Monitor size and websites

Hi hows it going!
My name is John
My question is how do i get my site to stretch and stay consistant to various monitor sizes?
I constantly have to crt+ to resize on different screens.

If you use a relative width (100% width instead of a fixed value in px), the site/pages will adapt to the currently available width.
To get more, or better, answers, you may consider posting in the Web Design forum,
or the forum for your application,

Similar Messages

  • The 'Monitor Size' setting could do with an update

    This isn't the most important issue in the world, but I did notice that the 'Monitor Size' setting in Frame 11 (Edit > Preferences > Global > General > Monitor Size) hasn't changed for years.
    It's used so that when you have your screen set to 100% zoom, it matches the real paper world in size.
    But - it just has a drop-down for 'diagonal width" monitor size which assumes a 4:3 aspect ratio (as per old CRT monitors) and only goes up to 22".  I'm currently typing on a 23" 'widescreen' (16:9) monitor so I don't think that diagonal width drop-down is going to do much useful for me

    I presume this setting wasn't fixed in FM12, and still assumes a quaint single-screen 4:3 aspect ratio.
    Back when computers were slower, and I was doing a lot of work with relatively high res TIFFs, I figured out that if I set Monitor Size and zoom levels carefully, I could get specific zoom levels to render raster images at exact integer multiples or fractions of the video card's frame buffer raster dimensions. I found that this made a huge difference in display & refresh performance. At 1:1, doing so apparently eliminated resampling of the image data entirely. At integer 1:N or N:1, it apparently minimized the computation required, and minimized artifacts.
    This sort of consideration is less important today, but it would be nice to get the parameter fixed, or at least publish a FAQ on how to game the 4:3 assumption for 16:9, 16:10 and 21:9 monitors, as well as arbitrary multi-monitor configurations.

  • I want to make my background appear in the same spot and size on every monitor size

    I am adding a background to my site, and on my monitor it appears in the right dimentions. However, when I zoom out or in on my monitor the background changes sizes. How do I keep it in one position and the same size the entire time despite the monitor size? Here is my code:
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    @import url("footer.css");
    html {
    background-color: #000000;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-color: #000;
    background-image: url(Background.jpg);
    .footer p a {
    color: #CCC;
    body {
    width: 1041px;
    margin: auto; /* keeps the page centered */
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
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    a {
    color: #8A0404;
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    .header {
    height: 150px;
    background-image: url(headernew.png);
    width: auto;
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    background-color: #000;
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    clip: rect(auto,auto,auto,auto);
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    font-size: 12px;
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    padding-right: 15px; {
    display: block;
    margin: auto;
    .section.main .article h3 {
    text-align: center;
    font-style: italic;
    color: #97222B;
    font-size: 30px;
    .footer {
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    position: relative;
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    color: #CCC;
    border-bottom-width: 2px;
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    It works in everything except IE, which it notes so I knew that going in. Any thoughts on how to fix it up? Here's the site again:

  • Frameset and monitor size

    Howdy, I have a frameset that looks one way on a 14 inch
    monitor but looks another way on a 15 inch or larger screen. Please
    note I am using the same operating system (vista), the same
    browser, ie 7. Both screens are using 1280 x 800. But the frame set
    draws the top frame higher on bigger monitors. For example I have a
    top frame and it has text displayed in it. On a 14 inch monitor
    there is about a 1/8 inch gap between the bottom of the text and
    the frame border. But viewed on a larger monitor with all the above
    specs there is a greater gap between the botton of the text and the
    frame border. What do I need to do to make this frameset display
    the same on different monitors.
    Here is the page:

    What you are describing is a browser viewport dimension
    problem not a
    monitor size problem. You could see both effects on the
    larger monitor by
    simply making your browser height shorter. Click and drag the
    bottom edge
    of the browser viewport to see what I mean.
    You need to know about frames, however. Please read on -
    The decision to use or not use frames should be based on a)
    your site's
    needs, and b) your willingness to accept the potential
    problems that frames
    can create for you as developer and maintainer of the site
    and for your
    visitors as casual users of the site.
    I am down on frames because I believe that they create many
    more problems
    than they solve.
    Judging from the posts here, and the kinds of problems that
    are described,
    the kind of person most likely to elect to use frames is also
    the kind of
    person most likely ill-prepared fo solve the ensuing problems
    when they
    arise. If you feel a) that you understand the problems and b)
    that you are
    prepared to handle them when they occur, and c) that you have
    a need to use
    frames, then by all means use them.
    As far as I know, the most comprehensive discussions of
    frames and their
    potential problems can be found on these two links -
    Your problem is that you have specified the height of BOTH of
    the two frames
    in absolute values.
    <frameset rows="120,332" cols="*" border="4"
    <frame src="cybersitter_frame_top.html"
    So - when the browser is taller than 120 + 332 = 452px, the
    extra height
    will be allocated to each frame in the ratio of 120/332 to
    the top frame and
    212/332 to the bottom frame. The way to overcome this is to
    make the top
    frame fixed in height but the bottom frame completely
    flexible -
    <frameset rows="120,*" cols="*" border="4"
    Then rip out the frames and throw them away!
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "jphilapy" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Howdy, I have a frameset that looks one way on a 14 inch
    monitor but looks
    > another way on a 15 inch or larger screen. Please note I
    am using the same
    > operating system (vista), the same browser, ie 7. Both
    screens are using
    > 1280 x
    > 800. But the frame set draws the top frame higher on
    bigger monitors. For
    > example I have a top frame and it has text displayed in
    it. On a 14 inch
    > monitor there is about a 1/8 inch gap between the bottom
    of the text and
    > the
    > frame border. But viewed on a larger monitor with all
    the above specs
    > there is
    > a greater gap between the botton of the text and the
    frame border. What do
    > I
    > need to do to make this frameset display the same on
    different monitors.
    > Here is the page:
    > Jeff

