Missing class for indicator field value [changed-fields-locking-policy]

Please, ignore the post below. I found the problem here. The real problem is reported in my other post.<br>
In order to test the optimistic locking by fields, I created a very simple TopLink project via the TopLink Workbench. It only consists of one table that was mapped via TopLink's own "Add or Update Existing Tables from Database". I made no modifications to the automatically generated mappings.<br>
After I set up the rest of the project, I ran it and it ran okay.<br>
Then I went to the table descriptor, then to the "Locking" tab, and then I selected "Optimistic Locking" -> "By Fields" -> "Changed Fields".<br>
That was ALL I changed.<br>
And when I tried to run the project this time, I got the following exception:
Exception [TOPLINK-43] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 060118)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [toplink:changed-fields-locking-policy] of type [class java.lang.String].<br>
Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.descriptors.VersionLockingPolicy --> [DatabaseTable(locking-policy)])<br>
     at oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException.missingClassForIndicatorFieldValue(DescriptorException.java:878)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.QNameInheritancePolicy.classFromRow(QNameInheritancePolicy.java:109)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.mappings.foundation.AbstractCompositeObjectMapping.valueFromRow(AbstractCompositeObjectMapping.java:150)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping.readFromRowIntoObject(DatabaseMapping.java:1012)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.buildAttributesIntoObject(ObjectBuilder.java:241)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.XMLObjectBuilder.buildObject(XMLObjectBuilder.java:128)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.ox.mappings.XMLCompositeCollectionMapping.buildCompositeObject(XMLCompositeCollectionMapping.java:157)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.mappings.foundation.AbstractCompositeCollectionMapping.valueFromRow(AbstractCompositeCollectionMapping.java:735)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping.readFromRowIntoObject(DatabaseMapping.java:1012)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder.buildAttributesIntoObject(ObjectBuilder.java:241)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.XMLObjectBuilder.buildObject(XMLObjectBuilder.java:128)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.record.DOMUnmarshaller.xmlToObject(DOMUnmarshaller.java:284)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.record.DOMUnmarshaller.xmlToObject(DOMUnmarshaller.java:265)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.record.DOMUnmarshaller.unmarshal(DOMUnmarshaller.java:152)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.ox.XMLUnmarshaller.unmarshal(XMLUnmarshaller.java:339)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.workbench.XMLProjectReader.read(XMLProjectReader.java:162)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.workbench.XMLProjectReader.read(XMLProjectReader.java:209)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionconfiguration.TopLinkSessionsFactory.loadProjectConfig(TopLinkSessionsFactory.java:307)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionconfiguration.TopLinkSessionsFactory.createSession(TopLinkSessionsFactory.java:241)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionconfiguration.TopLinkSessionsFactory.buildServerSessionConfig(TopLinkSessionsFactory.java:215)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionconfiguration.TopLinkSessionsFactory.buildSession(TopLinkSessionsFactory.java:168)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionconfiguration.TopLinkSessionsFactory.buildTopLinkSessions(TopLinkSessionsFactory.java:124)<br>
     at oracle.toplink.tools.sessionconfiguration.XMLSessionConfigLoader.load(XMLSessionConfigLoader.java:103)
Can anybody tell me what that means? And why do I see "VersionLockingPolicy" in the stack trace? I explicitly specified locking "By Fields".<br>
Here's a fragment from the project XML file:
<toplink:locking xsi:type="toplink:changed-fields-locking-policy"/>
Is this a TopLink bug or am I doing something wrong? (By the way, if I choose optimistic locking by "All fields", it works. But locking by "Changed fields" doesn't.)<br>
Best regards,<br>
Message was edited by:

Ooooops, sorry, guys!
I was using TopLink JARs to run a project created via TopLink Workbench. That was the reason for the exception.
I ran across the REAL problem, however. The one that was occurring when I created the TopLink project via JDeveloper and ran it via JDeveloper That's why I decided to try with TopLink Workbench instead of JDeveloper
I will report the problem in a clean separate post.

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    Exception [EclipseLink-9005] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.SessionLoaderException
    Exception Description: An exception was thrown while loading the project-xml file [META-INF/Business.xml].
    Internal Exception: Exception [EclipseLink-43] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [toplink:object-type-mapping] of type [class java.lang.String].
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    How to resolve this.

