ML loses network backup disk after reboot or sleep

I have two laptops using time machine to backup over the local network to a disk directly connected to a desktop mac.  The desktop also backs up to the same disk quite successfully.   Since upgradeing everything to Mountain Lion (10.8.1) the laptops keep losing access to the backup disk after sleeping or rebooting. Interestingly, they can autmatically find the backup IF I "enter time machine".  But they never find it unless, after sleeping, I reselect the disk in the time machine preferences.
Any ideas?

I have two laptops using time machine to backup over the local network to a disk directly connected to a desktop mac.  The desktop also backs up to the same disk quite successfully.   Since upgradeing everything to Mountain Lion (10.8.1) the laptops keep losing access to the backup disk after sleeping or rebooting. Interestingly, they can autmatically find the backup IF I "enter time machine".  But they never find it unless, after sleeping, I reselect the disk in the time machine preferences.
Any ideas?

Similar Messages

  • HT3275 Time Machine gave me this message after updating to Mountion Lion "The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features."

    After upgrading to Mountain lion, I got this message when it tried to backup to "MybookLive" network disk.
    "The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features."
    What are AFP features and why can I now not back up to my network disk?

    I had a similar issue when I tried to do a network-share backup w Time machine when the share was on a Leopard OSX G5 Power PC.
    I think Time Machine looks for a minimum feature set support from the afp mounted drives so they can be used with Time Machine.
    Western Digital may have to update the firmware on your device to support the new afp features.
    Hope this helps.

  • HT3275 Since updating OS to Mountain Lion from leopard, I get the following error message when trying to backup with time machine on external drive.  Could not complete backup to media share.  The network backup disk does not support the required AFP feat

    Since updating OS to Mountain Lion from leopard, I get the following error message when trying to backup with time machine on external drive.  "Could not complete backup to media share.  The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features."  What are AFP features and how do I get Time Machine to backup to my current external backup?

    This means that your NAS does not support the required encryption. Update your NAS to the latest firmware or ditch it and buy a Time Capsule (they are the most reliable when using TM).

  • While trying to setup a time capsule backup to my MyBookLive external drive, I got the following error message: The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features. What's up with this?

    While trying to setup a time capsule backup to my MyBookLive external drive, I got the following error message: The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features. What's up with this?

    This means that your NAS does not support the required encryption. Update your NAS to the latest firmware or ditch it and buy a Time Capsule (they are the most reliable when using TM).

  • Network backup disk does not support the required AFP features

    I have a mac mini with two (4T) hard disks each set as target in TimeMachine. Backups have been made on both for some time. This afternoon one of the disks is being rejected as target volume, with the "network backup disk does not support the required AFP features" error.
    The sparse image on the disk that is the actual time machine target shows a modification tim of 13:09, time machine reports the last backup on that volume as made on 13:08. It seems the last successful backup was made at that time. The other TimeMachine target volume on the same min reports a last backup at 15:28
    So why an error now? What has happend in the last hour, or so, to cause the disk to no longer be suitable? Why only on one virtual disk?
    The mac mini runs OS X 10.9.4 (13E28), the disk with the failing backup volume is formatted with Case-Sensitive Journaled HFS+, the still working disk Journaled HFS+.
    This may be related: A couple of month ago  I lost the complete backup on that disk, when time machine conclude that the contents of the target volume was corrupt. At the time I blamed that at a failed backup when I had accessed the mini over ssh using SLINK when traveling. Maybe that conclusion is wrong and this is part of the same problem.
    Any pointers on how to get my second backup disk working again would be much appreciated.
    Eduard de Jong

    The error message has disappeared!
    Earlier this morning the disk has been used as target for a backup by time machine without triggering the error message. A backup 8 hours earlier has also been made to the same sparse image (looking at the folder names).

  • The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features.

