Missing something in Extended Checkbox widget

I am using Jim's Extended Checkbox widget to create a custom quiz in CP My requirement is quite simple. I must admit that I have done this so many times earlier, but this time I am just not getting it right.
I have four options out of which only two are correct. Let us say, the options are Plan A (var name: PA), Plan B (var name: PB), Plan C (var name: PC), and Plan D (var name: PD). The correct answers here are: PB and PC. I have created the variables correctly.
So, I have created an advanced action with just one decision to validate them.
PA is not equal to "Plan A"  AND
PB is equal to "Plan B" AND
PC is equal to "Plan C" AND
PD is not equal to "Plan D"
Show CorrectFeedback
Show IncorrectFeedback
Expected result:
Correct Feedback should appear only if I have selected Plan B and Plan C and I have not selected Plan A and Plan D. In all other scenarios, I should get Incorrect Feedback.
Actual result:
I am getting incorrect feedback even when I have selected Plan B and Plan C and I have not selected Plan A and Plan D.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Sreekanth, have no time to test it out but I suspect it is due to the AND condition. I already had similar problems in the past with the operator 'not equal to' when embedded in such an AND sequence. Never got an answer about the why, so I try mostly to avoid that operator. Maybe try out a combination like the one I created for the short answer question? Have a boolean variable that will only be set to 1 when all conditions are fulfilled, and split up your AND in two decisions (both with 'is equal to')... Hope you understand my very short explanation? There is some logic flaw, that happens in those combinations.

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    Hi Marion,
    Checkboxes widget is a static widget and cannot get a score attached to it. You'll have to use extra objects for that. I blogged about it: two out of 3 planned posts are already published. One of them has an example that uses the enhanced checkboxes widget that you can download for free from Jim Leichlter's website (Captivatepro). Links to the post treating reporting with static widgets:
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    Did you read my blog post about using checkboxes? http://blog.lilybiri.com/widgets-and-custom-questions-part-1   and   http://blog.lilybiri.com/extended-widgets-for-custom-mcq-and-tf-questi ?
    Those variables associated with the checkboxes will store the chosen answer. It has no sense to assign a value to them, you misunderstand what they are meant to store.

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    I'm not suggesting any of this as a model, and your needs are different than mine.
    1) Go to Preferences -> Audio.  Under "Default Audio Tracks", Set "Mono Media: Mono".  Set "Stereo Media: Mono"  (Choices from the pull-down for both are Use File, Mono, Stereo, 5.1, Adaptive)
    You can change these, but I don't. I am using both mono and stereo tracks. I set up a custom sequence with the particular combination of stereo and mono tracks I want.
    2) Set audio for clips by selecting all clips and going to Modify Clip -> Audio Channels Tab.  Under "Number of Audio Tracks" there should be a "1".  Under Channel Format it should read "Stereo".
    I am not sending the audio to anyone else to edit further. I am doing a final stereo mix. If camera one is set up to record 2 mikes as a stereo track, then I leave that unchanged and put it onto a stereo track. If camera two is set up to record one mike onto channel 1 as ambient sound and channel 2 is a mono feed from a sound board, then I modify those clips as Preset Mono, 2 audio tracks, Channel format Mono, and that puts the left source channel (or whichever I choose) onto Audio track 1, channel 1 (of one), and right source channel onto audio track 2, channel 1.
    4) Delete all the existing audio tracks in the sequence and replace them all with mono tracks, so all tracks in the sequence are mono.
    I modify the tracks while creating the sequence, and ultimately use a custom sequence.
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    I agree. It is certainly one area that can be significantly improved on the iPad.
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    Plug your iPod into your computer, it will begin to sync. Now check to see if the playlists have been added.
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    Hi Mary and Matthew
    You might find it helpful to "try before you buy" - there is a 30 day free trial offer for Office for Mac 2011, accessible from M's .com website.
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    I'm using the checkbox wizard with 35 items from wich the user has to select max. 7 items. The checkbox wizard is a great tool that keeps the choices in user variables.
    Is it possible that  for every (de)selection a choice a counter keeps track of the number of choices and perfoms an action when the status of 7 is reached? Or is there an alternative?

    I have been blogging about the checkboxes widgets, you don't tell the version you are using? Because it has been replaced totally by the Checkboxes Learning interaction in CP8 and its latest version allows also to control what is displayed by changing the associated variables.
    However it remains a static widget, which means that it cannot trigger an action, because it doesn't have events: Events and (advanced) Actions - Captivate blog
    Even if it was an interactive widget, it wouldn't have helped. You will need an interactive object like a button to trigger an advanced (or shared action) that will count the number of variables that have a value different from 'null' Where is Null? - Captivate blog. 
    It will never be possible to trigger an action when the counter reaches 7, because the action will only be executed when the interactive object is clicked.
    Alternative: at this moment I only see to create the radio buttons yourself (use shape buttons) and each button can trigger an advanced/shared (use shared if you are on CP8!) action that will increment a counter and store the choice in a user variable, then (second decision in a conditional action) checks if the counter has reached the value of 7 to give a warning that the allowed number of choices has been reached and eventually disables all the shape buttons. I mention a shared action, because you'll need 32 instances of that action.

