Missing attributes in Flex2 (using Flexbuilder)

I have been following some tutorials online and have noticed
that some of the code in tutorials do not compile in the latest
versions of Flexbuilder (beta3 and the release). I keep getting:
Cannot resolve attribute 'backgroundGradientColors' for
component type mx.core.Application.
and in flexbuilder the code hint does not seem to contain
this attribute at all ! This also happens for the
historyManagementEnabled atrribute for <mx:TabNavigator>. Do
these attributes no longer exist, or is something wrong with my

It sounds like you may be using a combination of Beta 3 and
final. Please make sure that everything uses the final version.
This page lists changes between Beta 3 and final:

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    You can correct this situation by opening the Application Definition as an XML file, and editing the XML source. You can go to (Resources) (properties folder) yourAppDef.xml in the navigator, and drag-and-drop the file to the editor pane.
    In the XML source, find the newly added group (maybe search on some property value that you know the group has) and add name="yourGroupName" in the <group> tag.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandra Muller
    JHeadstart Team
    Oracle Consulting

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    Hi AlpineJean,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having issues downloading some episodes to your iPad.
    I would first suggest you sign out of your iTunes account on your iPad, restart the device and sign back in.
    Settings > iTunes & App Stores > Tap on your Apple ID account > Tap Sign Out
    Click on the link below for additional troubleshooting steps with more details and screenshots.
    I've quoted some helpful highlights for you:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    To view or download previously purchased:
    TV Shows on iOS
    Open the iTunes Store on your device.
    Make sure you are signed in with the same Apple ID you used for the original purchase.
    Tap More from the bottom navigation bar.
    Tap TV Shows.
    Locate the TV show episode or series you would like to download.
    Once you've located the TV shows you are looking for, tap the download button.
    The TV show will begin downloading.
    Previous purchases may be unavailable if they have been refunded or are no longer on the iTunes Store. Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.
    If this does not resolve your issue, please follow these instructions for support from the iTunes Store:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    Find the email receipt for your purchase.
    Click Report a Problem under the app that is having the issue.
    When prompted, enter the Apple ID and password you used to purchase the item, then click Report a Problem.
    Click Report a Problem next to the item you are having an issue with.
    From the Choose Problem dropdown menu, choose the appropriate issue.
    Follow the onscreen instructions and—if prompted—type a description of the problem into the text field.
    Click Submit to have your issue reviewed.
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

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    Dispatch time has no relevance here whatsoever. Most likely when you are viewing "spool", it's just a plain list, but the preview looks more like a PDF. Therefore, different things may be displayed differently or not at all. If it looks OK in the printout, I wouldn't worry about the spool.
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    Disabling attributes and operation is not something I would recommend, but if
    you need to do it it should be relatively easy to use javax.management.StandardMBean
    for that.
    For instance if you want to disable invoke for a given MBean, you could
    write a subclass of StandardMBean and override its invoke method to do something
    public Object invoke(String methodName, Object[] params, String signature)
               throws ... {
       // disable method whatever
       if (methodName.equals("whatever"))
          throw UnsupportedOperationException("method whatever is disabled");
       // allows other methods
       return super.invoke(methodName,params,signature);
    }For background reading see:
    javax.management.StandardMBean: When and Why.
    -- daniel

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    No problem

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/naming/NamingException
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    Could anyone tell me why I'm getting this error? Thanks!
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    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.naming.directory.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    class Getattr {
    public static void main(String[] args) {     
    // Identify service provider to use     
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11);     
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");      
    // user     info
    String userName = "username";     
    String password = "password";          
    // LDAP server specific information     
    String host = "ldaphostname";     
    String port = "portnumber";     
    String basedn = "o=organization,c=country";     
    String userdn = "cn=" + userName + "," + basedn;          
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + basedn);     
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userdn);     
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);     
    try {          
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("data.txt"))));     
    // Create the initial directory context     
    DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);          
    // Ask for all attributes of the object      
    Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes("cn=" + userName);          
    NamingEnumeration ne = attrs.getAll();                    
    Attribute attr = (Attribute) ne.next();                                   
    if(attr.size() > 1){               
    for(Enumeration e = attr.getAll(); e.hasMoreElements() ;) {                                       
    System.err.println(attr.getID() + ": " + e.nextElement());                     
    } else {
         System.err.println(attr.getID() + ": " + attr.get());
    // Close the context when we're done     
    } catch(javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
         System.err.println("Naming Exception: " + ne);     
    } catch(IOException ioe) {
         System.err.println("IO Exception: " + ioe);     

    That doesn't work either. It seems its not finding the NamingException class in any of the jar files. I don't know why? Any clues?

