chat with them. Granted, I had to leave the chat in the middle because I got interuptted by something that was high-priority, but the woman chatting from Adobe says that chat is only for installation issues, and I will have to pay to open a support ticket. Excuse me? I have paid a hefty sum of money for Adobe Acrobat 9 and Adobe Acrobat X (work paid for the other Acrobat X copy). I deserve this problem to be troubleshooted for free. There was even a statement on the Adobe Acrobat X website that said Acrobat X users didn't have to pay for support, but Reader users did.
    ----Slight bit of rant and constructive criticism----
    In speaking with Adobe Technical Support, I had to wait on hold for 30 minutes before my call was answered, and then I had to consent to being on hold countless times and had to answer, "Yes, I am converting from Word 2007 to PDF using Adobe Acrobat X" at least 6 times. The representative would put me on hold, then ask me the question, then put me on hold again, repeated 6 times over 45 minutes. At the end of 45 minutes (1 hour and 20 minutes of wasted time by now, that I must justify to my employer) - I told the representative I wanted to speak with his supervisor immediately, I did not care if he was trying to fill out a support ticket (and putting me on hold at least 4 more times in 10 minutes while he claimed he was filling out the support ticket) - and finally he put me on hold again and gave me to a very helpful supervisor. Within 6 minutes of speaking with the supervisor the supervisor had my support ticket filled out and I should recieve a call from Adobe within the next 30 minutes if his estimation was right (he estimated two hours, but it's been an hour and a half).
    I have yet to know what can be done about my document. Freedom Scientific Technical Support is closed now for the day and I need to work tomorrow and Friday away from the phone. As I stated to Microsoft Accessibility Support, I truly feel that Adobe should read the page footers, every document says that Adobe should be able to read the page footers, and I feel slighted that as a person who uses assistive technology, there is some glitch that isn't making this happen. I am not blaming a specific place per se, except I am a little frustrated with Adobe especially since they have not gotten back to me, and I am frustrated with their customer service. JAWS customer service and Microsoft customer service were both exemparly, and I cannot say enough good things about them. My wasted time with Adobe however, that was disrespect in my opinion. And I certainly will not pay to open a support ticket, and my workplace has a site license. They've paid enough already.
    If you've read this far, thank you. I look forward to replies, or at least understanding. And if anyone has ideas, I'd appreciate it very much (yes, I have tried taking the page numbers off and using Adobe's page number feature, but that would not allow Roman numerals. Only Arabic.).

    Greetings NoNameGiven,
    If I understand the problem correctly (I’m not sure I do) you would prefer ‘iii’ to be read as “eye eye eye” rather than “three”? The alt text property is the only way that I know of to make this happen. Hope this helps.
    a ‘C’ student

  • Robohelp is unable to start Microsoft Word - one more time

    I read the previous post on this error and though the message is the same, I do not think the circumstances are.
    I am using xp prof, office 2010 (recently installed), and after that I recently d/l Robohelp 9 from the website.
    I am having many problems involving this message, but I set out today to get the simplest problem i could.
    So, i opened RH 9 from the start menu/all programs. I selected 'new project' and filled in the title and file name (project2_title, project2_file)
    The RH explorer opens.  Word 2010 opens.  The RH explorer still has an hourglass.  After 1-2 minutes, the hourglass is gone and the error message 'Robohelp is unable to start Microsoft Word' appears.
    I click 'ok'
    Hourglass, blanked out RH explorer which eventually does return.
    I click ctrl_t for a new topic, get the dialog, accept the defaults,  and eventually the hour glass goes away and I have the same error message.
    I click ok and i do not have the new topic when i expand the topic list.
    When i first started this, i was able to add a topic, but no longer. (last week was when i started).
    I have also tried to open the existing topic that was created using rh7 and having opened it, tried generating primary layout.  I got an error file with an error for almost every topic. (But this can be the next problem).
    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Hello Miriam Schneidmill,
    You can try this workaround.
    First of all close Robohelp Word
    Go to    C:\Users\Username\AppData\Microsoft\Templates
    and look for and just rename that file extension to old, ggod or anything you wish, say Robohelp.bad.
    Then close this.
    Now try to open Robohelp Word and see are you facing the same issue or not?
    Hope it helps!!!
    Thank you

  • Saving only a portion of a Microsoft Word template into a new document using LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit

    I have a Microsoft Word template I want to populate programmatically with test data. The template contains both explanatory text and a data sheet section with test data placeholders (bookmarks). Using the Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office, I have been able to successfully populate the placeholders with data and save the results into a new Microsoft Word document. The problem is the new Word document contains not only the test data but also the explanatory text that was in the original document template. Ideally, I would like to have the generated document contain just the test data without the accompanying text. Is it possible to do this usi
    ng the Report Generation Toolkit?

