Mise en route de photoshop

J'utilise photoshop pour la 1ère fois avec mon propre logiciel CS6 et je n'arrive ni pas à importer un fichier de mes documents, ni à ouvrir le fichier directement avec le clic droit dans photoshop. L'interface reste grise. Comment procéder?

Dans Aide -> recherche d'exemples tapez diadem dans le champ de recherche. Vous aurez un exemple "Mise à l'échelle des x" (pour votre question 2) et un exemple "Rapport à plusieurs pages" (pour votre question 3). Quant à votre question 1 il vous suffit de fixer le nombre de boucle à exécuter. Vous devrez surement faire quelques modifications mais les exemples sont assez parlant.
Jean-Luc D. NI France
National Instruments France
#adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
Journées techniques : du contrôle d'instruments aux bancs de test
Du 4 au 13 juin : Grenoble - Pari...

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    Oui. Ce n'est pas une mise à jour, il s'agit d'une mise à niveau.
    Le prix est aux Etats-Unis 400 $. Vous devez le faire via la boutique Adobe.
    http://store1.adobe.com/cfusion/store/html/index.cfm?event=displayProduct&categoryOID=7240 505&store=OLS-US
    Vous ne communiquez pas avec Adobe ici. Nous sommes tous des utilisateurs comme vous dans ce forum.

  • Mise a jour Photoshop CS5

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    Adobe Extension Manager CS5 5.0 Update
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    L'essentiel c'est que tu puisses utiliser ton LR et je comprends tes réticences à désinstaller la version boîte mais si tu veux profiter des mises à jour futures, il est essentiel de savoir sur quelle version tu es exactement. Pour essayer de t'éclairer, voici à quoi devrait ressembler ton installation :
    1. Adobe Creative cloud
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    Illustrator is not a jpg editor.
    There are 2 things you can do....
    Use Live Trace to trace the jpg then adjust the shapes for the track. My guess is this won't work well at all.
    Use the pen tool and draw the path yourself. You can then completely adjust the path all you want.

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    Adobe has already very conveniently linked Bridge and Photoshop together for you, in several ways other than window clicking and other than what OS X provides.
    On the File menu in Photoshop, there's a "Browse" command that goes to Bridge. In Bridge, there's a "Return to Adobe Photoshop" command. That sounds odd but here's the thing: They use the same keyboard shortcut, Command+Option+O. So if you learn that one single shortcut, you can flip between Bridge and Photoshop instantly. I use Command+Tab a lot too, but that can be a pain if you have a lot of apps open. Command+Option+O is a direct express route between Photoshop and Bridge.
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    The links are all there and ready to go.

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    Targa is good image format to use since it is uncompressed and can contain an alpha channel. However, why do you need an alpha channel on a scanned image? With photos I'd normally use JPEG.
    When working with the images, if you go down the route of photoshop/elements just save in .psd format since FCE can import that, alpha channel and all.
    If you want to avoid spending money then as suggested by Alchroma you can do basic borders and text, etc in FCE. Or there's always the opensource Gimp.app or Gimpshop. These will probably be harder to learn than Photoshop Elements and you won't have a native file import like with photoshop, but you can always export to something like Targa.
    With regards to dpi, as said it's not the dpi per se that's important, it's the image size in pixels and what you intent to do with it. See this page on Tom's site for more info: http://www.fcpbook.com/Pages/PS6.html

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    Check this link:

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    Skybreeze26 wrote:
    Ya it does have to be supported by the software there should be an update so people that have purchased their programs can use it on touch screen instead of being forced into a monthly fee just to be able to work on the go. I refuse to pay a monthly fee for one of the five programs I already purchased just to use on a touch screen that is insane Its like paying for a program every year.
    Well, considering bang for the buck, CS6 is about $700 USD to buy outright, which is fine but users have to be aware that Adobe's only going to put out critical updates for that version for the time being. No new features, etc. Even its Camera Raw doesn't have any of the new features inherent in Photoshop CC's Camera Raw.
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  • Mettre une photo dans une forme illustrator