    I am trying to set up timeMachine on my new mac book pro over a regular home network on a shared network drive. I have tried everything but I keep getting "The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features." I am on lion with the lateset unpdate (10.7.4). I have even tried creating sparebundles on from tutorial that I have found online, but non of the hacks that I have tried seemed to work. Have anyone figured out a way around this? If so, can you share, it will be greatful. I could just buy the time capsule that apple sells but I already have a 2TB internal HDD in an old pc that's hosting my file server so no need for the time capsule hardware. Let me know if there is a way around this thank.

    ookakaa wrote:
    1) Apple time capsule
    Or USB drive connected to a Time Capsule
    2) NAS with the latest firmware
    Not just any NAS.  It has to support the communications protocols used by Time Machine (some involving security, some about error detection and handling).  Some NASs never supported TM; some that worked on Leopard never got updated for Snow Leopard; and some that worked on Snow Leopard still haven't been updated for Lion.
    4) Another networked mac (not a pc)
    A Mac running Leopard 10.5.6 or later.
    Are these the only options?
    Those are the only options supported by Apple.  Some other destinations may work, to some degree, in some circumstances.  Some require "hacks" or other workarounds.  Most are somewhat unreliable, and, may stop working at all on the next OSX upgrade.
    Side note. I've been seeing some online post of how some people are setting up TM on a networked PC drive by setting up a sparsebundle like this site:
    Any thoughts? I have tried some of these examples and it don't seem to work...
    Some of those may have worked at one time, in some circumstances (2 are dated before Lion was released, the other is undated). 
    Wireless backups are tricky enough to a supported destination, with all the security and error detection and handling Apple has been able to employ.   If your backups are important to you, don't trust them to a marginal scheme.
    And, in any event, don't trust your backups to a single piece of hardware or software.  See Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #27 for an explanation and some suggestions.

  • AFP error for new hard drive for time machine The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features.

    Purchased Seagate network drive, ethernet attached to wireless router, set up went well but attempts at backup with Time Machine failed. "Do I need to erase disk and reformat or is this error message "The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features" indicating some other error?

    That means the NAS drive's OS isn't compatible with the version of OSX you're running.   See if the maker has an update.
    See #C16 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.

  • Can anyone tell me what this Time Machine error means? The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features?

    Can anyone tell me what this Time Machine error means? The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features?

    AFP - Apple Filing Protocol
    The Network Attached Storage (NAS) that you are pointing Time Machine at does not have the features needed by Time Machine in order to do its Thing.  Time Machine needs some specific features that are not typically available on generic networked storage devices.
    There are manufactures that support the Mac OS X HFS+ file system formats and implement all the needed AFP protocol packets necessary so that they can be used with Time Machine, but apparently yours does not.
    If you are not using a networked mounted volume for Time Machine, then more information will be needed about your Time Machine setup.

  • Time machine does not recognize backup disk after Yosemite

    I have this issue in both macs I own, a 2010 MBP, and a 2012 Mac mini. After I upgraded to yosemite, Time Machine will not find my backup disk. I have been using the same network attached storage drive for 4 years for time machine backups. I has worked fine with all the macs I've owned until now. I can see the disk in Finder, I can go to disk utility and mount the Time Machine disk, but when I go to Time Machine preferences and try to select the list, the disk is not listed there, even though is mounted.
    Any ideas?

    A third-party NAS is unsuitable for use with Time Machine, especially if it's your only backup. I know this isn't the answer you want. I know Time Machine accepted the NAS as a backup destination. I know that the manufacturer says the device will work with Time Machine, and I also know that it usually seems to work. Except when you try to restore, and find that you can't.
    Apple has published a specification for network devices that work with Time Machine. None of the third-party NAS vendors, as far as I know, meets that specification. They all use the incomplete, obsolete Netatalk implementation of Apple Filing Protocol.
    If you want network backup, use as the destination either an Apple Time Capsule or an external storage device connected to another Mac or to an 802.11ac AirPort base station. Only the 802.11ac base stations support Time Machine, not any older model.
    Otherwise, don't use Time Machine at all. There are other ways to back up, though none of them is anywhere near as efficient or as well integrated with OS X. I don't have a specific recommendation.
    If you're determined to keep using the NAS with Time Machine, your only recourse for any problems that result is to the manufacturer (which will blame Apple, or you, or anyone but itself.)

