More IPhone-Yahoo Email Problems

I was told one year ago that iPhone can't access Yahoo! Mail when non-alphanumeric characters are used in the account password.
Now I find that iPhone can't access Yahoo! Mail when alphanumeric characters are used in the account password.
 I wonder what will be the solution now, don't use any characters in the password? 

Apple told me use only non-alphaneumeric characters in password over the phone, but also here...
I never said apple stated that alphanumeric characters can't be used in the Yahoo password.
Your reading comprehension is low.
I said "Now I find that alphanumeric characters do not work".  This means that now I am using only alphaneumeric characters and my password does not work.

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    Again, same problem here.
    I changed my Yahoo! password via laptop and  subsequently both iPhone and iPad are not able to gain access to Yahoo! mail using the Yahoo! client pre-loaded into the mail settings on both devices. I've tried a hard reset of both devices to no avail and get the message 'Server Unavailable' after deleting and attempting to set up the accounta on both devices again.
    Any help woud be appreciated, especially as (one would assume) the Apple devices should be able to receive Yahoo! mail simply given the specific Yahoo! option in the mail settings.

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    No reply tell now ? :/

  • User Agent caused Yahoo email problems

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    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Click the menu button [[Image:New Fx Menu]] and click History button, and then Clear Recent History... .
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Yahoo email problem?

    Hi - I have a Curve 8900 running v4.6.1.231
    I am on an Enterprise Data plan, with emails synched up to both my office outlook email, and my personal yahoo email.  At around 11:30 yesterday, my yahoo email stopped sending/receiving/synching with my BB, but my office outlook email is working fine.
    I tried to go into Email setup with the setup wizard, to see if maybe I had to delete and re-add my yahoo email account, but after about 60 seconds with a load message "connecting to email settings" I got a message that said "Your devide had a problem connecting to the server" with retry and cancel button - I retried with no avail.
    Not the most tech savvy person here, but was wondering if this is a problem on my end?  Or something on the BB side?  Any ideas on how to correct would be most appreciated!

    Hmmm...that's a choice you will have to make. Here's why...when you use the PC/Web interface to BIS, you must create credentials for your BIS account so that, when you log in via PC/Web, it can authenticate you to the proper BIS account. Credentials aren't needed via the device interface to BIS since you are connecting from the device. But, once you use the PC/Web interface and create credentials, you will also have to thereafter also use them on the BB itself. But, it should offer you a "remember me" checkbox so that you only have to enter those credentials on the BB the first time you use it after creating the credentials.
    Honestly, if you don't think you'll ever again want to connect to your BIS account via PC/Web, then you are probably just as well now calling your carrier. They can just as well send the Service Books (once you get through their call queue, of course!).
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • BT Yahoo email problems (external accounts) June 2...

    I'm writing now in total frustration at BT Yahoo email!
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    I then deleted a couple of Gmail accounts & tried to re-add them but this proved impossible - despite Yahoo showing that an email was being sent to the Gmail email, nothing was actually sent, so I couldn't verify or re-add the email to BT Yahoo as a result.
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    THIS IS CR%P!!!!! I'm paying for this service ... What service???
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    *sigh* ok, rant over...
    Has anyone else had this problem with external accounts??
    Is anyone else experiencing this awful service? 
    Has anyone else been put back to an old crappy version of BT Yahoo email?
    Any sympathy or advice appreciated...

    Hi Tracey_R
    I can have this looked into for you, or maybe find a way to get Yahoo to offer advice on it.
    Please send us an email by filling out the contact us form in my profile, you can click on a link for this contact us form in the section 'About Me'.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)