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    Mon but est de mettre des photos dans les anneaux et d'écrire dessus.. pour cela j'ai mis ma forme sur photoshop mais à partir de là impossible .. je ne sais pas comment faire!
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    Merci beaucoup!!!
    je mets mon fichier ai en pièce jointe si vous voulez vous faire une idée
    Bonne soirée

    Si vous voulez insérer des photos dans les parties intérieures blanches,
    vous devez utiliser les masques (d'écrêtage dans Illustrator, de fusion dans Pshop).
    Pour cela vous devez dupliquer les formes blanches seulement; ces formes seront utilisées comme masques.
    Comme elles «n'existent pas» vectoriellement parlant, il faut que vous sélectionnez le tout puis,
    menu Objet » Décomposer l'aspect.
    Par la suite, vous pourrez sûrement obtenir les formes indépendantes en utilisant les pathfinders.
    Mais c'est un travail assez long, et je ne garantis pas la réussite, surtout si vous n'êtes pas habiles avec les Pathfinders.
    Par contre dans Pshop c'est simple (le seul hic c'est que les dégradés sont moins visibles).
    Il s'agit de copier-coller votre image illustratror ou de la sauvegarder en .eps et de l'ouvrir dans Pshop en CMJN et non en RVB comme j'ai fait.
    Vos photos devront être en CMJN aussi.
    Ensuite, vous remplissez de noir 100% toute l'illustration dans Illustrator et vous sélectionnez le tout, puis copiez-collez dans une nouvelles couche de pshop.
    Attention, si elle se copie dans un calque, il s'agit de repartir du calque pour copier-coller dans la couche et jeter le calque inutile.
    Par la suite vous faites des copies de la couche, pour isoler sur chaque, les parties blanches que vous voulez utiliser comme masques, en remplissant de noir le reste. Puis inverser pour obtenir un élément noir sur fond blanc.
    Chacune de ces couches serviront de masque.
    J'ai fait un exemple avec le premier masque de votre illustration; je vous indexe deux photos écrans, la première montrant les couches, la deuxième montrant un calque avec masque.
    Il se peut qu'il y ait un léger décalage avec les anneaux en couleur mais en agrandissant beaucoup vous pouvez déplacer légèrement l'image et son masque.
    Bon travail!  ;o-)

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    entre ça et d'autre bug de mon appareille je le rendit et en reçu un autre quelque jour apres, donc un i5 tout neuf!!
    et bien tjs c meme probleme le flash ne fonctionnai tjs pas correctement et tout les photo rester noire ou tres sombre!! le probleme etait tjs la meme apres restauration!!!
    resultat g revendu l'i5 car mon probleme n'etait pas ameliorer

  • Yellow colors look dull on export, driving me crazy, need help

    When I export a photo from lightroom to JPEG with a sRGB color space I see huge differences in mainly the yellow colors.
    The sRGB photo has washed out yellows which is a huge difference to the develop version.
    I have a very basic understanding of color management and Lightroom and understand the theory of color spaces and that there will always be differences in color because of the conversion from Lightroom (Prophoto with sRGB tonecurve) to sRGB.
    But what I dont understand is that my yellows in the exported sRGB colorspace look far more washed out and ugly then similair photos I find on the net. (which are also in sRGB color space)
    Take for example the picture below, which has rich yellow colors in my browser (Firefox4):
    - http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrsmagic/379546943/sizes/l/in/photostream/
    - http://www.flickr.com/photos/druclimb/459126182/sizes/z/in/photostream/
    If I compare that to my exported picture (with very high saturated colors in lightroom) I see a huge difference in the yellow color:
    - http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2hfooc4&s=7
    What is confusing for me is that when I open the Flickr pictures locally in Photosop I see that the yellow get washed out there aswell (probably because PS is color managed).
    So I thought maybe it is the webbrowser  (Firefox 4) which wrongly displays the photos, but then again, why do my photos look so washed out in Firefox4 and the other sRGB flickr pictures not, they also have a sRGB profile... (Firefox4 should be color managed.)
    In no way I can replicate those strong yellow colors using Lightroom on export. (IN Lightroom they look just fine)
    - My display is color calibrated using a spyder3 pro.(I don't have a wide gamut lcd)
    -I am using Lightroom 3.3 for editing and using export from RAW to full JPEG in sRGB color space.