  • The network backup disk could not be accessed because there was a problem with the network username or password.

    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro6,2
              1 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M - VRAM: 512 MB
              Intel HD Graphics - VRAM: 288 MB
    Startup Items:
              HP Trap Monitor - Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP Trap Monitor
    System Software:
              Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) - Uptime: up 0:0:48:37
    Disk Information:
              TOSHIBA MK5055GSXF disk0 : (465.76 GB)
                        (null) (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 200 MB
      MacBook Pro HD (disk0s2) /: 465.44 GB (440.47 GB free)
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    Have tried…
    re-setting Time Capsule (soft and hard) and power disconnect
    re-setting modem
    changing passwords in all relative locations
    deleteing file://localhost/Library/Preferences/
    deleteing all mention of Time Capsule in Keychain Access
    running KeyChain First Aid (no problem found)
    Restarting computer
    Time Capsule has a green light, other MacBook Pro backs up OK but this machine continues to receive above error message and will not Enter Time Machine producing the error message Your Time Machine backup disk can’t be found. Maybe I need to do something over or in a particular order? All help is appreciated!

    With the TC plugged by ethernet into the computer.. still in full isolation to the network and with factory reset.. you can do another to be sure.
    Please open the network preferences.. and check the IP the ethernet is getting from the TC.
    It should be
    I set it to this manually
    Don't worry about all the rest.
    If you open airport utility can it see the TC?
    If not then I think you have a major network issue on the computer.
    Assuming you can see the TC in airport utility.. go to manual setup and the disk tab. Does the disk register any issues.. SMART should show it has verified.
    Shows verified
    Now go to finder..
    Mount the drive manually via the top menu.. Go.. Connect to server.
    And type in the address.. SMB://
    Did NOT work, however did
    That should discover the drive and ask you for credentials which after a factory reset will just be public as the password. The drive should mount and you can then see it in finder.
    Yes, but I have been able to do this with the IP address being set automatically
    I would deliberately use SMB. The other alternative is AFP:// but that seems to be more problematic at times..
    Once mounted point TM to the drive and see if it can find it and start the backup.. if it fails I think you have need to use the A5 in pondini's troubleshooting and see what you can do.
    It failed and A5 makes NO difference.
    A drive that won't mount is obviously not going to work.
    Pondini is welcome to make comments... sometimes my Mac terminology gets a bit loose.. !! My recent convert status is visible .. !!
    My other solutions.. since these are fairly old products.. the TC is more than 3years in all likelihood so outside warranty.. get a USB drive and plug it into the Mac and use TM to backup to that. If that works.. I would erase the hard disk in the TC and start over with both computers.. you will need to backup the other computer before you erase of course. Erasing and starting over does seem to help.
    If there are no other suggestions, I guess I will try erasing and starting over. Thank you both for ALL your advice.

  • Time Machine Locked out of Backup Disk after Install of 7.6.3 Airport Utility

    Yesterday the system advised that Software update was available for Airport Utility. I updated (7.6.3) since I was having trouble getting AirPlay to work. Following the update the system wanted to update the firmware on the Time Capsule and also the Airport Base Stations. I did this as well. Now the new Airport Utility can't find my Airport Base Stations with any reliability. Also, Time Machine can not run because the Backup Disk on the Time Capsule is "in use". The Airport Base Stations are working just fine even though the utility doesn't always see them. I am most concerned with the backup situation.
    Do I need to undo this faulty software/firmware upgrade to resolve this? If so, how?
    I would appreciate some guidance on this very much.
    Thanks in advance.
    PS the iMac is at 10.8.2. Can't seem to be able to change it on the profile.

