Mono Developer for mac

hi guys
new to the forum, ive had my mac for a few months now so i'm still pretty new to everything.
my question is based on mono developer. i want to be able to develop using languages such as php, asp,, c sharp etc... with windows the user can do so using visual studios but i dont know what the best one is for os x. ive come across mono developer but i'm confused as to how to run it ... ive used fink but cnat seem to compile anything - having no luck what so ever! im so new to all this! can someone point me in the right direction??
do i compile using terminal?? any help would be great.... i wana set this all up before uni, i dont want to use a pc again!!
intel imac 20"   Mac OS X (10.4)  

I've managed to build MonoDevelop onto my Mac, but I took it off again. While it has some nice features that I would really like to use (I used c# a lot on my old PC and at work and I miss the code completion, knowledge of the .NET framework and the ability to use the visual layout tools for the controls in Xcode to develop .NET-related apps) I found that it was too buggy to be useful for me. Also, the control layout features were GTK# oriented rather than SWF.
I ended up using Parallels with Visual Studio - mainly because I needed the cross-platform applications I could create (the developed SWF-based apps work nicely under Mono).
Having said all that, there are some instructions ( that I followed, and yes, it does require a lot of downloading and building packages via the terminal. Fink helps with a lot of these, but the package versions available under Fink are not always up-to-date enough, and I ended up doing something like (and this is from memory): installing the Fink Mono package so that it also brought up many of the other packages MonoDevelop needed, removing Mono from Fink, installing the latest Mono from the Novell distribution .dmg, adding the remaining packages myself and then installing MonoDevelop.
Hope this helps...

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  • SQL Developer for Mac Fails to Launch

    It is disappointing that 2.1 RC1 fails to launch on PPC Macs and particularly aggravating that there is no indication on the download page or in the release notes this was only built for Intel Macs. Or does
    " line 774: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/bin/java: *Bad* *CPU* *type* *in* *executable*
    Error: SQL Developer can't recognize the JDK version" mean something else?
    Is there any compelling reason that SQL Developer for Mac cannot be compiled as a UB?

    I just tried to run 2.1 on my PPC running 10.4.11 from sqldeveloper- on the 2.1 downloads page.
    On double-clicking a bash process starts and uses all the CPU. The icon bounces in the taskbar for about a minute. There's nothing else visible.
    info.plist says it is version 1.1!
    I was using the previous release, so before I installed I copied the app and ~/.SQLdeveloper so I could restore it if the update failed.
    Should I have deleted ~/.SQLdeveloper? I can't see any upgrade notes.
    I remember with previous updates there was a way to keep the connections, what was it?
    To move the sqlconnections.xml out of .sqldeveloper before installing the new version then move it back?
    Later - the console has lots of aqua errors. I guess that means it needs Tiger or SnowLeopard?
    22:07:07,150 12947 ERROR [ main ] ro.sync.I.C - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.laf.CUIAquaKeyBindings
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.laf.CUIAquaKeyBindings
         at Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at ro.sync.util.q.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at ro.sync.I.C.A(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.I.C.installKeyboardActions(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI.installUI(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.setUI(
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.setUI(
         at ro.sync.I.K.setUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.updateUI(
         at ro.sync.I.K.updateUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.<init>(
         at javax.swing.JTextArea.<init>(
         at javax.swing.JTextArea.<init>(
         at ro.sync.ui.CA.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.ui.O.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.I.K.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.G.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.K.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.N.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.T.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.M.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.T.B.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.t.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.oA.U(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.R.K.U(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.oA.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.R.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.b.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.U.¥(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.R(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.S(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.MainFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.MainFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
         at ro.sync.ui.application.ApplicationLauncher.A(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.ui.application.ApplicationLauncher.launch(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at ro.sync.exml.Oxygen.main(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.callMain(
         at apple.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher.launch(
    22:07:07,155 12952 ERROR [ main ] ro.sync.I.C - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.laf.CUIAquaKeyBindings
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.laf.CUIAquaKeyBindings
         at Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at ro.sync.util.q.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at ro.sync.I.C.A(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.I.C.installKeyboardActions(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI.installUI(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.setUI(
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.setUI(
         at ro.sync.I.K.setUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.updateUI(
         at ro.sync.I.K.updateUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.<init>(
         at javax.swing.JTextArea.<init>(
         at javax.swing.JTextArea.<init>(
         at ro.sync.ui.CA.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.ui.O.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.I.K.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.G.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.K.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.N.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.T.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.M.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.T.B.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.t.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.oA.U(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.R.K.U(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.oA.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.R.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.b.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.U.¥(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.R(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.S(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.F.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.MainFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.MainFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
         at ro.sync.ui.application.ApplicationLauncher.A(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.ui.application.ApplicationLauncher.launch(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at ro.sync.exml.Oxygen.main(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at apple.launcher.LaunchRunner.callMain(
         at apple.launcher.JavaApplicationLauncher.launch(
    22:07:19,050 24847 ERROR [ class ro.sync.ui.application.A.P ] ro.sync.I.C - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.laf.CUIAquaLookAndFeel
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.laf.CUIAquaLookAndFeel
         at Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at ro.sync.util.q.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at ro.sync.I.C.A(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.I.C.installKeyboardActions(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI.installUI(
         at javax.swing.JComponent.setUI(
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.setUI(
         at ro.sync.I.K.setUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.updateUI(
         at ro.sync.I.K.updateUI(Unknown Source)
         at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.<init>(
         at javax.swing.JTextArea.<init>(
         at javax.swing.JTextArea.<init>(
         at ro.sync.ui.CA.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.ui.O.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.I.K.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.G.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.K.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.N.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.T.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.A.L.M.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.T.B.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.t.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.G.C.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.oA.U(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.R.K.U(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.oA.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.R.K.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.a.b.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.K(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.I.VA.?(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.D.G.K(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.D.G.S(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.exml.MainFrame$20.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
         at ro.sync.ui.application.A.P$_A$1.?(Unknown Source)
         at Source)

