Missing BitmapData class in code completion - Flex(FP10)

I’ve setup my Flex Builder for Flex 3.3 SDK and Flash Player 10 as described in this article. I noticed that BitmapData class doesn’t show anymore. Is this a bug?
I took a snapshot of my flex builder code completion.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for your help.
Mariush T.

Thanks Michael, it works now.
For anybody who has the same problem:
1. Download Flex SDK zip file.
2. Uninstall current Flash Player.
3. Install Flash Player from /runtimes/player/10/win/
Mariush T.

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    Hi Sudheer,
    Its a Unicode problem.. Check this..
    unicode problem: the data object cannot be converted to character type
    P.S Please mark helpful answers

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  • BitmapData class - displaying and resizing

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    mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
         backgroundGradientAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]"
         backgroundGradientColors="[#FBF8F8, #FBF8F8]"
                   private var imgLoader:Loader;
                   private function Init():void{
                        imgLoader = new Loader();
                        //Image location string
                        var imageURL:String = "http://www.miravit.cz/australia/new-zealand_panoramic/new-zealand_panoramic_01.jpg"
                        //Instantiate URL request
                        var imageURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(imageURL);  
                        imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imgLoadCompleted);
                        imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressListener);
                        //Begin image load
                   private function imgLoadCompleted(event:Event):void{
                   //On completion of image load     
                        progressBar.visible = false;
                        var scale:Number = .1;
                        //Set matrix size
                        var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
                        m.scale (scale,scale);
                        var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(this.width, this.height);
                        var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd);
                        auctionImageContainer.source = bm;
                   private function progressListener(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                    //Update progress indicator.
                         progressBar.setProgress(Math.floor(event.bytesLoaded / 1024),Math.floor(event.bytesTotal / 1024));
         <mx:Canvas height="583" width="674">
              <mx:Canvas id="cvsImage"
                   borderColor="#BABEC0" borderStyle="solid" left="152" right="151" top="177" bottom="121">
                   <mx:Image id="auctionImageContainer" />
                   <mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar"
                               x="84.5" y="129"
                               themeColor="#6CCDFA" color="#808485" />
    Thanks for any help

    MediaTracker isn't about the number of images. I've been bitten in the ass by this before -- images seem to magically refuse to appear, or only appear on reloads, and it's because paint() got called before the image was loaded. MediaTracker fixed it.
    I don't know what you mean about images not working in constructors though. You can do that.
    Here's some code that works to display an image (for me anyway):
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    public class Test {
      public static void main(String[] argv) {
        Image i = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage("image.jpg");
        Frame f = new Frame("Test");
        MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(f);
        mt.addImage(i, 1);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
        f.add(new Displayer(i));
      private static class Displayer extends Canvas {
        private Image i;
        Displayer(Image i) { this.i = i; }
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
          g.drawImage(i, 0, 0, null);
        public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
          return new Dimension(i.getWidth(null), i.getHeight(null));
        public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return getPreferredSize(); }

  • LCCS rtc Code Completion

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    I have copied script into the project and can get the tutorial web app to run okay. However I am not getting code generation when I type rtc specific components.
    I have added the Flash Player 10 swc and source in the project library.
    I am using the new xmlns:rtc="http://ns.adobe.com/rtc".
    I am missing something obvious, but can't see it.
    Anyone got any ideas why code completion is not working?

    Thanks Hironmay,
    Code hinting works fine for all Flex components (Halo and Spark). So starting off with any of the following worked before loading the LCCS swc and continue to work after loading the LCCS swc:
    In addition code hinting continues to work fine for other swc libraries that I use: Flexicious, AlivePDF, Yahoo Astra, etc.
    So, hinting is working for all other components, just not LCCS components. The following do not give hinting:
    I don't think it is a FB4 issue, but I will post to the forum in case anyone has a similar issue.

  • Code completion user commands helplink

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    Hi Carmen
    Actually I'm really not using an external program per se.  I guess I need to clarify what I am doing better.  Sorry about that.    
    Look at the help file for ScriptCmdRegister here for an example.  A shorter version without an example is spelled out below if you wish.  
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  • Problem calling AS3 class's methods from Flex Project

