Missing lesson for adobe illustrator lesson 00 -tutorial-pls help me locate it

Hi. I have inserted the CD found on the back of my Adobe Illustrator CS3 book-- (CD rom for Windows). Per instructions, I downloaded what was on the disk on my hard drive to begin the tutorial. However, I can not find the lessons to begin the tour. The lesson is titled tour_done.ai (it should be a file in lesson00 folder located inside the AICIB folder on my hard drive). I only see wedding pics when I open AICIB folder. Please help. I just purchase this tool and it's very fraustrating so far.

This may be one for this specialized forum (where you may be able find the answer from previous threads),
Or you may try a chat here:
Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues, chat open between 5AM and 7PM PST/PDT on workdays)

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    If you come to need it,
    Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues, chat open between 5AM and 7PM PST/PDT on workdays)

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    Please install the latest adobe application manager and try applying the available updates again.
    Here is the link  to download adobe application manager(AAM):
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