MIDP 2.0: Positioning the caret

Deep joy.
On the Sun emulator, I can position the text insertion caret into a text field by calling setText( String) on that field. However, when I deliver the MIDlet onto the device using IBM's j9 MIDP2.0 implementation, it doesn't work. I've read through the MIDlet documentation, and I cannot see any official means of setting the position of the text insertion caret.
What am I missing?

Thank You for ur help. I have now used the PRESSED methods to allocate most of the keys. I have one final question though how do u use the star and hash symbol because it isnt under the pressed methods on the key methods and this mucks all the keys up. Is there another way of using these keys without using the key method from canvas.

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    Hi great java developers ;-)
    I want to get the caret position of component which is embedded in StyledDocument / JTextPane.
    How has it to be done?
    Thank you very much!!!

    The Document doesn't know which textPane it belongs to. (It could even be shared by mulitple textPanes).
    You get the caret position of a any text component by using:

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  • How to change the size of the caret in a JTextPane

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    This has been a real pain in the butt to figure out, but I think I finally got it. If you create your own caret (subclass of DefaultCaret) then you override its paint() and damage() methods. I was having all kinds of problems with this though. I was getting pieces of carets left behind when I moved with the arrow keys, etc... from the helps I found. The arrow keys were my big problem.
    I think I finally figured out that the damage() simply does need to specify an area a little bigger than the old caret so it can blank it out. Then I think others had a logic problem, and Sun does not make this problem clear. What happens it that I think repaint() calls paint() who then uses the bigger x, y, height and width parameters that got set in damage(), which was causing my problems because the damage size was bigger than the size I wanted to create my caret with. What I do is figure out my area from the font I am using (another trick) and make them (the charWd and charHt) variables class variables. I calculate them in damage, use a bigger area to blank out my old caret in damage, and then used the correct caret size I calculated in damage() in paint(), instead of the rectangle values that seem to get passed from damage() to paint(). That was the problem in other examples.
    Here is my code:
    run with java caretPain
    run with java caretPain -1 to see my fixed version
    run with java caretPain -2 to see some problems
    // written by: Stan Towianski
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.undo.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.*;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    public class caretPain extends JFrame {
    static caretPain CRTP2;
    JPanel contentPane;
    JTextPane textPane;
    JTextPane textPane2;
    JScrollPane scrollPane;
    JSplitPane splitPane;
    String newline = "\n";
    static final int MAX_CHARACTERS = 300100;
    static int FrameWidth = 500;
    static int FrameHeight = 300;
    String caretType = "blockOutline";
    static int useSpecialCaret = 0;
    DefaultCaret useCaret = new MyCaret();
    public caretPain() {
    textPane = new JTextPane( new DefaultStyledDocument() );
    textPane2 = new JTextPane( new DefaultStyledDocument() );
    if ( useSpecialCaret == 1 )
    System.out.println( "using special caret 1" );
    textPane.setCaret( useCaret );
    else if ( useSpecialCaret == 2 )
    System.out.println( "using special caret 2" );
    textPane.setCaret( new WsCaret() );
    textPane.setMargin(new Insets(5,5,5,5));
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
    textPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(FrameWidth, FrameHeight));
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
    //Create a split pane for the change log and the text area.
    splitPane = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
    textPane, textPane2 );
    //Add the components to the frame.
    contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    contentPane.add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    class MyCaret extends DefaultCaret
    int charWd = 30;
    int charHt = 30;
    // draw the caret
    public void paint(Graphics g)
    System.err.println( "entered MyCaret.paint()" );
    if ( ! isVisible() )
    System.err.println( "exiting because not visible" );
    try {
    JTextComponent c = getComponent();
    int dot = getDot();
    Rectangle r = c.modelToView(dot);
    System.err.println("caret: text position: " + dot +
    ", view location = [" +
    r.x + ", " + r.y + "]" +
    //g.drawLine(r.x, r.y + r.height - 1, r.x + 14, r.y + r.height - 1);
