Missing Quicktime Codec

I am running Quicktime Version 10.1 (501) on my MacBook, yet after upgrading to OS X Lion Quicktime will not play videos saying that a codec is missing. I click on the file and then get info to see what codec is missing, yet I can't seem to find out which one I need. Can someone tell me what I need to do, install or upgrade to get Quicktime to work again?
Thanks for the help

The Pro upgrade doesn't include any other codecs.
You could have kept both version of QuickTime on your machine.
Try http://perian.org for your AVI files.

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    Try the Final Cut Pro Forum: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=939

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    duke_vim wrote:
    I have the same issue as the OP - however you as a 'Community Professional' should know that OSX as of 10.6 there is no quicktime preference panel, so I think it is a little premature to pronounce serious and fundamental issues with his system.
    This problem is unsolved, and it occurs with my new install of CS5 on 10.6.
    Many of us discovered to our horror that upgrading from 10.5 to MacOS10.6 made Quicktime Pro disappear only to be replaced by the crippled QTx Most of the functions of QTPro have been incorporated directly into Apple's pro apps. You can install QT7 from the 10.6 disk as an option and that might reinstate some of your lost functions. Dunno, I have not bothered; everything I need from QT is readily available but I have not had a request for any products using legacy codecs.
    We tend to bristle when our best people take a hit. As a community professional, I bow regularly to Myl's seemingly infinite knowledge as well as his tolerance and patience. I think he's a (pitiful) Windows user so an expectation for him to know everything about Apple's weirdly subtle OS changes is a stretch.

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    Solved my problem.
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      Windows XP Pro  

    QuickTimeKirk, thanks for the reply.
    Yes, I think as you that the problem is from FLV exporter from Flash 8. It is not Universal. I will not go backward with QT. I prefer to wait until the UB Flash 8 Pro see the light..... or Flash Pro 9 (for sure it will be Universal)
    Thanks again !

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    Alright so I solved my own problem after hours and hours of google searches.
    What worked was I reinstalled Mountain Lion on my laptop
    I found the cause of the problem as well, if anyone out there is curious if they have the same issue.
    What happened was, iMovie told me to delete some third party video conversion stuff and when I deleted that I also accidentally deleted those super important Quicktime codecs.
    You can check if you have the same problem as me by opening Finder. Click "Go" in the top bar, "Computer" in the drop down list. Select "Macintosh HD" from the Finder window, click on the folder labeled "Library", then click on the folder labeled "Quicktime". Inside the Quicktime folder you should see these two little icons labeled "AppleIntermediateCodec.component" and "AppleMPEG2Codec.component"
    If you do not have these iMovie can't function properly.
    First, check your trash! If you accidentally deleted it, those are what you're looking for to take out.
    If you were dumb like me and emptied your trash, just reninstall Mountain Lion. The codec components of Quicktime come with Mountain Lion so they're not something you can download from the internet or pay for. Reinstalling takes FOREVER but it works.
    To reinstall Mountain Lion:
    -Restart your computer, while it's on the gray start up screen hold the buttons "Command" and the letter "R"
    -A gray screen and box should open up, simply click the Reinstall button and after a couple hours your problem will be fixed!
    Reinstalling DOES NOT delete any of your stuff!
    (Unless something goes wrong)
    I really hope this helps!

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    How can I check to see if my version of QuickTime Pro 7.6.6 already has ProApps QuickTime Codecs installed? I also have Final Cut Pro 6. I'm asking because my computer can't seem to play ProRes 422 codec video without stuttering or skipping?
    If you can view a ProRes 4-2-2 video at all, then you either have the independent ProRes422 Playback component installed or the FCP "Pro" video components installed.
    I have a fairly capable MacBook Pro (2.93 GHzIntel Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 memory and a 1TB HD -5400 rpm, so I am hoping it's not that my computer that can't support it and it's something more simple like not have ProApps QuickTime codecs installed.
    Check your "~/Library/QuickTime" folder for your various "Pro" components. If in doubt that you have them all, re-run the FCP installer and it should add any missing components, apps, or utilities.

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  • How Can I Fix A QuickTime Codec Error?

    How Can I Fix A QuickTime Codec Error?
    I have several movies from 2008 that are labeled as .mov but I now get a QuickTime error saying "The document "XXXXXX" could not be opened. A required Codec isn't available."
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    If I click on the Thumbnail Preview "It" runs.
    How can I fix this?
    TOP image is the Error message.
    BOTTOM image is the Thumbnail Preview info.
    I've checked out "Tell Me More" and have not found a solution.