    Ooooops, sorry, guys!
    I was using TopLink JARs to run a project created via TopLink Workbench. That was the reason for the exception.
    I ran across the REAL problem, however. The one that was occurring when I created the TopLink project via JDeveloper and ran it via JDeveloper That's why I decided to try with TopLink Workbench instead of JDeveloper
    I will report the problem in a clean separate post.

  • ALV with classes for selected fields

    Hi ALL,
            Please can anybody will give the example code for
    <b>ALV with classes for selected fields</b> from database table .

    *& Report  YR_TANS_ALVTEST                                             *
    REPORT  yr_tans_alvtest                         .
    INCLUDE ya_yr_tans_alvtest_top.
    TABLES yttans_test.
    DATA itab LIKE yttans_test OCCURS 0.
    DATA gr_alvgrid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid .
    DATA gc_custom_control_name TYPE scrfname.
    gc_custom_control_name = 'CC_ALV'.
    DATA gr_ccontainer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container .
    DATA gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat .
    DATA gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo .
    data wa_itab like line of itab.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_help,
              roll_no LIKE yttans_test-roll_no,
              name LIKE yttans_test-name,
            END OF ty_help.
    DATA: git_returntab TYPE TABLE OF ddshretval INITIAL SIZE 0.
          CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION .
    handle_double_click FOR EVENT double_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING
        e_row e_column es_row_no.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_handler DEFINITION
    DATA gr_event_handler TYPE REF TO lcl_event_handler .
    *&      Form  handle_double_click
         -->I_ROW      text
         -->I_COLUMN   text
         -->IS_ROW_NO  text
    FORM handle_double_click USING i_row TYPE lvc_s_row i_column TYPE
    lvc_s_col is_row_no TYPE lvc_s_roid.
    leave to list-processing.
    read table itab index is_row_no-row_id into wa_itab.
    write:/ 'Roll no: ', wa_itab-roll_no, /'Name: ', wa_itab-name,
    /'Marks: ', wa_itab-marks.
    ENDFORM .                    "handle_double_click
          CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION .
    *--Handle Double Click
      METHOD handle_double_click .
        PERFORM handle_double_click USING e_row e_column es_row_no .
      ENDMETHOD .                    "lcl_event_handler
    ENDCLASS .                    "lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
    SELECT-OPTIONS roll FOR yttans_test-roll_no .
      DATA: lit_help TYPE TABLE OF ty_help.
      DATA: wa_returntab LIKE LINE OF git_returntab.
      SELECT roll_no name INTO TABLE lit_help FROM yttans_test.
          retfield        = 'ROLL_NO'
          dynpprog        = sy-repid
          dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
          dynprofield     = 'roll-low'
          value_org       = 'S'
          value_tab       = lit_help
          return_tab      = git_returntab
          parameter_error = 1
          no_values_found = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      READ TABLE git_returntab INTO wa_returntab INDEX 1.
      roll-low = wa_returntab-fieldval.
      SELECT * FROM yttans_test INTO TABLE itab WHERE roll_no IN roll.
      CREATE OBJECT gr_event_handler .
      CALL SCREEN '9000'.
    *&      Module  STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_9000 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS_9000'.
      SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE_9000'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
    MODULE user_command_9000 INPUT.
      DATA: ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm,
            save_ok TYPE sy-ucomm.
      save_ok = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      CASE save_ok.
        WHEN 'BACK' OR '%EX' OR 'RW'.
          CALL METHOD gr_ccontainer->free.
         CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
    *&      Module  alv_display_9000  OUTPUT
    MODULE alv_display_9000 OUTPUT.
      PERFORM display_alv .
    ENDMODULE.                 " alv_display_9000  OUTPUT
    *&      Form  display_alv
    FORM display_alv .
      IF gr_alvgrid IS INITIAL .
        CREATE OBJECT gr_ccontainer
       PARENT                      =
            container_name              = gc_custom_control_name
       STYLE                       =
       LIFETIME                    = lifetime_default
       REPID                       =
       DYNNR                       =
            cntl_error                  = 1
            cntl_system_error           = 2
            create_error                = 3
            lifetime_error              = 4
            lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
            OTHERS                      = 6
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
        CREATE OBJECT gr_alvgrid
       I_SHELLSTYLE      = 0
       I_LIFETIME        =
            i_parent          = gr_ccontainer
       I_APPL_EVENTS     = space
       I_PARENTDBG       =
       I_APPLOGPARENT    =
       I_NAME            =
            error_cntl_create = 1
            error_cntl_init   = 2
            error_cntl_link   = 3
            error_dp_create   = 4
            OTHERS            = 5
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
        SET HANDLER gr_event_handler->handle_double_click FOR gr_alvgrid .
        PERFORM prepare_field_catalog CHANGING gt_fieldcat .
        PERFORM prepare_layout CHANGING gs_layout .
        CALL METHOD gr_alvgrid->set_table_for_first_display
       I_BUFFER_ACTIVE               =
       I_BYPASSING_BUFFER            =
       I_CONSISTENCY_CHECK           =
       I_STRUCTURE_NAME              =
       IS_VARIANT                    =
       I_SAVE                        =
       I_DEFAULT                     = 'X'
             is_layout                     = gs_layout
       IS_PRINT                      =
       IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS             =
       IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING          =
       IT_HYPERLINK                  =
       IT_ALV_GRAPHICS               =
       IT_EXCEPT_QINFO               =
            it_outtab                     = itab[]
            it_fieldcatalog               = gt_fieldcat
       IT_SORT                       =
       IT_FILTER                     =
            invalid_parameter_combination = 1
            program_error                 = 2
            too_many_lines                = 3
            OTHERS                        = 4
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          WRITE 'error'.
        CALL METHOD gr_alvgrid->refresh_table_display
       IS_STABLE      =
            finished       = 1
            OTHERS         = 2
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
               WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    "display_alv
    *&      Form  prepare_field_catalog
         <--P_GT_FIELDCAT  text
    FORM prepare_field_catalog  CHANGING p_gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat .
      DATA ls_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat .
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'ROLL_NO'.
      ls_fcat-coltext = 'ROLL No.'.
      APPEND ls_fcat TO p_gt_fieldcat.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'NAME'.
      ls_fcat-coltext = 'NAME'.
      APPEND ls_fcat TO p_gt_fieldcat.
      ls_fcat-fieldname = 'MARKS'.
      ls_fcat-coltext = 'MARKS'.
      APPEND ls_fcat TO p_gt_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " prepare_field_catalog
    *&      Form  prepare_layout
         <--P_GS_LAYOUT  text
    FORM prepare_layout  CHANGING ps_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
      ps_layout-zebra = 'X' .
      ps_layout-grid_title = 'Students Details'.
      ps_layout-smalltitle = 'X' .
    ENDFORM.                    " prepare_layout
    Mark helpful answers
    Message was edited by: Tanveer Shaikh

