Missing dropdown list items?

I have tried the following two ways to get the string corresponding to the selected value from a dropdown box.
    public void dropDown1_processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
        financewebapp.SessionBean1 sb = (financewebapp.SessionBean1) getBean("SessionBean1");
        Long pid = (Long) event.getNewValue();
        String tmp = new String("");
        com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[] options = (com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option[]) dropDown1.getItems();
        int count = options.length;
        com.sun.webui.jsf.model.Option opt = null;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
            opt = options;
if (pid == opt.getValue()) {
tmp = opt.getLabel();
java.util.Iterator iter = dropDown1.getListItems();
String tmp = new String("");
while(iter.hasNext()) {
com.sun.webui.jsf.model.list.ListItem opt = (com.sun.webui.jsf.model.list.ListItem) iter.next();
if(opt.getValue().equals(this.dropDown1.getValue().toString())) {
tmp = opt.getLabel();
Getting the value is easy, and the code shown for obtainig it from the event works fine (I get the correct, non-null value).
*However, with the code that is not commented out, options always has a value of null, and with the code that is commented out, iter is non-null, but iter.hasNext() always returns false.* 
How is this possible?
The control is populated using a data provider, and *when the page is displayed, all of the expected items appear!*  There are several dozen of them. 
So how is it possible that I get all the right items being displayed, and the correct VALUE returned for processing within the change event handler, but neither way I have tried to access the corresponding  string works?  It is as if both of these functions (dropDown1.getItems() and iter.hasNext()) do not know about items in the control.
What makes this especially baffling is that nearly identical code (changes only relating to the page the controls are on and the names of the controls) with other dropdowns on other pages works just fine.
Any ideas as to why this particular instance is giving me grief?  And, more importantly how to fix it?

I used to say the same. But I got hooked on visual editors with Borland's C++ Builder when I used a visual editor to create a DB interface prototype with more than 10,000 LOC in two weeks (didn't sleep much during, and too much after, but I was much younger then). That was a dream that made working with MFC feel like a nightmare! Yes, I'll admit I started with C++ long before I started with Java, and I still use it for high performance computing. As interesting as JSF is, it doesn't feel as mature or robust as VCL or .NET or Swing, but in time ....
But with this problem, there are trade-offs. A backing map is fine if you have a small number of items that are not likely to change much. But the cost of such a map can get large if there is a selection of, or from, a large number of items: wasteful use of memory and/or bandwidth connecting to the RDBMS start becoming concerns. I do, in fact, use a number of backing sets and maps in this application, but this is one context where they may not be as appropriate. It isn't so much that I can't work around this, but rather that the dropdown component isn't working as advertized in this instance.

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    How to add Gap between dropdown List Items - ComboBox in MFC VC++

    Did you tried SetItemHeight() inside your App .
    Rupesh Shukla

  • Custom draw dropdown list items

    Hi all,
    I'm working on porting some plugins from CS6 to CC 2014.
    One issue I'm stumped upon, is that with CS6, I'm able to customize the drawing behavior of items inside a dropdown, by overriding the methods in "IOwnderDrawItem", that was aggregated on "kDropDownListWidgetBoss".
    But it seems that with CC SDK,
      - The "IOwnerDrawItem" is no longer aggregated to "kDropDownListWidgetBoss", and
      - The "IOwnerDrawItem" no longer has the "DrawItem" method.
    The porting guide does not seem to provide a solution for this. So I'm looking for help about how I can achieve this with CC.
    Thanks a lot.

