Mijn java[ update 24]en eerder laden niet bij antwoorden op upc web mail fout 1008807213 echter gmail werkt perfect...hoe kan dat...upc schuift het op java af . ik heb java getest op hun site ...WERKT ok

Ik kan use my gmail and live mail ..i suppose they use both JAVA?
I have the laterst tested version but....I can not awnser my mails in the UPC webmail re box. Java error uncompliable magic value error 1008807213...i have windows t 64 bit....Several times I googled to vind a 64 bit java version . You vind them on oracle BUT!! in no way you can see it would be indeed a 64 bit version ...verry irritating....i have also javascript ...can there be a fight between both?
pleas advice pierre

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    Is there anything unusual about your connection settings? You can check here:
    "3-bar" menu button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced > Network mini-tab > "Settings" button
    The default of "Use system proxy settings" should piggyback on your Windows/IE "LAN" settings, but you also can try "No proxy" to see whether that works any better.
    I want to explore the potential secure site issue in more depth. If you open Google in IE and click the padlock icon in the address bar, then View Certificate, what information do you find in the Issuer/Issued by section?
    A couple other general things you might not have tried, which address possible corruption in settings files (your profile folder), and possible problems in your Firefox program folder.
    '''Create a new Firefox profile'''
    A new profile will have your system-installed plugins (e.g., Flash) and extensions (e.g., security suite toolbars), but no themes, other extensions, or other customizations. It also will have completely fresh settings databases and a fresh cache folder.
    Exit Firefox and start up in the Profile Manager using Start > Run (hold Windows key an press R):
    firefox.exe -P
    ''Don't delete anything here.''
    Any time you want to switch profiles, exit Firefox and return to this dialog.
    Go ahead and click the Create Profile button, give it a name like Nov8, and skip the option to change the folder location. Then start Firefox in the new profile you created.
    ''Until you go back to the Profile Manager and start up in your regular profile, your desktop shortcut should fire up the new profile.''
    Can you get to Google?
    Note: When returning to the Profile Manager, you might be tempted to use the Delete Profile button on your new test profile. But... it's a bit too easy to accidentally delete your "real" profile, so I recommend resisting the temptation. If you do want to clean up later, I suggest making a backup of all your profiles first in case something were to go wrong.
    You can replace Firefox's program files without disturbing your settings using this '''Clean Reinstall''' procedure:
    (1) Download a fresh installer for Firefox 33 from https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/ to a convenient location. (Scroll down to your preferred language.)
    (2) If applicable, exit out of Firefox or make sure it is fully terminated in Task Manager.
    (3) Rename the folder ''(64-bit Windows folder names)''
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
    C:\Program Files (x86)\OldFirefox
    (4) Run the installer you downloaded in #1. It should automatically connect to your existing settings.
    Does it run?
    Note: Some recently installed plugins may exist only in that OldFirefox folder. If something essential is missing, look in these folders:
    * C:\Program Files (x86)\OldFirefox\Plugins
    * C:\Program Files (x86)\OldFirefox\browser\plugins

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    Thank you for your reply. I have had contact with the
    helpdesk of my hosting company. They told me they will look in to it.
    Thanks again.
    With kind regards,
    Pascal Jehee
    On Fri, 26 Oct 2012
    14:15:21 -0600, Chris Campbell  wrote:  
      created by Chris Campbell in
    Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion

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