More 4K Digital Cinema Cameras

"Canon is also developing two digital cinematography cameras.  The cameras employ a 12-bit RGB 4:4:4 signal format during 2K output."
Not that's a pretty nice recording option.

Using Macdrive is no biggy Jim
I use it on my PCs because I use SSDs in my Atomos Samurai and BM Hyperdeck (external recorders).
Actually it is very convenient to have in the toolbox.
BTW - I believe the BM camera has a sensor that is approx 61% of a 4/3 sensor.  Maybe a great compromise for events, weddings etc buit still providing some reasonable DOF over 2/3 chips.
I can almost guarantee the issue with the BM camera will be in the area of available lens choices.  PL mount problem of course.

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    Will ACR support the various formats produced by digital cinema cameras like REDCODE, ARRIRAW and the other ones?
    Support for Cineform RAW would be also welcome of course.
    The RAW converters supplied by the manufacturers are no comparison IMHO to what ACR offers in terms of sheer image quality, tonal control (especially highlight recovery and rolloff) simple usability and lack of stuff like lens correction just to mention the most important things.
    Coming from a photo background I would love to be able to process everything in ACR as a first light correction. :-)
    I don't know if this is just a question of implementing it, maybe there are legal reasons aswell why REDCODE for example isn't supported?

    Jim, I know ACR was designed to be a still image RAW developer, but it would be a waste not to use it for many still images (a video is not more than that).
    But since more and more video cameras are capturing RAW data a debayering suite like ACR will be necessary for video too. Instead of having an importer for every file format, ACR could substitute them with its superior quality and controls, since it already has almost everything that is needed for processing RAW video it would be unwise not to use it (I see use for compressed video from DSLRs for example too).
    The only things that I can see that need to be changed are the denoising (needs a good temporal option aswell) and the ability to scrub through a clip and the possibility to create keyframe for the development settings.
    I use ACR for timelapse (video) all the time, apart from the slow processing speed (which won't be a problem with future computers) basically everything is already there.
    The next step would be directly apply rotobrushes to the RAW data, but even with a computer with the speed you would expect in a couple of years that is probably a bit farfetched (taking into account, that resolution will also at least slightly increase for video).
    Premiere should have gotten still frame ACR support with CS6, some might even argue that it should have been in PP since CS5.5.

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    >What features can we expect to see?
    Read Jim's answer again
    If anyone here is also a Beta tester, they will have signed an agreement not to talk about the software
    Anyone else who says anything doesn't have the software and is therefore only speculating
    When Adobe issues a press release or shows the product at a computer show, we will all know
    Right now, we don't even know IF Adobe is working on a next version, or IF they are having the programmers continue to refine and fix bugs in the current version

  • Digital Cinema Desktop Preview is missing

    I'm trying to solve this problem for about 7 days. I can't find anything about this topic. Lots of problems about capturing in FCP 4. I had this problem as well but fixed it, thanks too this forum.
    What's the problem now?
    I upgraded my Mac to Tiger 10.4.3 and I worked for about 2 weeks with FCP HD. Then I upgraded FCP HD to FCP 5. Now FCP only sees the Fire Wire external video when I go to the menu "View" and click "Video Playback". I used to see the Digital Cinema Desktop Preview-Main and Digital Cinema Desktop Preview-RAW options.
    I thought it was the same problem with Quicktime 7 automatic install again. So I manually installed Quicktime 7 without any success.
    I removed the preferences out of the ~/library/preferences/.
    My 2 screens are on the AGP-bus, because that is necessary I read on this forum.
    Can anybody give me a tip how solve this problem. If you need more info just tell me.
    Thanx in advance

    First thank you for responding. It is nice to know you're not alone in this world when FCP let you down.
    I looked at the other post. I don't have the space which you are talking about. It's just the same as your screen shot. No line spaces.
    Maybe this additional info will be of any help:
    When I installed FCP 5 I got an error message the first time I started FCP 5. Missing Digital Cinema Desktop Preview. It was the same message you get when you forget to switch on your camera. It tells you that the Fire Wire device is missing. You can either click "check again" or choose "continue".
    After I choose continue I never got the message again.
    I checked if the /Library/QuickTime/DesktopVideoOut.component was missing. I found out that there is absolutely nothing in the folder /Library/QuickTime/ not the folder which is in the library directly under the root directory of the hard disk nor in the library which is situated under "user/library/QuickTime/
    Could that be the problem not only missing 1 file, but missing maybe lots of files.