    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but after 2 days of Web
    searching and 2 books give up; I am a Java and c# programmer and am
    having problems calling AS3 classes (in packages) from Flex Builder
    2 Flex Projects; the AS3 classes work great as Flex Builder "AS3
    Projects", but when I try to use the classes in a Flex Builder
    "Flex Project" I am able to see and set their properties, but
    cannot see (through "code completion") their methods (unless the
    class extends another AS3 class; and in that case I can see the
    base class's methods). Here is the code:
    AS3 Example Class:
    package asText {
    public class CheckWord {
    public var strData:String;
    public var strAProperty:String;
    public var intAProperty:int;
    // Constructor
    public function CheckWord() {
    public function TestMethod():void {
    public function WordLength():int {
    var intLength:int = 0;
    intLength = strData.length;
    return intLength;
    } // From Method WordLength
    } // From Class CheckWord
    } // From Package asText
    The MXML code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    width="442" height="488" horizontalAlign="center"
    backgroundGradientColors="[#c0c0c0, #c0c0c0]"
    <asTheText:CheckWord strData="Test words" />
    <mx:Panel title="Welcome to ........" width="337"
    height="393" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
    layout="absolute" y="15" x="50">
    <mx:Text text="First Name" enabled="true" width="68"
    fontWeight="bold" x="27.25" y="36"/>
    <mx:TextInput id="txtFName" x="112.25" y="34"/>
    <mx:Text text="Last Name" enabled="true" width="68"
    fontWeight="bold" x="27.25" y="66"/>
    <mx:TextInput x="112.25" y="64" id="txtLName"/>
    <mx:Text text="email address" enabled="true" width="87"
    fontWeight="bold" x="17.25" y="96"/>
    <mx:TextInput width="189" id="txtEmail" left="112.25"
    <mx:Button id="butSubmit" label="Submit" x="95" y="194"
    ..............and so on ............
    All this does is give me an 1180 error:
    1180: Call to a possibly undefined method TestMethod.

    Thanks, I have it working; I was not assigning an "ID" to the
    "MXML use of the class" (whatever the formal name for that is;
    like: <asTheText:CheckWord id="MyText" strData="The Data" />
    ) and then I was not referencing that ID in what I am refering to
    as calling methods for the Class; like:
    <mx:Button id="butTest" label="Test Function" x="39"
    y="208" click="MyText.TestMethod();"/>
    Also, I did some tests on this, and I am shocked that
    apparently neither of these two "uses"(?) of a custom AS3 class
    actually "call" the Class's constructor. Does that make sense or is
    that the result of how I am structuring this?

  • Code completion particular not working

    in my program there are serveral internal classes. Each class has its own include file. Code completion seems not working for internal classes in other include files.
    lcl_class1 in includec01   (first included)
         class-methods static1_1
         methods method1_1
    lcl_class2 in includec02   (second included)
         class-methods static1_1
         methods method1_1
    While development in lcl_class2 there are no code completion for lcl_class1.
    No code completation for lcl_class1=>static1_1
    but if you declarate "data lo_myclass type ref to lcl_class1." code completion is working fine for public member methods and attributes in the same file.
    In Functiongroups all working fine.
    Best Regards
    Markus Bauernschmitt
    Und da hier eh die meisten deutschsprachig sind und mein Englisch grausam ist, nachfolgend die Erklärung nochmal auf deutsch.... ;-)
    In meinen Programmen findet die Codevervollständigung keine interne Klassen aus vorangegangenen include Dateien. Dadurch werden weder die Klassen selbst noch die statischen Methoden angezeigt. Gebe ich eine statische Methode ein und möchte die Hilfe anzeigen (F2) erscheint die Fehlermeldung "Codeinformationen sind nicht verfügbar".
    Dieses Problem tritt nicht auf, falls die Deklaration einer Variablen in der gleichen Include Datei erfolgt.
    Deklaration einer Variablen in der aktuellen Include Datei -> Dokumentation der öffentlichen (nicht statische) Methoden und Attribute funktioniert
    Zugriff auf öffentliche (statische oder nicht statische) Methoden und Attribute von globalen Variablen (deklariert in einer anderen Datei) funktioniert dagegen nicht.
    Es sind nur anscheinend nur Programme betroffen. Bei Funktionsgruppen (getestet am Beispiel "ldemo_cr_car_rental_screen") trat der Fehler nicht auf.