    First, restart the Time Capsule by disconnecting the power adapter and reconnecting it. If other devices on the network can see it, you can skip this step.
    From the menu bar, select
     ▹ System Preferences ▹ Network
    Click the lock icon in the lower left corner of the window and authenticate to unlock the settings, if necessary. Click the Advanced button, then select the TCP/IP tab in the sheet that drops down. Click Renew DHCP lease.
    Try again to back up.

  • WRV210 loses port forwarding settings after reboot

    Along with wireless problems that have already been documented about this device I am having problems with port forwarding where it will lose all its settings after losing its power.  I then try to go into the management for port forwarding and am not able to put the settings back in as every time I hit 'Save' it just loads the page back up with no settings applied.  Another strange thing is that the protocol comboboxes only have options for UDP or Both. 
    I then reapply the latest firmware and am able to enter the settings again.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm at my wits end with this one.

    Dear Paul,
    Thank you for reaching the Small Business Support Community.
    If you are already running the latest firmware release version, all I can suggest you is to contact the Small Business Support Center directly to determine if this is a hardware related problem, notice this product is already End of Life/End of Support and therefore the support is subject to warranty or contract terms and conditions;
    Please do not hesitate to reach me back if there is any further assistance I may help you with in the meantime.
    Kind regards,
    Jeffrey Rodriguez S. .:|:.:|:.
    Cisco Customer Support Engineer
    *Please rate the Post so other will know when an answer has been found.

  • Changing backup disk after time machine restore

    I recently had to get a new harddrive and used my time machine back up to restore all the data i had. Now however when i plug the time machine in to do another back up it starts a new "time machine backup disk" instead of just using the disk that it was using. Is there any way to manually set it to update this older backup disk?

    Not at this point. If you had used Setup Assistant or Migration Assistant to restore your data, you would have been given that option. TM will still do a full copy of all your files either way. The main difference is that old snapshots from the previous backup will never be automatically deleted. You'll have to do that yourself, through the TM interface, if necessary.

  • Time Machine stuck at "Looking for backup disk" after installing Windows 8 via Boot Camp

    I've been backing up via Time Machine to an external USB drive and it's been working fine. I recenty installed Windows 8 via Boot Camp and now TM gets stuck forever at "Looking for backup disk...".
    I've tried the following, to no avail:
    Using "Select Disk" in TM preferences to re-select the disk
    Deleting /Library/Preferences/
    Running system maintenance via Onyx
    Resetting PRAM
    Formatting the drive and setting it up for TM backups again
    The Boot Camp partition is on the same drive as OS X (on a 180GB Intel 330 series SSD). During the Windows installation I re-formatted the partition as NTFS.
    If I start OS X in Safe Boot mode, TM backups work. In Safe Boot mode, the NTFS partition isn't loaded so I suspect it has something to do with this. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    I installed Paragon NTFS for Mac and it started working all of a sudden.

  • WLC 5508 ( - AP invalidates primary/backup image after reboot

    I'm running as default in production and wants wlc to boot with if I run into issues regarding the
    To prepare I have predownloaded the backup image into all AP's.
    However, if one AP reboots while the WLCis still running the AP has an invalid primary image and need to re-download
    The backup image is then displayed as "".
    If someone reboots the AP, the reboot time is much longer than usually.
    And the download might be an issue for some offices in Middle-East and Asia, since the WLC i located in Europe.
    Due to some small VPN internet access lines.
    This is something that came with version
    Before I upgraded the WLC, I was running as primary and as backup, with no issues regarding reboots and image.
    Have anyone encounter this type of problem?
    Any tips to solve this is much appreciated.

