Motion 4 newbie tutorial?

Ok I know you're all on 5 now, but I had to get an upgrade of FCS for SL and I've been advised to avoid FCP X like the plague - so I found an FCS3 box - which has Motion 4. Never tried Motion before so I thought I'd give it a go.
When the project opens it offers you: "View the Quick Tours" - that just takes you to an FCPX page - no good to me.
Next option is: "Begin with an Online Tutorial" - again an FCPX page - with some proprietory tutorials. These seem quite random and advanced.
Have apple taken down the beginner's M4 tutorials?
Have they taken down the beginners's M5 tutorials?
Would an M5 tutorial even be any use to an M4 user?
Is there anywhere I can go to get started?
I have decades of Avid, FCP and Photoshop, but never needed M before, so need a total newbie guide.

OK - I found one

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  • 10.5 Server : Standard Installation : Newbie Tutorial /  Setup Walk-Through

    Hello all,
    I recently setup OS X Server 10.5 for a client after doing it many times at my home. I could not have possibly done it without the help of this discussion board so thanks to everyone asking and answering questions!
    To help other server newbies easily setup Server 10.5 (as apple claims), I'm hoping to make a basic installation procedure that will always work for newbies. Right now it's not exactly "detailed" - just the basic steps to ensure success.
    Below is my setup procedure that has worked well for me (especially at my house). It's for a Standard installation; and we'll be setting up the server to include Mail (local only), iChat, VPN, File Sharing, iCal, Web Server/Wiki, Apple Remote Desktop access, and Time Machine (may not work well).
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    +to help make sure this works, try using all the names i've used below (besides perhaps user names & passwords); like ""+
    *1) Setup Router*
    • ensure router is properly connected to modem/internet
    • router lan address =
    • subnet mask =
    • dhcp on
    • dhcp server starts at =
    • dhcp server ends at =
    • dns server (opendns servers) =, (not a completely necessary step, but may help ensure it works)
    • port forward to = vpn (udp: 500, 4500; udp/tcp: 50)
    • port forward to = ard (tcp: 5900, 5988; udp/tcp: 3283)
    *2) Install/Setup Server*
    • startup server computer with installation cd and start installation process
    • choose "Standard Installation"
    • setup administrator account with the following settings:
    user name: Administrator
    short name: admin
    password: admin
    • setup network settings (choose manual configuration):
    manual ip address =
    subnet mask =
    router =
    dns server =
    search domain = house
    • primary dns server =
    • server name = server
    +choose all the services and let installation complete; wait until desktop loads+
    Verify things are initially okay:
    • Open safari, and type "" in the address bar (ensure wiki appears)
    Good, now:
    • Download latest 10.5 server combo update, install, restart.
    • Run software update until all updates are installed (may require several restarts)
    • Setup a dyndns account for your server, install dyndns software (make sure it's updating via web and the ip address doesn't start with 10.x)
    *3) Setup Server Preferences*
    • open server preferences
    • go to file sharing: turn on file sharing
    • go to vpn: turn on vpn
    shared secret = somethingsecretive
    ip address range = -
    • go to users
    • make new user(s) with all options enabled
    +you should now have all services in server preferences enabled (if not, enable them) and user names setup; for good measure, restart the computer again+
    *4) Setup Client Computers*
    +make sure client computers have all software updates installed before proceeding+
    • Open system preferences: network
    • Make a new location called "Server"
    • Set TCP/IP to DHCP
    • DNS Server =
    • Search domain = house
    • Click apply
    It's probably a good time to double check that the internet works - open Safari and google something. Good, it works.
    There are two ways to setup the client computers to connect to the server with basically no manual configuration needed:
    First way:
    Go to system preferences: accounts: select user name to associate with server: select "server account" (if available): enter appropriate info for user on server: wait a bit: restart computer
    or (if "server account" isn't available):
    Second way:
    Open finder: applications: utilities: directory utility. once opened, it should automatically find your server. if it doesn't, click the lock, click "plus sign", type = "open directory", server name =, click ok
    • enter appropriate info to connect to server and ensure it's set to automatically setup all services, once finished - restart.
    *5) If the automatic setup didn't work, here's how to manually setup the client workstations:*
    • Open Safari and type "" in the address bar, enter user/pass, make sure it connects to wiki.
    • add new jabber account
    • jabber id = [email protected]
    • server =
    • port = 5222
    • kerbos = on (you can leave off if you want)
    You can test by connecting to your Jabber account
    • open Network in system preferences
    • click lock
    • click "plus sign"
    • interface = VPN
    • vpn type = L2TP over IPSec
    • service name = server
    • server address = your dyndns address
    • click advanced
    • dns server =
    • search domain = house
    • click ok
    • click authentication
    • enter user's server password
    • enter "somethingsecretive" in "shared secret"
    • click ok - click apply
    You can test by clicking "connect" - after verified, disconnect.
    _File sharing_
    • Open finder: click "Server" under "Shared"
    • If it connects as guest, click "connect as"
    • enter your server username/password
    Drag a file to and from a folder to make sure file sharing works
    • Add new mail account (imap)
    • Incoming mail server =
    • Outgoing mail server =
    • Outgoing authentication = kerberos 5 (or password)
    • user name = [email protected]
    • enter password
    Check to make sure you get the server welcome e-mail and that you can send email to other users on the server.
    *Time Machine* (very problematic at this time)
    • Open Time Machine in System Preferences
    • Click "options"
    • Eliminate as many folders as possible to keep backup times shorter; click done
    • Click "change disk"
    • Select "Server" disk; click "use for backup"
    ** I highly recommend using local SuperDuper! backups and/or Retrospect for networked backups to the server. Other options include the dot mac Backup application or online backups (google it).
    *If you have PCs on your network that you want to be able to connect to the server for file sharing*
    • Open Windows Explorer (my computer)
    • Click tools: map network drive
    • Enter "\\server\public" (or if you setup a user account on the server for the pc user(s) i think you can use "\\server\pcusername" - and follow the next two steps)
    -Click "connect using different user name"
    -Enter pc user account username/password
    • save settings
    Check to make sure the drive shows up and you can move files to/from server
    Helpful info for newbies setting up server 10.5:
    • Apple's Server Resources page with all manuals
    • Probably the most helpful newbie setup discussion
    • Probably the most helpful newbie setup discussion #2
    • Discussion about DNS
    • "Time Machine is a dog... discussion"
    • Manage Central Address Book discussion
    • Leopard to Windows Files Sharing Issues discussion
    • Lynda's 10.5 Server Training Videos (this does cost money and I haven't personally used it, but it looks very helpful)
    I hope that's a good start for people, but I'm sure some setting(s) can be tweaked or I missed something that could make this process go even more smoothly. Lets make this the definitive newbie standard installation setup tutorial.

