Migrating Webview Reports to CUIC

Everyone is running around with this problem since cisco stops the webview , the CUIC is a great reporting solution but the only thing CUIC  is weak with is the stock reports , not only they don't include all the  reports mostly needed but they can only be found in the half hour  intervals (no consolidated reports)
After months of working and developing i finally found out a way to migrate the webview reports to CUIC in a database query (not only anonymous block) and here are the detailed steps:
1-  If you have a webview server (version 8.0 preferred or earlier) go to  drive c: then folder icm\custom (if you don't a ZIP file is attached)
2-  Under the custom you will find folders for each type of reports (agent  per team , agent per agent, calltype , skill group , etc.....)
3- Choose whatever report you want to migrate to CUIC (in this scenario we will choose the calltype22 report)
4- The file that is located under the caltyp folder is name caltyp22.srd
5- open the file using notepad
6- when you open the file you will find along list of data , you should ignore most of it , just search for (retrieve=") , after that you will find a SELECT , copy all the data from there until you reach (" arguments=) (of course don't copy the " arguments=)
7- paste the copied data into a new notepad , search for all the values (112) (it is usually beside the Datetime parameter) replace it with 101
8- delete everything that has the : like this
Call_Type.CallTypeID in ( :list_calltype ) AND
    CTHH.DateTime >= :start_date  AND 
    CTHH.DateTime <= :end_date 
Any sql command that has the : remove it completely.
9- Copy the updated data and create a new report definition
10- use database query and historical datasource (because the report we are doing now is historical , if you decided to migrate a realtime use the real-time datasource)
11- paste the updated notepad file into query .
12- at the end of the page there is a create fields button, click on it and the report should be verified correctly and the fields are created.
13- after that go the next tab which is the fields , search for calltype (in other reports you may  need the agent team , agent, skill group, etc... search for the ID value not the value it self) , click on the edit properties , below beside the value list choose the call types from the drop down menu and click on update.
14- go to the last tab which is the properties , choose the Key Criteria Field to be the call type (call type) and click on the historical checkbox below it , choose from Historical Key Field the Datetime value then click on save at the top of the report definition.
Now your report definition is ready , all what you have to do is to go and create a new report and assign this report definition to it , be aware that in case of creating a new report , all the fields will be visible so go to the edit view and edit the report with only the need values for you.
I hope this helps.
Amer R. Sha'er

Sorry, i forgot to add that the above way is only possible with a CUIC premium version (standard won't have this option)
also the data for the times (like average handle and ASA) would be in in normall decimal (like 425) so all what you have to do is to go to the report definition , choose the fields tab , search for asa , click on edit formating , in the fromat field choose time (HH:MM:SS) value , also for the SL if you need , you may also change it to the % in the same way.
One last thing , if you need a footer (which is the total, average or max value) in the summary raw , edit the footer in the same place under the format to the needed value.
Hope this helps.
Amer Sha'er

