MinimumPasswordAge and Password must meet complexity requirements issue

Hi Experts,
Our Setup
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise domain
Windows XP SP3 client boxes
Password policy setup
MinimumPasswordAge - 35
MinimumPasswordLength - 8
Password must meet complexity requirements - Enabled
EnforcePasswordHistory - 8
These were not enabled since beginning. We enabled the settings few days back. Now few of the users can't change the password. They get the following error "Password must meet the complexity requirements". One of the user has his username as the password
and now he is trying to change 'Mymother1954!' and it doesn't work.
'P@ssw0rd!' doesn't work as well.
Tried changed the MinimumPasswordAge to 0. No help. I am unsure the older (prior to the current policy setup) would be remembered. Even if it does why wouldn't it allow the user to change a unique password?
I need your experts suggestion to resolve the issue. Thanks for your help in advance.

gpresult /v shows that the policy is getting applied successfully. So GPO isn't an issue here I guess.
Here is the output
        Account Policies
            GPO: Default Domain Policy
                Policy:            MinimumPasswordAge
                Computer Setting:  35
            GPO: Default Domain Policy
                Policy:            PasswordHistorySize
                Computer Setting:  8
            GPO: Default Domain Policy
                Policy:            MinimumPasswordLength
                Computer Setting:  8
            GPO: Default Domain Policy
                Policy:            LockoutBadCount
                Computer Setting:  N/A
            GPO: Default Domain Policy
                Policy:            MaximumPasswordAge
                Computer Setting:  45

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    Hi Neil,
    You are completely correct, that setting determines the period of time (in Days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. So since you have it set to 30, your users have to wait 30 Days until they can change their password again (after
    they first have changed it).
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    Microsoft Certified Trainer
    MCSE: Desktop, Server, Private Cloud, Messaging

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    Hi John
    thank You very much. You wrote
    BC4J provides a number of mechanisms for specifying the DB username and password that do not require
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    sabre150 wrote:
    jverd wrote:
    sabre150 wrote:
    and why put an upper limit on the number of characters in the password and why exclude certain characters in the password.
    Every restriction you place on a password reduces the available entropy and therefore makes it easier to crack.However, certain resrictions--such as requiring at least one non-letter, not allowing dictionary words, not allowing it to contain the username, etc., while slightly reducing the average time for a brute force attack, can make other very quick attacks--like a dictionary attack--untenable. So there are some restrictions that are a good idea.I will concede this but it I am not keen on protecting a user from his own stupidity. Since this namby-pamby approach is the industry norm I have to go along with it but I hate it.In some cases you may be protecting your own assets from the user's stupidity, depending on what his account gives him access to.

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    I am unable to login to database with sys user. Below is the procedure I am trying to login to DB.
    *$ sqlplus /nolog*
    SQL Plus Release:
    SQL>conn sys/password@orcl as sysdba;
    ORA-01017: Invalid username and password; logon denied
    then i issued the below commands ans realised that DB is not started.
    SQL> Startup;
    ORA-03135: Connection lost contact.
    But I am able to login to DB as sys with out providing instance name(orcl in this case)
    *$ sqlplus /nolog*
    SQL Plus Release:
    SQL>conn sys/password as sysdba;
    Can someone let me know how to set password for sys user for orcl instance.

    try to connect as
    $export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    $sqlplus / as sysdba
    Even then if you are not able to login.
    show the tnsping output and listener status .
    also check the sqlnet.authentication parameter in sqlnet.ora file.
    Post the above mention details ..

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    Hp envy 5531 printer

    Hi 61notoldenough,
    I see that you are having some issues registering an Email and password, where is this an issue? I see that you have the ENVY 5531, are you trying to use an App, register at HPConnected / HPePrintCenter, etc?
    Hope to hear back.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    iTunes and Mac App Store content is forever tied to the Apple ID that bought it. Apple does not transfer content from one ID to another and Apple does not merge Apple IDs. The only way that you can redownload content, update content and authorize the content's use on Macs, PCs and iOS devices is with the Apple ID used to buy it.
    You can throw away free content and buy it again with your new Apple ID if the content is still available. But to keep using free content no longer available in the iTunes and Mac App Stores, as well as, the paid content, you will need to rehabilitate the Apple ID that was used to buy it.
    Use one of these methods to contact the Account Security Team for help resurrecting the old Apple ID.
    Apple ID Security -
    Telephone Apple Care for your country and ask for the Account Security Team, then request help.
    Or use this link for contact by internet-
    Choose Other Apple ID Topics and then Apple ID Account Security

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    I'm utilizing Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) 3.6.1 (471.16) and I'm attempting to deploy this UNIX command:
    sudo dseditgroup -o edit -n /Local/Default -a staff -t group _lpadmin
    When using with sudo it gives me this response error:
    sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
    I attempted again and selected the admin user in Run Command As, and it still did not deploy the command.
    Then I attempted the command but without sudo:
    dseditgroup -o edit -n /Local/Default -a staff -t group _lpadmin
    and received this error prompt:
    'Username and password must be provided.'
    Yes we can logout all standard/managed users deskside log into admin and set it up that way, however with hundreds of macs we'd like to deploy this to is not ideal.
    Any suggestions or ways to resolve?

    WOW, thats funny. I know I attempted using root as Send Command As user when deploying it, but perhaps I left sudo in the command.
    Its working sans sudo and with root as the Send Command as user.
    Thanks Varjak.

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