    Jao vdL wrote:
    So that explains why the images with no tags look different, Firefox does not apply a color management for them, and my monitor profile is giving me stronger yellows.
    This would imply that the icc profile gets stripped somewhere. That is not normal. Lightroom ALWAYS includes an icc profile on export. Are you using an export action somewhere in the chain perhaps? Or are you routing through Photoshop and doing a "save for web" with the icc option unchecked? Flickr does not strip the icc profile, so it should be getting stripped somewhere on your end. I'd second the recommendation to upload an original here somewhere.
    The ICC profile is present at my export from Lightroom, I was referring to the Flickr examples (not my images).
    Since they seem to have no ICC profile it explains the difference in color between Firefox and viewed in Photoshop.  I (wrongly) compared my images to those pictures because I was thinking they had stronger yellows AND a sRGB profile.
    Jao vdL wrote:
    Probably on your monitor, the string yellow you are targeting is already
    out of monitor gamut even in sRGB space. You can check this by
    exporting your image to sRGB, opening it up in Photoshop (should look
    the same as in Lightroom) and soft proofing with gamut warning for your
    monitor profile. To do this go into the view menu, select Proof setup
    and select custom. Select your monitor profile in "device to simulate"
    and make sure "preserve RGB Numbers" is unchecked. Hit OK and then in
    the View menu select "Gamut warning". Your yellow area will likely turn
    grey meaning that the color is outside your monitor gamut but inside
    sRGB. Repeat this with a adobeRGB or ppRGB export. It is unfortunate
    that Lightroom doesn't have any native softproofing yet as that would
    allow you to softproof for different color spaces in the app itself
    instead of having to go to Photoshop.
    I tried the soft proofing with gamut warning, there is no warning for the yellow colors when using my monitor profile. (only in the dark green parts)
    The option "preserve RGB Numbers" deselected gave me the same image as soft proofing disabled. But enabling the very same option caused it to display the exact strong yellow as I see in Lightroom. What does this mean??
    Secondly I compared my display profile to the sRGB profile gamut in a  trial of Gamutvision, the profile from Spyder3 seems to be larger yellow/red side:
    (wireframe is monitor profile, solid is sRGB)
    Does this mean that my calibration is not correctly done, or is my screen indeed better in the display of yellows/reds (which I highly doubt..)
    Jao vdL wrote:
     I would check the settings on the monitor and make sure you have none of
    the autoadjusting or "Magic" options turned on. Recalibrate if it turns
    out you do.
    I checked all my menu options, all settings should be on default, my RGB values are 50, 50, 50.
    b_gossweiler wrote:
    I use Exiftool together with ExiftoolGUI to analyze metadata in images. You can also use Jeffrey Friedls EXIF viewer web GUI to achieve similar analysis.
    Thanks, I was looking for a tool like that!
    b_gossweiler wrote:
    To look at your issue a little close, could you upload an original problem image and its exported sRGB version to the web somewhere (i.e. www.yousendit.com) and post a link to it here? Export the original as DNG so we can have a look at the "real thing".
    Here is the original image (DNG) and exported JPEG with sRGB profile (17,3MB):
    What I see in Lightroom develop compared to the JPEG in Photoshop/Lightroom:
    Reds and greens are the same.
    The yellow tulip is more saturated in the original image, and washed out in the JPEG.
    Exporting the image as Protophoto RGB or Adobe RGB gives me back the stronger yellow in the JPEG
    Exporting the image and opening in Photoshop with soft proofing to my monitor profile (preserve RGB number ON) gives me back the stronger yellow.