    I think I have found the solution/workaround for this. Just posting back here as I do see there are quite some viewers, and hope this would help others that run into this same issue.
    Basically, I think the previous SDKs allowed "DrawItem" that essentially provided a quick shortcut to allow custom drawing of items inside a string-content dropdown list. And inside the method implementation, you would need to grab the string content of the item, retrieve the more domain specific data based on the string, and draw things out.
    And with CC SDK, it seems that it wants to discourage this shortcut, and promote encapsulation of dropdown list items. So now, you'll have to declare a custom widget type (extending "kBaseWidgetBoss"), that aggregates a custom implementation of "IID_ICONTROLVIEW", which does the custom drawing. And when populating the dropdown, you'll need to create instances of the custom widget type, and put them into the dropdown list via dropdown controller.
    And for the dropdown list itself, you might want to declare your custom type by extending "kOwnerDrawDDListWidgetBoss", where you can then provide custom implementation of "IID_IOWNERDRAWITEM", to achieve specific item measuring needs.
    I think all of this is good intent and cleaner, just that I wished there were clearer instructions in the porting guide.

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    these various level folder names reflect what Aperture thinks are the import dates.
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    You can also use this tag to search or to define a smart album. For example, the image below has been captured in 2003, but was imported in 2010, and will be found in a 2010 folder.

  • Calculate DropDown List items values

    I have 7 DDLists for the availability of the employees for 7 days the week.
    DD1, DD2, DD3, DD4, DD5, DD6, DD7
    The list items for all are the same:
    Day, Evening, Night, N/A(Not Available)
    How I can calculate  in a field  the Total Days of Availability
    and in a separate field Total Days N/A?
    Thank you

    A few things to correct
    1) You must use square brackets -- My Fault -- not sure how that one got past me!
    2) DDLs can't have values the same for the items meaning change them to:
         0 = N/A, 1= Day, 2= Eve, 3= Nite
    3) You only need the 1 script --don't place script on the NumNA field--delete that whole script
    4) At the end of the script, you must reference the N/A Field correctly. You're not using the name you gave it--you're using the name I gave it so it can't find it.
         NumNA = notAvailable  //Either rename the NA field to NumNA  or change the script but putting the field name you're using
    5) Finally, I don't remember coming accross this before, but the script needs to have the last 2 lines switched. It seems to matter.
    var available = 0
    var notAvailable = 0
    for i = 0 upto 6 do
         if(DDLday[i] > "0")then    //square brackets
              available = available + 1
              notAvailable = notAvailable + 1
    NumNA = notAvailable     //NumNA is the other field
    $ = available                       // this must be the last line
    So, 2 of the problems were my fault.
    That should do it.

  • How to set a keyboard event, which can response to dropdown list?