  • Missing description for FI standard values (ie posting key 40)

    I'm deploying the SAP ECC6 Financials solution in French and I'm facing a very strange issue. The standard descriptions for some very classical SAP values are missing in my language (French). For instance, the french description is blank for all the standard posting keys (eg posting key 40 with text "blank"), for all the SAP standard Account groups (eg SAKO), for all the valuation classes, etc. When I connect in english, everything is OK with standard english text. I have the same problem with CO. The French text in other modules (SD, MM) seem ok.
    Two questions hence:
    - is it an SAP installation problem or a FI customizing issue ?
    - there is already some customizing in this environment using those values. What would be the impact of reactivating the texts in french ?
    Thank very much for your answer.

    Check with basis (Tcode: SMLT)
    I could not check it as i dont have authorization in my system.
    <i>* Pls. assign points if useful</i>

  • How to find missing classes for an applet ?

    I'm trying to run a swing JApplet but I get a ClassNotFoundException - how can I find what class is missing ? IE6.

    may you need the JavaPlugin for JApplet
    and which class is not found?

  • HELPPPPP  i missed class bc i was sick

    Write a program that prompts the user to enter a sentence from the keyboard using JOptionPane.showInputDialog.
    The program will print the characters back with the first letter of each word changed from lower case into upper case. If you have a capital letter in the original line and it is not the first letter of a word, then this letter should be switched from upper case to lower case. The only capital letters that should appear in the line must be the begining letter of every word in the line. All other characters will remain the same. At the end, the program will output a summation of:
    How many upper case letters in the original sentence (before any changes)
    How many lower case letters in the orginal sentence (before any changes)
    How many blank spaces
    How many other characters were encountered
    The total number of characters.
    Sample run:
    If the user types in the following string:
    This is JUst a Sample Run of the stupid homeWork.
    Then the program should print out the following:
    This Is Just A Sample Run Of The Stupid Homework.
    Upper case letters : 6
    Lower case letters : 33
    Blank spaces : 9
    Other characters : 1
    Grand total : 49
    Hint and Notes:
    Use the TextString.charAt(position) method to break the string into individual characters within a loop structure.
    Also use the TextString.length() method to get the length of your string
    Lower case letters are within a range of characters, as are upper case letters based on ASCII values. See Appendix B in the textbook. A space has an ASCII value of 32. Do not write a gigantic switch statement with a case for each lower case letter and a case for each upper case letter. You should be able to test for the characters based on the ranges of values presented in the ASCII table in appndex B.