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    Hi, I am migrating Oracle RDF report to BI Publisher while migrating this report I am facing problem in viewing data as per my report requirement
    I want my department Name should be my HEADER and all projects of department should display under it.
    for that according to me I should get XML data like this
    for some nodes I am getting this expected result but for many node it is giving me result like
    because of this i could not able to see data in required format for some department.
    may be Order by is not working in Q_Expenditure
    Here is my data template
    <dataTemplate dataSourceRef="PTTrng" name="XXPA4049093f" defaultPackage="XXPA4049093f">
    <property name="xml_tag_case" value="upper"/>
    <parameter name="P_PROJECT" dataType="character" defaultValue="%"/>
    <parameter name="P_PROJECT_ROLLUP" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="P_PROJECT_ROLLUP_YEAR" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="P_ORDER_BY" dataType="character" defaultValue="1"/>
    <parameter name="P_REMAIN_BALANCE" dataType="number" defaultValue="-9999999999"/>
    <parameter name="P_FUND" dataType="character" defaultValue="%"/>
    <sqlStatement name="Q_Expenditure">
    select TRIM(a.NAME)NAME ,upper(a.id2) ID2,a."Project",a.start_date,a.completion_date,a.organization_id,a.origbud, a.budget,a.commitment,a.visa,a.labor,a.remaining_funds,a.board_rollup,a.description,a.class_code,
    nvl(b.po_oblig_prior_yr,0) po_oblig_prior_yr2,
    nvl(c.ap_prior_yr_oblig,0) ap_prior_yr_oblig2,
    ( nvl(a.remaining_funds,0) + nvl(b.po_oblig_prior_yr,0) + nvl(c.ap_prior_yr_oblig,0) ) Remaining_funds_Order,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_dept_pct_obligformula(:CS_dept_total_costs, :CS_dept_bud) CF_dept_pct_oblig,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_dept_pct_unobligformula(:CS_dept_remain_funds, :CS_dept_bud) CF_dept_pct_unoblig,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_laborformula(:CS_labor_budget, apps.a.LABOR) CF_remain_labor,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_budgetformula(apps.a.BUDGET, :CS_labor_budget) CF_nonlabor_budget,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) CF_nonlabor_costs,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_nonlaborformula(XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_budgetformula(apps.a.BUDGET, :CS_labor_budget) ,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) CF_remain_nonlabor,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) CF_total_costs,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_fundsformula(apps.a.BUDGET,XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) ) CF_remain_funds,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_proj_pct_obligformula(XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) , apps.a.BUDGET) CF_proj_pct_oblig,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_proj_pct_unobligformula(XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_fundsformula(apps.a.BUDGET,XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) ) , apps.a.BUDGET) CF_proj_pct_unoblig
    from apps.xxpa_project_status_fund_cy_2 a, xxpa_prior_yr_oblig2_cy b, xxpa_ap_prior_yr_oblig2_cy c
    a.class_category = :P_Project_Rollup
    and a.class_code = :P_Project_Rollup_Year
    and a.id2 like upper(:P_Project)
    and a.remaining_funds >= :P_remain_balance
    and a.id2 = b.id2
    and a.id2 = c.id2
    and a.class_code = b.class_code
    and a.class_code = c.class_code
    and a.fund like :P_Fund
    order by 1
    </sqlStatement><sqlStatement name="Q_1">
    select upper(f.class_code) ID2, sum(d.labor_budget) Labor_budget
    from apps.xxpa_labor_budget_v2006 d,
    pa.pa_project_classes e,
    pa.pa_class_codes f,
    ( select *
    from pa_project_classes
    where class_category = 'Fiscal Year'
    and substr(class_code,-4,4) =
    (select ( segment5 )
    from FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL a, gl_code_combinations b
    where set_of_books_id = 2
    and a.accts_pay_code_combination_id = b.code_combination_id)
    ) ppc
    where d.project_id = e.project_id
    and e.class_category = f.class_category
    and e.class_code = f.class_code
    and e.class_category = 'Project Rollups'
    and d.project_id = ppc.project_id
    and d.project_id in (select project_id
    from pa.pa_project_classes a, xxpa_project_rollups_org b
    where a.class_category = 'Project Rollups'
    and a.class_code = b.class_code
    and b.org_count <= 1)
    and upper ( id2 )like upper(:P_Project)
    group by upper(f.class_code)
    <link name="Q_LINK" parentQuery="Q_Expenditure" parentColumn="ID2" childQuery="Q_1" childColumn="ID2" condition="="/>
    <dataTrigger name="afterParameterFormTrigger" source="XXPA4049093f.afterpform"/>
    <dataTrigger name="beforeReportTrigger" source="XXPA4049093f.beforereport"/>
    <group name="G_NAME1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Expenditure">