    This is not a question but a potential solution, I've already solved my own problem.
    I am currently running Firefox 15 with Win XP Pro and SP3. The reason I’m running 15 is, I don’t want all the reported problems with the upgrades that others keep reporting on Firefox and other forums and I don’t have any. I monitored the upgrade problems with FF 9 up to 12 and waited until the increasing complaints subsided with 15 and upgraded manually.
    I see quite a few people reporting problems with Firefox and Yahoo email. I see the same tips, delete CACHE and COOKIES and the same responses – IT ISN’T WORKING.
    Deleting every cookie is like burning down the barn to get rid of the rats when you can selectively delete only the cookie(s) for each Yahoo email account under TOOLS/OPTIONS/PRIVACY/SHOW COOKIES. This leaves the rest intact, preventing having to resign into everything else with saved passwords.
    Yahoo, like Firefox, is constantly screwing with its website. They recently changed the email home page last fall to where you had to load the folders separately with a second page command, this was Yahoo's redesign stupidity, no fault of Firefox. I got tired of Yahoo’s constant problems and set up all new Gmail accounts. They just recently updated the email home a few weeks ago back to the original format where the folders loaded on the home page with the INBOX and made an announcement to the fact.
    Last week, the home page suddenly became completely non-responsive, loading any button into the address bar but not launching them. There was no access to the folders, settings, compose etc. and every account was back to their old lavender themes I had changed to blue. This lasted for a little over a week, sending me back to Gmail accounts. I never had any problems with Yahoo email with Google Chrome or Opera but rarely use them.
    I deleted the CACHE and COOKIES and, like everyone else – no luck. Rummaging through the OPTIONS and settings, I noticed the REMEMBER MY DOWNLOAD AND BROWSING HISTORY checked. I keep this OFF, saving useless junk on my hard drive, my CACHE files are on a flash drive. I unchecked this and then went and deleted BROWSING AND DOWNLOAD HISTORY with the CACHE files and all the Yahoo email accounts were working again - go figure.
    You might try deleting the BROWSING AND DOWNLOAD HISTORY next time and see if this helps any problems.

    I usually get around to updating plugins, although I can't ever remember having a problem with the old ones.
    As a matter of fact, I think this whole Yahoo email mess started right after updating JAVA and ADOBE plugins, should have left well enough alone. Typically before updating anything, I'll check the Internet and see if there are other reported problems.
    After major installs and updates, I usually defrag to get the disk back in order. Deleting CACHE files on a hard drive every time you turn around leaves the drive in a mess to get further fragmented. Most stock defrag program may "compact" the files first, taking forever to defrag. programs like Auslogics, defrags only and can clean up a HD in a sew seconds when maintained.

  • Weird Yahoo Email Problem on my iPhone

    Okay, so I have been using my Gmail (IMAP) and another email account (POP) on my iPhone for the past few months with no problems... So I decided to add my Yahoo account (IMAP) onto my phone and now I have a weird problem with it, the inbox seems to be stuck. When you go into the inbox, it only shows the latest email (only the one if there are actually many emails in there) and I cannot access it. It's like split halfway on the screen. I know it still 'talks' to Yahoo, cause the message will change depending on what latest email I have is. And when you go out of the App, it shows a -1 on my mail icon. The other folders I have in my Yahoo account come over fine and I can access them normally, it is just my inbox itself that is all wonky.
    I tried deleting the account multiple times and even adding it on as a POP account (which I ran into problems of not being able to send mail), but I really want the access to all my folders via the IMAP.
    Anyone have any ideas how to fix it?!

    You might want to reset your Yahoo! account by changing your Yahoo! password. Here are the instructions I received from Yahoo! customer service for a different issue that I had:
    1. Delete the Yahoo! ID on currently on your iPhone.
    2. Turn off your iPhone.
    3. Sign in to Yahoo! with your PC and change your password. Many errors are caused by the way the iPhone encrypts some characters. Please ensureyour new password has no special characters (any character which is not a letter or a number, such as @ or *). This will reset our registration system and ensure that Apple treats your ID as a new connection.
    4. Turn your iPhone back on.
    5. Set up your Yahoo! Account on your iPhone using the "Yahoo!" option. Please make sure that you enter your new password when setting up the account.

  • IPhone 4S/Email Problem

    I have the iPhone 4S and my email is not pushing through. The mail setting is set for "Push". Please advise

    If you are having a problem with push on an account like Yahoo then go to settings-mail,contacts,calendars and then open the mail account and delete it.  Then re-setup the account and it will start pushing the mail again.

  • FireFox and Yahoo email problems - specific FireFox problem.