    Thanks, Fella for you feedback!
    First of all I have narrow it down and found out that the 1130,1140, 1240 and 1250 are OK
    AIR-LAP1131AG-E-K9 reboots and starts with prim: backup: status; OK
    AIR-LAP1142N-E-K9  reboots and starts with prim: backup: status; OK
    AIR-LAP1242AG-E-K9 reboots and starts with prim: backup: status; OK
    AIR-LAP1252AG-T-K9 reboots and starts with prim: backup: status; OK
    It seems to be related to the 2602 and 3602 series.
    Let me described the steps I did to pinpoint these two models.
    1. New-out-of-the-box and runs prim: backup:;
    2. Self-upgrade prim: backup:  status; Downloading
    3. reboots and starts with prim: backup:              
    4. Manual upgrade / predownloading backup to;
    5. rebooting from wlc with prim:, backup: -comment; starts up with and does the downloading of prim image. Backup:
    6. self-reboot after downloading, prim: Comes up with prim: backup:
    7. reboots from wlc/manual with prim: backup: -comment; no change, comes up with prim: backup:  
    1. reboots from WLC and manual with prim:, backup: - comment; no problem, comes online with
    2. Manual upgrade / predownloading backup to;
    3. rebooting from wlc with prim:, backup: -comment; starts up with and does the downloading of prim image. Backup:
    4. self-reboot after downloading, prim: Comes up with prim: backup:
    5. reboots from wlc/manual with prim: backup: -comment; no change, comes up with prim: backup:
    During upgrade it gives out this message;
    *Jan 20 15:27:29.927: %WIDS-6-ENABLED: IDS Signature is loaded and enabled
    Image not found in flash, predownloading.
    examining image...
    extracting info (286 bytes)
    Image info:
        Version Suffix: k9w8-.152-4.JA1
        Image Name: ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1
        Version Directory: ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1
        Ios Image Size: 758272
        Total Image Size: 11520512
        Image Feature: WIRELESS LAN|LWAPP
        Image Family: AP3G2
        Wireless Switch Management Version:
    Not enough free space to download.
    Check for crashinfo/radio coredump and non used image files...
    Not enough free space to download image first w/o extracting
    deleting existing version(s)...
    Deleting current version: flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3...
    Set booting path to recovery image: 'flash:/ap3g2-rcvk9w8-mx/ap3g2-rcvk9w8-mx'...done.
    Extracting files...
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/img_sign_rel_sha2.cert (1371 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/B5.bin (1816 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/V5.bin (525 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/img_sign_rel.cert (1375 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/Y5.bin (1524 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/file_hashes (5001 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/B2.bin (9328 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/X5.bin (1487 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/final_hash.sig (513 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/final_hash (141 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/info (286 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/E5.bin (1803 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/Y2.bin (5830 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/V2.bin (12826 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1 (206045 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/8004.img (541961 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/E2.bin (18656 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/ap3g2-k9w8-xx.152-4.JA1 (10519307 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/X2.bin (15158 bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/back.shtml (512 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/sitewide.js (16560 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/officeExtendap.css (41801 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/ap_home.shtml.gz (1297 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/appsui.js (563 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/config.js (25812 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/forms.js (20125 bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/images/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/images/cisco-logo-2007.gif (1648 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/images/info.gif (399 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/images/background_web41.jpg (732 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/1/images/login_homeap.gif (19671 bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/officeExtendapSummary.htm (718 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/officeExtendapEvent.shtml.gz (988 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/officeExtendapMain.shtml.gz (3350 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/officeExtendapBanner.htm (7114 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/officeExtendapConfig.shtml.gz (2864 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/html/level/15/officeExtendapHelp.htm (5013 bytes)
    extracting info.ver (286 bytes)
    New software image installed in flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1
    archive download: takes 251 seconds
    New backup software image installed in flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1
    Reading backup version from flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1done.
    Writing out the event log to flash:/event.log ...
    *Mar  1 00:00:57.047: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Did not get log server settings from DHCP.
    examining image...
    extracting info (286 bytes)
    Image info:
        Version Suffix: k9w8-.152-4.JB3
        Image Name: ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3
        Version Directory: ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3
        Ios Image Size: 215552
        Total Image Size: 13660672
        Image Feature: WIRELESS LAN|LWAPP
        Image Family: AP3G2
        Wireless Switch Management Version:
    Not enough free space to download.