    If you missed class, for whatever reason, it's your responsibility to catch up, and to arrange for an extension if possible. If it's not possible, that doesn't justify asking others to do your homework for you, and it doesn't make people here any more inclined to do your homework for you.
    On the other hand, if you take a stab at it yourself, and post your attempts here, and ask specific questions about the specific parts that are giving you trouble, then somebody will probably be happy to help you (not do it for you--help you).

  • XML mapping inheritance problem; missing class indicator field

    I am currently working on a project which involves mapping a large domain model on a XSD schema. For this we use Toplink which is mostly great. But now I have a problem while wanting to use class inheritance.
    In my XSD I have the following defined
    <xs:complexType name="Traject">
              <xs:element name="SoortTraject" type="SoortTraject"/>
    <xs:complexType name="SpecialTraject">
              <xs:extension base="Traject">
                                 [some elements] 
    </xs:complexType>My XML is an implementation of this XSD and looks like this
            <Traject xsi:type="SpecialTraject">
                     [implementation of the elements]
    </Trajecten>My domain model corresponts to the XSD, so there is a Traject object and an inherited SpecialTraject object.
    In the mapping I used the Advanced properties->inheritance on both descriptors telling the Traject descriptor that it was the 'Root Parent Descriptor' ('Use class indicator field' -> 'use XML Schema Type attribute', 'Use class indicator dictionary') and the SpecialTraject what it Child Descriptor was ('Traject').
    When I test my mapping it always results in the same error (no matter how I configure this inheritance mapping). It says :
    [TOPLINK-44] missing class indicator field
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(Traject --> [])What am I doing wrong? Does anybody know a sollution?
    Best regards,
    Jouke Stoel

    This is the changed XML descriptor file. When I deploy the file it automaticly overrides the old file so it ain't possible that I was still using the wrong file
            <toplink:class-indicator xsi:type="xsd:string">Traject</toplink:class-indicator>
            <toplink:class-indicator xsi:type="xsd:string">SpecialTraject</toplink:class-indicator>
    </toplink:class-indicator-mappings>I have posted the stacktrace but I had to translate a bit because my exception was in Dutch :)
    Locale is a great invention
    Exception [TOPLINK-44] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 061004)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception description: Missing class indicator field of database row [UnmarshalRecord()].
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(Traject --> [])
         at oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException.missingClassIndicatorField(DescriptorException.java:887)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.QNameInheritancePolicy.classFromRow(QNameInheritancePolicy.java:84)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.XMLRelationshipMappingNodeValue.processChild(XMLRelationshipMappingNodeValue.java:13)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.XMLCompositeCollectionMappingNodeValue.startElement(XMLCompositeCollectionMappingNodeValue.java:62)
         at oracle.toplink.ox.record.UnmarshalRecord.startElement(UnmarshalRecord.java:352)
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement(NonValidatingParser.java:1288)
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(NonValidatingParser.java:336)
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(NonValidatingParser.java:303)
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:205)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.record.SAXUnmarshaller.unmarshal(SAXUnmarshaller.java:189)
         at oracle.toplink.internal.ox.record.SAXUnmarshaller.unmarshal(SAXUnmarshaller.java:147)
         at oracle.toplink.ox.XMLUnmarshaller.unmarshal(XMLUnmarshaller.java:228)

