I have an ar reserve invoice that has 3 delivery documents to it.  when i click the target document it gives the first delivery document.  how can i find the other 2 delivery documents.... is there keyboard shortcut keys or something to move from one delivery document to the other etc....
thank you in advance.

Hi RUSS......
Try this query......
Select T0.DocEntry,T0.DocNum,T0.DocDate, T2.DocNum, T2.DocEntry, T2.DocDate
From ORDR T0 Inner Join RDR1 T1 On T0.DocEntry= T1.DocEntry
Left Outer Join DLN1 T2 On T1.DocEntry=T2.BaseEntry
Hope this will help you....

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    Dear Experts,
    How to from more than one delivery note - conversion into one invoice?
    Thanks and best regards,
    Wilson Hong

    Dear Wilson Hong,
    Single invoice for multiple deliveries will takes place based on these criterion
    1.If you want single billing document for multiple deliveries these data should be same in all order for all items.
    -> Payer
    -> Inco term
    -> Payment term
    -> Actual GI Date from Delivery
    -> Shipping Condition
    -> Account Assignment Group
    -> Exchange rate (in case of export sale order)
    -> Foreign trade data.
    2.In addition to this you need to maintain proper copy control settings between delivery and invoice.
    Go to VTFL transaction input your delivery type and invoice type then go in to the item level settings here you find field Data VBRK/VBRP maintain this field with routine 3-Single invoice.
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    I hope this will help you,

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    Hi Andrea.,
                        I dont think it is possible in standard SAp functionality,it may be possible with some technical changes
    REWARD if helpfull
    Thanks & Regards

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    Hi MP,
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    The spell check goes with the keyboard layout being used.  Just activate both English and French in Settings > General > Keyboard and then use the Globe key to switch between them.
    (I think there is bug in Pages, however, so that this doesn't work for that -- you have to change the OS language).

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    Thanks for all the help! It feels good to be a part of the goodguys team =)
    Thanks again!

    First, I don't subscribe to the "one should not use an admin account" philosophy. For someone who is the owner and main user of any given machine, I see the use of anything but an admin account a bit anal, totally unecessary, and needlessly complicating.
    On the other hand, I don't see the need for more than one admin account on any given machine. Yes, I see exceptions to this, and many people favor having a second admin account as a "backup," but I have never had more than one admin account on any of my machines, and have never encountered a situation where one would have helped.
    In short, I like the idea of having a "main" admin account that is used most of the time, and then having "secondary" accounts (all non-admin) for any additional users that might log in.
    Now, any limitations that apply to you as a GUI user of an account, admin or not, will apply to you at the command line as well. In other words, you can't get yourself into any more trouble at the command line than you can within the GUI. In fact, you might even be better protected at the command line than you are in the GUI. I say this because any action that would ordinarily "elevate" you above the standard capabilities of a non-admin user require the use of "sudo." Avoid the use of sudo, and you can avoid any problems.
    That doesn't mean that you wouldn't be able to do something stupid that might wreck an account that contains "all of your stuff," and on which you depend. It is not likely that you would damage your System, but it is entirely conceivable that you might, for example, accidently delete or overwrite your entire HOME folder. Oops!
    If you simply don't trust yourself with the command line, a second account might be a good place to experiment. Maybe create it as a non-admin account at first, with the option to change it to an admin account at a later time, when you want to learn how to use "sudo" to do more powerful things. By then, you will understand what not to do. Eventually, you will have the confidence to use the command line in your own account, which will have been an admin account all this while.

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    select id, name from col_tab where dept_name in ('ECE','CIVIL');
    when i was running this it is working well.
    TYPE type_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur);
    END pack_str;
    PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur)
    OPEN ans FOR
    select id,name from col_tab where dept_name in char_in ;
    END str;
    END pack_str;
    the package was created.
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    Hi Rebekh ,
    I am recreating your packages for the desired output.
         TYPE type_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
         PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur);
    END pack_str;
         PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur)
              lv_t varchar2(200);
              lv_t := REPLACE(char_in,',',''',''');
              lv_t := 'select id,name from col_tab where dept_name in (''' || lv_t || ''')' ;
              OPEN ans FOR lv_t;
         END str;
    END pack_str;
    Input Parameter char_in is a comma seperated value for dept_name

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    Only one video role, only one audio roll, per clip.  Only one as these are "Media Stems", and when you work with Stems, only one roll per asset video, one per asset audio.