  • Quick Question... About SQL Developer for MAC - MAC Users please help.

    Hello everyone, I hope that someone out there can tell me that I am not crazy.
    I have installed SQL Developer for Mac OSX to access a MS-SQL database, and perform simple query operations. For the most part, I have been thrilled to have a Mac version of software that's fully featured.
    Details on my current setup:
    SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-64.45
    Mac OSX V10.6.3
    JTDS-1.2.5 JDBC driver
    Database connection is SQL Server 2005
    Anyway, my problem is this... I cannot locate the Query Builder function within this software. I have found the tutorials on how to use it, and it would appear to be located when you right-click the SQL worksheet to open the context menu. This option is not present in my software, and I need to figure out why. This screenshot is what I see when I right-click.
    Does anyone know if this is related to MS-SQL-2005?
    Any assistance you could provide would be AWESOME! Thank you!
    Edited by: user13118614 on May 23, 2010 3:05 PM

    First of all you need an active connection in the worksheet (upper right drop-down).
    But even then it might not work. Sorry you were "thrilled to have a Mac version of software that's fully featured", because even if it is, MsSQL isn't. The tool is mainly focussed in providing a migration platform to Oracle, so a lot of the cool stuff is Oracle only.

  • Adobe AIR ANE for Mac OSX 32-64bits Error

    I'm trying to build a ANE for Mac OSX. I setup XCode 5.1 and was following this two tutorials:
    To get the project setup.
    I'm finding that Adobe AIR.framwork in folder /runtimes/air/mac is 32-bit, but XCode has deprecated I'm finding this error when I try to build the project:
    error: -fobjc-arc is not supported on platforms using the legacy runtime
    Command /Applications/ ang failed with exit code 1
    So right now ANE development for Mac OSX is broke since I can't build a cocoa framework library due to 32-bit deprecation and Adobe not updating the library since 2011
    I'm right or maybe I'm missing something.
    Hope someone could give some path to solve this since it's very frustrating to deal with this stuff to see there's no update for this basic libraries for Mac.
    If what I'm seeing is true, I see another error in Adobe stack that make people like me supporting the platform tired of deal with this kind of things. Sorry to be sound so frustrated but it's a very negative experience for the Adobe AIR platform since you see that a part of the platform is not updated for 3 years!.

    Does what is talked about here help in any way?: 2d-iphone-v3-project

  • OSX Lion is real Slow, was it developed for iPhone apps vs iMac

    I'm concerned that the new OSX Lion is developed for the new market of iphones and Apps not the graphics power of a desktop.
    All the graphics and tools have slowed down terribly. Even the windows move as you would want for your iphone but not for your computer.
    This is terrible. Are there any preferences in OSX lion given to the user to remove some of these terrible programming mistakes.
    I have a 3.06 GHZ intel Core 2 Duo
    8GB MEmeory
    ATI Radeon HD 4850
    Mac OS XLion 10.7.2

    OS X Lion is developed for Mac's, iOS is developed for iDevices.  Although I agree Lion is more iOS like than any other previous version of OS X.  What "terrible programming mistakes" are you looking to remove?

