Minify inline javascript generated by cfform.js and masks.js

In an effort to reduce file size, I would like to minify the javascript that is injected, by (what I suspect) is cfform.
js and masks.js.
Is there a way to do this?  I have already compressed the files themselves, but the script that they are inserting into the code on page render is still coming up in all its tabbed, white-spaced, and uncompressed glory.
Any ideas?
Additionally, I would like to be able to specify where the calls to the cfform.js and masks.js files are in the rendered page as well.  Currently, they get placed right after the <head> tag.  It would be nice to be able to make sure they get placed after the link to the css file for the page - as JS files should come after CSS files for maxium optimization (so I've read).
Help with this would be much appreciated!

While I do agree that "web consultants" can be a slippery bunch, having dealt with some rather slippery ones myself, in this case there is a bit of validity to trying to find the answer.
The site in question is on a shared CF server, and provided by an Adobe "hosting partner" per the Adobe website.
Unfortunately, they do not offer gzip as an option on the shared environment, citing performance issues with their servers - believe me I have been trying to get them to help as much as possible while trying to tackle the optimization of the site.  They have also been unhelpful with Browser caching and a few other optimizations offered up as possibilities by tools such as Google's Page Speed and Yahoo's YSlow.
Also, while I definitely don't pretend to be an expert on site optimization, I've done a decent amount of research and reading, and I thought that minification before gzipping increased the results to the positive.
Having not been able to test this case with gzip because of the afore mentioned hosting situation, I can't speak to whether that is the case or not.
At any rate I appreciate the feedback, but can't say I'm not disappointed that there doesn't seem to be a good fix here.

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    Thanks lot

    Like you said.. steps are simple and clearly mentioned in guide.
    1. create a variable of type string
    2. after configuring the file adapter , go to corresponding receive activity , go to properties tab
    3. search for a property with name as jca.file.FileName . This basically keeps track of file name
    4. for this property, give the value as name of variable created in step 1 above
    5. Use this variable anywhere in assign / transform

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    // Add field to each page of form
    var inch = 72;
    for (var p = 0; p < this.numPages ; p++) {
    // create rectangle quads for field
    var aRect = this.getPageBox( {nPage: p} );
    aRect[0] = 540.0;
    aRect[1] = 0.0;
    aRect[2] = 576.0;
    aRect[3] = 792;
    var f = this.addField("PrintField" + p, "text", p, aRect)
    f.delay = false;
    f.print = true;
    f.hidden = true;
    f.delay = false;
    f.rotation = 90;
    f.textSize = 10;
    f.textFont = font.HelvB;
    f.textColor =;
    f.alignment = "center";
    f.readonly = true;
    f.value = "";
    var myWillPrintScript =
    'for (var p = 0; p < this.numPages ; p++) { ' +
    'var f = this.getField("PrintField" + p); '
    + 'f.hidden = false; '
    + 'var d = new Date(); '
    + 'var expiryd = new Date(); '
    + 'var ThursdayArray = new Array(7); '
    + 'ThursdayArray[0] = 4; '
    + 'ThursdayArray[1] = 3; '
    + 'ThursdayArray[2] = 2; '
    + 'ThursdayArray[3] = 1; '
    + 'ThursdayArray[4] = 0; '
    + 'ThursdayArray[5] = 6; '
    + 'ThursdayArray[6] = 5; '
    + 'var currentday = 0;'
    + 'currentday = d.getDay(); '
    + 'expiryd.setDate(expiryd.getDate() + ThursdayArray[currentday]);'
    + 'f.value = "This is an unofficial copy of a controlled document. Print date/time: " + util.printd("dd mmm yyyy HH:MM ", d) + " Expires: "+ util.printd("dd mmm yyyy ", expiryd) + " 23:59 EST.";'
    + '}'
    var myDidPrintScript =
    + 'this.dirty = false;'
    // Now set the scripts to execute on the Will/Did Print events.
    this.setAction("WillPrint", myWillPrintScript);
    this.setAction("DidPrint", myDidPrintScript);

    Very unusual, Here are some more questions to help nail down the issue.
    Are both date text lines in form fields? What are the form field names? i.e. is this an exact copy of the existing form field? What are the settings that differentiate the two fields, i.e. Rotation, etc.?
    Could the script be somehow getting run twice?
    On another note, why are you naming all of the fields differently. It looks like they all get the same info. If this is true then you could simplify the script by making them all the same name. You would not need the loop to apply the date text.
    Thom Parker
    The source for PDF Scripting Info
    The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often

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    Sorry, without the Sync Key you can't use Sync to recover your personal data. If you have another device that was connected that Sync account, you can recover your Sync Key from that other device in the Password Manager on non-mobile devices. See - [ this].
    ''Firefox Sync wasn't intended to be a "backup" medium, it was made to keep certain data synchronized between multiple devices.'' That "key" is used to encrypt your data before being uploaded to the Sync server and decrypt the data as it is downloaded to one of your devices. Only you have access to that "key", to maintain security over your data no one else knows that "key".
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  • Script to generate all the tables and objects in a schema

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    with toad the no of tables generated is not matching when i check from schema .