    Hi gikku,
    Good idea! I forgot about the web server port forwarding, that will allow the wiki to be seen over the internet.
    One question: what does adding the dyndns address to "Server Admin > web > settings > sites" actually do? I'm not too knowledgeable about Server Admin.

  • Motion 5 tutorial

         How do i get the 30 day trial for apple motion on a macbookair?

    If you are trying to download it from the App Store I don't see a trial version. You'll probably have to call the Apple Store to check if there is one. According to Yahoo Answers there is none

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    (click the video in top left)
    If anyone can offer some help it would be greatly appreciated.
    Warmest Regards,

    mark, patrick, pierre and Longstrider - thankyou - sucess!
    Longstrider- special thanks for your fab run through I knew it couldn't be too tricky... hehe - it really isnt!
    I have got it shaking and mimicked exactly as in the sample vid clip - now i just have to add the randomisation on opacity, and perhaps some graininess to the text (text edging&fill is a bit sharp and clean).
    Once again - thankyou so much!
    Warmest Regards,

  • Motion 4 tutorials

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    Thanks in advance for any advice

    hubh wrote:
    When I tried to do some basic moves by exactly following the tutorial step by step I found that hardly any of the Icons I clicked on responded. Where am I going wrong ?
    Unfortunately no one knows where you're going wrong because you haven't specified what steps you've performed and what your specific problem is.

  • Best upgrades to speed up Motion?

