Mono-Stereo monitoring issue

I have found that when I mix things they sound right in my monitoring system, but elsewhere once I've burned them to a disc the information that was panned hard left and right seemed to be lost.
Did a test with a cd straight from the mac audio output, through a stereo aux input in logic, one panned all the way left, the other right, and it sounded wonderful, but when I panned them both center the harsh midrange and overall volume went up 30%. A comfortable listening level in stereo was unbearable in mono.
What can I do about this? And also, when I switch from mono to stereo on my master 1+2 out I can tell no difference and it remains in stereo, the button is not doing anything. Is there a setup issue? enhanced stereo? Anything?
Additional testing, I listened to a solo voice track in the center and it was loud, but when panned to either side it cut the level in half. Help.

this is all normal - and on any DAW - not just logic.
try song settings> audio> pan law. change this to -3db comp.
this will change the balance when monitoring in logic and hence after a bounce will be same on the file as well.
i use the direction mixer plug on the master bus set to 0.0 - this is true mono.
the channel button doesn't seem to change anything.
when summing to mono it is normal for the center to boost up 3db and the sides to drop the same.

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    Hello UncleBob62,
    It could be the display driver that is not properly working
    1. Click on the start icon
    2. Right click on computer and go to properties
    3. Select Device Manager
    4. Expand display adapters and right click on the video card driver and uninstall
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    If I have helped you in any way click the Kudos button to say Thanks.
    The community works together, click Accept as Solution on the post that solves your issue for other members of the community to benefit from the solution.
    - Friendship is magical.

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    Jon: Thanks for answering those questions. Run the Apple Hardware Test that you'll find on one of the DVDs that came with your MBP. If any errors are reported, go back to the Genius Bar with the error codes reported by AHT and ask to have the machine repaired.
    If you have extended AppleCare protection, you have a TechTool Deluxe CD/DVD. You can also use that to test your hardware. If it reports any errors, take the exact wording and error codes from that report along with you to the GB, too.
    The problem is not with your three external displays or your cables, adapters, or your MBP's mini-Displayport, because they all work fine with the 9400M. The problem isn't some wrong contact that's being made momentarily as you insert the mini-Displayport plug into the port, because it occurs even when the cable is securely connected before starting up the computer. It seems to me the problem must reside either in your 9600M GT or in its connection to the mini-displayport.

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    im not experiencing scan line son my 30" ACD display under OSX or XP with my ATI, could be the monitor you are using, but if its not doing it with your MBP than.....idk
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    Dot-Khan wrote:
    How do I add a mono/stereo field to the view options in iTunes?
    If Apple's iTunes software engineers did not design-in a particular feature or function, you can't add one yourself, unless you are a skilled programmer or hire one to do it for you. Even then, I expect that modifying the code is a violation of the end-user license agreement (EULA).
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    Click and hold the mono-stereo button to choose whether you hear the left or right channel when in mono. It's in the manual by the way.

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    Logic Pro 7.23 - I get mono, stereo signals come out mono and if I hard pan the source so it only plays on one channel my stereo ES1 outputs on both if its channels.
    Maybe a bug since a long time
    Once again how I set it up: one ES1 stereo on one instrument track. one other instrument on another instrument track -> routed to bus 3; output of bus3 to no output, SideChain of ES1 to bus3, second Osc to ext, Mix to Sub.
    I am afraid you need to get your PC going to check
    Report it!
    hope that helps

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    Firstly, this is the LP8 forum, so specific LP7 questions are best placed in the LP7 forum.
    What is your universal track mode preference set to, what format wave file are you dragging, and where are you dropping it?

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    Miles Allen wrote:
    Thanks for the helpful answers guys, it makes sense, although wouldn't it be better to use melodyne first?
    Melodyne needs to be fed a pretty hot and clean signal to get acceptable results, especially with pitch correction or time stretching. The 'cleansing' is done by the de-esser, and the 'hottening up' of the signal is done by the compressor.
    My thinking is that if I can pitch correct the vox unadulterated any mixer/producer can use compressors better than me and if I plug one in and overcompress or something before melodyne then I'm stuck with it because melodyne will have recorded the compressed signal. 
    So what? Adjust the Compressor, and redo the transfer. Or decide no compression is needed, and bypass it. But compression doesn't mean anything is "pumping", it is supposed to be applied moderately, ratio 3 to 1.
    "Pitch correct it unadulterated" That is a contradiction. In fact it is much better to first sculpt the whole sound before feeding it to melodyne
    Well, then you should do it that way. The only way to tell what works best for you is to simply try it out and listen to the results. Keep in mind that the method must match the material. And for no instrument is the material more varied than vocals. Or, to put it in practice:
    Since melodyne is such a versatile tool, shouldn't I perhaps adjust the quieter or louder notes in melodyne to keep a good natural dynamic rather than simply applying a high compress ratio to fix the extremes?
    Try it out! It really completely depends on your material and the musical context.
    Also, wouldn't it be better to de-ess after melodyne?  If I have to sharpen flat notes I may just be boosting the S sounds again
    I never encountered that. And by the way, de-essing manually in Melodyne is my preferred method. I don't use de-essing. Popscreens are great hardware de-essers.

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    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance!!

    I believe you're misunderstanding what stereo and mono are.
    Stereo does not mean "coming out of two speakers", it means "two separate signals coming out of two speakers"
    If you're using a Mic or a Guitar, for instance (each is a mono device) you must set the track to mono for it to come out of both speakers. Setting the track to stereo will cause sound to come out of only one speaker (because it's expecting two signals and you're providing only one)\
    --HangTime [Will Compute for Food] B-|>

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