    Dear Sidhant,
    Try this script:
    set termout off
    set feedback off
    set serveroutput on size 100000
    spool ddl_schema.sql
    dbms_output.put_line('-- DROP TABLES --');
        for rt in (select tname from tab order by tname) loop
            dbms_output.put_line('DROP TABLE '||rt.tname||' CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;');
        end loop;
        v_tname  varchar2(30);
        v_cname  char(32);
        v_type     char(20);
        v_null   varchar2(10);
        v_maxcol number;
        v_virg     varchar2(1);
    dbms_output.put_line('-- CREATE TABLES --');
        for rt in (select table_name from user_tables order by 1) loop
            dbms_output.put_line('CREATE TABLE '||v_tname||' (');
            for rc in (select table_name,column_name,data_type,data_length,
                    from user_tab_columns tc
                    where tc.table_name=rt.table_name
                    order by table_name,column_id) loop
                        if rc.data_type='VARCHAR2' then
                        elsif rc.data_type='NUMBER' and rc.data_precision is null and
                                             rc.data_scale=0 then
                        elsif rc.data_type='NUMBER' and rc.data_precision is null and
                                         rc.data_scale is null then
                        elsif rc.data_type='NUMBER' and rc.data_scale='0' then
                        elsif rc.data_type='NUMBER' and rc.data_scale<>'0' then
                        elsif rc.data_type='CHAR' then
                        else v_type:=rc.data_type;
                        end if;
                        if rc.nullable='Y' then
                            v_null:='NOT NULL';
                        end if;
                        select max(column_id)
                            into v_maxcol
                            from user_tab_columns c
                            where c.table_name=rt.table_name;
                        if rc.column_id=v_maxcol then
                        end if;
                        dbms_output.put_line (v_cname||v_type||v_null||v_virg);
            end loop;
        end loop;
        v_virg        varchar2(1);
        v_maxcol    number;
    dbms_output.put_line('-- PRIMARY KEYS --');
        for rcn in (select table_name,constraint_name
                from user_constraints
                where constraint_type='P'
                order by table_name) loop
            dbms_output.put_line ('ALTER TABLE '||rcn.table_name||' ADD (');
            dbms_output.put_line ('CONSTRAINT '||rcn.constraint_name);
            dbms_output.put_line ('PRIMARY KEY (');
            for rcl in (select column_name,position
                    from user_cons_columns cl
                    where cl.constraint_name=rcn.constraint_name
                    order by position) loop
                select max(position)
                    into v_maxcol
                    from user_cons_columns c
                    where c.constraint_name=rcn.constraint_name;
                if rcl.position=v_maxcol then
                end if;
                dbms_output.put_line (rcl.column_name||v_virg);
            end loop;
            dbms_output.put_line('USING INDEX );');
        end loop;
        v_virg        varchar2(1);
        v_maxcol    number;
        v_tname        varchar2(30);
    dbms_output.put_line('-- FOREIGN KEYS --');
        for rcn in (select table_name,constraint_name,r_constraint_name
                from user_constraints
                where constraint_type='R'
                order by table_name) loop
            dbms_output.put_line ('ALTER TABLE '||rcn.table_name||' ADD (');
            dbms_output.put_line ('CONSTRAINT '||rcn.constraint_name);
            dbms_output.put_line ('FOREIGN KEY (');
            for rcl in (select column_name,position
                    from user_cons_columns cl
                    where cl.constraint_name=rcn.constraint_name
                    order by position) loop
                select max(position)
                    into v_maxcol
                    from user_cons_columns c
                    where c.constraint_name=rcn.constraint_name;
                if rcl.position=v_maxcol then
                end if;
                dbms_output.put_line (rcl.column_name||v_virg);
            end loop;
            select table_name
                into v_tname
                from user_constraints c
                where c.constraint_name=rcn.r_constraint_name;
            dbms_output.put_line(') REFERENCES '||v_tname||' (');
            select max(position)
                    into v_maxcol
                    from user_cons_columns c
                    where c.constraint_name=rcn.r_constraint_name;
            select max(position)
                into v_maxcol
                from user_cons_columns c
                where c.constraint_name=rcn.r_constraint_name;
            for rcr in (select column_name,position
                    from user_cons_columns cl
                    where rcn.r_constraint_name=cl.constraint_name
                    order by position) loop
                if rcr.position=v_maxcol then
                end if;
                dbms_output.put_line (rcr.column_name||v_virg);
            end loop;
            dbms_output.put_line(') );');
        end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line('-- DROP SEQUENCES --');
        for rs in (select sequence_name
                from user_sequences
                where sequence_name like 'SQ%'
                order by sequence_name) loop
            dbms_output.put_line('DROP SEQUENCE '||rs.sequence_name||';');
        end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line('-- CREATE SEQUENCES --');
        for rs in (select sequence_name
                from user_sequences
                where sequence_name like 'SQ%'
                order by sequence_name) loop
            dbms_output.put_line('CREATE SEQUENCE '||rs.sequence_name||' NOCYCLE;');
        end loop;
        v_virg        varchar2(1);
        v_maxcol    number;
    dbms_output.put_line('-- INDEXES --');
        for rid in (select index_name, table_name
                from user_indexes
                where index_name not in (select constraint_name from user_constraints)
                    and index_type<>'LOB'
                order by index_name) loop
            dbms_output.put_line('CREATE INDEX '||rid.index_name||' ON '||rid.table_name||' (');
            for rcl in (select column_name,column_position
                    from user_ind_columns cl
                    where cl.index_name=rid.index_name
                    order by column_position) loop
                select max(column_position)
                    into v_maxcol
                    from user_ind_columns c
                    where c.index_name=rid.index_name;
                if rcl.column_position=v_maxcol then
                end if;
                dbms_output.put_line (rcl.column_name||v_virg);
            end loop;
        end loop;
    spool off
    set feedback on
    set termout on Best Regards,
    Francisco Munoz Alvarez