  • What are attributes we can use in LDAP query in server derivation rules

    Q: What are attributes we can use in LDAP query in server derivation rules
    A: Server derivation rules can be defined for an LDAP server in the same way as that for a Radius server. As opposed to a Radius server, where the list of attributes that are defined for a server are standard, for an LDAP server, the attributes depend on the type of the server.
    The following table contains the list of attributes that are available for an Active Directory implementation. The server may maintain only a subset of these attributes, depending on how the user entries have been configured.
    Attribute Name:

    praveen.tecnics wrote:
    > hi experts
    > what are mapping rules in sap xi/pi  ? how we can use this rules for special charters mapping .
    to map special characters you need to use an element called CDATA in your mapping
    a special character causes an error....as XI wont be able to read it (as it is not in a proper XML format)...so to parse this character through XI without causing an eror use the CDATA....just make a search on SDN and you will find the proper use of it....
    For your info: http://www.w3schools.com/XML/xml_cdata.asp
    Edited by: abhishek salvi on May 20, 2009 8:52 AM

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    G3 missing internal hard drives using OS 10.3.9, Disk drives work with OS 9. I installed OS X over a year ago, and could never get it to recognize 2 previous internal disk drives. When I run OS 9 it works fine.

    I think I'm beginning to get the picture. "Missing drives" refers to the two that do not show up on the DT when you boot in OS X. Now, some more questions for clarification.
    1. Is each of the drives formatted Mac OS Extended or HFS+?
    2. What do you have on each individual drive?
    3. What OS is installed on the Master drive?
    4. Are OS 9 and OS X installed on separate drives?
    5. If they are, is there a particular reason you want it so?
    6. Can you use the Startup Manager to select the startup disk?
    7. Which is the default startup disk?
    Lots of questions, I know, but it will help me to get a picture of the set up. I think I have an idea of what is going on, but I can't be sure until I know more.
    Good luck.

  • Missing-anchor-value Error using PowerShell MA (Soren Granfeldt)

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm triying  to do a simple sinchronization using PowerShel MA (Soren Granfeld) v5.0. I've already configured the MA, but when I do a Full Import the Sync Engine sent me: missing-anchor-value. I configured the anchor attribute based on the blog PowerShel
    MA (Soren Granfeld).
    Scheema Script
    $obj = New-Object -Type PSCustomObject
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Anchor-Id|String" -Value 1
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "objectClass|String" -Value "user"
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "AccountName|String" -Value "SG"
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "FirstName|String" -Value "Soren"
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "LastName|String" -Value "Granfeldt"
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "DisplayName|String" -Value "Soren Granfeldt"
    $obj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name "Description|String" -Value "Standard User"
     Import Script
    $obj = @{}
    $Obj.Add("Id", "1")
    $obj.Add("DisplayName","Rod Cas")
    Anyone can help me please?
    Thanks in advance,

    I think it's because there is no objectclass property on the import object. It's required attribute. The sample on the website may be wrong. Try adding $obj.objectclass = 'user' in the import script
    Regards, Soren Granfeldt
    blog is at http://blog.goverco.com | facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheIdentityManagementExplorer | twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/MrGranfeldt

  • PCL XL error, missing attributes of networking printing ( Windows 7 64 bit )

    So here is the problem, proviously we were use win XP SP3 and all shared printer worked fine.Currently after migration to windows 7 64 bit this issue is appear. PCL XL error.
    Below is two missing row for .prn file from not working state
    In a working state
    @PJL JOB NAME = "application name"
    While in working state this row is available
    What should we do for this issue ? We have use latest driver Universal DriverPCL 5 and PCL 6.