  • Lire des donées par RS232 provenant d'un pic et écrire dans un fichier xls

    Bonjour à tous,
    Le but de mon projet est de lire et d'enregistrer des données provenant d'un microcontroleur pic. En fait le pic enregistre des données et les stocke dans une mémoire flash. Ce que j'aimerais faire c'est récupérer les données stockées dans la mémoire, les afficher sur un graphe sous Labview et les enregistrer dans un fichier excel. La communication entre le pic et le pc se faisant par RS232.
    Merci par avance pour vos suggestions.
    Bien cordialement.

    Quel est le problème rencontré ? Mise en route du développement ?
    Menu Aide » Recherche d'exemples 
    En utilisant le mot clé "série" ou "RS232" vous devriez pouvoir trouver ce que vous souhaitez.
    Da Helmut

  • Camera Raw won't install, CS6, OS10.7.5

    I've already tried the "update" route in photoshop, and I have downloaded dmg files and opened.  DNG installs, but ACR does not.  When I look in the Plug-ins folder, there is only 7.4 from a year and a half ago.

    Please follow the instruction and download the ACR 8.7.1 build here: http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/camera-raw-plug-in-installer.html
    ACR 8.7.1 works with8.6

  • A question about call manager traces for Sip phones.

    So today I create a sip based ip communicator and pressed the new call button and heard a dial tone.  I started typing my telephone number. Half way through, I heard  another secondary dial tone (which indicates mis-configured route pattern somewhere) . 
    However, When I look at the call manager logs, I do not actually see the digits that I was typing. With SCCP, I can see the keypad button press messages in the traces, but here, I cannot see the pressed buttons in my CUCM traces. Can anyone help with telling me how I can see button presses going to call manager .   All I can see are the logs  below which came up as soon as I got the dial tone and the final sip invite messages. I see nothing in-between. 
    |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from 10.xx.4.xx on port 56714 index 31809 with 973 bytes:
    NOTIFY sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP 10.x.x.66:56714;branch=z9hG4bK00005b1e
    To: <sip:[email protected]>
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=00ffb00bc50a00340000499f-00006ab4
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 14:17:40 GMT
    CSeq: 19 NOTIFY
    Event: dialog
    Subscription-State: active
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:56714;transport=TCP>
    Content-Length: 350
    Content-Type: application/dialog-info+xml
    Content-Disposition: session;handling=required
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <dialog-info xmlns:call="urn:x-cisco:parmams:xml:ns:dialog-info:dialog:callinfo-dialog" version="18" state="partial" entity="sip:[email protected]">
    <dialog id="12" call-id="[email protected]" local-tag="00ffb00bc50a003300006390-00002d4f"><state>trying</state></dialog>
    SIPStationD(12991) - processCommonDialogNotifyInd:   Did 12 Sending Notified SIPOffHook to new Cdfc