  • Why has the text and general size of page suddenly shrunk in size in websites and especially in retrieved email sites? Every retrieved page needs to be zoomed in on.

    Without explanation every retrieved email site or online website appears on screen in minute font and picture size and needs to be zoomed in on to allow normal visibility.

    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems: <b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)

  • Div box gets relocated depending on browser and monitor size. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

    div box gets relocated depending on browser and monitor size. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is usually caused by malformed HTML, CSS and/or the use of absolute positioning in primary layouts.  Without a link, it's all guesswork on how to fix it though. 
    Nancy O.

  • Monitoring of Disabled Application Pools and Websites

    So we have a SCOM 2012 SP1 environment monitoring an IIS server that's Server 2012.  The IIS server has all of the App Pools that are not in use disabled as well the Default website is also disabled.  SCOM unfortunately still picks up that these
    are unavailable and complains ad nauseum.  
    So the real quest is, is the disabled state going to be picked up eventually? (Now two days later the server objects themselves are Healthy, so I assume I can just close the alerts but ...)

    Yes, you can disable alerts of this specific object{Disabled application pools and websites}
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"

  • How do I create a digital book that fits tablets and computer monitor sizes?

    How do I create a digital book that fits tablets and computer monitor sizes?
    Example: An 8.5 X 11, 2 column Word document with pictures, approximately 100 pages.
    Must I also publish the book in a 5X8 format or does Acrobat have something that will do that for me?

    Starting at the end:
    - When the movie or tv show does transfer onto your iphone/ipod touch you will be able to see it in the expanded view of your device in the "DEVICES" section.
    - If the files are not on your device, then:
         -- confirm you have SD or HD-SD video. HD-only content will not play and probably will not even sync. iTunes seems to reliably have SD versions with their HD distributions so this should not be an issue
         -- confirm you are synch-ing the content to the ipod device by browsing the DEVICE view's Movie or TV Show tabs to confirm the movie or episode is 'checked'
    - If the files are on the iPod and you cannot find them, check your Settings: General for Restrictions.  If you restrict, for example the movies to "G" rating. PG and higher movies will sync but you will not be able to find them on the iPod!

  • HTML-DB 1.6 (Apex) Page size and Page Model and monitor size

    Hi everyone,
    We developed our application based on 17 inches monitor. But, today one user told us that she has a 15 inches monitor. Thus, she don't see full page, she has to use the scroll.
    Is it in our model that you can reduce the page size for example 80% size in the page model to fit with 15 inches monitor ?
    Or to define a variable in the page model and have two different buttons one for 15 inches monitor (80% page size) and an other related to 17 inches monitor and more (100% page size) this pourcent should be the value of a variable in the page model ?
    Thanks. Bye.

    Hi Timiche,
    The easiest thing to do would be to make sure that the width of items on the page (especially tables) are set to a percentage and not a fixed px value. This way, the items will spread out to fill the available screen width.
    You should also bear in mind that users can change the resolution of the screens - 640x400, 800x600, 1024x768 etc. It would become a nightmare to try and cater for all possible resolutions and screen sizes by dynamically changing the fixed width dimensions of all objects on a page! I would check what items need to be of fixed width and change all the rest to percentages.
    We tend to inform our users that pages have been designed for a particular resolution - currently 1024x768.

  • I'm guessing that my Powermac G5 Quad running 10.4.11 does support extended desktop.  My present monitor is a 1600x1200.  Can a second monitor of smaller size and lower resolution work as an extended desktop?

    I'm guessing that my Powermac G5 Quad running 10.4.11 does support extended desktop.  My present monitor is a 1600x1200.  Can a second monitor of smaller size and lower resolution work as an extended desktop?