  • Error when generating program /SAPAPO/TSM141 and Errors in source system

    Hello APO Experts!
    I had to include a new key figure in the cube and the planning area with configuration semantic = 000.
    The problem is, in my DEV system, the modification was perfect. Then when I did in the QA system, I´ve got the error "Error when generating program /SAPAPO/TSM141" and u201CErrors in source systemu201D when trying to load data in the Infopackage.
    Do you have any idea of what this could be?
    Best Regards

    The problem may come from the inconsistency between the datasource settings and the content in table /SAPAPO/TSAREATE.
    - SE16, go to table /SAPAPO/TSAREATE, input the planning area name, check the extraction structure, which is started from  '/1APO/EXT_STRU'.
    - SE16, go to table /SAPAPO/TSAREAEX, input the datasource name, and check the extraction structure.
    Are the two extraction structures the same or different ?
    If they're different, please read the below solutions, otherwise, you can ignore the following.
    In general and most customer cases this inconsistency happens during transporting of datasource alone. In many cases the planning area is directly created at target system and datasoucre transported from a a different system which causes incorrect export structure entry in planning area table.
    Please refer to following content from note 549184:
    Q4: Why could I have extraction problem after transport of DataSource?
    A4: DataSources for DP/SNP planning areas depend directly on the  structure of the planning areas. That's why the planning area MUST  ALWAYS be transported with or before the DataSource.
    The simple solution will be to create a dummy data source for this planning area. This will regenerate the extract structure for all other data sources as well and update the corresponding tables. After that you can delete the dummy datasource.
    After delete the dummy datasource, in case of inconsistency, please also run the report /SAPAPO/TS_PSTRU_GEN report for
    - Basis - form routines
    - Create planning objects
    - Planning area extractor
    with the flags "Reset generation time stamp" and "Generate" set.
    And in order to transfer datasource correctly, please also refer to the consulting note 514524.
    Best Regards,

  • Error? on Example 16-7 XMLFOREST: Generating Elements with Attribute and Ch

    Error in example on page
    Example 16-7 XMLFOREST: Generating Elements with Attribute and Child Elements
    Example appears as
    SELECT XMLElement("Emp",
                      XMLAttributes(e.first_name ||' '|| e.last_name AS "name"),
                      XMLForest(e.hire_date, e.department AS "department"))
    FROM employees e WHERE e.department_id = 20;
    1. employees table not qualified as hr.employees
    2. e.department as "department" should be e.department_id as "department"
    corrected would be
    SELECT XMLElement("Emp",
                      XMLAttributes(e.first_name ||' '|| e.last_name AS "name"),
                      XMLForest(e.hire_date, e.department_id AS "department"))
    FROM hr.employees e WHERE e.department_id = 20;albert