    <element name="NAME" dataType="varchar2" value="NAME"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_orig_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.ORIGBUD"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.BUDGET"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_labor_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CS_labor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_labor" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.LABOR"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_labor_remain" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_labor"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_nonlabor_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_nonlabor_costs" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_nonlabor_remain" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_nonlabor"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_total_costs" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_total_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_remain_funds" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_funds"/>
    <element name="CF_dept_pct_oblig" dataType="number" value="CF_dept_pct_oblig"/>
    <element name="CF_dept_pct_unoblig" dataType="number" value="CF_dept_pct_unoblig"/>
    <group name="G_segment1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Expenditure">
    <element name="FUND" dataType="varchar2" value="FUND"/>
    <element name="po_oblig_prior_yr2" dataType="number" value="PO_OBLIG_PRIOR_YR2"/>
    <element name="ap_prior_yr_oblig2" dataType="number" value="AP_PRIOR_YR_OBLIG2"/>
    <element name="Remaining_funds_Order" dataType="number" value="REMAINING_FUNDS_ORDER"/>
    <element name="Project" dataType="varchar2" value="Project"/>
    <element name="ORIGBUD" dataType="number" value="ORIGBUD"/>
    <element name="BUDGET" dataType="number" value="BUDGET"/>
    <element name="COMMITMENT" dataType="number" value="COMMITMENT"/>
    <element name="LABOR" dataType="number" value="LABOR"/>
    <element name="CLASS_CODE" dataType="varchar2" value="CLASS_CODE"/>
    <element name="CLASS_CATEGORY" dataType="varchar2" value="CLASS_CATEGORY"/>
    <element name="REMAINING_FUNDS" dataType="number" value="REMAINING_FUNDS"/>
    <element name="ID2" dataType="varchar2" value="ID2"/>
    <element name="START_DATE" dataType="date" value="START_DATE"/>
    <element name="COMPLETION_DATE" dataType="date" value="COMPLETION_DATE"/>
    <element name="ORGANIZATION_ID" dataType="number" value="ORGANIZATION_ID"/>
    <element name="VISA" dataType="number" value="VISA"/>
    <element name="BOARD_ROLLUP" dataType="varchar2" value="BOARD_ROLLUP"/>
    <element name="DESCRIPTION" dataType="varchar2" value="DESCRIPTION"/>
    <element name="CS_labor_budget" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_1.LABOR_BUDGET"/>
    <element name="CF_remain_labor" dataType="number" value="CF_remain_labor"/>
    <element name="CF_nonlabor_budget" dataType="number" value="CF_nonlabor_budget"/>
    <element name="CF_nonlabor_costs" dataType="number" value="CF_nonlabor_costs"/>
    <element name="CF_remain_nonlabor" dataType="number" value="CF_remain_nonlabor"/>
    <element name="CF_total_costs" dataType="number" value="CF_total_costs"/>
    <element name="CF_remain_funds" dataType="number" value="CF_remain_funds"/>
    <element name="CF_proj_pct_oblig" dataType="number" value="CF_proj_pct_oblig"/>
    <element name="CF_proj_pct_unoblig" dataType="number" value="CF_proj_pct_unoblig"/>
    <group name="G_1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_1">
    <element name="LABOR_BUDGET" dataType="number" value="LABOR_BUDGET"/>
    <element name="ID2" dataType="varchar2" value="ID2"/>
    <element name="CS_ORIG_BUDGET" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.ORIGBUD"/>
    <element name="CS_APPROVED_BUDGET" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.BUDGET"/>
    <element name="CS_LABOR_BUDGET_TOTAL" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CS_labor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_LABOR_COSTS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.LABOR"/>
    <element name="CS_REMAIN_LABOR" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_labor"/>
    <element name="CS_NONLABOR_BUDGET" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_NONLABOR_COSTS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_REMAINING_NONLABOR" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_nonlabor"/>
    <element name="CF_pct_oblig" dataType="number" value="XXPA4049093f.cf_pct_obligformula(:CS_TOTAL_COSTS, :CS_APPROVED_BUDGET)"/>
    <element name="CS_TOTAL_COSTS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_total_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_REMAIN_FUNDS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_funds"/>
    <element name="CF_PCT_UNOBLIG" dataType="number" value="XXPA4049093f.cf_pct_unobligformula(:CS_REMAIN_FUNDS, :CS_APPROVED_BUDGET)"/>
    <element name="rp_order_by" dataType="varchar2" value="XXPA4049093f.rp_order_by_p"/>

