MobileMe doesn't get changes from iPad

My iPhone, mac, and web mobile me are all in sync. I have recently added an iPad to the mix. Unfortunately when I create a contact on the iPad, it doesn't get pushed to the cloud. My theory is that if I create a contact offline, it doesn't go into a queue to be uploaded when I'm online. Is there a way around this? I can't think of any more options to troubleshoot-- vie turned everything on and off everywhere and done test, but it still doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanks!

I guess it has to do with your BROWSER's proxy settings only.
In the original description, there were few steps mentioned which he had tried to fix the issues...
Have you done that? If not try that first.
Else, let me know whether your browser is getting launched with page not found or the browser itself is not getting launched.

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    [oracle@upgrade 11.2.2]$ lsnrctl start GPROD
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 07-OCT-2011 10:07:33
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Starting /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNSLSNR for Linux: Version - Production
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    listener_ifile.ora listener.ora listener.ora_bkpaug2911 sqlnet_ifile.ora sqlnet.ora tnsnames.ora
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    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME= /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2)
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2)
    (PROGRAM = extproc)
    STARTUP_WAIT_TIME_%s_db_listener% = 0
    CONNECT_TIMEOUT_%s_db_listener% = 10
    TRACE_LEVEL_%s_db_listener% = OFF
    LOG_DIRECTORY_%s_db_listener% = /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2/network/admin
    LOG_FILE_%s_db_listener% = %s_db_listener%
    TRACE_DIRECTORY_%s_db_listener% = /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2/network/admin
    TRACE_FILE_%s_db_listener% = %s_db_listener%
    ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_%s_db_listener% = OFF

    Step 1- Run the autoconfig on the db tier.
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    oracle 756 1 0 11:01 ? 00:00:00 /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2/bin/tnslsnr GPROD -inherit
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    oracle 759 757 0 11:01 ? 00:00:00 /u04/d01/tech_st/11.2.2/bin/tnslsnr GPROD -inherit
    oracle 1721 31038 0 11:02 pts/2 00:00:00 grep inh
    applmgr 31380 1 0 10:53 ? 00:00:00 /u04/d02/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/bin/tnslsnr APPS_GPROD -inherit
    Step - 3
    Again down the apps tier services.
    Step -4
    Reset the listener.ora file in the database tier
    Please advise.

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    I'm not sure how you were importing the photos on your Mac but the two ways that I know of are with iPhoto and Image Capture.
    Open iPhoto and go to Preferences>General>Connecting Camera Opens - and you can select iPhoto or Image Capture.
    Connect your iPad to your Mac and Open Image Capture. Click on devices and then at the bottom of the left side you can select - Connecting this iPad Opens - and choose the app of your choice from there. These are copied and pasted from Help in the two applications.
    When you connect the iPad now, one of the chosen applications will open and let you import the images.
    To import photos from iPad:
    Connect your iPad to your computer using the Dock Connector to USB cable that came with your iPad.If iPhoto wasn’t already open, it opens for you (unless you changed this preference in iPhoto or your iPad is locked).After your iPad is connected and turned on, iPhoto opens in import view and your iPad appears in the Source list.
    By default, iPhoto divides photos into separate Events during the import process.You can optionally enter a description in the Event Name field.If you don’t want iPhoto to automatically create events, deselect the Split Events checkbox at the bottom of the window.If you want to change the time frame used to sort your photos into Events, you can change it in iPhoto preferences.
    If you don’t want to see photos that you’ve already imported into iPhoto, select the Hide Photos Already Imported checkbox at the bottom of the window.
    Do one of the following:
    To import all the photos shown in the iPhoto window, click Import All.
    To import a selection of photos, press the Command key while clicking photo thumbnails, or drag to select a group of photos, and then click Import Selected.
    To cancel photo transfer at any time during your import, click Stop Import. Then, in the dialog that appears, choose to continue importing the photos, keep the photos that have been imported and stop importing the remaining photos, or delete the photos that have been imported.
    After the import process is finished, drag the device icon to the iPhoto Trash, and then disconnect your iPad from your computer by unplugging the Dock Connector to USB cable.Important:  Before you disconnect your iPad, wait until all photos have been imported into iPhoto (or until you click Stop Import).
    This is from Image Capture. I'm assuming you used Image Capture.
    Transferring items automatically
    You can automatically transfer items from your camera to your computer whenever you connect the camera to your computer.
    To transfer items whenever you connect your camera:
    Connect your camera to your computer, and turn the camera on.
    Select the camera in the Devices list at the left of the Image Capture window.
    From the “Connecting this [device] opens” pop-up menu, choose AutoImporter.If you don’t see that pop-up menu, click the “Show device settings” button in the lower-left corner.
    The next time you connect your camera, Image Capture transfers images from the camera to the AutoImporter folder in your Pictures folder (in your home folder).