  • IMac Intel FCP and digital cinema preview

    i've just recently upgraded from a g4 powerbook to an intel iMac 20" and curently running 10.4.7 and FCP 5.01. On the powerbook i was running FCP 4.5 and using a TV monitor as a 2nd monitor via the digital cinema preview. Yesterday i bought the mini-dvi to video adapter and plugged in the TV and am unable to get a preview through the TV. I get the extended desktop and even Shake recognises it as a monitor. Im thinking maybe its a Universal thing, my crossgrade arrives next week, or more disturbing perhaps the video card which is the NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT which i cant see on the FCP recomended page??
    anyone have any ideas??
    thanks in advace
    imac intel 24"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    hey everyone who is interested, finally discovered after some research that FCP digital cinema PREVIEW is ONLY supported in AGP cards (such as that exist in powerbooks etc) and does not support the PCI range. So i guess it is means running it through the camera or a canopus type bridge (sound of cash disappearing) thanks mac! You had a great, simple and elegant solution then just threw it away.

  • DD 5.1 Surround Workflow to create TS file for Digital Cinema

    I need a little help.
    My objective is to create a test file for digital cinema. The client requires at the end a TS DD 5.1 mpeg HD file....
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    However, my bigger issue is that I'm not able to export a TS file from Premiere. There is an option to do so, but when I try that with the surcode plugin, the media encoder just crahses...
    I have been able to create a single 5.1 surround mpeg file from Premiere with the surcode plugin, but its of no use to the client..and I can't think of a way that would turn it into a TS file that would keep the 5.1 DD.
    I have many questions, and there are many things I don't if anybody is able help at all that would be wonderful.
    Many thanks

