Missing lib photos

LR 2.0 on Vista 64, 8gb ram.
I have a folder with 5500 photos in it that LR still reports as seeing but it won't display them all. I'm missing about 300 that I was just working on last night. I have cleared all filters and attributes and even did a text search by a name that I know is in there and it can't find them.
The photos are still in the folder on the HD I checked through windows so I'm at a loss. This is the second time this has happened in LR2.0 and I don't remember how I got out of it last time. I don't want to re-import the entire catalog just to get at these missing photos.

I've been suffering a similar thing. Launched LR2 today and found a number of folders from yesterday "missing".
I'd dragged 'n' dropped these into another folder as part of my cataloguing yesterday. These were my out-takes
I'd also dropped the renumbered images into a "Cataloged" folder that now has a bunch of images missing... now being reimported.
It's as if the Catalogue has reverted to a time 2 hours before I exited LR and went to bed.
Annoying to say the least. I'm worried, as this could have happened in a less obvious way leading to a loss of images from my catalogue. Sure they're still on the hard-drive, but I can't see them. It'd be very easy to miss the missing images completely from my workflow and not have the faintest idea where they've gone.
As second issue is drag'n'dropping between folders. When looking at the top level folder, I should be able to see ALL images from the lower folders. However, I can only see SOME of them. I'd get it, if there were NONE, as it'd be a tick missing in preferences, but SOME!!! This WILL LEAD TO LOSS OF IMAGES!
FYI Windows Vista Ultimate 3Gb RAM, loads of spare HD capacity.
We need a fix ASAP!!!

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    Moments are the new Events.  All of your events in iPhoto are not Moments in Photo and were also brought over as an album. Open the sidebar with the Option+Command+S key combination and look in the folder titled "iPhoto Events".  There's a way to simulate events in Photos.
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    G5 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Thanks for responding...
    It sounds pretty odd. First try to rebuild the
    database...as was suggested (Option>CMD on launch of
    I will try this eventually. But I want to get some insight first, in case this could create more problems than it solves. I am also holding off on updating to 10.4.9 for the same reason.
    This might help. If not, try to make an
    adjustment on one of the images. This will force the
    thumbnail to redraw. If the adjustments aren't
    available for that particular image, then the image
    is really offline somewhere.
    I am unable to make any adjustments on these images.
    I assume you went into your Library "Show Package
    Contents" to confirm they are missing. If not, try
    Yes, the images are not in the folder with the other images from that import. Further, I used the unix 'find' and 'locate' commands to search my entire hard drive and backup drive, and the images were not found.
    Can you Export the image?
    That was how I first stumbled on this problem -- I tried to export and got an error message that "Versions with unavailable master images cannot be exported."
    The weird thing is that when I try and get the 'Managed referenced files...' dialog, Aperture claims that "The selection doesn't use any referenced files" -- that tells me this data loss might be the result of a bug and not user error.

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    It is also reasonably fast:
    $ time missing-libs.sh /bin/ /sbin/ /usr/bin/ /usr/sbin/ /l/bin/ /l/sbin/
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Oct 16 18:56 /l/bin/drawtiming -> /opt/drawtiming/_l_/bin/drawtiming
    /l/bin/drawtiming: 'libMagick++.so.2' must point to existing file: 'uncached, not existing or missing RPATH!'
    /l/bin/drawtiming: 'libMagickCore.so.2' must point to existing file: 'uncached, not existing or missing RPATH!'
    real: 4m13.6s user: 1m37.3s sys: 2m32.8s
    ie. a few minutes without anything cashed, this  is after booting.
    Missing-libs.sh is intended for people who have their own locally compiled programs using distribution supplied libraries.  In verbose mode, it lists all libs some lib or program depends on and recursively the libs these libraries depend on, down to libc, weeding out duplicates.
    regards, clemens fischer

    Handy! You might also want to look at the rebuildlist script the devs use, which is like this but run on a repo for specific libraries

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    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iCloud: Troubleshooting missing information after restoring an iOS device
    -Griff W.

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    You can easily restore all of your apps, photos and podcasts.
    If you activated the iCloud service before updating, your Apps will be storaged "in the cloud" and ready to be re-downloaded. Otherwise, go to App Store and choose "Updates". Here, in the top of the screen, is the "Purchased"-button. Tapping here will give you a complete list of all your downloaded Apps, ready to be re-downloaded.
    As for your podcasts, plug your iPhone to your PC/Mac. Single-click your iPhone-device in the menu on the left. Once the iPhone-window appear, go to the tab-menu in the top of the screen and choose 'Podcasts'. From here you can decide which podcasts should be sync with your device.
    I hope this was helpful.
    Best regards.

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    Ok - a glance at the jack-devel archives has solved this for me. Here is a patch I found there that works for me. I called it jacknptl.diff ...
    --- client.c.old 2004-04-14 05:38:32.000000000 +0200
    +++ client.c 2004-07-18 11:58:36.675323392 +0200
    @@ -1342,6 +1342,11 @@
    pthread_attr_init (attributes);
    + if (pthread_attr_setinheritsched (attributes, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED)) {
    + jack_error ("cannot set inherit attributen");
    + return -1;
    + }
    if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (attributes, SCHED_FIFO)) {
    jack_error ("cannot set FIFO scheduling class for RT "
    And here is a modified PKGBUILD that will build jack with this patch...
    # $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.2 2004/07/13 23:17:44 tobias Exp $
    # Maintainer: tobias <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Robert Emil Berge <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="a low-latency audio server"
    depends=('libsndfile' 'bash')
    $pkgname.d $pkgname.conf.d jacknptl.diff )
    md5sums=('6ebd659a431e75b841fa5e0c397372ee' '4dcba5381e45bd449def164927854e48'
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/libjack
    patch < $startdir/src/jacknptl.diff
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
    install -D -m 755 ../$pkgname.d $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/$pkgname
    install -D -m 644 ../$pkgname.conf.d $startdir/pkg/etc/conf.d/$pkgname
    In case anyone wants that too.