    System.err.println( "caretType =" + caretType ); //+ " component =" + c.toString() );
    if ( caretType.equals( "blockOutline" ) )
    g.drawRect( r.x, r.y, charWd, charHt );
    else if ( caretType.equals( "block" ) )
    g.fillRect( r.x, r.y, charWd, charHt );
    else if ( caretType.equals( "bar" ) )
    g.drawLine( r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + charHt );
    catch (BadLocationException e) {
    System.err.println( "bad caret loc" + e);
    // specify the size of the caret for redrawing
    // and do repaint() -- this is called when the
    // caret moves
    //protected synchronized void damage(Rectangle r)
    public synchronized void damage(Rectangle r)
    System.err.println( "entered MyCaret.damage()" );
    System.err.println("caret.damage(): text position: " + getDot() +
    ", view location = [" +
    r.x + ", " + r.y + "]" +
    //FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    //System.out.println( "textPane getfont =" + textPane.getFont() );
    //System.out.println( "\n\n read in attribs font size =" + textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize) + "\n\n" );
    //int ii = Integer.parseInt( (String) textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute( StyleConstants.FontSize ) );
    int ii = Integer.parseInt( String.valueOf( textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute( StyleConstants.FontSize ) ) );
    //System.out.println( "textPane input attrib font size =" + ii );
    Font f = new Font( "ff", Font.PLAIN, ii );
    //System.out.println( "textPane input attrib font =" + f );
    FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics( f );
    //FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
    //FontMetrics fm = getFontMetrics( textPane.getInputAttributes().getAttribute( StyleConstants.FontSize ) );
    //MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes = getInputAttributes();
    //String fs = textPane.getAttribute( "FontSize" );
    //System.out.println( "\n\n read font size =" + textPane.getCharacterAttributes().getAttribute(StyleConstants.FontSize) + "\n\n" );
    charWd = fm.charWidth( 'k' );
    charHt= fm.getHeight();
    //System.out.println( "font width =" + charWd + " font height =" + charHt + " font =" + fm.toString());
    if ( r == null )
    System.err.println( "caret.damage() return on rectangle == null" );
    x = r.x - 2;
    y = r.y - 2; // + r.height - 2;
    width = charWd + 4; //textPane.getColumnWidth();
    height = charHt + 4; //textPane.getRowHeight();
    System.err.println("caret.damage(): set caret width, height, x, y =" + width + "," + height + "," + x + "," + y );
    public class WsCaret extends DefaultCaret {
    transient private int[] flagXPoints = new int[3];
    transient private int[] flagYPoints = new int[3];
    public WsCaret() {
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    if(isVisible()) {
    JTextComponent component = this.getComponent();
    TextUI mapper = component.getUI();
    Rectangle r = null;
    try {
    r = mapper.modelToView(component, this.getDot());
    catch(BadLocationException exc) {}
    //System.out.println( "rect r =" + r.toString() );
    //g.drawLine(r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.height - 1);
    //g.drawLine(r.x+1, r.y, r.x+1, r.y + r.height - 1);
    g.drawRect( r.x, r.y, 10, r.height );
    Document doc = component.getDocument();
    if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) {
    Element bidi = ((AbstractDocument)doc).getBidiRootElement();
    if ((bidi != null) && (bidi.getElementCount() > 1)) {
    // there are multiple directions present.
    flagXPoints[0] = r.x;
    flagYPoints[0] = r.y;
    flagXPoints[1] = r.x;
    flagYPoints[1] = r.y + 4;
    flagYPoints[2] = r.y;
    flagXPoints[2] = (true) ? r.x + 5 : r.x - 4;
    System.out.println( "going g.fillPolygon" );
    g.fillPolygon(flagXPoints, flagYPoints, 3);
    protected synchronized void damage(Rectangle r) {
    if (r != null) {
    this.x = r.x - 4;
    this.y = r.y;
    //there must be a better way to doing this, but for now you
    //just increase the width so that it will cover the new caret's size
    this.width = 20; // the original width is 10
    this.height = r.height;
    //this.height = r.height + 20;
    //this.height = 10;
    //The standard main method.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    if ( args.length > 0 )
    System.out.println( "found arg so will use special caret." );
    if ( args[0].equals( "-1" ) )
    useSpecialCaret = 1;
    else if ( args[0].equals( "-2" ) )
    useSpecialCaret = 2;
    System.out.println( "found no arg so will standard caret." );
    System.out.println( "give arg: -1 to get Stan\'s working caret" );
    System.out.println( "give arg: -2 to get another example\'s caret" );
    CRTP2 = new caretPain();
         catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Error creating CRTP2: " + ex);
    CRTP2.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {
    CRTP2.setTitle( "This is my title you" );