    Here is a more detailed explanation of how SIP calls notify cucm when they go off hook to make a call. The digit dialled here is 4080
    +++++ Analysis of SIP Phone making a call +++++++++
    The user picks up the phone and the IP Phone sends a NOTIFY to CUCM to indicate the start of a new dialog. This dialog begings by an offhook event
    00869539.002 |14:58:13.837 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 976 bytes:
    NOTIFY sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK00002531
    To: <sip:[email protected]>
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001e000056e7-0000311c
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:13 GMT
    CSeq: 11 NOTIFY
    Event: dialog
    Subscription-State: active
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=TCP>
    Content-Length: 350
    Content-Type: application/dialog-info+xml
    Content-Disposition: session;handling=required
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <dialog-info xmlns:call="urn:x-cisco:parmams:xml:ns:dialog-info:dialog:callinfo-dialog" version="10" state="partial" entity="sip:[email protected]">
    <dialog id="6" call-id="[email protected]" local-tag="544e42f26d0b001d00007cc9-000044a3"><state>trying</state></dialog>
    ++++ CUCM SIP stack processes the new connection for the phone+++++++
    00869540.001 |14:58:13.837 |AppInfo  |//SIP/Stack/Info/0x0/ccsip_process_sipspi_queue_event: ccsip_spi_get_msg_type returned: 2 (SIP_NETWORK_MSG), for event 1 (SIPSPI_EV_NEW_MESSAGE)
    00869540.002 |14:58:13.837 |AppInfo  |//SIP/Stack/Transport/0x0/sipTransportProcessNWNewConnMsg: context=(nil)
    00869540.003 |14:58:13.837 |AppInfo  |//SIP/Stack/Transport/0x0/sipConnectionManagerProcessNewConnMsg: gConnTab=0xe81c0d70, addr=, port=52910, connid=2748, transport=TCP
    ++++ Next CUCM allocates a call id for this call +++++
    00869546.002 |14:58:13.838 |AppInfo  |LineControl(66) - Get call instance=1 for CI=24419584
    +++Next CUCM sends a 200 OK to the NOTIFY request for the new dialog ++++
    00869555.007 |14:58:13.839 |AppInfo  |//SIP/Stack/Transport/0x0xe7df4d48/sipTransportPostSendMessage: Posting send for msg=0xefbe9910, addr=, port=52910, connId=2748 for
    00869555.008 |14:58:13.839 |AppInfo  |//SIP/Stack/Info/0x0/act_dialog_pending_resp_event: Changing from State: SUBSCRIBE_STATE_DIALOG_PENDING to state SUBSCRIBE_STATE_ACTIVE
    00869556.000 |14:58:13.839 |SdlSig   |SIPSPISignal                           |wait                           |SIPTcp(1,100,71,1)               |SIPHandler(1,100,79,1)           |1,100,14,31314.75^^SEP00909E9D106C |*TraceFlagOverrode
    00869556.001 |14:58:13.839 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 52910 index 2748
    SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK00002531
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001e000056e7-0000311c
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=1822746380
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:13 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 11 NOTIFY
    Server: Cisco-CUCM10.5
    Content-Length: 0
    ++++ The IP Phone sends its connection ID to CUCM, its ip address and its port number+++++++++
    00869541.001 |14:58:13.838 |AppInfo  |SIPStationInit: connID=2748, SEP00909E9D106C,, Routed signal by connection index to (1,100,73,66)
    ++++ Next CUCM informs us that the NOTIFY message is for an offhook event ++++++
    00869542.003 |14:58:13.838 |AppInfo  |SIPStationD(66) - processCommonDialogNotifyInd: Notified Dialogs - Did 6 State trying
    00869542.004 |14:58:13.838 |AppInfo  |SIPStationD(66) - processCommonDialogNotifyInd:   Did 6 Sending Notified SIPOffHook to new Cdfc
    00869542.010 |14:58:13.838 |AppInfo  |SIPStationD(66) - processSIPOffHook Primary Call Not-Found
    00869543.000 |14:58:13.838 |SdlSig   |SIPOffHookInd 
    +++ The next thing is the USER dials a digit on the phone ++++++
    This is where it gets a little complicated. So lets examine this. The first digit that is dialled generates an INVITE to CUCM like this:
    In this example the user dialled "4" first so we see an "INVITE sip:4@host-IP"
    00869559.002 |14:58:14.064 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 1445 bytes:
    INVITE sip:[email protected];user=phone SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK000015ec
    From: "Emre ESEN" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001d00007cc9-000044a3
    To: <sip:[email protected];user=phone>
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    CSeq: 101 INVITE
    User-Agent: Cisco-SIPIPCommunicator/9.1.1
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=tcp>
    Expires: 180
    Accept: application/sdp
    Remote-Party-ID: "Emre ESEN" <sip:[email protected]>;party=calling;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes
    Supported: replaces,join,sdp-anat,norefersub,extended-refer,X-cisco-callinfo,X-cisco-serviceuri,X-cisco-escapecodes,X-cisco-service-control,X-cisco-srtp-fallback,X-cisco-monrec,X-cisco-config,X-cisco-sis-5.1.0,X-cisco-xsi-8.5.1