    Hi every one
    Can you set a keyboard keydown event for select the dropdown list item?
    //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      w = new Window('dialog {orientation: "row", alignChildren: ["", "top"]}',"Indesign Tricks Wizard_Beta_V3", undefined, {closeButton: false}),  
      stringList = ["01   Close and SAVED",                                                        //       0
            "02   Close WITHOUT save",                                                   //       1
            "03   Save all files",                                                                //       2
            "04   Reverse",                                                                        //       3
            "-",                                                                                          //       4
            "05   Remove empty pages",                                                  //       5
            "-",                                                                                          //       6
            "06   Update years on Master in all opening Doc",               //       7
            "07   Years + 1 in Specific cells",                                          //       8
            "08   Copy and paste to Next Master",                                 //       9
            "-",                                                                                         //       10
            "09   Bring Styles and Swatches to next Doc",                      //       11
            "10   DEL and Replace Color",                                               //       12
            "11   Remove unused color",                                                 //       13
            "-",                                                                                         //       14
            "12   Remove missing link in all open files",                         //       15
            "13   Remove layer and missing link ",                                  //       16
            "14   Batch import styles from source document",               //       17
            "-",                                                                                         //       18
            "15   Gen Revised PDF",                                                        //       19
            "16   Report empty return at top",                                       //       20
            "17   Find-Change Paragraph Names",                                //       21
            "-",                                                                                         //       22
            "18   Break link from story",                                                //       23
            "19   Joint link to story",                                                       //       24
            "20   Extract pages",                                                            //       25
            "21   Joint text fame together",                                           //       26
            "22   Resize selected text"],                                                //       27
      mReminderString = "\"Batch import styles from source document\" usually cause indents problem.",
      lastSelected = Number(app.extractLabel("dialogWizard") ),
      p = w.add("panel", undefined, "Choose a job to do:"),
      s = p.add("group"),
      mDD = p.add("dropdownlist", undefined, stringList),
      mRem = p.add("statictext", undefined, mReminderString, {multiline: true} ),
      b = w.add('group {orientation: "column"}');
         mDD.preferredSize = [320,20];
         mRem.preferredSize = [320,30]; // set reminder height as 20 * line count (here 2 lines)
         if ( !lastSelected ) mDD.items[0].selected = true;
         else mDD.items[lastSelected].selected = true;
    // |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| modify reminder font here |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
             w.graphics.backgroundColor = w.graphics.newBrush (w.graphics.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 0.26, 0.2]);
         mRem.alignment = "left";
         mRem.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "Bold", 11);
         mRem.graphics.foregroundColor = mRem.graphics.newPen (w.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1);
         p.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "Bold", 10);
         p.graphics.foregroundColor = mRem.graphics.newPen (w.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1);
         mDD.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "Bold", 11);
         mDD.graphics.foregroundColor = mRem.graphics.newPen (w.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 0.26, 0.2], 1);
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
            var myIcon = "";
            var ib = b.add ('iconbutton', undefined, myIcon);
                  ib.onClick = function() {
            w.addEventListener ("keydown", function(k) {if (k.keyName == "Enter") w.close(1);})
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
            b.add ('button', undefined, "取り消す", {name: "Cancel"}); 
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Hi Peter
    look into script as below:
    //======================================================================================== =======================================================
      w = new Window('dialog {orientation: "row", alignChildren: ["", "top"]}',"Indesign Tricks Wizard_Beta_V3", undefined, {closeButton: false}),  
      stringList = ["01   Close and SAVED",                                                        //       0
            "02   Close WITHOUT save",                                                   //       1
            "03   Save all files",                                                                //       2
            "04   Reverse",                                                                        //       3
            "-",                                                                                          //       4
            "05   Remove empty pages",                                                  //       5
            "-",                                                                                          //       6
            "06   Update years on Master in all opening Doc",               //       7
            "07   Years + 1 in Specific cells",                                          //       8
            "08   Copy and paste to Next Master",                                 //       9
            "-",                                                                                         //       10
            "09   Bring Styles and Swatches to next Doc",                      //       11
            "10   DEL and Replace Color",                                               //       12
            "11   Remove unused color",                                                 //       13
            "-",                                                                                         //       14
            "12   Remove missing link in all open files",                         //       15
            "13   Remove layer and missing link ",                                  //       16
            "14   Batch import styles from source document",               //       17
            "-",                                                                                         //       18
            "15   Gen Revised PDF",                                                        //       19
            "16   Report empty return at top",                                       //       20
            "17   Find-Change Paragraph Names",                                //       21
            "-",                                                                                         //       22
            "18   Break link from story",                                                //       23
            "19   Joint link to story",                                                       //       24
            "20   Extract pages",                                                            //       25
            "21   Joint text fame together",                                           //       26
            "22   Resize selected text"],                                                //       27
      mReminderString = "\"Batch import styles from source document\" usually cause indents problem.",
      lastSelected = Number(app.extractLabel("dialogWizard") ),
      p = w.add("panel", undefined, "Choose a job to do:"),
      s = p.add("group"),
      mDD = p.add("dropdownlist", undefined, stringList),
      mRem = p.add("statictext", undefined, mReminderString, {multiline: true} ),
      b = w.add('group {orientation: "column"}');
         mDD.preferredSize = [320,20];
         mRem.preferredSize = [320,30]; // set reminder height as 20 * line count (here 2 lines)
         if ( !lastSelected ) mDD.items[0].selected = true;
         else mDD.items[lastSelected].selected = true;
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
                mDD.active = true;                 //this syntax work in PC, but not work in MAC
                mDD.addEventListener ("keydown", function (k)
                        k = k.keyName.toLowerCase();
                                var i = 0;
                                        while (i < numbers.length-1 && numbers[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase() != k)
                                                if (numbers[i].charAt(0).toLowerCase() == k)
                                                                mDD.selection = i;
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    // |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| modify reminder font here |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
             w.graphics.backgroundColor = w.graphics.newBrush (w.graphics.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 0.26, 0.2]);
         mRem.alignment = "left";
         mRem.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "Bold", 11);
         mRem.graphics.foregroundColor = mRem.graphics.newPen (w.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1);
         p.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "Bold", 10);
         p.graphics.foregroundColor = mRem.graphics.newPen (w.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 1, 1], 1);
         mDD.graphics.font = ScriptUI.newFont ("Arial", "Bold", 11);
         mDD.graphics.foregroundColor = mRem.graphics.newPen (w.graphics.PenType.SOLID_COLOR, [1, 0.26, 0.2], 1);
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
            var myIcon = ""
            var ib = b.add ('iconbutton', undefined, myIcon);
                  ib.onClick = function() {
            w.addEventListener ("keydown", function(k) {if (k.keyName == "Enter") w.close(1);})
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
            b.add ('button', undefined, "取り消す", {name: "Cancel"}); 
    // ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    //======================================================================================== =======================================================
    Thank you