    Hi Dominik,
    thank you for your answer. The internal classes are already simple and lightweight. In my understanding of OO I keep classes private as possible and so I create this specific "one program helper classes" in the smallest reasonable scope.
    However, this is a architektur decission. But the pivotal question is: Why working this kind of code completion in function groups but not in programs.
    Some additional information.
    - Code completion working in "START-OF-SELECTION."
    - In Functiongroup includes (Testcase lcl_class1 show as public type and lcl_class2 show as local public class.
    Best regards

  • Kdevelop and code completion

    hi all, i'm trying to resolve a trouble... i use kdevelop for write c++ code and i cannot use code completion... in kdevelop faq there's wrote that i can activate code completion in the projects options' section named "Specific c++", i ativate it but i cannot use always the code completion. i've read that i must disable the abbreviation part, and i disable it, (in plugin settings) and i try to add the persistent class store on my projects dir, but i cannot use code completion. so, what can i do? anyone can help me?

    i'm sorry, now i can use code completion, i must activate the c++ parser.

  • Flash builder 4.5 code completion doesn't show public function

    I am migrating from flex3 to flash builder 4.5 and it shows a question mark at one of my lines.
    No errors, and the code works fine when i run it.. only there is no code completion in flash builder.
    My code:
    //i use a custom component like this:
    <generalmenu:menu x="59" y="58" id="mymenu"/>
    //this component loads its functions from a separate as(no class just simple as code) file (so i don't have all code in the file with visual components)
    <fx:Script source="menusource.as"/>
    //inside menusource.as there is a function that takes care of closing my app.
    public function closeprogram():void
         //closing window goes here
    my problem..
    when i type inside my function at application level:
    i get a question mark in front of it: Call to a possibly undefined method closeprogram
    code completion doesn't recognize my public functions inside the mymenu component, it does see mymenu but when i hit .(dot) it doesn't give me a list of functions.
    How can i get code completion to work? Are there changes in the way you call as files in flash builder 4.5? Please some help.. code completion makes life much better.

    I found why the nasty behavior above was happening ::- D.
    I usually design my classes in Enterprise Architect. Since this is a rather large project, started from of about 30 classes, I did the entire architecture in EA, then, generated the code.
    But, EA has poor AS3 support. And as a consequence, it has a few issues, such as the way it generates CONSTRUCTORS:
    public function G3Widget (name: String, parent: IG3Parent = null): void
    Spot the mistake ::- D.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 14139: Fix for Player classes not code hinting  to framework FB projects.

    Revision: 14139
    Revision: 14139
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-11 16:36:39 -0800 (Thu, 11 Feb 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fix for Player classes not code hinting  to framework FB projects. Changed all the $ tokens to use $ instead. While the compiler understands $, Flash Builder's code model does not.
    No code changes.
    QE notes: N/A
    Doc notes: N/A
    Bugs: None
    Reviewer: Pete
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:

  • 30EA4 : Code Completion issues

    Code Completion got better in 30EA4, still I need to do 3 retries with 5 second gap in between. (both explicit and implicit)
    See log below.
    And where is preference for code completion log and deadline thresholds, Vadim promised
    30EA2 : Code Completion not working . Are they in 30EA4 ?
    Another issue in Code Completion is when I continue typing code completion list just get cleared then get repopulated with filtered value. We need to see new list with filtered value, but I wish the list not get cleared completely, instead just hide those items in the list not matching new filter.
    I want the Code Completion to fill in at lower case, do I have option to do that?
    (or you can also automatically decide case of Code Completion, if I started typing with lowercase fill in with lower case)
    Vadim asked for output log, here is the one I got, first one explicit call using ctrl+space, second on implicit call
    Exception in thread "InsightThread" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.colNamesMatch(CompletionInsight.java:1189)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.joinConditions(CompletionInsight.java:1170)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.complete(CompletionInsight.java:809)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight$InsightThread.run(CompletionInsight.java:399)
    Exception in thread "InsightThread" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.colNamesMatch(CompletionInsight.java:1189)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.joinConditions(CompletionInsight.java:1170)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight.complete(CompletionInsight.java:809)
    at oracle.dbtools.raptor.insight.CompletionInsight$InsightThread.run(CompletionInsight.java:399)

    When I press ctrl+space after typing partial name of table (while doing select * from X___) the context menu appears, and when I select select the table name (by hitting Enter key) it doesnt replace what I had typed with what I have selected form list.
    If table name is customer
    select * from cust (hit ctrl+space here and select 'customer' from list)
    Now the statement appears like this
    select * from custcustomer
    Where I expect is code completion should replace what I have typed once I select the right name from list.
    Am I missing some basic settings here
    My SQL Developer version is 3.0.04

  • Code completion for fl.*  group?

    i'm not getting code completion for tweens or anything like
    that. when i type 'import fl.' i also don't get any completion.
    what am i missing? how do i fix it?
    thnx for the help.

    Originally posted by:
    Greg Lafrance
    See this post for some possible insight:
    this was helpful, thanks!

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