  • We have developed a desktop application using Flash software and published the same for MAC environment. When we double click on the file, the application is working perfectly in Mac 10.6.7 at our office. But if the same file is double

    We have developed a desktop application using Flash software and published the same for MAC environment. When we double click on the file, the application is working perfectly in Mac 10.6.7 at our office. But if the same file is double clicked in Mac 10.6.7 at out clients location, its not opening. For your information the client is able to open this same application by double clicking on index.swf file. The main problem is that client is not able to open the application using file at their office whereas we are able to do so at our office. Can anyone give some suggestions to sort this problem?

    The most common reason is different versions of Flash, or different versions of web browsers used.  Some users may elect to not have Flash installed at all because of the processor overhead of Flash.  If you are going to make an application for a client, check what operating system and browser versions they are using first.  Then determine if a stand alone application is required, or if they have the necessary plugins to run specific browser enhanced code.
    P.S. MAC is an acronym for Media Access Control.  Mac is the shorthand for Macintosh, the operating system and computers made by Apple Inc.

  • HT6030 I downloaded Mail Update for Mac OS X 10.5.6 and was told it could not be installed because it was from an unidentified developer.  Tried installing download from MailUpdate & advised the disk did not meet the requirements for update. Hmmmm.

    I downloaded Mail Update for Mac OS X 10.5.6 and was told it could not be installed because it was from an unidentified developer.  Tried installing download from MailUpdate & advised the disk did not meet the requirements for update.   Expect it's due to being at 10.9.1.  Mail is still teetering between dysfunctional and non-functional.  Advice?

    I'm not sure what "Mail Update for Mac OS X 10.5.6" is. Mac OS X 10.5.6 is Leopard, a system that is quite old at this point. There have not been any Mail updates for Leopard in quite some time. If you are trying to install some old Mail update for Mac OS X 10.5.6 in Mavericks, that won't work.
    If you are trying to install the Mavericks Mail update manually, that's not necessary if you have updated through the App Store. If the App Store shows no updates, you don't need this. (The error message doesn't make sense, and may indicate some other problem with your system, assuming that you were downloading this update from Apple's site.)
    I'd advise you to start a new topic in the Mavericks forum and describe the problems you are having with Mail. Be sure to include specifics, but try to avoid speculating on causes, as responses that may be related to an inaccurate assumption on your part can cloud the issue.

  • How to install SQL Developer Data Modeler 3.1.1 for Mac OS X?

    How do I install SQL Developer Data Modeler 3.1.1 for Mac OS X? I downloaded the file "datamodeler-3.1.1-703-macosx.gz" from OTN, but there is only a single file inside this archive - "datamodeler-3.1.1-703-macosx". What am I missing here?
    Thanks in advance...

    Extract that file and then run it.
    Once you installed the tool to your Applications folder (if you choose to move it to Applications), you'll need to install Java (maybe).
    What version of OS X are you on?
    In a command window/terminal, type 'java -version'
    If you get something back like 'java version "1.6..." then you're all good.
    If you're on Mountain Lion, then type 'java' instead. That should download java for you.
    Once you've got java available, then launch SQL Developer Data Modeler.
    The installation notes are here if you want the official list of instructions

  • Developing for IOS with flash on a mac

    Lee Bremelow put up a good starter's guide on his blog about setting up development for IOS with flash on windows.
    Can someone help me with a similar introduction to doing the same on a mac?
    Been looking for one with no luck.

    Hi Duncan,
    In the Publish Settings window, in the HTML tab, at the top
    of the window under the "Template" option is a second option:
    "Detect Flash Version". Check this box. The AC_RunActiveContent.js
    file will contain a couple of functions that will test the user's
    plugin version. If it doesn't pass the test then the html page will
    show a message telling the user to get the Flash plugin and a link
    to the plugin.

  • I downloaded LR for MAC when my free trial ended.  But - I get a "renew your membership to reactivate the develop module" when I try to edit images.  Help!

    file:///.file/id=7873307.718I downloaded LR for MAC when my free trial ended.  But - I get a "renew your membership to reactivate the develop module" when I try to edit images.  Help!

    If you purchased the Perpetual Licensed version of Lightroom and received a 24 numeric serial number you will have to download the correct version from the link below.
    Before doing the new installation you will have to uninstall the existing version from your computer (it is the Creative Cloud version) since it is requesting you to "renew your membership" . This process will not interfere with your Catalog file, Preferences or your personal files, it will just remove the existing application. Both versions are the same application just a different download and activation process.
    Reboot your system then run the install of the Perpetual License download and input the serial number to activate. Things should be fine.
    Adobe - Lightroom : For Macintosh : Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7