    What will be the playback medium of this file? How will you deliver the file? Will the client be playing the file on a computer, or on a Home Theater system? Does the client want, or need, a visual signal, as well, or it just the Audio signal that is important?
     The best delivery system that I can think of is to create your material in PrPro in a 5.1 SS Project. Unless the client is looking for just the Audio with no Video, handle the two as separate, in that once your mixing is done, you will Export the Audio as an MPEG file, in the AC3 format, with the DD 5.1 SS encoding from the Minnetonka Audio SurCode DD 5.1 SS plug-in. Export the visual material (Video) as a DV-AVI Type II elemental stream. Go to Encore, and Import the DV-AVI as a Timeline, then the AC3 as an Asset. From the Project Panel, drag the AC3 to the respective Timeline, and author a DVD. You can have menus for navigation, if needed, or just make the single Timeline your First Play, with no Menus. If you want it to Loop, set its End Action back to itself and it'll loop until the user hits Stop. Once the layout is as you wish, you have two choices: 
    Burn to a DVD disc for delivery, or Burn to Folder. The former will get your 5.1 Audio (and Video) onto a common DVD for play on the computer or in a Home Theater system. The latter will yield the VIDEO_TS folder with the necessary files contained within this folder. The Audio & Video will be in a .VOB format, but will be in MPEG-2 form. Note: this will be a DVD-Video disc, and playable in any DVD player. Whether one hears the Audio in stereo, or in SS, will depend on the capabilities of their playback system. Because it IS a DVD-Video it MUST contain Video. Now, this could be anything you choose, from Titles with instruction, to Black Video (I'd create this for real, rather than rely of purely the systhetic Black Video from Premiere - more on this, if you need it), to abstract patterns of your design, or choosing.
    Now, if one needed just the pure MPEG-2 file, outside of the VIDEO-TS structure for playback on a computer only, you could take the .VOB and rename its extension .MPEG, instead of .VOB. Still, the playback channels would be solely dependent on the equipment the file was played on. The software player might figure into this, as well, because it must have the capability to process DD 5.1 SS signals. Check out any software player that your client will be using. If you deliver the DVD-Video disc, mentioned above, a DVD software player will be required. Most computers today come with one, and most of these are DD capable, but again, it depends on the hardware on the computer, and how it's configured, that will determine if one hears the Audio in stereo, or in DD 5.1 SS.
    Before I launched off doing anything, other than editing and mixing, I would ask some very specific questions. As Harm points out, there is no TS "file," but a TS "folder." This would be a red flag for me, indicating that the client might be confused, or know just a little and not quite get the full picture. This would dictate to me, that I need to ask some other questions and phrase them in a way that yielded useful info and instructions to me.
    1.) Exactly what equipment will you wish to play this material (don't start talking files yet)?
    2.) Is this equipment capable of playing Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound?
    From the answers to those two questions, you can then start filling in the blanks.
    If the client wants something to drop into a DVD player, hooked up to a DD 5.1 SS capable system, then you’re home free. If they want something that will play on a computer, Ask these questions:
    1.) What computer software will you use to play this material (still no mention of file)?
    2.) Is the computer equipped for DD 5.1 SS decoding and playback?
    These answers will direct you even more. If you get proper answers of, say CyberLink PowerDVD of #1 and "yes," for #2, go on to the next set of questions:
    1.) Can I deliver this material on a DVD-Video (the format and medium of commercial DVD’s)? Note: this will be a DVD that will play on a computer with proper software, or a Home Theater system, and will contain both Video and Audio. The client can turn the TV, or .computer’s monitor off, if they do not wish to view any Video signal, or you can create Black Video so there is nothing to see. With this delivery format, there has to be a Video stream, but it can be black.
    2.) Can I deliver this material on a Data DVD? Point out that a Data DVD will only play on a computer and not on a set-top player through the TV and a Home Theater’s Audio system. Some people do not know the difference, and you cannot trust your client to, unless you specifically ask them.
    If the answer to #1 is "no," and the answer to #2 is "yes," go on to the next question:
    If I deliver this material to you on a Datat DVD, will an MPEG-2 file with DD 5.1 SS be acceptable? If so, I'd still do the Burn to folder to get the .VOB and rename it to .MPEG. Test this file on your system. A .VOB can contain a lot of things, but yours was created with no Menu or other material, so it should be just the pure .MPEG-2 file. Still, test, before you deliver.
    Now, on the off chance that your client needs something like an SACD, or DVD-Audio, you will be shopping for software. Before you do, I’d post to the Adobe Encore forum and ask Neil Wilkes for his suggestions for the creation of DVD-Audio discs. Believe every word he types and follow his recommendations to the letter.
    Good luck, and if you need more detail, or other suggestions after you query your client, please ask,
    [Edit] I see that you also mention "HD." This will mean either a BD (Blu-ray Disc) for delivery, or a BD folder, Burned to a DVD-Video. If you will have HD Video material, your best going the full BD route. If you only will have Audio, the "HD" will not come into play. What exactly do you mean with the term "HD?" This can make a world of difference.
    [Edit 2] Sorry about the formatting in the second paragraph. I cannot seem to get it to display properly, though it looks perfect in the editing screen.

  • Ichat 2.1 and canon digital video camera problems

    i have ichat 2.1 running on my b/w g3 with a 900 mhz powerlogix zif upgrade...
    i recently got my hands on a cool little program called ichat usbcam...
    before i got that app, ichat would not recognize my canon digital video camera via that i got ichat usbcam, it shows up and i can use the digital video camera...
    however, i can't invite my brother to a one way video chat...when i invite him, his end shows up with a white video, but audio...
    he has a g4 quicksilver...he is running tiger...we both use the aim account for ichat...
    any ideas??? we really need some help on this because we both have 4 year old daughters who want to video chat...
    he is going to get a camera if we can get this thing working...
    G3 Blue and White/900 powerlogix zif upgrade   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Yes