    Allow-Events: kpml,dialog
    Content-Length: 373
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional
    o=Cisco-SIPUA 21020 0 IN IP4
    s=SIP Call
    t=0 0
    m=audio 20250 RTP/AVP 0 8 18 9 116 124 101
    c=IN IP4
    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
    a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
    a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
    a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
    a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
    a=rtpmap:116 iLBC/8000
    a=fmtp:116 mode=20
    a=rtpmap:124 ISAC/16000
    a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
    a=fmtp:101 0-15
    +++++ NEXT CUCM sends a trying for the INVITE it received +++++++++++
    00869562.001 |14:58:14.065 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 52910 index 2748
    SIP/2.0 100 Trying
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK000015ec
    From: "Emre ESEN" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001d00007cc9-000044a3
    To: <sip:[email protected];user=phone>
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 101 INVITE
    Allow-Events: presence
    Content-Length: 0
    ++++NOW CUCM evaluates the DTMF supported by the phone to determine how to inform the phones to send the remaining dtmf digits++++
    From the INVITE cucm concludes that KPML and rtp-nte is supported
    00869566.009 |14:58:14.066 |AppInfo  |setEndpointsDtmfCaps: KPML Supported.
    00869566.010 |14:58:14.066 |AppInfo  |setEndpointsDtmfCaps: Detected inband DTMF support
    Next CUCM generates kpml event pkg which is going to be used to receive the remaining digits from the phone
    00869590.001 |14:58:14.067 |AppInfo  |SIPEventPkg::SIPEventPkg 0xe4a1d1e0 scbId[16725], event name[kpml; [email protected]; from-tag=544e42f26d0b001d00007cc9-000044a3], id[]
    +++ Next CUCM sends a SUBSCRIBE to the IP phone for kpml event +++++
    00869594.001 |14:58:14.068 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 52910 index 2748
    SUBSCRIBE sip:[email protected]:52910 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKce719b37856
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    To: <sip:[email protected]>
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 101 SUBSCRIBE
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    User-Agent: Cisco-CUCM10.5
    Event: kpml; [email protected]; from-tag=544e42f26d0b001d00007cc9-000044a3
    Expires: 7200
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:5060;transport=tcp>
    Accept: application/kpml-response+xml
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Content-Type: application/kpml-request+xml
    Content-Length: 424
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <kpml-request xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:kpml-request" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:kpml-request kpml-request.xsd" version="1.0">
      <pattern criticaldigittimer="1000" extradigittimer="500" interdigittimer="15000" persist="persist">
        <regex tag="Backspace OK">[x#*+]|bs</regex>
     +++ Next we get a 200 OK to the SUBSCRIBE from the ip phone ++++
     00869595.002 |14:58:14.118 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 459 bytes:
    SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKce719b37856
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    CSeq: 101 SUBSCRIBE
    Server: Cisco-SIPIPCommunicator/9.1.1
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=TCP>
    Expires: 7200
    Content-Length: 0
    +++ NEXT the IP phones sends the remaining digit dialled on the phone to CUCM +++
    00869603.002 |14:58:14.183 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 573 bytes:
    NOTIFY sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK000045c8
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    CSeq: 1000 NOTIFY
    Event: kpml
    Subscription-State: active; expires=7200
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=TCP>
    Content-Length: 0
    00869608.001 |14:58:14.183 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 52910 index 2748
    SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK000045c8
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1000 NOTIFY
    Server: Cisco-CUCM10.5
    Content-Length: 0
    +++Next the IP phone sends the next digit. Here its important to note that the NOTIFY doesnt contain the next digit,
    the NOTIFY is still the same as the first digit but the next digit is carried in the xml document attached to the NOTIFY.
    At this point I will insert a paragraph from the RFC 4730 for SIP KPML
    The event package uses SUBSCRIBE
       messages and allows for XML documents that define and describe filter
       specifications for capturing key presses (DTMF Tones) entered at a
       presentation-free User Interface SIP User Agent (UA).  The event