  • Missing something obvious

    I am using nigpib version 6 with RedHat Linux 6.2. I am having problems talking to my instruments. Two devices a Keithley Multimeter 2001 and an IO TECH dac488hr refuse to communicate. Their remote lights go on but I get an EBUS error when doing ibwrt to either. Two other devices an SRS850 lockin amplifier, and an ESI model 73 precision transformer respond to commands well enough but I get an EAB0 error returned. I recognize the problems have to do with timeout. I have changed ibtmo to various settings but continue to get errors. I have tried to be careful setting the EOS and EOI attributes for each device but clearly I am missing something. Any suggestions?
    In the past I used the LLP gpib driver and don't recall gett
    ing these kinds of problems. I was going to port over my old code to talk with the instruments but I see that there is some rather sigificant differences in the way you do business. For one under LLP Clausi set up a /dev/gpib0/master device through which commands were passed. In addition he had a /etc/gpib.conf file and loaded his module via insmod in rc.d. You, on the other hand, set up /dev/gpib, /dev/gpib0, /dev/gpib1/, /dev/gpib2, /dev/gpib3, /dev/gpibdebug and /dev/dev0 /dev/dev1 etc (where dev# is a device configured with ibconf). What are the relationships between your strategies? What must I do to port my old software to my newer linux OS and use your drivers rather than those from LLP?
    I could really use some insights. Any comments (sans flaming ;-) would be welcome.

    I tried this but with no success. I called the help line and spoke with Ben P. and Armando V. they walked me through the ibic and ibconf tools, again, with no success.
    I spoke with the vendors of the instruments which are giving the EBUS error. They walked me through the setups (especially wrt to EOS and EOI). They were confused as to why the instruments failed to respond.
    With my last call to NI (SR#345883) the engineers suggested that I respond to this email and ask for further support. They requested/suggested I supply the following 3 pieces of information:
    1) revision of boards and part nos.
    2 ATGPIB-TNT boards vintage 1993
    assy 181830-01 REV. D
    1 ATGPIB-TNT PNP vintage 1995
    assy 182885E-01
    The implication was that NI might be able to provide an upgrade to the firmware if that was at fault.
    2) Capture of errors in ibic
    basically following your webpage for ibic works upto communicating with devices. Sample output follows:
    : ibfind gpib0
    id = 0
    gpib0: ibpad 0
    [0100] ( cmpl )
    previous value: 0
    gpib0: ibfind keithley
    id = 1002
    keithley: ibwrt "*IDN?\xA"
    [8100] ( err cmpl )
    error: EBUS
    count: 0
    keithley: ibrd 100
    [8100] ( err cmpl )
    error: EBUS
    count: 0
    keithley: ibfind ratio
    id = 1003
    ratio: ibwrt "Ratio 0.1234567\xA"
    [c100] ( err timo cmpl )
    error: EAB0
    count: 16
    the ratio, as verified by the display >>
    ratio: ibrd 100
    [e100] (err timo end cmpl )
    error: EAB0
    count: 17
    52 61 74 69 6f 20 30 2e Ratio 0.
    31 32 33 34 35 36 37 30 12345670
    0a .
    using the SRS850 Lockin Amplifier has an added advantage. It will show the input and output queues on the screen. When I command this instrument I can watch as it receives its instructions. The commands are going through correctly (NOTE: this device also gives an EAB0 error).
    I have tried different cables, different machines, different DMA settings, different interrupts, different instruments, different ibtmo values, different cards, single devices on short cables, but keep getting errors.
    I have used the ibic webpage (setting ibsre 1, etc) and these work fine but the devices still complain.
    3) Give the version of Linux I am using...
    We are running Redhat 6.2, kernel version 2.2. We have older versions of the Linux OS which are running the LLP gpib driver for the SAME devices and it works fine. I would rather not go back to older versions if possible, besides since NI has done the Linux gpib driver, it appears that LLP has dropped support. In particular, I cannot get their drivers to compile in Redhat 6.2 and get no response from my emails. I would be willing to move to newer versions of Linux if that would solve the problem.
    I have confirmed the following:
    The ibtsta program says the driver is installed correctly (run without the gpib cable attached.)
    Interrupts, dma, iports are unique and without contention.
    The gpib card responds to commands (eg using ibic.)
    Some devices respond in a fashion, others fail. But all seem to receive signals from the computer.
    The instruments and cables attached to the system are sound.
    The gpib card, cables, and devices respond correctly from a dual boot machine running WinNT and Linux (i.e. no movement of cables, devices, or cards). On the WinNT side the recently downloaded NI drivers work and I can communicate (with the Keithley 2001) flawlessly.
    I am must now ask whether the driver is at fault. I understand the drivers are beta, but these appear to be the only workable drivers out there. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!

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