  • Composite invoking Spring Context errors with Missing class indicator field

    Hi. I’m working on a composite with a Spring Context component that is referenced in a BPMN process and have run into some issues and I was hoping you may have some insight.
    I’m able to deploy the composite successfully, however when I try testing it on the SOA Server, it fails with the exception below:
    <auditQueryPayload auditId="17008" ciKey="12">
    <dataObject name="FaultMessage" isBusinessIndicator="false">
    <value> com.oracle.bpel.client.BPELFault: faultName: {{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}remoteFault} messageType: {{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}RuntimeFaultMessage} parts: {{ summary=<summary>Exception [EclipseLink-44] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.1.v20111018-r10243): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException Exception Description: Missing class indicator field from database row [UnmarshalRecord()]. Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(com.bea.infra.events.ExtendedData --> [DatabaseTable(ns2:ExtendedData)])</summary> ,detail=<detail> Exception Description: Missing class indicator field from database row [UnmarshalRecord()]. Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(com.bea.infra.events.ExtendedData --> [DatabaseTable(ns2:ExtendedData)])</detail>} </value>
    The class referenced in the error, ExtendedData, is a very simple, abstract class. Here it is:
    @XmlSeeAlso( { AssetUnregistered.class, ExtractionReassign.class,
    RelatedAssetRegister.class, ExtractionSubsequentNotify.class,
    ExtractionIntialNotify.class, AssetSubmission.class,
    ExtractionStatusChanged.class, MultiUse.class,
    ALERExtendedData.class })
    public abstract class ExtendedData {
    Do you have any thoughts or would know someone who could help?

    I've tried adding the jar to the classpath, installing the jar on the weblogic server, adding all the dependencies, and adding the jar to the project sourcepath. None of these worked either. Any Help would be appreciated.

  • New Page in ALV for Value Change on a Field

    Is it possible to trigger a new page while prinitng from ALV whenever a value changes in a column.
    Thank you,
    Shashi Reddy

    Yes it is possible to add page breaks on a particular column while previewing/printing from ALV.
    Declare a structure like
    DATA:  gs_print    type lvc_s_prnt.
    and before calling set_table_for_first_display, write
    gs_print-grpchgedit = 'X'.
    Now pass this structure to the method as follows:
        call method grid->set_table_for_first_display
               is_print         = gs_print
               is_layout        = gs_layout
               is_variant       = gs_variant
               i_save           = 'A'
               i_default        = 'X'
               it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[]
               it_outtab        = g_t_outtab[]
               it_sort          = gt_sort[].
    Run the report. Now when you are in the print preview mode, press the sort ascending or descending button on toolbar (without selecting a column). A dialog box appears asking for sort order. Add the required field, from the available list on right hand side, on which you want a page-break. In the last column titled NG of this sort order dialog box, write * for page feed or UL for line feed. Press Copy button to see the effect.
    Hope this helps.

  • Missing class indicator field from database row

    I have following problem :
    There is a class inheritance with root interface and 4 subclasses, they are initialized with class indicator field. If I use ReadAllQuery with an interface or some of concrete class as search class - it is working perfect, but if I try to build query with custom selected fields (addPartialAttribute) I always get an error - Missing class indicator field from database row.
    AFAIK This field have not to be mapped in Workbench to real table column, how can I tell TopLink that I will read this indicator field too by reading some custom fields ? I thought TopLink reads such fields automatically, like it does it with primary keys.
    Thank you

    This sounds like an issue with our partial attribute queries and inheritance as the type indicator column must always be read. Can you map the type indicator to a read-only attribute (mark mapping as read-only) and include this in your list of attributes as a work-around?

  • Value for mandatory field is missing

    Hello again,
    I created an application how descripted in 95 Implementing Remote Persistency with CAF and RFCs (Service).
    The problem occurred when I try to search for an entry. I get the following error:
    german: "ERROR. Wert für Pflichtattribut ... fehlt:"
    english: "Value for mandatory field ... is missing"
    The option mandatory=true seems to be the problem. But I need this option to make these fields available for the mapping with the create method. After I while of tinkling I find out that the errormessage appears when I set more than to fields to mandatory.
    Do anybody know how to resolve this error?

    Hi Martin,
    I reported this issue to development and they said that this is "by design".  Here is the recommendation.
    1.  set the "Mandatory" flag to false for each attribute that is not required by your external interface.
    2.  perform mappings for only the mandatory attributes in the create method.
    3.  perform mappings for mandatory and optional attributes in the update method.  The update method allows you to map optional attributes.
    4.  At runtime, first call the create method with only the required attributes, then call the update method to fill any optional attributes. 
    This should eliminate the error that you get in the Service Browser.
    Best Regards,

  • Change Log for Custom fields

    Hi All,
    I need the change log for custom fields added in BP transaction codes.
    Basically, for tracking the changes of master data in CDHDR and CDPOS tables we will enable the checkbox of dataelement related to custom field.
    As for SAP fields in BP transaction code the change history is reflecting in CDHDR/CDPOS tables. i have enabled that for custom fields added to BP transaction code but i could not see the change history for such fields.
    Please let us know if iam missing any other thing?