    Hi, I'm a motion newbie, mostly working with templates and stuff like that.
    A lot of these templates use a huge amount of power.
    Right now I've got:
    Nehalem 2.66 GHZ 4-Core
    8 GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeoForce 8800 GT
    ... From watching the activity monitor when rendering big Motion and FCP processes, the bottleneck does NOT seem to be either the processor (usually at below 150%) or the RAM (usually 4 or 5 gigs free at any time).
    .... Am I then correct in thinking that the only thing that would be make a difference be to upgrade to the ATI RADEON 4878?
    Thanks any opinions....

    The ATI 4870 card will made a difference. You could try waiting for Snow Leopard to appear, and by all accounts it not that far off, when there is 'supposed' to be better graphic drivers available for the nVidia based cards, like the 8800. But if you need it now, the go for the 4870. Good luck.

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    I just started learning JSF (and JSP) by following the tutorial:
    JSF for nonbelievers: Clearing the FUD about JSF
    I'm getting a ServletException and I'm not sure why. Instead of starting the tutorial over, I'd like to learn what I'm doing wrong.
    The exception is:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Method not found: [email protected]()
    root cause
    javax.el.MethodNotFoundException: Method not found: [email protected]()In the calculator.jsp page (a simple page with two form fields), I noticed that when I type CalcBean., my IDE (NetBeans) only autocompletes the class variables and neither of the methods (add and multiply). I quickly searched and someone suggested restarting the server. This did not fix my problem. I must be doing something completely wrong or I missed something in the tutorial. If you don't mind, please read the simple files below and see if you can spot anything wrong. Please keep in mind this is my first time using JSF (and JSP for that matter). If you can suggest a better newbie tutorial, please do! Thanks
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app version="2.5" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ================================== -->
    <faces-config version="1.2" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
                    The "backing file" bean that backs up the calculator webapp
    package secondapp.controller;
    import secondapp.model.Calculator;
    * @author Jonathan
    public class CalcBean {
        private int firstNumber;
        private int secondNumber;
        private int result;
        private Calculator calculator;
        /** Creates a new instance of CalcBean */
        public CalcBean() {
            result = 0;
            setCalculator(new Calculator());
        public String add(int a, int b) {
            result = calculator.add(a,b);
            return "success";
        public String multiply(int a, int b) {
            result = calculator.multiply(a,b);
            return "success";
        // <editor-fold desc=" Accessors/Mutators ">
        public int getFirstNumber() {
            return firstNumber;
        public void setFirstNumber(int firstNumber) {
            this.firstNumber = firstNumber;
        public int getSecondNumber() {
            return secondNumber;
        public void setSecondNumber(int secondNumber) {
            this.secondNumber = secondNumber;
        public int getResult() {
            return result;
        public void setCalculator(Calculator calculator) {
            this.calculator = calculator;
        // </editor-fold>
    package secondapp.model;
    * @author Jonathan
    public class Calculator {
        /** Creates a new instance of Calculator */
        public Calculator() {
        public int add(int a, int b) {
            return a+b;
        public int multiply(int a, int b) {
            return a*b;
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
        <head><title>Calculator Test</title></head>
        <body bgcolor="white">
            <h2>My Calculator</h2>
                <h:form id="calcForm">
                    <h:panelGrid columns="3">
                        <h:outputLabel value="First Number" for="firstNumber" />
                        <h:inputText id="firstNumber" value="#{CalcBean.firstNumber}" required="true" />
                        <h:message for="firstNumber" />
                        <h:outputLabel value="Second Number" for="secondNumber" />
                        <h:inputText id="secondNumber" value="#{CalcBean.secondNumber}" required="true" />
                        <h:message for="secondNumber" />
                        <h:commandButton id="submitAdd" action="#{CalcBean.add}" value="Add" />
                        <h:commandButton id="submitMultiply" action="#{CalcBean.multiply}" value="Multiply" />

    In the future, please add some line breaks so I don't have to scroll horizontally to read your post.
    The problem is that the CalcBean.add/.multiply method is requiring two parameters. This method should be parameter-less. When talking about action methods, they should return String and not take any parameters.
    So, remove the parameters. You collect a firstNumber and a secondNumber from the user. These are the numbers you want to add (or multiply). Use those values (instead of the parameters) to calculate the result.
    The code changes aren't too complicated. I'd write them out for you, but you seem interested in learning (which is great by the way!). Let me know if you need more help on this.
    ps - I see more problems with the code, and I haven't given you all the answers. I know, I'm mean. You'll learn better if you try to fix things on your own first. I've just given you enough info to overcome the immediate issue. =)