  • How to insert a String at the CaretPosition without moving the Caret?

    I have a JTextPane wrapped by a JScrollPane. The JTextPane is where chatroom messages appear. When a message is appended at the end, it determines whether to scroll to the bottom based on some conditions (scroll to the bottom only if the user was already viewing somewhere near the bottom). That part is working fine.
    Although the JTextPane is not editable, it allows the user to make selections using a mouse so that blocks of text can be copied from the chatroom. The default caret of JTextPane handles that for me.
    But the problem comes when the caret position is at the end of the document when my program inserts a new message with the following code:
    StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument();
    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), message + "\n", null);The caret was at doc.getLength() to begin with, when the new message is inserted at the end, it "pushes" the caret to a new position. The caret movement is causing JScrollPane to scroll to where the caret is visible (the bottom), therefore interfering with my scrolling algorithm (see above).
    So, when the caret is doc.getLength(), how do I insert a String at doc.getLength() with the caret staying at the original position?
    In other words, how do I insert a String at the caret position without the caret being moved?
    1) I don't want to use setCaretPosition() to set the caret to its original position, because calling this method will trigger a CaretEvent, thus causing the JScrollPane to scroll (to the caret) which is not what I want (see above).
    2) I don't want to remove the CaretListener, cause then the JScrollPane won't scroll even when the user wants to make a multiple-page selection using the mouse (dragging the selection off screen).
    3) I want to keep the Caret at the original position so that the user won't lose his/her selection when new messages appear (which can be quite frequent).

    I keep forgetting how difficult it is to do such simple things in the text package. But it's not impossible! Here's a way to replace the relevant listeners, plus a sample implementation. If you know you'll never, ever delete any text from the JTextPane, you may not have to provide a replacement DocumentListener at all; this one just makes sure the caret isn't past the end of the document.
    import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
    import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
    import javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret;
    import javax.swing.text.Document;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
    public class ChatCaret extends DefaultCaret
      private MyHandler newHandler;
      private PropertyChangeListener oldHandler;
      public void install(JTextComponent c)
        PropertyChangeListener[] pcls = c.getPropertyChangeListeners();
        for (int i = 0; i < pcls.length; i++)
          if (pcls.getClass().getName().equals(
    oldHandler = pcls[i];
    newHandler = new MyHandler(oldHandler);
    Document doc = c.getDocument();
    if (doc != null)
    public void deinstall(JTextComponent c)
    Document doc = c.getDocument();
    if (doc != null)
    class MyHandler implements PropertyChangeListener, DocumentListener
    private PropertyChangeListener oldHandler;
    MyHandler(PropertyChangeListener oldHandler)
    this.oldHandler = oldHandler;
    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
    Object oldValue = evt.getOldValue();
    Object newValue = evt.getNewValue();
    if ((oldValue instanceof Document) ||
    (newValue instanceof Document))
    if (oldValue != null)
    if (newValue != null)
    public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent evt)
    int length = getComponent().getDocument().getLength();
    if (length < getDot())
    public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { }
    public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { }

