Missing App Question

I accidentially deleted a purchased app.  I see it in Itunes but can not figure out how to get it back on my IPAD.  Help please>

You can just download it again from the app store.  You will not be charged a second time.

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    Hi again and thanks,
    I followed your instructions and a fresh list of applications appeared.
    I successfully downloaded apps I did not have : Muse, Lightroom, Touch App Plugins but Acrobat XI Pro "installation failed."  I tried twice.
    Firefox came up and opened a file :      file:////tmp/6F0641F2-9379-4BE7-AA6D-2000B4644F21/Summary.htm
    Exit Code: 7
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting.  For example, ERROR:
    -0 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
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    There has been a Site Collection Feature for this within previous versions of SharePoint.  I don't know how this works within SharePoint 2013 but it would be worth a try.
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

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    Well, here's the skinny then. If it's an isolated issue and you cannot provide a way of replicating the problem, the Apple does not consider it an OS X problem. Rather it's a problem with the third-party software. Given what you have reported I'd tend to agree with that viewpoint.
    There are some third-party utilities that enable audio capture from applications that don't support it themselves. The best of them is Audio Hijack Pro 2.10.3. I highly recommend it.
    If you are interested in Internet radio then you should check out Radium 2.8.3 and/or World Radio 2.0 and/or Radioshift 1.6.7. The last one will record its audio.


    Hi, I've attached a screen shot of my desktop. Notice the 2  ? in the dock. They should be the App Store and iMovie icons. Plus, the iTunes icon is just the generic app symbol. I upgraded to snow leopard a couple of months ago but I'm sure these apps have worked since then. I still have my iMovie files on the HDD but cannot open them because the app is missing. What's the deal anyone?

    Your system specs are listed as Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.3. Is that the version of OS X your Mac is running?
    What model year is your Mac, when did you buy it?
    Yes if you are still running Snow Leopard the only way to reinstall any of the iLife apps is from the original System Reinstall DVDs that came with your system.
    But I suspect you have more problems than just those few missing Apps. Like I said Apps don't just disappear.
    In fact NO files just magically disappear from a Properly working computer. Whether it is a Mac or a Windows PC.
    That just doesn't Happen.
    There is always some other reason for that to happen and more than likely it is some type of hardware failure.

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    If it is not from the UAE, check your restrictions.

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    If you've found them in Spotlight, where are they? (hover over the app you found in the Spotlight list to see its path in a tooltip, or click Show All, then hover over the name of the app and see the path at the bottom of the window).
    Once you open that location in the Finder, you should be able to drag them back to the Applications folder.

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    Hi, Dave.
    If you're using the BlackBerry browser, you can't configure anything to bypass the RIM servers.  I believe you may do so by using the Opera browser, but I haven't tried it myself so cannot comment with authority.
    I hope that clears up the issue for you. 
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

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    Am i doing something wrong or what?
    cheers in advance

    Perhaps it was inadvertently hidden. Take a look here:
    Hope that helps.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    What happens in Vegas...
    Pacifist 2.0.1 is a shareware application that opens Mac OS X .pkg package files, .dmg disk images, and .tar, .tgz, and .tar.gz file archives and allows you to extract individual files and folders out of them. This is useful, for instance, if an application which is installed by the operating system becomes damaged and needs to be reinstalled without the hassle of reinstalling all of Mac OS X.
    After you reinstall your applications, from your installation disks you should download and reinstall the Mac OS X 10.3.9 Combo Update to ensure that you have the most recent versions of your reinstalled applications.

  • This restored my missing apps after belle update (...

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    I removed my memory card and then reran the Belle installation process from Nokia Suite.
    All the apps that were missing after the several previous times I ran the update, are now on my phone.
    Hope this works for a few other people too!

    this was the obvious first thing I did. It did not work for me.

  • Missing apps since upgrading to version 4.5

    I lost a number of important applications when I upgraded.  Moreover, I messed up and did not backup ( or couldn't find it if I did).  I no longer have tasks, maps, or the ability to open attachments in Word and PDF.  Instead, I have a bunch of instant messaging apps I don't want.  Is there any way to get the missing apps back without having to redo everything?

    the backup should have been saved in MY DOCUMENTS. This can restore data but not programs
    docs2go, tasks, maps, bbmessenger, memo, those are all part of the device software.
    You can open DTM click on application loader, click on update, it will find the same 4.5 software that you just installed, and give you a check list, scroll the check list and find your programs. pput in a check mark and continue. then it will install those few apps. Dont worry it wont reinstall everything.

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