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    Hi from Belgium,
    I've a problem in synchronization between a ipad and a MacBookPro.
    some iphoto albums is missing in the itunes photo synchro list, so I can't tell itunes that
    i want to send those albums in my ipad.
    Any suggestions?
    By advance
    Best Regards
    Stephane D.

    This is a Community Support there's no Apple staff here, feel free to write at https://www.apple.com/feedback/itunesapp.html

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    WORK AROUND: restarted the iPhone once more.

    Photo stream IS "Recently Added" as well as "Recently Taken" combined.  If it was taken with this phone, it can be favorited.  If not, there's no favorite (heart) icon.
    So I have 2 iphones I use, one for work, one personal.  I do very little with the work one and never had photo stream turned on but I use the same itunes account for both so I can share itunes match and photos and contacts if/when I chose to.
    I was confused about where photo stream went as well.
    So prior to turning on photo steam on my work phone, I saw that I had 4 photos (mostly screen shots) on the work phone, under "recently added".  I took a picture with the phone to be sure.  Yup, it was added to recently added but not "summarized" (not sure why it wasn't summarized but nothing else is on that phone).
    I have other settings to "default" including having "summarize photos" turned on.
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    FYI, did all this with wifi so the download was moderately fast.
    Another thing of note.  Photos that were taken with the same phone have the favorite icon (the heart).  Photos taken on the other phone do not.  So that's how to tell if it's only on the photo stream.

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    1. This time, I made sure to put the Domain file in the preferred iWeb location ( i.e. <my user account>/Library/Application Support/iWeb--it wasn't there on my first try (I had it in a different folder location).
    2. I double-clicked the Domain file to launch iWeb, which then went through the entire upgrade of the file process again. It took quite a while (20+ minutes), but finished without any errors.
    3. I spot checked the photo album pages by clicking to look at them--they had returned!
    4. I immediately SAVED and closed out of iWeb.
    Now going back into iWeb, evertyhing seems to be functioning normally. I've even made some layout changes to some of the album pages, saved and no problems. I've also applied different templates to other pages (not brave enough to try that on my albums yet!) and that seems to work.
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  • Recovering missing iPhoto photos from iPhone 5

    Hi, I reindexed my iPhoto library as I was missing photos. Now it seems I have lost more photos! I have my entire iPhoto library sync'ed with my iPhone 5. Is it possible to sync. from iPhone to iPhoto in an attempt to recover the photos? I am worried if I sync. my device with itunes as I normally would that the sync will go the other way and I will lose these photos forever. Can anyone help me? Adam

    Try the following. It will create a library with all original files that are in your Originals folder. You can then see if there are photos in the Originals folder that your current library is unable to detect and dispay.
    Starting over from scratch with new library
    Start over with a new library and import the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from your original library as follows:
    1. Open the library package like this.
    2. Launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and, when asked, select the option to create a new library.
    3. Drag the subfolders of the Originals (iPhoto 09 and earlier) or the Masters (iPhoto 11) folder from the open iPhoto Library package into the open iPhoto window a few at a time.
    This will create a new library with the same Events (but not necessarily the same Event names) as the original library but will not keep the metadata, albums, books slideshows and other projects.
    Note:  your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.
    Also you can use Image Capture to manually upload all photos from your iPhone to a folder on the Desktop.
    You should be able to import the folder into the library while excluding duplicates and get any photos that are currently missing.

  • Missing lib libcwait.so in OEL 6.0

    I updated a development machine from OEL 4.0 to OEL 6.0 (64 bit) and a script I used and worked before complains about a missing library: /usr/lib/libcwait.so
    Any ideas how can I replace this library? Or maybe in OEL 6.0 there is a different lib doing the stuff that libcwait.so does?

    The best solution is to know which program still requires this library and to find out if there is an update available.
    Unfortunatly I do not have an old program that needs libcwait.so and therefore I don't know if the below will work, but perhaps it's worth a try. Please try this on a test machine.
    rpm -ivh http://oss.oracle.com/projects/compat-oracle/dist/files/source/RedHat/compat-libcwait-2.1-2.src.rpm
    cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
    tar zxvf compat-libcwait-2.1.tar.gz
    cd compat-libcwait-2.1
    gcc -fPIC -g -c -Wall libc_wait.c
    gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libcwait.so.2 -o libcwait.so.2.1  libc_wait.o
    ln -s libcwait.so.2.1 libcwait.so.2
    ln -s libcwait.so.2 libcwait.so
    mv libcwait.* /usr/lib

  • Missing all photos (and collections) before a certain date!

    I just imported all my photos from my iPhone 4 from a vacation to put with photos from my DSLR into LR3, when i noticed that I was missing about 15000 photos from my catalog. They are still on the hard drive. I know that I can just import those folders back in, but i am worried that i have lost any edits/keywordin/etc. What can i do?

    I found three different ones: the LR2 cat, the LR3 cat, and this one that I am currently on which I must have created on accident. So, I opened the one called something like "lightroom 3 catalog-2". I tried to "import from catalog" to get the photo & edits that I worked a little on in the past week (which was about 12GB of vacation photos), but an error occurred twice. So, i just imported all the photos from the folders to the correct catalog.
    Thanks for all the help guys. I will start backing up my catalog. And, next time i will know what to do.

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