    Hi Seusman,
    Sounds like you have cracked it.
    Framerates are detemined by what processor you have, with some adjustment on a chat by chat basis depending what the other person can manage.
    The Bitrate is controlled by what Connection Speed you have, The System Preference > Quicktime > Streaming tab setting and iChat > Preferences > Video section Bandwidth Setting, plus any adjustments to match who you are talking to.
    The up speed is more important than the Download speed when we are talking ADSL connections.
    Any spped test will tell you get about 80% of what the ISP says they sell you.
    iChat will use about 80% of what is left (depending on settings)
    It is somewhat lowered depending on the framerate your Mac can do and what other things yuo are asking the Procesor to do and how much RAM you have obviously can effect that as well.
    The framerates you quote are the same as mine.
    The bit rates if often what I see in iChat based on my 1Mb down /256K up service.
    11:31 PM Wednesday; March 1, 2006

  • SONY Digital Video Camera DCR-DVD 201 and iMovie

    I have a sony Digital Video Camera
    Posted: Aug 6, 2006 6:59 PM in response to: max Farina
    Reply Email
    Can I use this Digital camera with my MacBook Pro
    it is a SONY DCR-DVD 201
    I do not see a firewire port on the camera ONLY a USB.
    How can I get my video from my DVD to iMovie?
    I want to put my home video from this camera to iMovie, Can it be done?
    I am going nuts, I paid alot of money for this camera and now I can't use it in my new Mac?
    I am very new to Mac and this hurts!
    PLEASE someone help me, I only see a USB, DO they sell some thing to help get the Video into iMOVIE?

    Search this forum for "compatible, DVD camcorder" and you will find many threads where people lament this truth:
    iMovie is for miniDV formatted video connected via Firewire.
    Mini DVD camcorders are designed for you to do very light editing on the camera before you finalize the DVD and don't support being imported into a computer. Anyway, many of the experts here know of converters and workarounds, if you want to spend some more money. You could start with these threads:
    Somewhere I have read a pretty detailed thread describing what converter you need and how to do it. So just keep searching...

  • No Digital Cinema Desktop Preview - Main (FCP6)

    Been a while since I needed the forum, hope someone out there can help.  Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
    To get straight to the point, I am trying to get Video Playback on my Cinema Display.  This Mac Pro, just like my MacBook Pro, has never had a camera or deck connected to it.  The only thing ever connected to either of them, via FireWire, are my external HDs containing the QuickTime files, so I don't understand why it is looking for a device.
    All footage is captured through older desktop Macs onto external HDs.  The desktops used for capturing are the last generation before Apple went Intel.
    Once captured, we connect the HDs to the Intel Mac Pros for editing.  Our format is DV-NTSC (thankfully will be tapeless HD in two weeks)
    I am not sure why, but when I go to the Video Playback option on my Mac Pro it says [Missing] Apple Firewire NTSC (720 x 480).  When I access the same option on my MacBook Pro, the Video Playback shows Digital Cinema Desktop Preview - Main.
    I can't figure this out, the desktop and the laptop are configured exactly the same.  Why are they displaying different Playback Video Output options?
    Both computers are set to Easy Setup option = Format: (all formats) - Rates: (all rates) - Use: Custom
    Sequence Preset: DV NTSC 48khz
    Capture Preset: DV NTSC 48khz
    Device Control Preset: FireWire NTSC
    *Playback Video Output: my laptop lists Digital Cinema Desktop Preview - Main and my desktop shows Apple FireWire NTSC (720 x 480) ?????
    Playback Audio Output: Default
    Edit to Tape/PTV Output Video: Same as Playback
    Edit to Tape/PTV Output Audio: Same as Playback
    Again, makes no sense to me since both computers are setup and used exactly the same way.
    On the Mac Pro, I have:
    - Trashed prefs
    - Tried to open new projects with different Settings and Presets
    - Refreshed A/V Devices
    - Exteranl Video = All Frames and Single Frames
    - Created new Easy Setups
    - Changed the Display res
    - Went into Audio/Video settings = Video Playback and get the [Missing] Apple Firewire NTSC (720 x 480) option or "None"
    - Went into Audio/Video settings = A/V Devices = Playback Output =Video = "[Missing] Apple Firewire NTSC (720 x 480)" or "None".  There is an option button highlighted but nothing happens when ai go to activare it.
    - Just changed [Missing] Apple Firewire NTSC (720 x 480) to "None" and now the option it shows is "None"
    The only way for me to view my FCP project on my Cinema Display is to connect it to my laptop.
    I have read where some people had to reinstall their FCP, which I will do if it is completely necessary, but not right now.
    Any input greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for all of your time.
    No second monitor connected.  Yes, have tried other formats.
    I don't think I am going to do a complete clean install of the entire OS and all my apps, just FCP6.  I have copies of FCP X and CS6 installed on another Mac Pro that have been waiting to be played with.  I just need to get this project finished.  It is a college graduation w/ a RT of 1:54:00 (the horror). While I am play with FCPX and CS6, I'll do a reinstall of FCP6 just because I am curious.
    I plan on purchasing five LCDs next week for previewing, so this my not even be that much of a big deal.
    As for cloning, for whatever reason, it gives me anxiety.  In all my years, 12+ years of owning Macs, I have yet to clone my system.  Again for whatever reason, I don't really trust myself that I would do it the correct way.  I have a copy of CarbonCopy but never used it .  
    I just shoot and edit..