  • How to read the selected value of a dropdown list box

    I have 2 custom fields which are of type dropdown list on Accounts(CRMM_ACCOUNT) PCUI application details tab.I need to read the selected value of first dropdown list item,based on that second dropdown list will be populated.
    I know where to populate the dropdown list box,it is in FILL_DROPDOWN_LISTBOX.
    I dont know how to trap the selection made on dropdown list.
    PLease guide me on how to trap the dropdown list field selection value.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check what is done in standard for the fielf REGION which is inked to the country.
    Otherwise, you can do the following :
    - in field group customizing, for field 1, flag the 'send request' flag. So, when you change the value in this field via the dropdown, the MAC methods are immediately called.
    - Put the new value in a global variable (GV).
    - in the fill_dropdown_listbox method, get the value from this GV and based on it, filter the values for the dropdown of field 2.
    Hope this will help you,

  • Immediate Submit From Dropdown List Selection

    In JSF what is the best way to get the form to submit immediately when a dropdown list item is selected? I know I can use a JavaScript onchange="..." but just wondering if there is a more standard/cool way of doing this in JSF.

    No. Simply creating a ValueChangeListener won't do what he wants. When he used the term "immediately" he meant "as soon as the value changes" and not "immediate" in the sense of bypassing Faces lifecycles. This can be seen from his reference to "onchange=".
    The suggestion I am about to make solves one problem but creates another.
    In addition to valueChangeListener= "#{...}" and immediate="true", put onchange="submit()". This will execute your event as soon as the value changes BUT...
    Faces navigation doesn't work any more when you return a navigation target.
    How do we get Faces Navigation to keep working when we use "onchange" ?

  • Open tabbed panels from dropdown list option value

    I have about 10 tabbed panels on my page.
    I created a dropdown list, <option value></option value>.
    I need to open the specific panel when an option is selected from the dropdown list.  I know how to open tabbed panels by URL, a button, and a link on the same page.  But how do i open a tabbed panel from a dropdown list.  The <option value> in IE does not allow for onclick events in IE. 

    Yes and I have been trying to find that.  Right now I have it setup where the onchange event is "location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">
    and then I have each<option> in the dropdown list with teh value=http://URL.com?tab=3#tabbedpanels1.
    It works but it isn't as dynamic as I would like.  When i select each option in the dropdown, it refreshes the page and opens the correct tabbed panel. Then the dropdown list is reset to the default value because the page refreshed.  I wanted to do this without the page refreshing, that way the dropdown list item remains at what I selected to open the tabbedpanel. and plus, I didn't want the page to refresh everytime but to just open the tabbedpanel the same way as if i made a button to open it.