  • Links to named destinations in IFRAME positioning the PDF a page and half past

    I created a PDF file w/ named destinations so that I can allow the Internet user w/ browser and Acrobat Reader plug-in to link to specific sections of the PDF. The zoom is set to Fit Horizontally, and the position is the top of the page in my example PDF. I used Acrobat Pro 8.1 to create the PDF.
    Problem is when trying to load the PDF into an IFRAME, displayed with the named destination using a tag like:
    <a href="http://ekensqldev5/ePadmin/documents/Raw.pdf?rand=1000#view=FitH&nameddest=Mission" target="myframe" >Click 1 </a>
    When clicking on the link to the named destination, the .pdf is loaded or reloaded into an IFRAME and the page with the named destination is usually correctly displayed. Only in IE 6,7,8 the pdf will frequently (about 1 out of 4 times) be positioned a page and a half past the named destination.  Clicking to a different link, and then back to the original link will usually reposition the PDF correctly. Chrome and Firefox always position the PDF exactly to the named destination.  I'd like to know how to create the named destination so that it will always be positioned correctly, or to use a different link that will always position correctly.  I'm using Reader 9.1.2
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1">
    <a href="http://ekensqldev5/ePadmin/documents/Raw.pdf?rand=1000#view=FitH&nameddest=Mission" target="myframe" >Click 1 </a> <p>
    <a href="http://ekensqldev5/ePadmin/documents/Raw.pdf?rand=1100#view=FitH&nameddest=Highlights" target="myframe">Click 2 </a> <p>
    <a href="http://ekensqldev5/ePadmin/documents/Raw.pdf?rand=1200#view=FitH&nameddest=Trustees" target="myframe">Click 3</a> <p>
    <a href="http://ekensqldev5/ePadmin/documents/Raw.pdf?rand=1201#view=FitH&nameddest=Statement_of_Op erations" target="myframe">Click 4</a> <p>
    <a href="http://intranet" target="myframe">Click 5</a> <p>
    <iframe name="myframe" width="100%" height="800">

    I'm working with Lyle on this, and I have done some additional testing.
    What I found is that the positioning for named destinations seems to work ok with IE8 when the html page and pdf file are located on one of our external web servers (rather than local intranet servers).
    I am wondering if this is due to the latency involved in downloading the file, allowing the DOM to register the plugin?
    I've posted a query at Microsoft's forum, but they are pointing me back to Adobe...saying they cannot know how the plugin handles rendering...even though I responded that it seems to work across the board with Firefox and Chrome.
    Here is my thread in the Microsoft forum.
    Erratic Behavior with PDF named destinations
    http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/iewebdevelopment/thread/4f6adaa2-de8f-47d6-b e4b-444edfdd26d7/

  • How to position the cursor in a text

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    Or is RIM working on it.....

    I've been pretty successful at getting the cursor to hit where I want in text entry boxes.
    Maybe some more practice will make perfect. Worked for me, until I got used to,and then again maybe my using a touchscreen smartphone, the process just comes second nature for me.
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  • Error in TCode iview Select a line or position the Cursor correctly

    Hi All,
    I am getting the below error while selecting the row in Tcode iview
    Select a line or position the Cursor correctly.
    You have not selected a delivery or a delivery item for processing and the cursor is not positioned on a valid line, even after i am
    selecting the Delivery and click on the execute button
    My system config  :
    NW04s SP 20

    Hi Murthy,
    Create the Iview again.Hope the issue will resolve.

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    I have just downloaded Mac OS X 10.9 and Pages 5. When I open any pre-existing document in the new Pages the format is zoomed to 125%, the headers are out of position, the margins are changes, and inserted images are also relocated. What can I do?

    Have you tried resetting the SMC ?     >  Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

  • How to get the caret inside a custom editor?