  • Digital Cinema Desktop ?

    The option under view, for the Digital Cinema Desktop, is grayed out, I can't select it. I have an iMac and no monitors or camera connected.
    Any thoughts as to why I can't playback in full screen?

    Try the +refresh video device+ command as stated in user manual, at page 171:
    +To quickly choose a different video interface for external monitoring, do the following:+
    +- Choose View > Video Out, then choose an output option.+
    +If you cannot see external video on your monitor, try the following:+
    +- Choose View > Video Out > Refresh Video Devices to update the list of connected devices.+
    +Note: This is especially useful if you just connected an audio or video device without quitting Final Cut Express.+
    Michel Boissonneault

  • Sequence settings changed and digital cinema freezes. what now?

    hello there.
    i'm a new fcp user and i could really use some help on some issues that came up while working on a film project.
    the material was captured with the camera function of a digital still camera, which resulted in rushes of .avi format, 30 fps, 640X480 frame size.
    we then converted these into .mov clips using quicktime and compressor so that we can work without the need to render. we encoded them using the Apple ProRes 422 codec.
    i opened a NTSC project to work on this and have created a sequence preset having exactly the same settings as my clips (Apple ProRes 422, 30 fps, etc).
    i'm cutting the whole project on a macbook pro (see details below) running fcp 6.0.3 and i'm using a second monitor toggling between browser and digital cinema desktop preview.
    everything was working fine till yesterday, when suddently some sequences needed rendering (while they were working fine till then) and dcdp freezed (that is i get the first frame and i can hear the sound when i playback a clip or a sequence and then i get the current frame when i stop it).
    i've checked the sequence settings and i've found out that all of my sequences are now pal, 720X576, 25 fps. that's the first part of the problem. i tried changing the sequence settings, but of course i cannot change the frame rate; i've tried creating a new sequence with the correct settings and then copy&paste the clips from the prev sequence but then video and audio go out of synch by 2 frames. how did my settings changed all of a sudden? is there a way to keep my edited sequences without the need to manually re-cut the whole thing?
    as far as the second part of the problem is concerned (the dcdp not working anymore), i've tried changing my settings (going from full screen to raw, trying single frame against all frames, etc) but still it doesn't work. the rest of the settings are ok (eg. i've found in the forum that the checkbox about playback mirrored on the desktop should be ticked and it was already).
    this computer is never conected to the internet and it has never been manually updated (so there is not a way that an OS update is not working well with fcp).
    any ideas?