       package uses NOTIFY messages and allows for XML documents to report
       the captured key presses (DTMF tones), consistent with the filter
       specifications, to an Application Server +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    00869609.002 |14:58:14.209 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 877 bytes:
    NOTIFY sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK00003c9d
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    CSeq: 1001 NOTIFY
    Event: kpml
    Subscription-State: active; expires=7200
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=TCP>
    Content-Length: 209
    Content-Type: application/kpml-response+xml
    Content-Disposition: session;handling=required
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kpml-response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:kpml-response" version="1.0" code="200" text="OK" suppressed="false" forced_flush="false" digits="0" tag="Backspace OK"/>
    00869622.001 |14:58:14.210 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 52910 index 2748
    SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK00003c9d
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1001 NOTIFY
    Server: Cisco-CUCM10.5
    Content-Length: 0
    +++ Again we get the next digit ++++
    00869624.002 |14:58:14.262 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 877 bytes:
    NOTIFY sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0000310f
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    CSeq: 1002 NOTIFY
    Event: kpml
    Subscription-State: active; expires=7200
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=TCP>
    Content-Length: 209
    Content-Type: application/kpml-response+xml
    Content-Disposition: session;handling=required
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kpml-response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:kpml-response" version="1.0" code="200" text="OK" suppressed="false" forced_flush="false" digits="8" tag="Backspace OK"/>
    00869637.001 |14:58:14.263 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 52910 index 2748
    SIP/2.0 200 OK
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0000310f
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1002 NOTIFY
    Server: Cisco-CUCM10.5
    Content-Length: 0
    +++ Finally we get the last digit ++++
    00869638.002 |14:58:14.390 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlReadRsp: Incoming SIP TCP message from on port 52910 index 2748 with 877 bytes:
    NOTIFY sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK00006c1c
    To: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=480227084
    From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=544e42f26d0b001f0000092c-0000070a
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    CSeq: 1003 NOTIFY
    Event: kpml
    Subscription-State: active; expires=7200
    Max-Forwards: 70
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:52910;transport=TCP>
    Content-Length: 209
    Content-Type: application/kpml-response+xml
    Content-Disposition: session;handling=required
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <kpml-response xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:kpml-response" version="1.0" code="200" text="OK" suppressed="false" forced_flush="false" digits="0" tag="Backspace OK"/>
    Once digit collection is completed CUCM proceeds to finalise its digit analysis process.
    Note that digit analysis is carried out for each digit that is recieved. I have only included the final DA here
    00869648.003 |14:58:14.391 |AppInfo  |Digit Analysis: star_DaReq: Matching SIP URL, Numeric User, user=4080
    00869648.004 |14:58:14.391 |AppInfo  |Digit Analysis: getDaRes data: daRes.ssType=[0] Intercept DAMR.sstype=[0], TPcount=[0], DAMR.NotifyCount=[0], DaRes.NotifyCount=[0]
    00869648.005 |14:58:14.391 |AppInfo  |Digit Analysis: getDaRes - Remote Destination [4080] isURI[0]
    00869648.012 |14:58:14.391 |AppInfo  |Digit analysis: match(pi="2", fqcn="9106", cn="9106",plv="5", pss="", TodFilteredPss="", dd="4080",dac="0")
    00869648.013 |14:58:14.391 |AppInfo  |Digit analysis: analysis results
    00869648.014 |14:58:14.391 |AppInfo  ||PretransformCallingPartyNumber=9106
    +++++Once this is done CUCM then proceeds to send the call out to to the intended destination as configured in the RL ++++
    00869701.001 |14:58:14.435 |AppInfo  |SIPTcp - wait_SdlSPISignal: Outgoing SIP TCP message to on port 5060 index 2754
    INVITE sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKce931ee3d74
    From: "Emre ESEN" <sip:[email protected]>;tag=16726~813ee89e-33db-4d58-9f6a-61542cc840ee-24419585
    To: <sip:[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:58:14 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    Supported: timer,resource-priority,replaces

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