  • Missing text in list items when coverting an MS Word 2003 Document

    When converting a document from MS Word (2003) to PDF, (using Acrobat 9 Pro.) text is missing from either an ordered or unordered list when the text is within a list item and spans across to a second page.
    This symptom is present when using the following methods of creating a PDF.
    ·         In windows explorer, right click and convert to PDF
    ·         Using the Convert to PDF button in the MS Word 2003 tool bar
    ·         Using the Convert to PDF in the File Menu of MS Word 2003
    The only workaround seems to be:
    ·         Click File
    ·         Click Print
    ·         Select PDF from the list
    ·         Print
    I can't seem to find any updates or fixes either from MS or Adobe that addresses this issue. This issue is present on 5 computers, has anyone had this problem and found a solution o_0

    With WORD 2003, set the printer to the Adobe PDF printer and then go back through the document to check for the layout and such. Then print (or use PDF Maker). The other option is to go into the WORD Options, way down in a list of compatibility settings, and turn off use printer metrics. I think either of these will solve your problem.

  • How to have a unique list of items for separate dropdown lists?

    Software: Acrobat X (10) pro on Windows
    I want to create a pdf form in which all dropdown lists are populated with the same list of items to choose from. If I use the same field name for all drop down lists, the item selected in one dropdown list is automatically selected in all lists. This is not what I want. I wish to be able to select a different item in each & single dropdown list. I could of course maintain separate item lists for each field (using separate field names) but what a waste of time!... especially as the field lists would then have to be updated separately. There's got to be a better way to do it.
    Any idea how this could be achieved? Thank you.

    Here's a sample script that first defines a list of items in an array and uses it to update a number of dropdowns, name dd1...dd10:
    // Populate an array with the list items
    var aItems = ["-- Select a state --", "Alaska", "Hawaii", "Washington", "Oregon", "Idaho", "Montana", "Wyoming", "Nevada", "Colorado", "Arizona", "New Mexico"];
    // Loop through the dropdowns...
    for (var i = 1; i < 11; i += 1) {
        // ...and set the list items
        getField("dd" + i).setItems(aItems);
    That's all there is to it. This can be run from the Mouse Up event of a temporary button that you create, the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J), etc.
    More info on setItems: http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/JS_API_AcroJS.88.752.html

  • Unable to add items to dropdown list using javascript

    I'm trying to add additional items to a dropdown list at runtime using javascript.
    I'm doing this by invoking the addItem method on the dropdown list field during its initialize event.
    However when I run the generated pdf in Acrobat Pro, I get the following error in the console -
    GeneralError: Operation failed.
    Method: 'addItem' cannot be called because doing so would violate this document's permissions settings.
    The pdf form has no signatures or any other stuff in it.
    What additional permissions do I need to add and how ?
    You can view the pdf here -

    Is there a reason to use the code you did? It looks like the problem is with the variable's permissions when going through the template.
    This code works just fine in that same event:
    this.addItem("new item");
    As does:
    var f = xfa.resolveNode("form1.#subform1[0].field0");
    f.additem("new item");

  • Strange item in desktop dropdown list after CS4 installed

    Since installing CS4, there is a new item in the dropdown list when I
    right-click on my desktop
    The new item is "Adobe Drive CS4". It has two items showing under it. They
    are "Connect to", and "New Project". The "New Project" is greyed out, even
    when Photoshop CS4 is running.
    Can anyone advise me what this is all about?? CS3 is still installed, but I
    will be removing it shortly. But it did not create any such item in the
    Ron Hirsch