    I had to go to my data template and move my groups around.
    Copy Data Template into something like Wordpad, so you can see the hierarchy and cut and paste your groups. Watch your indentions.

  • Margin Issue(pdf) in migrating 6i report to 10g

    After I migrated the report from 6i to 10g, I found the report printing issue comes out. Every report printing is not same as 6i, move the data to left and top about half cm. I searched this forum, I got clue was i can add reports_add_hwmargin into registry, then I can add printer margin into the report. I found it works when i run the reprot from 10g builder. But when I generated it into pdf format through IDS then print out, the problem is still there. How can add printer margin into report with pdf format?
    My environment is
    app server 10g
    report 10g,
    windows xp
    Thanks in advance.

    Try a Compile All ( Ctrl - K ), then Ctrl - T.
    Not sure about XP, but in Vista, the 10g Builder and batch compiler will crash if a PLL Library is not available when the form is compiled.
    Make sure the PLL Library is available, and all its objects compile in the 10g setup.
    If that does not help, then try a semicolon-to-semicolon replace all, then save the fmb. Then restart the Forms Builder, and open the fmb again, and try compiling.
    Here is an old link describing the issue:
        Re: FMB size shrinks dramatically

  • Layout issue while trying Migrate Oracle Report to XML publisher Reports

    I am trying to Convert Seeded Oracle Reports (rdf) to BI Publisher reports, in doing so encounter layout issues. The layout of the RTF , PDF or HTML generated by BI Publisher is different form the text, PDF or HTML outputs generated by the concurrent report. The problem with the BI Publisher template and out put
    Is, the lay out is getting distorted .
    Steps to archive the migration :
    -     download the rdf from the server to local m/c.
    -     execute Forms 9i Util rwconverter to generate a xml
    -     use the oracle.apps.xdo.rdfparser.RTFTemplateGenerator API to generate a RTF template of the report layout
    -     Then use this template to generate a XSL via oracle.apps.xdo.template.RTFProcessor API
    -     The Apply the XSL on the XML data output of the report using oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor to generate RTF , PDF & HTML files.
    Name of the Report used for migration “FSG - Report Detail Listing” , responsibility GL super User. This was just a random report we picked-up for trial.
    The layout of these files seems to distorted than the layout of the original report output as generated by the rdf report.
    Pls suggest some means to resolve this or any pointers towards what causing this could be of help.
    -     Shudipto

    The process of "converting" an old Oracle Reports rdf into a BIP report is more akin to writing a brand new report in BIP than to what most people would consider a true conversion.
    The conversion routine outlined by Oracle just gives you a starting point for converting RDF layouts into BIP, and nothing more. In regards to the data define it does somewhat better generating your queries and XML layout (but honestly, that is the easy part), but even for the data define it will lose your formula columns as well as report triggers.
    I have used the converter on several dozen rdf files and I have yet to see one that is better than 10-20% ready for use after the conversion process.
    I would strongly suggest that you only convert the reports that you have to convert (for enhancements, modifications, etc). If it ain't broke in old Oracle Reports, dont' try to fix it in BIP.

  • Migration Status report

    Shared services status report is not being updated, when ever we kick off any batch or any migration defination i do not see the migration status report being updated.
    can any one help me with this isssue.

    Could it be that the username that you are using for the migration doesn't have all of the rights it needs for the app you are trying to migrate?
    IOW, have you tried it with just plain admin instead of test_admin?
    Cameron Lackpour

  • Scheduling a report in CUIC

    Can I schedule a report in CUIC and I want that report to dumped in a specific location.  Is this possible ?
    I know the other options are to email the scheduled reports or to make it available in the dashboard. But, I do not need them. I need the scheduled reports to be dumped ina specific location.