    I was reading through old posts the other day and noticed this by Rob Camick in this thread Re: Problem in cell selection in JTable Java Swing :
    camickr wrote:
    All KeyEvents are passed to the editor for the cell and the editor is psuedo invoked. That is, the caret is not placed on the text field used as the editor, but the character typed is added to the editor.This set me thinking about a known issue in my app which I had shelved for a "rainy day": how to get the caret into the cell editor component. I thought I'd get it out and look at it. I tried the following, in my custom cell editor:
      public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
                                                 int row, int column)
        JTextField ec = (JTextField) editorComponent;
        ec.setText((String) value);
        if ("".equals(ec.getText()))
        return editorComponent;
      }But it has no effect whatsoever, the user still can't type something in and then press the backspace key to useful effect. Has anyone out there solved this problem? (And why, oh why, is the caret not put into the cell editor by default, if it's a component that has a caret?)

    Replying to my own post, in case what I ended up with is of some help to others. The desired behaviour was that anything the cell contained from the previous edit would be replaced by what the user types in the current edit, i.e.:
    user starts edit, types 234, stops editing, cell displays 234...user single-clicks on cell, types 567, stops editing, cell displays 567
    My code is as follows:
        public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value,
                                                     boolean isSelected, int row,
                                                     int column)
          final JTextField ec = (JTextField) editorComponent;
          ec.setText((String) value);
          // selectAll, so that whatever the user types replaces what we just put there
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
            public void run()
              // make the component take the keyboard focus, so the backspace key works
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                  // at this point the user has typed something into the cell and we
                  // want the caret to be AFTER that character, so that the next one
                  // comes in on the RHS
          return editorComponent;

  • How to position the cursor at the end of the text with EDIT_TEXT?