    How Can I Fix A QuickTime Codec Error?
    The basic work flow is to determine which codecs were used to create the non-playing file and then check to see if these formats are supported by your current system codec component configuration.
    If the files will open in one of the QT player app, the open the inspector window to see which codecs were used to create the original file as seen here...
    or here in the "Format" entry...
    Or, if you have QT 7 keyed for "Pro" use, you can open the "Properties" window to gain even more information as demonstrated here...
    if you file will not open in either of the QT Player apps, then you can try opening the Finder "Get Info" window for the file,
    use a third-party media player that will open the file, or
    use a dedicated media information utility to learn this information....
    Once you know what codecs were used to create the file, post back with this information so we can deterine if the file should be natively supported by your Mac OS X install, requires an Apple Pro editing codec normally installed by the editor app, or requires a third-party codec which the user must supply.
    These movies ran in QuickTime just fine until about a month ago.
    All the folders in which these movies were stored in 4 folders in 2 folders in one folder. All folders at each level were encrypted with Stuffit Deluxe a version circa 2008 and decrypted with a newer Stuffit Deluxe 10.x. Other movies that are NOT .mov and in with the .mov movies still run.
    Your information does not indicate whether or not the files actually played on the current system or were transferred from a different system which was properly configured for playbac, whether or not you recently upgraded your operating system/modified your codec component configuration by adding or deleting any codecs, whether your compound "Stuffing" of the files created corruption, etc.
    As to MOV files the selves, this extension just implies the data was placed in the QT generic file container and the actually data could be of any compression format thathat was compatible with the codec component configuration for the system on which the files were created and could include natively supported system codecs, pro editing codecs, and/or third-party proprietary or hybrid codecs. (I.e., this is why we may need more information regarding the individual non-playing files.)
    If I click on the Thumbnail Preview "It" runs.
    f you are referring to QuickLook (QL) then the technology is different than QuickTime (QT). In the former case, the system is playing representative data but not actually opening the file as QT does. Thus, there is always the possibility that the problem is in the file structure (atom) information. For instance, suppose someone merely changed the MOV file extension in the Finder rather than actually copying data to a real MOV file container. Then it is possible that the QT player app may be searching for a codec that is not supposed or expected to be supported in the MOV file container and, not finding it, issues the erroneous codec error message—especially since you did not inticate the source of the file you are trying to play or, in some cases, which QT player is now not playing the file.
    In short, there are several possibilities here and not enough specific information.

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    I have problem with the Movie application 7.1.4 (585) when I try to open it a statement indicate that there are some "MIssing Quicktime components, re-intall from movie installer" . How can I fix thi problem. Please help.

    Acrobat Support

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    I have QuickTime Player 7.6.8, I cannot update or remove it b/c I am missing QuickTime.msi file. It is gone and I need it back. Please help.

    Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
    Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for at least version 3.0 of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
    If the file is clean, to install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you've downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any QuickTime entries and click "Remove".
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try installing iTunes again. Does the install go through properly now?
    (If you do find a clean download site for the correct version of CleanUp, please don't tell me where it is. Without wishing to sound paranoid (although I grant it does sound paranoid), there is a non-zero chance that posting links to download locations for the utility here at Discussions leads to that download location being shut down.)

  • "Premiere Pro CS3" is missing some codecs!

    First of all, thanks for stoping by and read my post.
    It's me first time ever using Premiere Pro CS3. I tried to some basic video editing on it, but I cannot hear any sound coming out of my laptop speakers; when i import the video clips. Even tho, I can hear them with "Windows Media Player". So, I investigated a bit and I did some of the things adviced by Adobe's knowledgebase thing.
    And, I came up with a paper saying to download "MediaInfo" and "GSpot" to find out the codecs of the "mpg" files. Here is a report i made with the information given by those programs:
    DVD "VOB" format
    Format: MPEG-PS
    MPEG-2 Program Stream << { 1 vid, 1 aud }
    Sys Bitrate: 10080 kb/s VBR
    Bit rate mode                    : Variable
    bit rate                 : 5 899 Kbps or 5 324 Kbps
    Nominal bit rate                 : 9 100 Kbps
    Width                            : 720 pixels
    Height                           : 480 pixels
    Display aspect ratio             : 16/9
    Frame rate                       : 29.970 fps
    Standard                         : NTSC
    Colorimetry                      : 4:2:0
    Scan type                        : Interlaced
    Scan order                       : Top Field First
    Codec(s) are Installed
    ID                               : 128 (0x80)
    Format                           : AC-3
    Format/Info                      : Audio Coding 3 (AC3)
    Bit rate mode                    : Constant
    Bit rate                         : 256 Kbps
    Channel(s)                       : 2 channels
    Channel positions                : L R
    Sampling rate                    : 48.0 KHz
    0xbd[0x80]:48000Hz  256 kb/s tot , stereo (2/0)
    Codec(s) Installed
    DSH FmtTag: 0x00ff    "MainConcept (Adobe2) AAC Decoder" {214CD0D1-FC06-41B1-8BB8-84DA4CFB17D9} 0x00600000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2daac.ax"
    DSH Video "MainConcept (Adobe2) H.264/AVC Decoder" {FF890B41-A4C5-4B19-87CF-65D86EC12F1C} 0x00600000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2dsh264.ax"
    DSH MPEG1Packet "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Audio Decoder" {25AD5730-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x005fffff ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mcdsmpeg.ax"
    DSH MPEG1Packet "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Video Decoder" {25AD5740-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x005fffff ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mcdsmpeg.ax"
    DSH MPEG1System "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Splitter" {25AD5720-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x005fffff ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mcspmpeg.ax"
    DSH Video "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Encoder" {25AD5750-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x00200000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mcesmpeg.ax"
    DSH YV12 "MainConcept (Adobe2) H.264 Encoder" {FF890B51-A4C5-4B19-87CF-65D86EC12F1C} 0x00200000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2esh264.ax"
    DSH RGB24 "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Video Encoder" {25AD5760-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x00200000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mcevmpeg.ax"
    DSH PCM "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Audio Encoder" {25AD5770-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x00200000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mceampeg.ax"
    DSH MPEG1Video "MainConcept (Adobe2) MPEG Multiplexer" {25AD5780-4DE0-4CF8-952A-2AEF53AC4321} 0x00200000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2mcmuxmpeg.ax"
    DSH RGB24 "MainConcept (Adobe2) H.264/AVC Video Encoder" {FF890B61-A4C5-4B19-87CF-65D86EC12F1C} 0x00200000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2evh264.ax"
    DSH PCM "MainConcept (Adobe2) AAC Encoder" {866DFE40-5582-4FA6-B4BC-665781A007E6} 0x00100000 ** File Missing: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\ad2eaac.a
    As you can see "Premiere Pro CS3" is missing some codecs, so my question is where can I download those?
    I forgot to tell you, that I use a HP laptop Dual core Intel processor with Win Vista Home 2 GB of RAM and 160 GB of HD
    Thanks in advance
    P.S. I am attaching the Diagdx.txt, even tho I don't think has to necesary
    P.S. 2. I just saw another post similar to this one, but it doesn't tell you how to make "Premiere Pro" get the audio to work in my clips and finished project