    We actually use a vbs script to move the "scheduled" report to a network share location.  Set the .vbs to run using Task Schedule.  Here is one of the scripts we use:
    dim dtmToday, dtmFileDate
    dtmToday = Date
    On Error Resume Next
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set LogFile = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\DonnaLogs.txt",8,TRUE)
    Set objFOlder = FSO.GetFOlder("C:\Documents and Settings\ciscouccxreport\Desktop\Donna Reports")
    Set datafiles = objFOlder.Files
    NumberofFiles = DataFiles.count
    If NumberofFiles < 8 Then
        Dim objMessage
            Dim strTextBody
            Dim strEmailTo     
            Dim intInstance 
            Dim strEnableCount
    Dim DiffTime
            'Initialize the objects
            Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
            objMessage.Subject = "Donnas Reports failed"
                objMessage.From = "[email protected]"
                objMessage.To = "[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]"
                 objMessage.TextBody = "Donnas Reports failed today"  & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
                'Set email TextBody
                'objMessage.TextBody = strTextBody
                'Set email TextBody
                'objMessage.TextBody = strTextBody
            '==This section provides the configuration information for the remote SMTP server.
            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
            ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2
            'Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server
            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
            ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "mail65002.edps.dom"
            'Type of authentication, NONE, Basic (Base64 encoded), NTLM
            'objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
            '("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = cdoBasic
            'Server port (typically 25)
            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
            ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
            'Use SSL for the connection (False or True)
            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
            ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False
            'Connection Timeout in seconds (the maximum time CDO will try to establish a connection to the SMTP server)
            objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
            ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
            '==End remote SMTP server configuration section==
            'Send the email
            'Destroy the object
            Set objMessage = Nothing
        End if
    LogFile.WriteLine("[CHECKING DONNA'S REPORT STATUS " & NOW & "]" )
    For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
        dtmFileDate = objFile.DateLastModified
        intDaysDifference = DateDiff("d", dtmFileDate, dtmToday)
        If intDaysDifference < 2 Then
               FSO.CopyFile objFile.Path, "\\deptpublic\deptpublic\HR\Phone Reports\Monthly Reports\"
        If Err = 0 then
      LogFile.WriteLine(" COPIED " & objFile.Path & " to \\deptpublic\deptpublic\HR\Phone Reports\Monthly Reports\")
      LogFile.WriteLine(" **ERROR " & Err.Number & " copying " & objFile.Path & " to \\deptpublic\deptpublic\HR\Phone Reports\Monthly Reports\")
      LogFile.WriteLine(" ******* " & Err.Description)
        End If
    If intDaysDifference > 2 Then
        FilePath = objFile.Path
               If objFile.DELETE = 0 Then
      LogFile.WriteLine(" DELETED " & FilePath)
      LogFile.WriteLine(" **ERROR " & Err.Number & " DELETING " & objFile.Path)
      LogFile.WriteLine(" ******* " & Err.Description)
        End If
    End If
        End If
    LogFile.WriteLine("[COMPLETING DONNA'S UPDATE " & NOW & "]" )

  • Migrating SQL Reporting Services error

    Hi I followed this
    technet documentation for migrating the reporting services database and temp database to a new server.
    I got the error here below ... what i was trying to do is create a new folder however it's throwing out an error and not letting me do this .... any idea how i can fix this ? not sure why it's trying to access our "smam_apps" database since it's
    pretty much is an LOB database that has nothing to do with SQL Server Reporting services
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: An error occurred within the report server database.  This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerStorageException:
    An error occurred within the report server database.  This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find server 'smam_apps' in sys.servers. Verify that
    the correct server name was specified. If necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sys.servers.
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ReportingService2010Impl.CreateFolder(String Folder, String Parent, Property[] Properties, CatalogItem& ItemInfo)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2010.CreateFolder(String Folder, String Parent, Property[] Properties, CatalogItem& ItemInfo)   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.BaseProperties.ApplyChanges()   at
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.BaseApplyPage.ApplyBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)   at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)   at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)  
    at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)   at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
    library!ReportServer_0-3!2af8!03/24/2014-11:37:36:: i INFO: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
    ui!ReportManager_0-1!1bc8!03/24/2014-11:37:36:: e ERROR: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
       at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
       at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
       at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg)

    the issue here is that one of the developers altered the procedure dbo.CreateObject proc which prevented the report manager from uploading (creating ) new reports to
    SQL Server .
    I restored the proc from another SSRS SQL Reporting Server and it fixed the issue.