    Hello Ryan,
    Two easy options come to mind.
    1. You may want to consider using an �ink annotation� instead of regular text for your explanation.
    2. You can programmatically do a find and replace on the explanatory text. Have LabVIEW find the whole paragraph, and replace it with nothing.
    If none of these suggestions help, or if I�m not correctly understanding your issue, please reply with comments or answers to the discussion above and any additional information that may help, and I�ll be happy to look further into it.
    Have a nice day!
    Robert Mortensen
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Robert Mortensen
    Software Engineer
    National Instruments

  • I have Microsoft Word for Mac 2011, version 14.3.1.  When I try to open a document, an error occurs, says file type is "blocked from opening in this version."  This was NOT immediately after a version update.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

    I have Microsoft Word for Mac 2011, version 14.3.1.  When I try to open a document, an error occurs, says file type is "blocked from opening in this version."  This was NOT immediately after a version update.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

    Take a look here:
    If that doesn't help, I'd suggest you take up the question in Microsoft's own forums or with Microsoft support.

  • Can you use microsoft word on an ipad 2 for free and how?

    my family and friends tell me I can do my coursework on the ipad2 and use Microsoft word. Is it true and how do I set it up and download it

    You can't use Microsoft Word on the iPad because of the different operating system but you can have a look at the following apps. s=1 s=1

  • How can I use microsoft word, power point and those apps in my new iMac ? i bought this iMac yesterday so am new on tho and i would like to know

    how can I use microsoft word, power point and those apps in my new iMac ? i bought this iMac yesterday so am new on tho and i would like to know

    If you absolutely must have the Microsoft applications, you can purchase and download them from
    Free software suites LibreOffice and OpenOffice offer similar functionality (word processing and spreadsheets).
    Or you could do worse than look at Apple's Pages, Numbers and Keynote, which should already be installed in your Mac and can export to Microsoft formats if need be.

  • Can I use Microsoft Word on an iPad

    Can you use Microsoft Word on an iPad, and send the documents as a word fil via email?

    Have a look at the following: s=1 s=1

  • How can I customize Microsoft Word Outline Numbered List Templates with AppleScript?