    It should easily.
    Power Mac G5: Display Compatibility
    Display Support:
    Dual Displays*
    Resolution Support:
    Apple advertised that this system can support "two Apple flat-panel displays for each graphics card installed". The default graphics card can support "up to 2560 by 1600 pixels" with the dual-link DVI port and "up to 1920 by 1200 pixels" with the single-link DVI port. It also can support analog resolutions "up to 2048 by 1536 pixels". l
    "Quad Core" (2.5)
    Video Card:
    GeForce 6600
    256 MB
    Primary Max Resolution:
    Secondary Max Resolution:
    Display Connectors:
    1 dual-link DVI
    1 single-link DVI ports-resolutions-supported.html

  • Monitor image has increased in size, and is very unsharp

    for no reason I can think of the image (all) increased in size and is very fuzzy. This happened as I was looking at the screen - was not touching anything at the time - I don't think. Might I have hit a function key and not known it, and made the image bad??? Menu bar runs off screen to the right.

    Go to System Preferences/Universal Access/Seeing tab, and turn the Zoom Off.
    Good Luck.

  • My macbook pro's screen display has suddenly gone into a strange colour setting where everything appears in a kind of infrared colour palette an I can;t seem to change it back.  It's the same for all icon and websites, does anyone know how to restore?

    My macbook pro's screen display has suddenly gone into a strange colour setting where everything appears in a kind of infrared colour palette an I can;t seem to change it back.  It's the same for all icon and websites, does anyone know how to restore?

    Wow!  I think I had this same issue just last night.
    I was cleaning my macbook pro retina on the outside.  Then I opened it up and was wiping dust off the monitor and I can't pinpoint exactly when, but the colors changed suddenly.  It looked super strange, it was like green halo's and it looked worse when looking at it at an angle.  Of course I took no pictures!!!  I was freaking out that my 2 grand laptop was busted and I somehow removed a protective film or something.
    But I digress...  The image looked very green and spacey, it was almost a neat effect.  After about 5 minutes it started to look a little more digital though.  There were straight lines of this halo effect on the edges and top.  After about 10 minutes it turned into a predominate issue with the blacks on screen.  I could open a web browser and it was unnoticable on a white background.  After about 15 minutes, you could only barely see the green cloud effect if you looked at the monitor from an extreme angle.  After about 20 minutes, it was completely back to normal, I almost feel paranoid like I see a halo or something strange.  But I believe that might be all in my head now.
    So yerp, lemme know what you guys figure out.

  • In 26.0, how do I put Download, Bookmarks, History, and Tags into separate windows? I have multi-monitor system and place these different windows . . .

    I recently, decided to upgrade from 19.0b to the current (26.0) version, as "Tab Utilities" now supports 26, but am finding one of the visual changes counter productive. My two workstations have multiple monitors. One has 2 monitors (2560x1600) and the other one has 4 monitors (2560x1600). On both workstations, I'll place the various Firefox informational windows off the "main monitor" (the one directly in front of me). This way they're available to me at a glance.
    (Side note: I refer to my monitors, as 2L, 1 2R and the 4th as "auxiliary.") The one thing I miss most is being able size these Firefox windows independently and in different positions.
    I mean I'm used to seeing "Download" on monitor 2R on the right side (1/8 of screen) behind Microsoft Process Explorer's System Information. While the History will be on monitor 2L on the right side at 1/4 of the screen). I'm used to glancing out my right eye at the downloads and when needing something from the past, it's right next to the main monitor #1. This way I can access history quickly.
    I can see why a developer (with one monitor say 1920 x 1080) would love seeing one window, but why can't Firefox support both single and multiple monitor users at the same?
    Anyway, is there a way to get 26.0 to place at least "Download" and "History" in separate sizable windows?
    (I'm not jumping up and down to go back to 19.0b or to try 25, but would like to stay current.)

