Missing wireframe and position adjusters in comp panel

Ok, I'm sure this is such a basic question, but suddenly when I highlight a layer in the timeline, or even it's position property, it does not highlight the layer's wireframe outline in the comp panel. Also, the position adjustment handles (the red, green, and blue arrows that adjust the x, y, and z coordinates) are also not visable and missing.
I already tried restarting After Effects with crtl+alt+shift to clear out the user preferences, and still the same behaviour. I think it might be an issue with a preview mode, but I could not get the various attempts to work either.
Any know the probably simple solution to this issue?

Go to the menu and select View>Layer Controls
You must have pressed Shift+Ctrl/Cmnd+H sometime.
You can also get to the controls by selecting View Options from the small menu at the upper right corner of the Composition Panel.

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    Thanks for your reply.
    The attached files are the correct .wrl file and the one read from LabVIEW.
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    Close and re-open the overlay panel
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    Else, try re-installing the DPS tools here Digital Publishing Suite Help | Installing DPS tools

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    Hi Mnuet,
    You can do what was said above. Here is a KB on dynamically loading VIs. It looks something like this.
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    Jeff | LabVIEW Software Engineer

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    sberman wrote:
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    Totally agree, don't like the UI change neither. One of the reasons I'm happy to know all moving and resizing shortcuts by heart, they still work in CP8. But wouldn't it be wonderful to have rulers?
    Shortcut Keys: Moving and Resizing Objects - Captivate blog
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    Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Win XP) or Programs and Features (later)
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    and it just keeps resizing the window to full screen even after I adjust it to fit within the toolbar space
    Perhaps you are not using the snapping feature of docked tool panels. Try docking your toolbar in the Landing Zone on the left and try docking all your panels in the Landing Zone on the right edge of the screen. Try docking the document window under the Control Panel at the top. Doing these things should automatically resize the document window to dwell within the edges of the left sides's tool box, the right side's panel dock, and the top edge should self-adjust, too, because it is snapped in.
    Easier than that, try resetting the workspace to advanced. This should dock the document into the available space without it going behind the toolbox and panels.
    Another simple thing to click on is at the top center: Arrange Documents button > Consolidate All.
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    You can change what is displayed using the layout once you have run the report.  This is from the report documentation:
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    To save the layout, choose Save layout. You can call this layout as required by choosing Choose layout."
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    - April

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