  • Migrating Crystal Reports Server XI to a new Server

    Post Author: david_okeefe
    CA Forum: Deployment
    Hi,I am trying to migrate an existing Crystal Reports installation from an old server to a new server.  To prevent interruption of service, the new server must be able to be online at the same time as the old server (thus it must have a different name).  I installed Crystal Reports Server XI and told it to create its CMS database by copying the existing CMS database.  Unfortunately, I received an unspecified error ("failed to received first object from source database").  After that, I opted to create a new, default CMS database.  I tried using the import wizard to migrate the reports to the new server.  The import wizard managed to bring over all of the folders, users, and groups, but not any of the reports.  When I looked at the migration log, it gave me an error stating that it could not find the parent folder.  I have no real idea how to address this issue.  On a related note, I also do not know how to point crystal at the reports repository on the new server.  I tried using the Data Source Migration wizard to copy the reports from the old server to the new server.  Unfortunately, it didn't appear to register any of the new reports.  Given what I have already tried, I am not sure how to proceed.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,David

    Post Author: david_okeefe
    CA Forum: Deployment
    Hi,I am trying to migrate an existing Crystal Reports installation from an old server to a new server.  To prevent interruption of service, the new server must be able to be online at the same time as the old server (thus it must have a different name).  I installed Crystal Reports Server XI and told it to create its CMS database by copying the existing CMS database.  Unfortunately, I received an unspecified error ("failed to received first object from source database").  After that, I opted to create a new, default CMS database.  I tried using the import wizard to migrate the reports to the new server.  The import wizard managed to bring over all of the folders, users, and groups, but not any of the reports.  When I looked at the migration log, it gave me an error stating that it could not find the parent folder.  I have no real idea how to address this issue.  On a related note, I also do not know how to point crystal at the reports repository on the new server.  I tried using the Data Source Migration wizard to copy the reports from the old server to the new server.  Unfortunately, it didn't appear to register any of the new reports.  Given what I have already tried, I am not sure how to proceed.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,David

  • Migrating Crystal reports 8.5 to XI

    Hi All,
    I have to migrate the Crystal Reports from 8.5 to XI which are being called from ASP and using procedures. Please guide:
    1. What will be the steps for migration
    2. What changes would be required at ASP level if we migrate the reports from 8.5 to XI
    3. What are the basic challenges while migrating from 8.5 to XI
    4. Please provide any document if any one have for crystal reports migration
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Shal,
    1. What will be the steps for migration
    There is no specific steps to migrate your reports, you will have to open your reports in XI and refresh and save.  This will migrate your reports from CR8.5 to XI.
    2. What changes would be required at ASP level if we migrate the reports from 8.5 to XI
    I am not sure but, you may have to change run time files.
    3. What are the basic challenges while migrating from 8.5 to XI
    If insert any SQL statements in Show Sql these will not take care in XI, rest all you will not have any issues.
    4. Please provide any document if any one have for crystal reports migration
    If you are using Crystal Enterprise then you will have to migrate it from one enterprise to other using import wizard.  Since you are migrating reports, there isno specific document.

  • Migrating Unmanaged Reports from CE 10 to Business Objects XI R2

    Hello all,
    We are in the process of migrating our report server from CE 10 to BOJ XI R2.
    I'm having issues trying to access Unmanaged Reports using a URL. In CE10 we were able to access unmanaged reports using a URL such as HTTP://<servername>/crystal/enterprise10/MyReport.rpt  
    But now in BOJ XIR2, when accessing reports using an equivalent URL such as http://<servername>/businessobjects/MyReport.rpt
    http://<servername>/businessobjects/enterprise115/MyReport.rpt I get the below error
    WCA plugin error
    Message:An exception has occurred in the plugin with message:
    Failed to initialize viewrpt component, with path
    Component may be unavailable.
    Is this approach not supported now? I know that in CE10 this approach was deprecated but still supported ( as mentioned in note "1217747 - Unmanaged URL web reporting does not work in Crystal Reports 9 (and later) " )
    Or, is there something I'm doing wrong?
    Is there a simple work around, short of hosting all the reports on the enterprise server and using any SDK.
    Thanks for your help.
    PS:  I copied libwcs_xn_reportviewer.so from CE10 to the required dir in BOJ, and tried again. This time the library error was on another library. Error keeps cascading and I stopped. I know this is not the right approach, but this tells me they must have removed/changed this feature.
    Previous Setup that works
    Crystal Enterprise 10 on Solaris 8
    Sybase 12
    New Setup that I'm having issue with
    Business Objects Enterprise XI R2 on Solaris 10. Installed SP2 followed by SP5
    MySQL  ( for testing only )
    tomcat ( for testing only)
    Edited by: James selwin on Mar 17, 2009 10:32 PM
    Edited by: James selwin on Mar 17, 2009 10:34 PM
    Edited by: James selwin on Mar 17, 2009 10:34 PM