  • JSP demo PTS included with Oracle 9i Developer Release for Mac not working

    Hello all, please pardon my ignorance, but I am an Oracle DBA not a JSP programmer.
    I have installed Oracle 9i developer release for Mac OSX and it included a demo application in JSP called pts.
    I followed all the instruction and it still doesn't seem to work.
    When I try to login to the application I get the following exception:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 3 in the jsp file: /oradev/pts/
    Generated servlet error:
    [javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
    [javac] Since fork is true, ignoring compiler setting.
    [javac] /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24/work/Standalone/localhost/_/oradev/pts/ cannot resolve symbol
    [javac] symbol : class DBAccess
    [javac] location: package pts
    [javac] import oradev.pts.DBAccess;
    I'm not sure what this means or how to fix it. I'm sure it's something simple like modifying my classpath or something, but, as I said, I don't know where to begin.
    Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Can't you just use the 10g client ?
    I have not tested the 9i dev. with oci calls but I would not be surprised if you try this on tiger. That won't work AFAIK.

  • Serious UI issues in SQL Developer 4.0 for Mac

    I've encountered some serious UI issues in SQL Developer 4.0 for Mac ( that impact it up to the point where it becomes unusable.
    If the database and tables are expanded in the "Connections" view, sometimes a node in the tree seems to become sticky. Whenever you scroll the up or down, it will immediately scroll back to make the old selection visible again. If you want to work with an item that's outside the current view (e.g. to collapse the "Tables" node), you can no longer use it. SQL Developer needs to be restarted.
    If the context menu is opened (ctrl click), it appears in the wrong place. It's too far to the right and bottom. If you then move the mouse pointer towards the menu, a rectangle appears and follows the mouse pointer as if you had initiated a drag and drop operation.
    If the "Data" tab of a table is selected and if a cell is clicked to edit the cell value, the text cursor is drawn in the wrong position. It can be off by more than one character and it is often drawn in the middle of a character instead of between two characters. It's hardly possible to edit the cell value as you cannot tell for sure where insertions and deletions will happen. You basically need to copy the value into a separate editor, edit it there and copy it back.
    The scrolling in the "Data" tab of a table is a pain. For no obvious reason, it first scrolls downwards a few rows and then jumps to the top (at least using a Magic Mouse). If all rows have been loaded, this problem seems to disappear. But generally, the scrolling distance is far too short. With a long finger swipe, one would expect to scroll the contents by several pages. However, it only scrolls about half a page. For shorter swipes, it's similar. It sometimes only scrolls by a few pixels.
    Am I the only one to experience these severe problems? Or is the Mac version not as mature as the Windows version yet?

    In terms of diagnosis, perhaps not -- probably very time-consuming to debug.  I did find some unpublished bugs against dual monitor use ...
    The first turned out to be an issue in the 64-bit Java AWT libraries, not the 32-bit libraries, and specifically for Windows 7 as opposed to, say XP, but this was all quite a bit in the past and was fixed for 4.0.   The second one (on 64-bit Linux), however, just came in yesterday, so you can wait to see if a fix for that also covers your situation or, if you are able, pursue it directly with Oracle Support.

  • I'm unable to open my Office Word for Mac. The message say's check with developer to make sure Microsoft Word works with this version of Mac OS X.

    I'm unable to open my Office Word for Mac. The message say's check with developer to make sure Microsoft Word works with this version of Mac OS X.
    Orginally I downloaded OFFICE from the Apple Store App, so unable to reinstall as it suggest.

    Which version of Office, 2004, 2008 or 2011
    MS Office is not available from the App Store, so where did you get it?

  • Where would someone turn if they think they may be interested in apple/mac software development for systems and applications?

    Where would someone turn if they think they may be interested in apple/mac software development for systems and applications? I do have some experience with industrial machine control programming. Not that it directly applies, however I have been involved in some types of programming.

    You might start by reading this:
    I would check out the refurbished section of the online Apple Store before buying a used one from Craislist. They go quickly so you have to check often. It will be more than sufficent for you to work with.
    There are more than a few such books, go to a book store near you and browse them yourself to see which one works for you.
    For items 3 and 4 wait until you are ready for a commercial app and then seek help from a lawyer and an accountant.

  • NetBeans IDE for Mono development

    Hi! Good day. I just wondered if NetBeans will support editor, debugger, etc. for Mono project? NetBeans claims to be the only IDE we need, it current has the features of PHP, C/C++ development, and why not Mono? Because currently in my work I was writing Mono code with MonoDevelop (since no VisualStudio for Linux), and I don't like this MonoDevelop IDE, that's why I was wondering if NetBeans will support this Mono development? Ahh... Crazy me. Hehe.. Thanks.
    Update me if I'm missing something. Thanks again.

    Ronillo wrote:
    Update me if I'm missing something. Thanks again.Netbeans related questions belong in netbeans forums.

Maybe you are looking for

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