    Hi Amit Singh,
    Apart from clicking the checkbox in dataelement...
    There are some settings need to be done by BASIS
    and some settings and entries should be made in SCOD t-code
    create entriy for change document here..
    also hv a look on below links...
    Custom Table values in CDPOS and CDHDR
    wat do these fields in scdo stand for?
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • Missing mapping for field error

    Here is the set up:
    Person extends Party using InheritanceType.JOINED
    Household extends Party_Relationship using InheritanceType.JOINED
    Household has a Set of Persons mapped One to Many unidirectional
    When I use PrimaryKeyJoinColumn on the Person and/or Household to rename the column say to PERSON_POID instead of PARTY_POID and when adding Persons to the Household Set the following error occurs:
    Exception Description: Missing mapping for field [PERSON.PARTY_POID].
    Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.dhsnet.cms.domain.Person --> [DatabaseTable(PARTY), DatabaseTable(PERSON)])
    What am I missing? If I do not use the PrimaryKeyJoinColumn mapping this error does not occur. I am stumped! Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Here are the mappings:
    @TableGenerator(name="party", table="generator", pkColumnName="table_name",
    valueColumnName="key_value", pkColumnValue="party", allocationSize=1)
    @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "PARTY_TYPE")
    public abstract class Party extends AbstractEntity{
    public class Person extends Party{
    @TableGenerator(name="party_relationship", table="generator", pkColumnName="table_name",
    valueColumnName="key_value", pkColumnValue="party_relationship", allocationSize=1)
    @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
    @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "PARTY_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING)
    public abstract class PartyRelationship extends AbstractEntity {
    public class Household extends PartyRelationship {
    On the Household Object:
    @JoinTable(joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="HOUSEHOLD_POID"),
    inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="PERSON_POID"))
    protected Set<Person> getMembers() {
    return members;

    This looks to be the same/related issue that has already been entered. See
    The alternative like you mentioned, is to not use a PrimaryKeyJoinColumn to rename the column in the joined inheritance case.

  • Activate "Value Adjustment Required Indicator" Field in FMX1

    Hi Expert
    Transaction Code FMX1/FMX2/FMX3 (Earmarked Fund Maintenance), in More Button of earmarked fund line item, there is no Indicator Field for "Value Adjustment Required" marking.
    This is the new SAP client setup. I have config field selection string and assigned. I set Opt. Entry for "_Indicator: Amount Change Only with Value Adjustment Document_" but in Earmarked Fund Maintenenace still not be appeared.
    I would like to use earmarekd fund with Value Adjustment function (FMXPM1 - FMXPM3) so I need to mark the Value Adjustment Required field in FMX1/FMX2.
    Could you please advice, how to show Value Adjustment Required indicator in Earmarked Fund Maintenenace Transaction?

    Did you switch "IMG - Public Sector Management - Funds Management Government - Funds Management-Specific Postings - Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers - Maintain Global Settings" indicator for value adjustment?

  • Require field be filled out when other field values change

    I tried to search on something I need to do but couldn't come up with a combination of words to find much.
    I have a situation where, when certain field values on a form are changed, I need a comment field filled in. So if one of the designated field values change and the comment field is NOT filled in, I would like some kind of message indicating that the comment field must be filled in when that field is changed. This would preferably happen when the 'Update' button is pushed on the form. And this would need to happen before the data is submitted.
    This seems to be somewhere between a validation and a Dynamic Action. I'm not sure how to go about creating what I need. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hopefully I have described the scenario well enough.

    This did the trick! I created the hidden item, then created a dynamic action that would set the value of the hidden item to 1 if the field changed (action = 'change'). Then I created a validation on my 'comments' field to check if it was NOT NULL when the 'Apply Changes' button was pushed, with a condition of the hidden item = 1.
    One thing extra - I had to set the dynamic action so that it did NOT fire on page load. Otherwise it would set the hidden item to 1 when the page loaded after clicking the "Apply Changes' button.
    So, thanks!
    One other question - I have a lot fields on this form. All of them have this requirement except for a few buttons. Is there any way to list the fields NOT to look for a change. In other words, in the Dynamic Action section, in the WHEN section, is there a way to designate items NOT to look for a change?
    Thanks for the help!

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