.mod files not readable

I recently purchased a Canon FS400 because the Apple site said it was compatible with my MacBook Pro. (I actually have 2, one running Leopard, one running Lion.) When I transfer the video to my laptop, it saves as a .mod file which iMovie won't recognize. I have googled how to convert .mod files to .mov files but iMovie is still not recognizing them. In fact, when I try to import a movie after conversion, iMovie gets totally hung up and the only way to do anything else is to shut it down. Any suggestions?

Well, I definitely remember clicking my Panasonic SDR26 camera several times in motion picture mode, and a couple times in still shot mode. A funny thing about that kind of a Panasonic camera, you have to rotate a tiny wheel on the back to select between still shot mode, and video mode. Regardless, all of those files were recorded onto a 2GB SD card, and were subsequently successfully transferred to my Mac Mini.
As you sagely observed, MOD is supposed to denote video, even if a couple of still shots managed to get in there somehow.
Any suggestions on how to view them? While I do have a spare PC compatible, I want to use my Mac for this particular thing.

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    "The operation cannot be completed because some data cannot be read or written.
    (Error code - 36)"
    Followed by the choices: "Stop" or "Continue".
    I have a bad feeling that my startup disk is too small but I am not sure.
    Most of the files work fine. However some of the files cause disc burner to not be able to use them in the disc image before I burn. Why would this be?
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    Computer: beige G3 with two hard drives (one SCSI and one ATA hard drive) and a Pioneer DVR-110D DVD writer which is Apple supported (Apple system profiler indicates Apple supported on this DVD writer). My blank DVD disks are Sony Vermatim DVD-R (1 - 16x speed support). Although I think my beige G3 only writes them at about 2 or 4x.
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    Here is my process (I hope I am doing this right - I am new at this):
    1. I first insert a blank DVD-R
    2. A message pops up asking my if I would like to create a blank disc image for this disk (I think this is the typical Disk Copy utility window. I say "yes" and give it a name and choose the "DVD-R or DVD-RAM" option. (I am not sure if there are other important settings to choose here or better settings to use but I guessed the other options that seemed obvious. A blank disk image is created with an icon that looks like a DVD disk.
    3. Then I drag my chosen files to this blank disc image. It takes about 30 minutes to copy over. Thats when I receive the error message that some files couldn't be "read or written". The other files work fine but it would be nice if they all worked.
    Why would some files not be readable or writeable?
    4. Then I choose file/burn in the top menu and the DVD is created. This takes another 20 - 30 minutes. At the very end of the process another message pops up saying:
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    Am I doing this the right way?
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    Is my 4 GIG startup disk too small for this? or are the music files possibly corrupt? or could there be some other possible problem?

    To follow up, I have some good news. After following your advice Kappy, it now works very well Thanks! Instead of using the 4 GIG volume for the OS, I am now using an 8 GIG partition on an 80 GIG drive. So now the OS has some room to operate. No disk errors occured on my first DVD
    Now there was one problem. The second DVD burned gave me an error. I am not sure why but I am going to guess that because I had to installed the OS onto an 8 GIG partition maybe the OS needs to be rebooted in between disk burns because although 8 GIGs is certainly greater than the 4 GIGs I gave it last time, it still isn't a lot of space - maybe just enough to do one DVD at a time. Thats only a guess. So I rebooted to see if that clears the system out ready for the next DVD and I am trying to burn the second DVD again. If I remember I will report back. In any case, yes, this seems to be working. I hope this second DVD burns well too.
    Thanks Kappy

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    Are you saving to your own harddisk?
    It is always recommended here to open/save your documents from/to your own harddisk, then copy to external media/servers/whatever as backup.
    You may be lucky (for a while), but the chances of file corruption and other unpleasantnesses are immensely greater when you use anything but the harddisk.

  • File not readable

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    The project has probably been damaged, usually the result of emptying the iMovie trash. If you'd like me to try to rescue it, see my note here:
    If a project is unreadable, it may be (indirectly) affecting your trying to open the new project, causing you to conclude it is unreadable too.
    Double-clicking on the iMovie application to launch it — or single-clicking on iMovie in the Dock — normally causes iMovie to open the most recently-opened project. The name of that project is saved in the iMovie preference file.
    iMovie may be repeatedly trying to open the corrupt project instead of the new one, creating the (false) impression the new project is corrupt too.
    It's also possible iMovie is damaged, but that doesn't usually cause iMovie to complain it can't read a project. It just fails to open.
    My guess is the problem is limited to just one project. To find out for sure, double-click on a project you KNOW is okay to open iMovie, create a new project, save it, quit iMovie and re-launch iMovie. If the new project opens, everything is okay, but the corrupt project needs fixing.

  • CQ5 Startup errors ESAPI directory or file not readable.