    As I said before, the reported PCL XL error is nothing to do with any of the PJL commands (missing, or not).
    The error is because a mandatory attribute is missing from the attribute list which precedes and quantifies the PCL XL BeginPage operator.
    From the evidence you've supplied I can't properly analyse the PCL XL, but (I think) that I've reconstructed one small (but relevant) part of the stream, and here is an analysis of that part of the 'good' one:
    PCLXL Data Type 0xc0 ubyte
    Value 0x00 ePortraitOrientation
    PCLXL Attribute 0xf828 Orientation
    PCLXL Data Type 0xc0 ubyte
    Value 0x01 eAutoSelect
    PCLXL Attribute 0xf826 MediaSource
    PCLXL Data Type 0xc8c10500 ubyte_array
    Value 0x506c61.. "Plain"
    PCLXL Attribute 0xf827 MediaType
    PCLXL Data Type 0xc8c006 ubyte_array
    Value 0x4c4554.. "LETTER"
    PCLXL Attribute 0xf825 MediaSize
    PCLXL Operator 0x43 BeginPage
     This corresponds to the text in your araxis report of:
     Note that part of this sequence is missing from the 'bad' example:
    The missing bit corresponds to the Orientation attribute and its preceding data.
    The obvious conclusion is that the (PCL6) printer driver is at fault, but it's also perhaps possible that there is some fault in the interaction between the application (whatever that is) and the printer driver.
    You could:
    Check to see if there is a later version of the PCL6 driver available for your platform.
    Or use a PCL5 (or perhaps PostScript) printer driver, since these will not cause PCL XL errors to be generated (although they may of course give rise to other faults).

  • Attribute missing (Attributes and management agents)

    I'm new to FIM, and even as I've read and searched the web - I can't quite figure this one out (don't have a proper training environment yet so I can test this).
    I've got a case where one of the Management Agents is missing data for a employee. It's missing the employee's Role. (Like "Head of dept"). Looking at the metaverse object properties for the given management agent - role is not a part of the attributes
    listed. However, for another management agent, role is defined in the attribute list. Is the trick to add the attribute to the list of attributes for the MA missing it - or is it something else I need to consider as well?

    Employee role comes from the management agent so if a SQL view is your target source for this data you need to make sure that you have it in the schema of the management agent.  From there you map it to a metaverse attribute such as job title or your
    could create something custom.  The key is to make sure the data is in the source and when your import the data in to the the connector space via a full import that you can see it.  From there it is a simple matter of mapping it into the metaverse
    If this post has been useful please click the green arrow to the left or click Propose as answer

  • Using LDAP to search attribute bit flags using attribute OID values

    Hello everyone,
    My question stems from trying to understand the OID and syntax behind this classic LDAP search to find disabled users:
    What I am interested in is the value 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803, specifically how it differentiates from the value 1.2.840.113556.1.4.8, which is the OID of the useraccountcontrol attribute:
    Now, this website below says that the 03 and 04 are designators of the AND and OR operations, respectively, and are added on to the end of the OID:
    However, using this logic, I can't get these 03 and 04 operators to work with other attribute OID's that use flags as values, such as the "searchflags" attribute, e.g. a LDAP search of "(searchflags:=1.2.840.113556.1.2.33404:=0)
    returns nothing, using the OR (04) operation at the end of the "searchflags" OID of 1.2.840.113556.1.2.334.
    So back to my original question, for the useraccountcontrol OID of 1.2.840.113556.1.4.8, is this OID at all related to the bitwise AND extensible match of 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 (like just adding a 03 to designate an AND operation), or is this
    extensible match
    value of 1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 completely separate from the useraccountcontrol OID of 1.2.840.113556.1.4.8?
    If I have my terms mixed up, please feel free to correct me on what the proper terms are.

    Hmm yeah I posted that link above in my OP as well, and I was hoping that the OID values of these bitwise filters were somehow related to the shorter OID of the "useraccountcontrol" attribute, but it looks like it's just a coincidence.
    So I wonder if the "useraccountcontrol" section of
    this article from my OP is a little misleading when it says:
    To make a comparison, we either need to use the LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND rule (1.2.840.113556.1.4.803), or the LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_OR rule (1.2.840.113556.1.4.804) for our attribute OID (the AND rule adds a 03 suffix to denote the AND operation,
    and the OR rule adds a 04 suffix).
    Following this logic, I should be able to use the "03" and "04" in other bitwise operations with different OID's to search "AND" or "OR", but as I pointed out in my OP above, I can't seem to make this work with adding the 
    "03" and "04" onto the end of other OID's. So I will go with Christoffer that these bitwise OID's (1.2.840.113556.1.4.803 and 1.2.840.113556.1.4.804) are unique in themselves, and the fact that they are 2 characters away from the OID of the "useraccountcontrol"
    attribute (1.2.840.113556.1.4.8) is just coincidence.
    This does seem strange however, and it seems like there should be some correlation here....
    If anyone has any more info, I would love to hear it!

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