    Hello, it wanted to ask to them if somebody could make work the module of function EDIT_TEXT so that it positions the cursor at the end of the text that is visualizing in the text editor. In the documentation it says that passing a ' X' to him in the field scrollend of the parameter Control is obtained that operation. Nevertheless, I did this and the cursor continues appearing at the beginning of the text that visualizes.
    Somebody could help me please?
    PD: The code that I use is the following one:
    FORM f_ingresar_comentarios.
    DATA: l_action,
    l_result LIKE itcer,
    l_pedido LIKE thead-tdname,
    li_coment_save LIKE i_comentarios OCCURS 0,
    li_coment_aux LIKE i_comentarios OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    l_lines TYPE i,
    l_lines_save TYPE i,
    l_lines_insert TYPE i,
    l_index TYPE i,
    l_index_aux TYPE i,
    lwa_control LIKE itced.
    CLEAR: l_action.
    CLEAR i_comentarios.
    REFRESH: i_comentarios,
    l_pedido = v_pedido.
    Leemos el texto si es que existe
    client = sy-mandt
    id = v_id_text
    language = sy-langu
    name = l_pedido
    object = c_ekko
    header = wa_cabecera
    lines = i_comentarios "Lineas de texto leídas
    id = 1
    language = 2
    name = 3
    not_found = 4
    object = 5
    reference_check = 6
    wrong_access_to_archive = 7
    OTHERS = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Armamos la cabecera por primer comentario para el pedido
    CLEAR wa_cabecera.
    wa_cabecera-tdobject = c_ekko. "Objeto en tabla TTXID
    wa_cabecera-tdname = v_pedido. "Nro de pedido
    wa_cabecera-tdid = v_id_text. "ID en tabla TTXID
    wa_cabecera-tdspras = sy-langu. "Lenguaje
    wa_cabecera-tdlinesize = 70.
    Salva comentarios originales
    li_coment_save[] = i_comentarios[].
    lwa_control-scrollend = c_x. " c_x = 'X'
    Abre el editor de texto
    header = wa_cabecera
    save = space
    control = lwa_control
    newheader = wa_cabecera
    function = l_action
    RESULT = l_result
    lines = i_comentarios
    object = 1
    id = 2
    language = 3
    name = 4
    linesize = 5.
    Si cambio los comentarios, actualiza comentarios
    CASE l_action.
    WHEN c_unchanged.
    WHEN c_delete.
    WHEN c_update OR
    Obtiene cantidad de lineas de comentarios originales y modificados
    DESCRIBE TABLE li_coment_save LINES l_lines_save.
    DESCRIBE TABLE i_comentarios LINES l_lines.
    Si se insertaron lineas...
    IF l_lines > l_lines_save.
    Calcula cantidad de lineas a insertar para luego calcular valor de
    indice a partir del cual insertar los nuevos comentarios
    l_lines_insert = l_lines - l_lines_save.
    l_index = ( l_lines - l_lines_insert ) + 1.
    Controla que al menos una de las lineas insertadas sea diferente de
    l_index_aux = l_lines.
    l_insert = c_n.
    DO l_lines_insert TIMES.
    READ TABLE i_comentarios INDEX l_index_aux.
    IF sy-subrc = 0 AND
    i_comentarios-tdline <> space.
    l_insert = c_s.
    l_index_aux = l_index_aux - 1.
    IF l_insert = c_s.
    Carga comentarios originales y agrega lineas insertadas
    li_coment_aux[] = li_coment_save[].
    APPEND LINES OF i_comentarios
    FROM l_index
    TO l_lines
    TO li_coment_aux.
    Setea variable para indicar actualizacion de comentarios.
    v_comentario = 'S'.
    Agrega usuario y fecha del comentario
    CONCATENATE sy-uname
    INTO li_coment_aux-tdline
    SEPARATED BY space.
    li_coment_aux-tdformat = '*'.
    APPEND li_coment_aux.
    Grabamos el texto
    client = sy-mandt
    header = wa_cabecera
    savemode_direct = c_x
    newheader = wa_cabecera
    lines = li_coment_aux
    id = 1
    language = 2
    name = 3
    object = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f_ingresar_comentarios
    In addition, I made another program simpler that it uses the same functions and also have the same problem:
    *& Report Y_GVA_TEXT *
    REPORT y_gva_text .
    DATA: wa_cabecera LIKE thead,
    i_comentarios LIKE tline OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: l_action,
    l_result LIKE itcer,
    v_pedido LIKE thead-tdname VALUE '3',
    l_pedido LIKE thead-tdname,
    c_a05 LIKE thead-tdid VALUE 'A05',
    c_ekko LIKE stxh-tdobject VALUE 'EKKO',
    l_lines LIKE sy-tabix,
    lwa_control LIKE itced.
    update VALUE 'U', "Langtext verändert
    insert VALUE 'I', "Langtext eingefügt
    delete VALUE 'D', "Langtext gelöscht
    modify VALUE 'M', "Kein Langtext, Inlinezeile veränd.
    unchanged VALUE ' '.
    CLEAR: l_action.
    CLEAR i_comentarios.
    REFRESH i_comentarios.
    Leemos el texto si es que existe
    client = sy-mandt
    id = c_a05
    language = sy-langu
    name = v_pedido
    object = c_ekko
    header = wa_cabecera
    lines = i_comentarios "Lineas de texto leídas
    id = 1
    language = 2
    name = 3
    not_found = 4
    object = 5
    reference_check = 6
    wrong_access_to_archive = 7
    OTHERS = 8.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Armamos las cabecera para mostrar los comentarios
    CLEAR wa_cabecera.
    wa_cabecera-tdobject = c_ekko. "Objeto en tabla TTXID
    wa_cabecera-tdname = v_pedido. "Nro de pedido
    wa_cabecera-tdid = c_a05. "ID en tabla TTXID
    wa_cabecera-tdspras = sy-langu. "Lenguaje
    wa_cabecera-tdlinesize = 70.
    lwa_control-noendlines = c_x.
    lwa_control-scrollend = c_x.
    Abre el editor de texto
    header = wa_cabecera
    save = space
    control = lwa_control
    newheader = wa_cabecera
    function = l_action
    RESULT = l_result
    lines = i_comentarios
    object = 1
    id = 2
    language = 3
    name = 4
    linesize = 5.
    Si cambio los comentarios, actualiza comentarios
    CASE l_action.
    WHEN unchanged.
    WHEN delete.
    WHEN update OR
    Agrega usuario y fecha del comentario
    CONCATENATE sy-uname
    INTO i_comentarios-tdline
    SEPARATED BY space.
    i_comentarios-tdformat = '*'.
    APPEND i_comentarios.
    header = wa_cabecera
    newheader = wa_cabecera
    lines = i_comentarios.