    It was subreport-related, though I still do not know the exact root cause.
    I was having trouble with both the built-in export as well as a custom process.
    Removing the subreports as suggested, I isolated the failure to one of the three subs and rebuilt this subreport from scratch (it was only three fields) and now the report has no trouble with the pdf export. I am not sure if it had a resolvable technical issue or if it was just corrupted, as it is now working, I am not going to expend much energy on finding out.
    Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Why is the stub generated from the implementation and not the interface?

    Why is the stub generated from the implementation and not the interface?

    Because if a remote server object implements multiple remote interfaces, its stub must implement all the same remote interfaces. The only way to know which interfaces to implement is to examine the server object class.

  • Generate report on server and open it in a client report viewer, possible?

    Hi guys,
    We are new to Crystal report so please feel free to correct me if I had the idea wrong.
    Our client-server application was written in a language other than Java and Dot Net. We want to use Java and Crystal SDKs to glue our application, the Crystal Report Server and Report Viewers together...
    We are planning to collect report parameters within the client of our own application (due to attributes of our application and parameters we need) and then pass it back to the server side (our server, not Crystal server). Our server will then generate a XML file and run a Java program talks to the Crystal Report Server (XI R2) to run a report with the XML file and store the result on the server side. Then it will send a message back to the client, tells it the report has been generated. Then our client program will fire up the Crystal Report Viewer to view the report.
    I was just wondering if it is possible to do what we wanted with Java SDKs that are available to us (JRC, Viewer SDK and Report Application Server SDK)? Has anybody done the similar thing before?
    Also we would like to have some drill-down reports with XML as report data source. Would it be possible to intersect drill-down event fired in a report viewer(Java and Web)?  I would imagine the report viewer will then call some Java program talk to our application server to generate XML file for the drill-down section and then some how programmatically tell the viewer to display the drilled down report with the XML file just generated...  Will my design work? Any advice or thought will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    If you are using Crystal Reports Server, you can do almost everything you want using the RAS Java SDK.  RAS will accept XML as a runtime datasource, and then manipulate the report at the server end and render the report in the DHTML viewer.  If you want your client to call the viewer, have it call the JSP file that the viewer code has been added to.
    The RAS SDK doesn't have any ability to intercept or manipulate drill down events, so the second part of what you would like to do may not be possible.  Because our viewers are dynamically generated there is no source code to look at or use to make changes to the viewer outside of what is available in the viewer SDK. 
    Below is a link to the developer library with the Report Application Server SDK that has sample code and tutorials to do what you need to do, as well as the Java Docs of the RAS SDK.

  • How to generate an output waveform and a pulse

    I want to
    generate a waveform and a pulse with LabView and PCI-MIO card.
    The waveform must be a sine with a frequency of 1 Hz and sampling frequency 10
    Hz. The pulse must be a square signal between 0 and 5 V with frequency of 10
    Hz. Every point of the sine waveform must be synchronized with every point of
    the pulse. The pulse is used as a trigger for a digital camera.
    I have been looking at the DAQmx examples but I haven't succeeded.
    Any comments on the best way of doing this?

    Hi Raimon,
    Look at attached VI,
    Here i am first building 2 waveforms sine and square of 10 hz, 0-5V and generating them on ywo analog output channels.
    You can use the logic of creating the two singals and for AO generation that i have shown in this VI.
    If you want AO to be regenerative/non regenerative, find the relevant  example AO generation VI's, modify it to generate functions generated by my VI and go ahead.
    generate multiple ‏112 KB

  • Dynamically generating the ssrs dataset and filling the data into the dataset and binding it to ssrs report dynamically

    I have a work to do, in ssrs we are using server reports in our project. i am looking for dynamically generating the ssrs dataset and filling the data into the dataset and binding the dataset to ssrs report(RDL) dynamically.
    Getting the dataset dynamically has a solution by using Report Definition Customization Extension (RDCE), but the problem is binding that dataset to the report(RDL) dynamically was not there.
    Here is the reference for RDCE
    I looked for binding the dataset to the report(RDL) dynamically and searched many sites but i did not get the solution. Can anyone help me here.
    Is there any custom assemblies or any Custom data processing extensions to work around. Please help.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Prabha2233,
    Thank you for your question.
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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