    The first thing you will want to do is to publish all of your reports to Business Objects XI and make sure they all still work. Obviously they won't have the dynamic parameters anymore but you should just ensure they all work and are able to connect to their databases. You can use a tool like the publishing wizard to help you.
    All the reports should now be available inside of XI.
    Unfortunately you will need to manually modify all of the 400 reports to use the business objects Dynamic Cascading Parameters DCP.
    There should be some DCP info in the Business Views documentation.
    I hope this helps
    Rob Horne<br /><a href="/blog/10">Rob&#39;s blog - http://diamond.businessobjects.com/robhorne</a>

  • How to migrate a report .SQR to Oracle repots, I have the file .SQR

    I have a problem, I need migrate a report .SQR to Oracle Reports, So, I don't know .SQR. one idea for this

    Is that a Hyperion sqr file? I doubt there are migration tools, so you will need to rebuild the report in Oracle Reports.

  • How to migrate a report .SQR to Oracle repots

    I have a problem, I need migrate a report .SQR to Oracle Reports, So, I don't know .SQR. one idea for this

    I don't know SQR, but Google said that it is either a Hyperion or Peoplesoft product.
    This forum is dedicated for migrations from non-Oracle databases to Oracle, using the SQL Developer Migration Workbench. So you should better place your question in the Oracle Reports forum: Reports
    Best regards

  • Date Format in Webview Report

    We have just upgraded the ICM Enterprise 6.0 to UCCE 7.5. But when we tried  to generate the Webview Historical Report (e.g. Call Type Daily Report), the  following occurs:
    1. The date format is in mm/dd/yyyy format, whereas the date format in ICM  Webview 6.0 previously was in dd-M-yy format (e.g. 12-Jul-10). I checked the  Regional setting in the new ICM Adminworkstation (with webview), the date format  is in mm/dd/yyyy format, i tried to change the date format to match the previous  one, but the date format still does not change accordingly in the report.
    2. Some of the data in the new webview report does not match the one in  previous webview report, based on the same selected report period and same Call  Type. some data was missing.
    Are the 2 cases mentioned above related and caused by the common problem?
    Appreciate any advice.
    Thanks & Regards,

    The data is internally stored in an external format. Go back to the program that filled this field, there is something missing there.
    Look at FM like
    You only keep date in external format when filling a BDC, for most other input mode (BAPI and the like) data must be converted to internal format.

  • How to import a report in CUIC 8.0 Standard Edition?

    Hi all,
    We are using CUIC 8.0 Standard Edition. Cisco says in the CUIC 8.0 Data Sheet that it is possible to import a report with CUIC 8.0 Standard Edition. However when I am working with the CUIC 8.0 Reporting App I find nothing in it's Web interface regarding importing reports.
    What is wrong? Does anybody know how to import a report with CUIC 8.0 Standard Edition?

    Closed. I did notice that button Import Report.

  • What is a migrated document report.CVS?

    establish_communication_SmartKey.htm,C:\temp\HP_WebRelease\setup\help\fr,C:\temp \HP_WebRelease\setup\help\fr....I found this in "a Migrated Document Report. CVS. Ant idea what it is and can I get rid of it?

    Any movie openable in QuickTime.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Interactive pdf cannot be opened on PC

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  • Display C4795 won't work

    Printer won't turn off when power button is pressed and display consistantly just has hp on it with running bar underneith. 

  • In-call menus not responding to keypad

    If I make a call, say to the bank or somewhere with an automated menu, the other line doesn't recognize when I enter a number choice (press 0 for Representative, etc). This isn't just for one certain phone number or within a certain time frame. So fa