    I believe that you have mis-read Gabriel's problem.
    The cursor is not positioning at the base of the editor as you have cited.
    In order to get this functionality to work, you must set the LINE_EDITOR import paramter to 'X'.
    data: hdr like THEAD.
    data: l_itced like itced.
      hdr-tdobject = 'VBBP'.
      hdr-tdname = '4000029521000030'.
      hdr-tdid = 'Z005'.
      hdr-tdspras = 'E'.
      hdr-TDLINESIZE = '100'.
      hdr-TDTXTLINES = '3'.
      l_itced-SCROLLEND = 'X'.
        DISPLAY             = ' '
        EDITOR_TITLE        = ' '
          HEADER              = hdr
        PAGE                = ' '
        WINDOW              = ' '
        SAVE                = 'X'
          LINE_EDITOR         = 'X'   " here !!!
          CONTROL             = l_itced
        PROGRAM             = ' '
        LOCAL_CAT           = ' '
        FUNCTION            =
        NEWHEADER           =
        RESULT              =
          LINES               = lines
        ID                  = 1
        LANGUAGE            = 2
        LINESIZE            = 3
        NAME                = 4
        OBJECT              = 5
        TEXTFORMAT          = 6
        COMMUNICATION       = 7
        OTHERS              = 8
    Don't forget those points !!

  • Why is my BDC_CURSOR command not working to position the cursor?

    Why is my BDC_CURSOR command not working to position the cursor?  Here are the details regarding my issue.
    I am writing a BDC to mass delete routing material assignments using transaction CA02.  I am OK to navigate through the initial screen to go to the Header screen and from here I am OK to navigate to the Material Assignments screen.  But once here, I cannot get the BDC_CURSOR command to take me into the list.  Here are the commands I am using.  Please let me know what I may try differently.
    CA02 Material Assignment - Set position  <-- this resets list of materials to correct position
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCZDI'   '1010'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   '=ENT1'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'  c_position.
    CA02 Material Assignment - Delete
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCZDI'   '1010'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  'MAPL-MATNR(01)'.    <-- this is not working to set the cursor into the list
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'  '=LOE'.             " trash can
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'  c_position.
    CA02 Material Assignment - Green Check OK
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCZDI'   '1010'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'  'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'   '=BACK'.            " check mark
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'  c_position.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I had used SM35 to record.  However, I was not aware of the "create program" feature.  I had commented out a section from my previous post which I have now added back (latest code below).  But it still did not resolve the issue.
    When I execute with dismode = 'N', I get back error message "No batch input data for screen SAPLCZDI 1010".
    When I execute with dismode = 'E' (only show dynpros when error), it stops at the material selection screen without placing my cursor in the list.  I can then MANUALLY click to set the cursor position in the list, MANUALLY click the trashcan, it then uses my BDC command to respond to the popup asking "Do you want to delete", still leaving me at the material selection screen.  I can then MANUALLY click the green check (or enter), then it continues with the BDC to go back to the previous screen, and saves.  But it still will not place my cursor in the material selection list (SAPLCZDI screen 1010).
    Here is code used.  It is the second section of code labeled "CA02 Material Assignment - Delete" that is not working.
    CA02 Material Assignment - Set position
    this code functions to position the desired material to first in screen list
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCZDI' '1010'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'
    CA02 Material Assignment - Delete
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCZDI' '1010'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
                                    '=LOE'.             " trash can
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'
    Acknowledge Pop-Up Screen
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLSPO1' '0100'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    CA02 Material Assignment - Green Check OK
      PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCZDI' '1010'.
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
                                    '=BACK'.            " check mark
      PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RC27X-ENTRY_ACT'