    I've experienced the exact same problems you are having and it's driving me nuts.
    It's not like my system has changed. I bought the Mac Pro and Final Cut Studio together and all was well when I first installed it. That initial project was an HDV project and DCDP worked great.
    Since then I'm working mostly on SD PAL projects and when I go to preview it on the desktop it does the first frame freeze when you hit play and parks on the current frame when you hit stop.
    I can resize the main edit window to full size and the sequence plays back fine but when I go to DCDP it just won't play at all. It feels like a bug but this is the first time I have found someone else with the same problem. By the way, I'm only using one monitor so the mirror desktop thing made no difference.
    I know the DCDP isn't great quality but it's fine for getting a general overview and I sure do miss it.
    Help us.......please......

  • Digital video camera compatible list

    hi, i cant seem to find the list here for compatible digital video cameras with mac.
    i really like the JVC hard drives, but have read here there is a loss of quality, and they are hard to work with IDVD?????
    thank you

    general rule:
    any firewire connected, miniDV
    camcorder has access to the simplicity & convenience
    of the iApps...
    This is not absolutely correct. I have personally suffered a great embarassment when I tried to showcase iMovie HD on my PowerBook G4 17" to a colleague who had a couple years old Samsung MiniDV camera with him that day. iMovie wouldn't even recognised it. And he uses it with Adobe Premiere on a PC with no problems. We then tried some JVC camera lying around and it worked perfectly. Being PC user he took it for granted but I was really shocked.
    I have immediately Googled for that camera model and, apparently, it is incompatible with iMovie at all. I can't remember the model now but if you search the net for it you'll find out.
    Since that time I am more cautious about making bold statements.

  • HDV and Digital Cinema View.

    Hi I am using Digital Cinema View for playback of my timeline (View>All Frames) and the images seems to have traces (horizontal lines is best way I can describe) and text (like rendered Motion titles for example) looks poor too. My playback is set to Dynamic. My project is in HDV 108050i. I was assuming that the image quality would be the same as in the canvas (which looks great), but perhaps I'm missing something. Is it because the files have not been conformed?? When I watched a Print to Video, the image quality was perfect as you'd expect. I'm watching on a Mac 23" Cinematic Display on a Xeon Quadcore Mac Pro, 1Gb ram, external Lacie HD fw800 connected. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Alex.

    I have to admit that I don't have an external monitor, so... I've given you the best guess I have. It is odd that the fully rendered video doesn't play "clean".
    You can certainly try "single frames" and post if that helps, kinda doubting that it will, but I really don't know.
    Sorry, but I just don't have enough experience with all this to be able to offer more help. I was really hoping that someone who really knows this stuff would jump in and set everything straight.
    As for "conforming", as far as I know, it is the process the computer goes through to make your computer a clean export (a render type action). Because of the way HDV is as a format (e.g. Highly Compressed) the computer has to work really hard to give you an image. The Conforming process "magically" makes that go away by putting the computer time in on the front end. So, while "Confroming" is an output action, it explains why without that your "output" to your screen isn't as nice looking.
    Hope that makes sense and helps.

  • Cannot open AVI files from my Digital compact camera in Premiere Elements!

    Desperately need help! I am new to video editing and I am having a tough time editing my videos (which are in AVI format coming from my Nikon P5100 digital compact camera) in Adobe Premiere Elements 9.
    The Organiser recognizes the AVI files and plays them OK.
    However when I drag them to the editing window in Premiere Elements, I get a pop up window entitled "Generic Failure" and the message is "This type of file is not supported, or the required codec is not installed."
    How do I go from there? Do I need to convert the AVI files? If yes, into which format and through which software?
    Thanks for help!

    Welcome to the forum.
    What CODEC is used in the Nikon AVI files?
    Many models use MJPEG, though it seems that some of the higher-end Nikons are making a change.
    If your AVI's have the MJPEG CODEC, see this ARTICLE. The Morgan MJPEG CODE, linked to in that article, has really helped a lot of Nikon shooters.
    Good luck, and let us know which CODEC your Nikon is using. This ARTICLE will give you more detail on AVI (and MOV, WMV, etc.).

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  • How to verify identity for keychain on iPad

    How to verify my identity on my iPad when trying to access keychain?