    I wrote an applescript to set up a word document with the appropriate styles to give the document an academic setup, much like what Xelatex produces. This is a work in progress and I have a problem.
    I have successfully applied the style changes to each Header and I have applied the desired outline numbered list template "list template 5 of list gallery 3", however I would like to add tab stops to each one in order to make each header look slick like in Latex.
    To do what I want manually in Microsoft Word 2011 mac I would click Bullets and Numbering, customize, under text position i would check the tab stop box and put in some value (1 cm, for example)
    The following is an approximation of the result of running this script on a document with headings 1-9 applied consequently to each line, respectively. Note how they are not even. I think this is an issue with the template, but I want to be able to run this script on any mac without extra template files.
    1    Heading 1
    1.1    Heading 2
    1.1.1    Heading 3    Heading 4    Heading 5 Heading 6        Heading 7 8 Heading 9
    Here is the script so far:
    Academic Paper Setup
    Copyright © 2012 macmadness86
    Just kidding there is no copyright. Open Source rules!
    You may use this code however you like. It would be nice
    if you made reference to the original code when sharing.
    find a fix for changing font color of headings without hardcoding it.
    fix headings 4-9
    (*<Properties to be set by the user*)
    --number suffix corresponds to heading 1, heading 2, etc.
    --NOTE: To change the coloring of headings, it must be hardcoded. must find a fix.
    property fontName1 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName2 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName3 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName4 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName5 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName6 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName7 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName8 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontName9 : "CMU Serif Roman"
    property fontSize1 : 15
    property fontSize2 : 14
    property fontSize3 : 13
    property fontSize4 : 12
    property fontSize5 : 12
    property fontSize6 : 12
    property fontSize7 : 12
    property fontSize8 : 12
    property fontSize9 : 12
    property boldTF : true
    property italicTF : false
    property highlightTF : false
    (*Properties to be set by the user>*)
    tell application "Microsoft Word"
        tell active document
            (*<normal code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style normal to "CMU Serif Roman"
            set font size of font object of Word style style normal to 12
            set bold of font object of Word style style normal to false
            set italic of font object of Word style style normal to false
            set color index of font object of Word style style normal to black
            (*normal code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 1 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading1 to fontName1
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading1 to fontSize1
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading1 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading1 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading1 to black
            --set paragraph format left indent of paragraph format of Word style style heading1 to (centimeters to points centimeters 0) --indent sections relative to margin
            --set tab stop position of tab stop of Word style style heading1 to (centimeters to points centimeters 1)
            --set tab hanging indent of paragraph format of Word style style heading1 to count 1
            (*heading 1 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 2 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading2 to fontName2
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading2 to fontSize2
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading2 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading2 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading2 to black
            (*heading 2 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 3 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading3 to fontName3
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading3 to fontSize3
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading3 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading3 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading3 to black
            (*heading 3 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 4 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading4 to fontName4
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading4 to fontSize4
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading4 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading4 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading4 to black
            (*heading 4 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 5 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading5 to fontName5
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading5 to fontSize5
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading5 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading5 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading5 to black
            (*heading 5 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 6 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading6 to fontName6
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading6 to fontSize6
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading6 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading6 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading6 to black
            (*heading 6 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 7 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading7 to fontName7
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading7 to fontSize7
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading7 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading7 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading7 to black
            (*heading 7 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 8 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading8 to fontName8
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading8 to fontSize8
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading8 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading8 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading8 to black
            (*heading 8 code BLOCK>*)
            (*<heading 9 code BLOCK*)
            set name of font object of Word style style heading9 to fontName9
            set font size of font object of Word style style heading9 to fontSize9
            set bold of font object of Word style style heading9 to boldTF
            set italic of font object of Word style style heading9 to italicTF
            set color index of font object of Word style style heading9 to black
            (*heading 9 code BLOCK>*)
        end tell
        (*<apply numbering to the sections code BLOCK*)
        set selFind to find object of selection --selects text of execute find command
        clear formatting selFind --reset selFind just to make sure
        set style of selFind to style heading1 --set style we are looking for
        execute find selFind find text "" wrap find find continue with find format and match forward
        if found of selFind is true then
            --display dialog (get content of text object of selection) --for debugging only
            (*<code BLOCK word__set paragraph style*)
            --I apply the formatting to the previously found text
            set myLT to list template 5 of list gallery 3 of active document
            apply list format template (list format of text object of selection) ¬
                list template myLT
        end if
        (*Apply numbering to the sections code BLOCK>*)
    end tell

    I figured it out . Just in case anyone else wants to know the script is below:
    tell application "Microsoft Word"
        set myTable to table 1 of selection
        convert to text myTable separator separate by tabs
    end tell

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  • IF operator as short-circuit not working in SSRS

    I have used IF operator as short circuit, like IF(expression, arg1, arg2) and this works in SSRS report when I do preview the report in visual studio 2012 however when I try to upload it on Report Server 2008 it gives me below error  "There is an err

  • Wls 12.1.3 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/dms/console/DMSConsole

    Hi, I have a basic maven application created using oracle WebLogic Maven Plugin. Application uses UCP and I am logging UCP connection details in the application.  Application is deployed to wls 12.1.3  ( JDK jdk1.8.0_45 )  and it gives java.lang.NoCl


    Here is the go folks this is a pice of code which I was helped with by a member of this forum, THANX HEAPS DUDE. What has happened now is the criteria is changed, previously it would search for a string in the vector. But now I have to have searches

  • Google map not loading in Safari

    My embedded google map will not load in Safari. Will load in all other browsers just not Safari.