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    vikyboss wrote:
    Actually the problem seems to be resolved. I have a fully updated system and installed xfce again few days ago. And it works miraculously..
    Installed versions:
    1. xfce4-mixer 4.10.0
    2. Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k3.9.3-1-ARCH
    ravicious wrote:Oh, I actually fixed this myself yesterday. I installed pulseaudio, pulseaudio-alsa and xfce4-volumed-pulse (from AUR) and then removed volume shortcuts from xfce4-keyboard-settings. In xfce4-mixer, you just have to choose a proper playback as a sound card.
    Wow, actually it now works for me, too! Amazing!

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    Read the instructions in this very informative user tip.

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    Desperately hoping someone can help me, especially with problem no 1....

    What all USB devices do you have connected?
    Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, then see if it sleeps & wakes in Safe Mode.

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    Moved to the cloud in what way?
    With a new Apple iCloud account?
    Your iPhone doesn't recognize what?

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    Just noticed this thread with no solution I downloaded an audiobook on my ipad but can't seem to get it onto my iPhone. Can somebody tell me how to do it?

    If you've successfully copied it over to your Mac laptop iTunes library (if you have then it should show in the Audiobooks part of itsiTunes library), then you can copy it from your laptop to your desktop (e.g. via a flash drive and add it to your Mac desktop iTunes via File > Add To Library, or you can use homesharing to copy it if both Macs are connected to the same network), and it should then show on the phone's Audiobooks tab for selecting and syncing to it.

  • Changing from iPad 3rd generation to iPad Air 2

    I have an iPad 3rd generation, 64GB (wifi + cellular), and want to now get an iPad Air 2.
    1. How do I transfer everything from the older iPad, including e-mail settings and archives, and all the other personal stuff like contacts and downloads?
    2. How do I completely and safely remove all my personal information, e-mails and everything else from the older iPad, so that I can give it to someone else?
    I would appreciate any advice and help.

    To transfer data to your new iPad Air 2 create an iTunes backup of your old iPad on your computer and setup your new iPad Air 2 with iTunes  using the backup to restore your new iPad. ICloud backup can also be used for this but will be slower.
    To give the old iPad away turn off Find My IPad in Settings > Cloud and then use Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings
    See also:
    Back up and restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using iCloud or iTunes - Apple Support
    What to do before selling or giving away your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support

  • To get changes from Dumps

    1) We get daily a full Oracle Dump (two schemas) with appr. 5.000.000 Rows (we cannot change / customize / ... the original data base)
    2) We have to track the date changes for certain tables with information like date, table name, certain columns, kind of change (insert / update, delete) - > into an Oracle Express Edition DB
    3) Approach to solving the problem
    a) Import the whole dump (2 schemas)
    b) Copy the original 2 schemas in 2 copy schemas ( how ?)
    c) Delete content of original schemas ( how ? )
    d) Import the whole dump (2 original schemas)
    e) Compare content (only certain tables) of original / copy schemas
    .....i) Build "-" (identify DELETE / INSERT)
    .....ii) Build intersect with compare ( how ? )
    .....iii) insert rows wit date in 2) in approriate tables
    f) delete content of 2 Copy schemas
    g) "on the next day" repeat from b)
    I would like to have some suggestions regarding 3b, 3c and 3eii:
    A) Easy way
    B) performance
    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Edited by: Michel77 on Jun 22, 2012 6:24 PM

    Let me take a stab at this ...
    1. every day import schema as schema1_yyyymmdd and schema2_yyyymmdd
    2. Write a procedure that will take two dates as parameters and then compare diff using [dbms_comparison|].
    Examples can be found Here here here and other places. This might be helpful for you to compare table definition/data.
    [dbms_metadata_diff|] can be used to compare non-data stuff.
    It seems like hard work, but this will be one time setup .. then you just have to call procedure with different dates. Of course I am assuming you are on Oracle 11g, if not, you can still write code to compare data. check Asktom website there are some good reads on comparing data between two tables/databases etc.
    hope this helps some.

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    Not to the best of my knowledge, no. Unless I'm missing an option somewhere, Amazon's apps don't sync from device to device, they all pull from Amazon's cloud. You'll need to work with Amazon support to recover your account.

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