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    You cannot create more than one index for the same column(s).This is not so true Nicolas. Look at following example:
    SQL> create index idx_mytest_id on mytest(id);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_mytest_id_desc on mytest(id desc);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_upper on mytest(upper(id));
    Index created.
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    Index created.
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    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_lower_id_dsc on mytest(lower(id) desc);
    Index created.
    SQL> create index idx_fbi_mytest_id_tr_up on mytest(trunc(upper(id)));
    Index created.
    -- I can still continue but for this example this will be enough
    SQL> select index_name from dba_indexes where table_name = 'MYTEST';
    7 rows selected.You can see 7 indexes for one column (ID) and I could still continue...
    So according this test we can say you can't create more than one index for one column (or the same group of columns in case of composite index) with same condition(s).
    Message was edited by:
    Ivan Kartik
    Or simplified: you can't create the same index for same column(s) twice :-)

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    RH 8 outputting CHM
    Is it possible to define more than one style for a single link state?
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    I can't simply hand format in Design mode, because my link is within a script. Or, am I missing something easy here?
    Thanks much.

    I'm pleased to say I figured out how to change the formatting of a hyperlink embedded within a script.
    Within the script, I used a var string to reproduce the text in my link. Then I used another var to change the string size.
    So, here's the part of my script that produces what I'm after:
    var mailDisplay = 'Was this information helpful? ';
    var str = 'Was this information helpful?';
    var mailDisplay = str.fontsize("1");
    Upon generation of the CHM, the script trumps the CSS. It's a beautiful thing.

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    Is there a way to pass more than one provider for an action ?
    Or exists another way to do that ?

    In fact, my code was completely right. I tried with commas and it hasn't work. When I tried again without commas it worked perfectly...
    Nevertheless, thanks for the advice!

  • SapScript - Print table out_par - more than one entry for object

    Hi Gurus,
    following problem.
    I have a SapScript form and call an external program from within the form.
    In this programm I get more than one entry for the same out_par-value - this is correct.
    My problem now is that on the form there is only printed one of the entrys.
    Here my coding in SapScript.
    /:           DEFINE &ZZ_OBJECT& = '        '
    /:           USING &CAUFVD-AUFNR&
    /:           CHANGING &ZZ_OBJECT&
    /:           ENDPERFORM
    *           All involved object:
    *           &ZZ_OBJECT&
    Many thanks in advance for your help.

    In Sapscript PERFORM-ENDPERFORM statements, the parameters can contain only one value as they are variables of type character & length 80.
    If you want multiple values in your CHANGING parameters, fetch all of them in different variables. Also, in your program store them in the same order, in the output internal table of structure ITCSY.
    Check this thread

  • Can we give more than one value for an Authorization field in Auth-Check.

    Hi all,
    Can we give more than one value for an Authorization field in Auth-Check.
    ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '02'
    ID 'CUSTTYPE' FIELD <Value 1> <Value 2> <Value 3>.
    IF SY-SUBRC 0.
    MESSAGE E...
    If yes, please help me with exact syntax.
    Think it will be like
    ID 'CUSTTYPE' FIELD: <Value 1>, <Value 2>, <Value 3>.

    yes we can give more than one field.
    program an AUTHORITY-CHECK.
    AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT <authorization object> 
       ID <authority field 1> FIELD <field value 1>. 
       ID <authority field 2> FIELD <field value 2>. 
       ID <authority-field n> FIELD <field value n>. 
    The OBJECT parameter specifies the authorization object.
    The ID parameter specifies an authorization field (in the authorization object).
    The FIELD parameter specifies a value for the authorization field.
    The authorization object and its fields have to be suitable for the transaction. In most cases you will be able to use the existing authorization objects to protect your data. But new developments may require that you define new authorization objects and fields.
    please reward points, if it is useful.

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    I need to provide more than one constructor for one class because I need to have one parameter passed to one constructor and many to another. Is that possible and how it will affects in the instantiation of the object?
    Thanks again

    One more note about constructors...
    if you define a constructor to take argument(s)
    and don't define the default constructor it is not available.
    public class myClass
       public static void main(String args[])
          // Ok
          myClass c = new myClass("Hello World");
         // Not Ok
         myClass c2 = new myClass();
       } // main
       public myClass(String name)
          named = name;
       } // myClass
      String named = null;
    } // myClassIf you want to be able to construct the object with the default and parameter constructors, you must declare them all...
    public class myClass
       public static void main(String args[])
          // Ok
          myClass c = new myClass("Hello World");
         // Ok
         myClass c2 = new myClass();
       } // main
       public myClass()
          named = "No Name";
       } // myClass
       public myClass(String name)
          named = name;
       } // myClass
      String named = null;
    } // myClass

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