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    31.05.2013 08:08:32.371 *INFO * [main] Starting Apache Sling in /lopt/dev/instances/author1/crx-quickstart
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.380 *INFO * [main] Checking launcher JAR in folder /lopt/dev/instances/author1/crx-quickstart/launchpad
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.380 *INFO * [Apache Sling Control Listener@/] Apache Sling Control Listener started
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    31.05.2013 08:08:32.402 *INFO * [main] Loading launcher class org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.app.MainDelegate from org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.440 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.launchpad=/lopt/dev/instances/author1/crx-quickstart/launchpad
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.441 *INFO * [main] Setting sling.home=crx-quickstart
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.441 *INFO * [main] Setting org.osgi.service.http.port=4502
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.441 *INFO * [main] Starting launcher ...
    31.05.2013 08:08:32.442 *INFO * [main] HTTP server port: 4502
    RAWProcessor succesfully installed
    31.05.2013 08:09:06.608 *INFO * [main] Startup completed
    Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via file I/O.
    Attempting to load ESAPI.properties as resource file via file I/O.
    Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: /lopt/dev/instances/author1/ESAPI.properties
    Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi/ESAPI.properties
    Not found in 'user.home' (/lopt/adobe) directory: /lopt/adobe/esapi/ESAPI.properties
    Loading ESAPI.properties via file I/O failed. Exception was: java.io.FileNotFoundException
    Attempting to load ESAPI.properties via the classpath.
    SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ESAPI.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class!
    Attempting to load validation.properties via file I/O.
    Attempting to load validation.properties as resource file via file I/O.
    Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable: /lopt/dev/instances/author1/validation.properties
    Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi/validation.properties
    Not found in 'user.home' (/lopt/adobe) directory: /lopt/adobe/esapi/validation.properties
    Loading validation.properties via file I/O failed.
    Attempting to load validation.properties via the classpath.
    SUCCESSFULLY LOADED validation.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using class loader for DefaultSecurityConfiguration class!

    Hi jtwcarboy,
    Apart from message in logs are you facing any functionality issue is AEM?

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    It is nice to know that it works now. Thank you for letting us know.
    Actually, the solution was identical to this part of the list in post #3:
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup;
    I ruled that out because in post #2 you wrote
    I have tried EVERYTHING ... Dumped the preferences....
    Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift is the standard way of deleting = resetting = dumping the basic preferences so I was convinced you had done that already (hence my suggestion to start with 4 and skip 1) - 3)).
    Actually, when you
    4) Move the folder with Illy closed;
    as suggested in post # 3, you move all the preferences to another place so that they are reset to the defaults when you open Illy next time; this procedure is more thorough (and therefore capable of solving more issues) and reversible so you can get the preferences back if it does not help.
    I presume you did not try 4).

  • Mac PDF files not readable on PC

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    What can I do to make my proofs easier to read for pc users? This has gotten frustrating.
    Thanks for your help.

    The problem is that I cannot control what version of Adobe the person is using who I'm sending the file to. This has been hugely embarrassing to me as I've been sending out files with my work. Some of the recipients were kind enough to point out that the file seems corrupted, others simply put me on a "waste of time" list.
    I've tried it on my windows machine, and using Acrobat Reader 8 and Acrobat professional 7.0. The text appears as little circles and the file is not readable.
    On the Mac, I can reproduce the problem, too.
    Adobe Illustrator (version CS) cannot read the file. Warnings are:
    The font Univers-BlackExt is missing.  Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.
    The font Univers-BoldExt is missing.  Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.
    The font Univers-Condensed is missing.  Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.
    The font Univers-Extended is missing.  Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.
    The font Univers-ExtraBlackExt is missing.  Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.
    The font Univers-Oblique is missing.  Affected text will be displayed using a substitute font.
    To preserve appearance, some text has been outlined.
    Acrobat 6.0.2 Professional cannot read it on the Mac
    Acrobat Reader 8.1.7 on Mac has no problems with it. It displays perfectly, just like under Preview.
    But this is somewhat beside the point. A PDF file should be portable, so once I have one there should be a way to make sure it can be read by all Adobe products that can read PDF. How can I make sure?
    Given that I can see everything perfectly on my Mac (e.g. using Reader 8.1.7), how can I ensure the same can be seen by any other user on any system reading a PDF file? I guess that this has to do with your (Adobe's) PDF specifications. How can I "enforce" those?
    Many thanks!

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    It's usually possible to re-open a damaged project by identifying and removing any flawed clips — those that were damaged by emptying the iMovie Trash. I can usually help you do that if you send me a couple files.
    This describes what files to send:
    That forum Topic also describes the problem, if you wish to learn about it.