  • Creating a bitmap copy of a TextFlow object without the caret [cursor]

    Hey all
    I'm currently working on creating a bitmap copy of a TextFlow object and I am looking at hiding the caret. What would be the best way forward, using the focusmanager to 'unfocus' the TextFlow object, or is there some more direct approach available? I know there is a cursormanager in Flex, but this is an AS3 only project.
    Cheers for your thoughts once again

    I think I've just done something similar to what you need (except I'm adjusting the width of the bitmap according to that of the text), and so far I have seen no cursor
    Here's the code. You'll need to adjust it depending on how many containers (Sprites) you are drawing the TextFlow to.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <s:Group id="groupText" width="560" />
                import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
                import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
                import mx.core.UIComponent;
                private function init() : void
                    var text : String = "Greek god gives mints.";
                    var fontSize : int = 24;
                    //We create a textflow with some text and set it's font size, just as an example.
                    var flow : TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(text, TextConverter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
                    flow.fontSize = 24;
                    //We'll use a single container (and consecuently a single controller)
                    var container : Sprite = new Sprite()
                    var controller : ContainerController = new ContainerController(container);
                    //This is kind of weird, but I saw it in a TLF example, and it works.
                    //It seems you have to "stretch" the container.
                    controller.setCompositionSize(this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight);
                    //Set the text's actual width and height as the composition size.
                    //As BitmapData's draw method takes an IBitmapDrawable,
                    //we'll need to wrap the Sprite instance in an UIComponent.
                    var tf : UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                    //Create an instance of BitmapData and "draw the container" into it.
                    var bd : BitmapData = new BitmapData(controller.getContentBounds().width,
                        controller.getContentBounds().height + 2, true, 0x000000);
                    //Create a Bitmap with the text's data and add it to the application.
                    var bmp : Bitmap = new Bitmap(bd);
                    var ui : UIComponent = new UIComponent();
    Hope it helps,

  • How to change the caret/selection color of text input controls?

    Hello JavaFX Community,
    i'm new to JavaFX. I'm using it since i saw the huge steps forward with version 2.0.
    I have the task to migrate a software from Swing to JavaFX. As a part of our corporate design, we used a special color for the caret and text selection. I couldn't find any information about changing the caret color in JavaFX 2, so i'd like to ask you and i'd be very thankful for an advise.
    There is a cross-post at StackOverflow:
    Thanks and best regards.

    This might be possible, but it is not trivial. You cannot do it with a standard API at this time, you will have to look into creating a skin that allows for these properties to be controlled.
    For example, the color of the caret is currently controlled in the TextFieldSkin (look for the "caretPath" property). Just forcing a color change in a subclassed skin is not so hard. Something like this:
    public class MyTextFieldSkin extends TextFieldSkin {
      public MyTextFieldSkin() {
    }However, it gets trickier if this color must be dynamic and if you want other things to be changed as well. It is a place to start though.
    Many of the skins methods and properties are 'protected' though, so atleast in Skin subclasses you have a lot of options to introduce new features and behaviour.

  • How to get the location of the caret?

    I want to get the location of the caret. Not the offset of the document.
    I have tried the Caret.getMagicCaretPosition(), but I think it gives me a point in viewport.
    How can I get the absoult location of the caret(the location on screen ,not in viewport)?
    Thank you very much.
    Best wishes

    Thankyou ,You reply seems to help me ,but I am still confused that this method returns void ,how can I get the result of the point on screen?
    When I want the caret location (the caret belongs to a JTextPane) on screen, I invoke :
    but how can I get the result of the convertion?
    Thank you!

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