    Check for crashinfo/radio coredump and non used image files...
    Deleting flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JA1
    *Mar  1 00:01:07.051: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Selected MWAR ''(index 0).
    *Mar  1 00:01:07.051: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Go join a capwap controller
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.000: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSEND: DTLS connection request sent peer_ip: peer_port: 5246
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.471: %CAPWAP-5-DTLSREQSUCC: DTLS connection created sucessfully peer_ip: 5246
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.471: %CAPWAP-5-SENDJOIN: sending Join Request to
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.475: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Invalid event 10 & state 5 combination.
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.475: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: CAPWAP SM handler: Failed to process message type 10 state 5.
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.475: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Failed to handle capwap control message from controller
    *Jan 20 15:37:13.475: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Failed to process encrypted capwap packet from archive download capwap:/ap3g2 tar file done (free up 11507200 bytes)
    Extracting files...
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/V2.bin (12826 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/Y2.bin (5830 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/file_hashes (6108 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/8004.img (553576 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/X5.bin (1519 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/final_hash.sig (513 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/ap3g2-k9w8-tx.152-4.JB3 (73 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/ap3g2-k9w8-xx.152-4.JB3 (12049578 bytes)
    *Jan 20 15:39:13.679: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Invalid event 48 & state 10 combination.
    *Jan 20 15:39:13.679: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: SM handler: Failed to process timer message. Event 48, state 10
    *Jan 20 15:39:13.679: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Failed to handle timer message.
    *Jan 20 15:39:13.679: %CAPWAP-3-ERRORLOG: Failed to process timer message.
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/R5.bin (3406 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/R2.bin (9328 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/img_sign_rel_sha2.cert (1371 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/B2.bin (9328 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/info (286 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/8006.img (543804 bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/forms.js (20125 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/appsui.js (563 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/ap_home.shtml.gz (1297 bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/images/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/images/info.gif (399 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/images/cisco-logo-2007.gif (1648 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/images/background_web41.jpg (732 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/images/login_homeap.gif (19671 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/config.js (26330 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/sitewide.js (17089 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/officeExtendap.css (41801 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/1/back.shtml (512 bytes)
    ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/ (directory) 0 (bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/officeExtendapBanner.htm (7114 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/officeExtendapConfig.shtml.gz (2864 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/officeExtendapSummary.htm (718 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/officeExtendapHelp.htm (5013 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/officeExtendapMain.shtml.gz (3350 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/html/level/15/officeExtendapEvent.shtml.gz (988 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/B5.bin (1980 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/E5.bin (1816 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/Y5.bin (1544 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/C2.bin (19822 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/final_hash (141 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/C5.bin (6936 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/img_sign_rel.cert (1375 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/Q5.bin (2790 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/X2.bin (15158 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/E2.bin (18656 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/Q2.bin (5830 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/V5.bin (525 bytes)
    extracting ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3 (207764 bytes)
    extracting info.ver (286 bytes)
    New software image installed in flash:/ap3g2-k9w8-mx.152-4.JB3
    Configuring system to use new image...done.
    Writing out the event log to fla
                                    sh:/event.log ...
    archive download: takes 295 seconds
    *Jan 20 15:42:09.163: image upgrade successfully, system is now reloading
    *Jan 20 15:42:09.215: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by capwap image download proc. Reload Reason: NEW IMAGE DOWNLOAD.
    *Jan 20 15:42:09.215: %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: CAPWAP changed state to DOWN
    Write of event.log done
    I have also tried to remove all the files on the AP, just leaving
    Directory of flash:/
       58  -rwx         296  Jan 20 2014 18:33:37 +00:00  env_vars
       13  drwx         448   Dec 9 2013 23:30:23 +00:00  ap3g2-rcvk9w8-mx

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