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    Do you get an error message?
    [topic moved to ExportPDF forum]

  • [Ecore] xsd2ecore files not readable any longer after migration to Mars

    When working in Luna, I had no problems to visualise the contents of xsd2ecore files with the Ecore to XML Mapping Editor.
    Now that I've migrated to Eclipse Mars, the files do not seem readable any longer. The editor emits two errors :
    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException: Package with uri 'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/XSD2Ecore' not found. (platform:/resource/be.groups.portfolio.domain/model/portfolioExtended.xsd2ecore, 5, 24)
    ClassNotFoundException: Class 'XSD2EcoreMappingRoot' is not found or is abstract. (platform:/resource/be.groups.portfolio.domain/model/portfolioExtended.xsd2ecore, 5, 24)
    Is there anything I have to do to make the editor work as before ?
    I'm using the EMF XML to Ecore Mapping Editor 2.8.0.v20150601-0402.
    Thanks for any advice,
    Thomas Elskens

    Comments below.
    On 14/07/2015 3:25 PM, Thomas Elskens wrote:
    > Hello,
    > When working in Luna, I had no problems to visualise the contents of
    > xsd2ecore files with the Ecore to XML Mapping Editor.
    > Now that I've migrated to Eclipse Mars, the files do not seem readable
    > any longer. The editor emits two errors :
    The XML Mapping Editor isn't the same as the XSD to Ecore Model Editor.
    So it sounds like you don't have the right editor/model plugins
    installed. In particular, the org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd2ecore bundle
    must be installed for any editor to recognize this model. You can
    update your installation to install it from the Mars repository.
    > Quote:
    >> org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException: Package with uri
    >> 'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/XSD2Ecore' not found.
    >> (platform:/resource/be.groups.portfolio.domain/model/portfolioExtended.xsd2ecore,
    >> 5, 24)
    > and
    > Quote:
    >> ClassNotFoundException: Class 'XSD2EcoreMappingRoot' is not found or
    >> is abstract.
    >> (platform:/resource/be.groups.portfolio.domain/model/portfolioExtended.xsd2ecore,
    >> 5, 24)
    > Is there anything I have to do to make the editor work as before ?
    > I'm using the EMF XML to Ecore Mapping Editor 2.8.0.v20150601-0402.
    > Thanks for any advice,
    > Thomas Elskens

  • MDL files not readable in OWB 10gR2?

    I have exported an MDL file in OWB 10gR2 for an entire OWB Project (using Design -> Export -> Warehouse Builder Metadata in the Design Center). I noticed that the resulting MDL file is not in readable ASCII format (unlike previous releases such as OWB 9i).
    Is this the expected behaviour?
    I guess it doesn't really matter what format it is in, since I was able to delete a table from the repository using the Design Center GUI and then re-create it in the repository by importing my MDL file.

    Alas, it seems that the export is now a binary file. This probably has some real benefits somewhere, but I for one am not keen on it. There have been scenarios where I had to alter the MDL file manually to re-import it, but should such an occation present itself again, I won't be able to.
    Not that I have been able to migrate to 10gR2 yet, due to a bug, that I might be able to fix myself if I had access to plaintext MDL file ...

  • XML file not readable

    Hi all,
    we have a xml file found in the internet delivering actual currency rates (http://www.ecb.int/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml). After downloading this file I tried to create a Data Server. But when testing the Data Server the following error is raised:
    java.sql.SQLException: ODI-40750: The model generated by the model mapper was not accepted by a validator: Model not accepted: ODI-40817: Namespace not found:
    I used the JDBC Url: jdbc:snps:xml?f=c:\temp\eurofxref-daily.xml. Is this sufficient?
    Other xml files work well but this one creates problems.
    any ideas?
    best regards

    Try This URL
    Just change the parameters and test it.

  • PDF file not readable when burnt on DVD as an additional asset

    I have made a disc image of a DVD I want to burn multiple copies of. I have included a PDF asset on the DVD. When I burn the DVD using Disk Utility the DVD burns satisfactorily. However, when I attempt to open the .pdf file, I get the following message: The file “File_name.pdf” could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize.
    I can't seem to get the .pdf to burn on the DVD properly. Any suggestions.

    Try changing the file name of the pdf. If that doesn't resolve the issue then you may have a corrupted file. That or the machine you are using to open said file may need to be updated via apple's software updater.
    Hope this helps but if not just come on back.

  • Ai files NOT READABLE from PC Illustrator

    As I have just gotten an i7 with Adobe Suite, I thought I'd try to import an ai from Windows
    to Apple Motion. It DOES NOT WORK. psd compatible, etc, etc.
    It seems Apple can't read a universal file such as .ai
    (Adobe Photoshop on a PC can read it)
    very disapointed ,as I wanted to create custom shapes for particle emmision...better stick to
    3ds Max which has no problem, and is real 3d

    AI is a proprietary format but is the same on a Mac or a PC (AFAIK).
    Motion is reading the PDF part of the file. This has been the default saving behaviour for the last few versions of Illustrator. However, it is possible to turn PDF support off — analogous to saving a Photoshop file without compatibility.
    There is a free script on my site which might help you as it specfically saves PDFs. I don't have a PC handy but this is JavaScript so it should work:
    (I gain no financial benefit from posting this link.)

  • Write ini file not readable

    Hi all,
    I store configuration data in an ini file and give this file a custom extension.
    If users open this file in a text editor I don't want it to be readable.  Without encrypting the text how can I do this?
    I cant seem to get the binary VIs to work.  Maybe somebody could show me?

    You haven't really defined how secure you want your data, but if you just want a simple way to hide the information from a casual user, this may work.
    Obviously, if someone really wanted to, they could figure this out.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.
    write scrambled file.vi ‏14 KB
    read scrambled file.vi ‏13 KB

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