    Most good file converters can handle Video and Audio. If you are having issues with the Audio, both Audition and SoundBooth can convert to almost anything and any sample rate and bit depth.
    Here's a LINK to the PrPro Wiki. There are links to various aspects of conversion there.
    Now, remember that when working FROM MPEG-2 and also AC3, the files are compressed to begin with. Quality will suffer, and there is only one way around that - go back to the original source files. If not possible, then you have to determine if the quality has suffered too much.
    Good luck,

  • Issues with Quicktime in Mavericks. I cant export to quicktime codecs in After Effects Or Premiere

    I recently updated to OS Mavericks. And in the beginning I really liked the update, but I recently fired up my After Effects CC and Premiere CC to work on some animation videos I had to produce for client. And when I wanted to export my animation. I could not find my Quicktime Codec settings like. H264, Mp4, Apple Pro res or any other quicktime codec. I read some articles on issues with Mavericks/Qucktime and this export problem in After Effects and Premiere. But I could not find a solution. It used to work on 10.8.5!
    I tried this... But it did not work ;-(
    http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2013/08/solutions-for-problems-with-quicktim e-files-in-after-effects-cc-12-0-because-of-conflict-with-dvcprohdvideoout-quick time-component.html
    I tried to uninstall perian. But did not help at all. They even discontinued the product.
    Does anyone else stumbled on this problem? Or maybe has a solution? I thought of downgrading to 10.8.5 But that is not ideal because I don't have a Time machine Backup from that period or earlier. And otherwise I have to collect all my data, emails, pictures etc. I seriously could use some help!

    After uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Adobe CC suite and all QuickTime components I was still dead in the water. I then tried another User account on my computer and AE and AME worked perfectly with fast startup and all QT/H.264 components in place. This established the problem was in my main User directory...
    After some backing up, I deleted all Adobe and com.Adobe.whatever files from User/Library/Preferences and then restarted the computer. I then copied all Adobe and com.Adobe.whatever files from the other user folder and restarted and found that After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder were working perfectly:

  • HDV Quicktime Codec for PC

    I am in the middle of editing a project on FCP 5 and need to export part of it to a PC.
    The footage is HDV 1080 50i and for speed I would prefer to keep it that way.
    I'm having trouble finding the Quicktime codec to allow the footage to be palyed back on the PC, can anyone tell me where to find this???

    I think you're talking about exporting to wmv. Flip4Mac Studio Pro HD is a good start. If you want better than that, check out Episode.

  • 5.0.2 Missing MPEG codecs?

    Hello All,
    The Adobe Updater just automatically updated Premiere CS5 to 5.0.2 and now I don't have any of the MPEG based codecs in my sequence presets. No AVCHD, no XD cam, nothing. Anybody else seen this, and how do you suppose one goes about regaining access to these now-missing codecs? I'm currently unable to continue working on my AVCHD projects.

    Makes me wonder if going through that routine might solve my missing HDV CODEC's in Bridge problem?  But with Master Suite, I'm looking at setting aside beaucoup hours to uninstall, clean, reboot, clean reboot, reinstall, reactivate.
    Anyone have a gut feeling if that might help me rid my dependance on the 3rd party mpeg CODECS?

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