    Thank you for your very quick reply. Before I read your reply completely, let me see if I can answer your first concern.
    > Maybe I am missing your point.
    Maybe I'm not making the point properly. Honestly, I never explained the issue from how it is directly affecting me.
    OK, let's do a real world example of what I'm seeing on my two monitor system. I'll first describe what I experienced with 19.0b and earlier, which is IMHO how it should work in 26 and beyond ('''''as an option'''''). Next, I'll review what I'm seeing in 26.0. Hopefully this will help you understand what changed, from a practical perspective.
    In 19.0b (and how I like working) for a multiple monitor system:
    On the main monitor, I'm running Firefox. It is 1920 x 1080 and is in the lower right hand corner.
    On the the monitor to my right (2R), I have the Download Manager list of downloading and downloaded file. It is in the upper right hand corner and takes up about 300 x 1500 pixels.
    For a two monitor system, I have the History List running beside Firefox in the lower right hand corner and it is 600 x 1080.
    For a three (plus) monitor system, I have the History List running on my left (2L) monitor. It is in the lower right hand corner and is 600 x 1080 pixels big.
    For 26.0: I'm seeing the following:
    On the main monitor, I'm running Firefox. It is 1920 x 1080 and is in the lower right hand corner. (This is the SAME as with 19.0b.)
    When I start the Download Manager and have it set up as I do for 19.0b, it looks OK. It is on monitor 2R and is 450 x 1500 pixels (because of the new navigation side bar).
    '''''The problem STARTS NOW (when I start the History List).'''''
    When starting the History List, it replaces the Download Manger on the 2R monitor in the 450 x 1500 pixel window. This doesn't work for me because:
    1) It is too far away to see. (NOTE: I put it on the 2L monitor in the lower right hand corner. so I can see it easier for the 3+ monitor. In the case of the 2 monitor, I put it beside Firefox again to see it easier.)
    Some might ask, but the Download Manager is on the 2R and right side, why can't the History List be there too? Good question, and I can only reply saying:
    1) Personal choice.
    2) The Download Manager is NOT as busy as the History List and I find it easy to read.
    3) The History List is a lot busier and the font size looks to be smaller (might be the same, but it looks smaller to my eyes). I need it closer to me / Firefox.
    What I'm saying is this . . . The Download Manager and History List have <ul>''valid reasons to be visible to the user at the same time''.</ul> They also need to be independent of one another for (at least) size and location.
    Combining them together is OK for some people, but NOT for everyone. Please make it an option to combine (as in 26) and separate (25 and earlier).
    I'm not sure this is the best way to put it, but here goes. Allow users to collapse or expand these various lists by using multiple windows. One window is the collapse view and multiple independent windows is the expand view.
    I'll read and comment on the rest of your reply, soon. Thanks for allowing me hopefully to explain my point in a better manner. :-)

  • How do i monitor all my website status hosted on IIS using web console

    How do i monitor all my website status hosted on IIS using web console 
    I need to monitor all the website status if that is started or stopped on the server remotely something like
    Website name Port #
    Server name (website hosted on)
    Status (Stopped/ Started)
    Please help
    Thanks in advance

    This one may help.
    I'd ask them more over here.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Image size and resolution question.

    Is an image at W 48.667 x H 32.444 inches at 72 res the same as an image that I could convert in photoshop to 300 res and then the with "Resample Image" clicked off would be W 11.68 x H 7.78 at 300 res for printing purposes? I'm asking this questions because after exporting 200 images from Lightroom 1.4, putting them into an wedding album I realized the images were not at 300 res but the first size listed above. I'm trying not to have to rebatch and have to put them back into the album. I sent the question to NAPP and got this back"
    "If you do the math you'll see that the answer is "no."
    48x72=3456 pixels; 32x72=2304 pixels
    11.68x300=3504 pixels; 7.78x300=2334 pixels."
    I did the math and it comes up to 5760 vs 5830. Pretty darn close. So would an image printed out with both settings print the about the same quality or am I missing something?

    Bob's question is a common one. And one of the first that most of us struggled to understand. Let's see if I can shed some light to help clarify the matter.
    o The image starts out with a given number of pixels from the camera, scanner, or whatever was its source. The resolution only matters when it comes time to print the image.
    72 dpi was once a common resolution for displaying on a computer monitor. Today 90 dpi is more common monitor resolution.
    o Let's assume that the image is 3504 x 2336 pixels (which I got from his size @ 72 dpi).
    o In "image size", if you do _not_ have 'resample image' checked, all you are doing is _rescaling the image. The image resolution is whatever you enter ...
    For example, if you enter 360 dpi -- the native printing resolution of many Epson printers -- you get a print size of 9.733 x 6.489 inches
    o Let's say you want to print this image at 360 dpi in portrait on 13 x 19 inch paper with a one inch border on the sides. That would make the short dimension of the image 11 inches and the long would work out to 16.5.
    To do that you need to _resample_ the image to change the size. More pixels will be made. The resolution stays at 360 dpi. So check the 'resample image' box.
    After resampling to get the print size and resolution you want, the pixel dimension goes to 5960 x 3960 (from 3504 x 2336). Those new pixels came at a price, but that is a matter for another thread and a lot of personal bias.
    Hope that helped.
    P.S. The answer to your question, Bob, is yes. With resample off in PhotoShop, your original images should have gone to 11.68 x 7.787 inches @300 dpi.
    In looking at the rest of your original post, it seems that the export didn't work the way that you wanted. Do I read right that the images turned out to be 11.68 x 7.787 @ 72 dpi? Can't help with that as I don't do Lightroom.

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