  • Motion Upgrade - lost tutorials

    I upgraded to Final Cut Studio 2 and trying to use the Motion tutorials that came with FCStudio 1. (Motion 2 tutorial as there is not Motion 3 tutorial that i can find). But the tutorial files are not there, however the media files are in the libraries. Anyone else have this issue? Should I install Motion from the pervious version and then do the motion upgrade in Final Cut Studio 2....i have a feeling this might mess everything up.

    Hi Patrick,
    In the last hours i resolved this. Somehow the folder /Tutorial Projects that contained "Tutorial 1 Result.motn", "Tutorial 2 Result.motn", through "Tutorial 5..." was overwritten or deleted with the upgrade. I installed Motion 2 on another computer and brought the entire "Tutorial Projects" folder over via a memory stick. And the tutorial is working fine. Thanks for a reply.

  • Linear encoders with Motion Assistant

    I recently ordered some SIKO MSK5000 linear encoders ( ) for a stepper motion application.  I hooked one up as a test and according to the status LEDs it worked but Motion Assistant (1.3) seemed to not pick it up.  Then I realized that I am not even sure what motion assistant should be doing!  I can't find in the documentation what exactly should happen when I hook up an encoder so could someone help me out?  We want to make sure they work before installing them (which will require lots of disassembly.)
    Relevant hardware:

    Hopefully I can get you going with with Motion Assistant.  Basically the Motion Assistant is software that allows you to easily develop and test a motion control program through a fairly straight-forward API.  You can create a set of moves, called a script, one step at a time to see the cumulative effects of these steps.  This script can then be converted into LabVIEW code or several different text-based programming codes.  Before you begin using the Motion Assistant, however, you need to configure you motor setup in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).  In MAX you setup the properties of your specific motor, encoder, limit switches, control style, etc.  Below is a link to a Motion Fundamentals tutorial on, and I believe the Configuration section should help you through configuring you motor in MAX.
    This link has a good tutorial on the Motion Assistant itself:  Hope this helps.
    Jason N

  • Call for email address from database?

    I'm pretty new to asp pages.
    I've got hundreds of customer contact forms that I would like
    to create as
    .asp pages, so that when the form is sent it calls for the
    email addresses
    to send it to from a database.
    This is an attempt to hide the customers email address from
    showing on the
    Can anyone please point me in the direction of a newbie
    Many thanks

    fbcojman wrote:
    > I am storing a field for email address in my MySQL
    database. I'd like, when
    > using PHP to pull from my database, when the email field
    is returned, for it to
    > be a link to that email address.
    <a href="mailto:<?php echo $row_recordsetName['email'];
    ?>"><?php echo
    $row_recordsetName['email']; ?></a>
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • Vi to drive R/C servo

    I plan on using a high precision R/C servo to control control surface deflections for an experiment that will be run in one of our wind tunnels. I would like to drive the servo with Labview and am curious if anyone has any experience doing it. I need to generate a pulse modulated signal to control the servo.

    You will probably get more responses to this question if you post it under the Motion category.
    There is a motion control tutorial in Developer Zone you should check out titled "Determining the correct drive for your servo motor".
    There is also a KnowledgeBase entry titled "Specification Issues When Using the Servo NuDrive with a Specific Motor" that is worth checking out. You can search KnowledgeBase at

  • Creating a "track" out of a shape

    If I want to make one shape run along a path that is the same shape as an irregular line that I have created (think of a dot moving along a line graph at a constant speed), is there a way to make a duplicate of that line shape and then convert it into a path for another shape to follow? Thanks in advance for any ideas.

    You can apply the Motion Path behavior to the "dot" and in the behaviors tab, change the path to Geometry then drag your irregular line into the source well.
    For an example of how this is done, check out my Motion Path tutorial on You Tube.
    [Motion Path Tutorial|]
    Message was edited by: Andy Neil

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