    OK, so I now know what it is. But why is it there in the dropdown listing?
    If I click on "connect to", a small window opens, And, this last time that
    the window opened, it actually had text in it explaining what you did
    explain. Previous times had nothing in the box explaining anything.
    I don't feel I have any need for Version Cue or Adobe Drive CS4, but I see
    no way to change anything there. I did not install Verson Cue when I
    installed CS4. I don't see it in my Windows services listing, nor in the
    list of many startup items. I'd like to uninstall Adobe Drive CS4. I see a
    listing the XP programs window of "Adobe Drive CS4". But I see no path to
    get rid of that. Is there a path to do so?
    A new search in Google turned up the following
    Any of you who have installed Adobe CS4 will know you will get a context
    menu entry for Adobe CS4 Drive, even if you chose not to install the actual
    program so effectively the entry is useless. After some googling and
    experimenting found two ways to remove it.
    1. Install & Uninstall
    Install Adobe CS4 Drive using the installer then uninstall it. This seems to
    get rid of it.
    2. Manual Remove
    Open Regedit and delete these two entries.
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{C95FFEAE-A32E-4122-A5C 4-49B5BFB69795}
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{C95FFEAE-A32E-4122-A5C 4-49B5BFB69795}
    I'll probably do the Registry editing
    Ron Hirsch

  • Capture item by Dropdown list in Interactive Form

    Hi experts,
    I have a problem. I hope to get your suggestion ready. 
    I created a WebDynpro Abap that contains within it an Adobe Interactive Forms.
    With the method wddoinit by the component controller I set all values of the fields into interactive forms correctly.
    Inside the form there is a dropdown list which is bind to a table, the list of this dropdown list is filled with properly values of the table which is bind.
    When I select a value from the list dropdown I can not capture the selected item by the table corresponding of the data.
    Carryover below the code I use to recover (unsuccessfully) the values selected by list dropdown:
        node_adobe_data   TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        node_it0002       TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        node_stato_civile TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
        elem_stato_civile TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
        stru_stato_civile TYPE wd_this->element_stato_civile.
    navigate from <CONTEXT> to <ADOBE_DATA> via lead selection
      node_adobe_data = wd_context->get_child_node( name =  wd_this->wdctx_adobe_data ).
    navigate from <ADOBE_DATA> to <IT0002> via lead selection
      node_it0002 = node_adobe_data->get_child_node( name =  wd_this->wdctx_it0002 ).
    navigate from <IT0002> to <STATO_CIVILE> via lead selection
      node_stato_civile = node_it0002->get_child_node( name =  wd_this->wdctx_stato_civile ).
    get element via lead selection
      elem_stato_civile = node_stato_civile->get_lead_selection( ).
    get single attribute
         static_attributes = stru_stato_civile ).
    The problem persist also if I use the method GET_LEAD_SELECTION_INDEX.
    The return value always is the first item and not what I selected.
    I wait trusting your suggestions to solve the problem.

    Hi Davide,
    Maybe you can try to keep your own Index parameter (Integer) to keep track of the selected index.
    Then use that parameter to select data from your node:
          index             = wd_this->lv_index
          static_attributes = stru_stato_civile
    Hope this helps.
    Roelof Albers

  • Javascript needed - need checkbox to check automatically based on selected item from dropdown list

    I am building a fillable form.  In this form, I have created items in a dropdown list.  Based on the item picked from the dropdown list, I need a corresponding checkbox to be checked.  I am certain there is an easy javascript to resolve my current problem.  Please assist.
    For example: dropdown list field (SubSupplier1) -   Demolition                            export value 2
                                                                                    Rough Carpentry Labor       export value 4
                                                                                    Rough Carpentry Material    export value 3
    I need the corresponding checkbox (SalesTax1) to automatically be checked when Demolition (export value 2) or Rough Carpentry Material (export value 3) is selected.
    Thank you,

    Hi Jennifer,
    This should help you do what you need. Place it in the Custom Calculation property of the dropbox and select "commit selected value immediately" in the fields options:
    var drop = this.getField("SubSupplier1");
    var check = this.getField("SalesTax1");
    if ((drop.value == 2) || (drop.value == 3)){
    else {
    The code is asking if the export value of the field is either '2' or '3' and if so, check the box.
    Otherwise uncheck the box.
    If you don't want it to uncheck on other selections, remove the 'else' section of code.

Maybe you are looking for

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