    - FireFox often does not list attachments properly if at all thus cannot be downloaded. This problem does not exist when using Safari or the Windows Firefox. Yahoo Inbox shows that the email has an attachment, but when the email is opened,
    - The listing of emails in the 'Inbox' does not have either a page number or scroll bar. This problem does not exist with Safari or the Windows FireFox (accessed via Windows via Parallels.)
    - Sometimes the 'Inbox' mail items do not display at all despite clicking on the icon. This sometimes happens with the other folder icons such as Sent. Logging out & back in seems to fix it.
    - Sometimes I log into Yahoo Mail & all my custom folders are missing. Again, this problem only occurs with the OSX FireFox version. Unless I click on Folders. But this is a little inconvenient as I have some mail deliberately sent to specific custom folders & will not know if there is any new mail in such folders unless I click on folders. Folders should show below the inbox, be open & not cover over the inbox icon.
    I updated FireFox a month ago which temporarily fixed these problems but the problems have been back for the past couple of weeks.
    FireFox 24.0
    MacOSX 10.6.8, MacPro 2008

    I've discovered the problem is mostly Yahoo! 7's new design. Going to Options and switching to Basic view helped for some issues such as folders and attachments. At this point problems seem to have gone. I'd recommend this for anybody else having a similar issue. And do NOT click on the 'Switch to the newest Yahoo!7 Mail' link! :D

  • Yahoo email problems

    Hi, I cannot receive email or download email after a particular date.  I can send email.   Would appreciate some help.  Thx.

    I had problems that I posted in another thread where it wouldn't take my password in VPN, Mail, or on Web pages that authenticate. I had the character @ in my password. I changed my password to include only numbers and letters and it worked find after that!
    There's also been an issue since iPhone came out that wasn't fixed by the 1.1.1 update today. My IMAP display name is set to "Lastname, Firstname". The comma in the display name is causes it to display incorrectly in Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, and Outlook Web Access running on Exchange 2003. Everything after the comma is ignored. Other clients seem to work okay. I blame iPhone, however, since it only happens with e-mails sent from iPhone. Changing the display name to something without a comma works fine.
    Why does iPhone have problems with special characters?

  • Iphone and email problems - help please!

    I have a few questions about email on the iphone I wondered if someone could help me with?
    1. If I check my email at home on wifi everything is fine, I can recieve and send emails no problem. If I am outside and using GPRS ( Not found an EDGE signal yet ) I can recieve emails but when I try and send one it tells me it cannot find the outgoing server after trying to send the email for a few minutes.
    2. Sometimes I open my email and its fine but when I go back and try and open an email I have previously read it says "This message has not been dowloaded from the server". How do I get the email to stay there?
    Thanks guys

    See my reply on this post.
    In sort, even once you view it, it will not remain in the Inbox for will attempt to redownload if accessed later.

  • BT Yahoo email problem

    I believe I am not the only one with this issue.
    When logged onto my emails I can open and read the messages, but when I click onto my Inbox to review other messages I am returned to the sign on screen, and have to log on again.
    This happens every time, meaning I need to log on for each email message - it's driving me nuts!
    I am using Google Chrome, and the problem began suddenly a few days ago.
    Any suggestions please?
    Go to Solution.

    You are correct that you are not the only one. There is no fix other than don't use Chrome.
    See these links

  • IPhone 6 email problem since iOS 8.2

    Hi all,
    I currently have three email accounts on my phone, two exchange emails for work and a hotmail for personal emails.  I upgraded to iOS 8.2 at the weekend and everything had been working fine until they stopped synching this morning.  After reading up for reasons on this I decided to delete the accounts and try to install them again.  This has worked for the Hotmail accounts but I now can not even add the Exchange accounts.
    Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone have any tips?  I have tried to reset the network settings and this has also proved unsuccessful.
    Many Thanks

    Hi Pete1436,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that after deleting your Exchange accounts from you iPhone, you are having difficulty setting them back up. To ensure the proper set up steps are being followed, I would suggest reading over and working through the steps provided in the attached article. 
    Set up Exchange ActiveSync on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    Best regards,

  • Iphone 4 Email problem, cannot reply or send an email only receive.

    I have my new iphone4 setup and working perfectly interms of receiving email from my various accounts. However, when I attempt to replay or initiate an email nothing happens.
    I have reviewed all the setup options and cannot locate where the problem lies. Has anyone else had any problems and if so can you share the solution.

    I only recently started having this problem in the last week or so. I've had my iPhone4 since the end of June and suddenly, I start experiencing weird quirks and this was one. This morning, I finally powered down and restarted the phone and responding to and creating email works again. Give that a shot. If that doesnt work, perhaps try removing your email account from the phone and re-adding it. <<shrug>> I dunno... Anyway, good luck!

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