Motion con AE y Premier

Hola, recurro aki a ver si me podeis echar unamano, tengo que crear un proyecto para final de master de Motion Graphics con Premier y After Effects, y la idea que tengo no se si se puede hacer, ya que soy bastante novata en el tema.
Bueno os cuento la idea a ver si es posible y si no es excesivamente dificil porque voy muy muy justa de tiempo. Tengo unas imagenes, con unos paisajes, y unas con unos personajes, y me gustariá  a ver si se puede hacer, que de alguna manera los personajes "salieran de la foto", y poder moverlos por el escenario, son entre 2 y 3 minutos de proyecto, pero estoy tan perdida, porque me manejo mas o menos con las herramientas pero todo lo que he visto de ejemplos me parece super complicado de hacer para mi que mis nociones son muy basicas.
A ver si me podeis ayudar y decirme si es posible hacerlo y como o darme algun ejemplo de montaje que no sea muy complicado.
Muchas gracias de antemano.

Esas cosas se pueden hacer, y se hacen, todo el tiempo con After Effects.
Pero no sé si es realista plentearse algo así si eres muy novata.
Esencialmente, la técnica consiste en llevar las fotos a Photoshop, recortar cada personaje para llevarlo a una capa independiente y luego (lo más dificil) con las herramientas de clonación, recontruir el agujero dejado en el fondo por el peronaje recortado con mucho trabajo... para que no quede un agujero.
Finalmente en After Effects los personajes se ubican en planos 3D separados del fondo, todos las capas se convierten en capas 3D y se usa habitualmente una cámara para hacer una órbita en torno a la escena.
Como verás, no es el tipo de recurso con el cual debería comenzar un novato!
Adolfo Rozenfeld

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    Go to File/Project Properties and change the default action when adding stills to FIT or CROP.
    You can also change Ken Burns to FIT or CROP on individual slides by using the Rotate Crop Ken Burns Tool.

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    Agradecido por su colaboracion

    En la linea de tiempo haz clic con el de la derecha encima del video y con el menu escoger velocidad/duracion poner la velocidad en negativo -100

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    I was assuming you simply wanted to play those DivX videos via your Quicktime Player - and therefor - FrontRow. The codecs are now installed on your machine and QT should play those DivX vids. Not sure why you need to use the converter.
    But if I ever get in a pinch with funky non-compliant vids, I convert them to .mp4s using iSquint so that they are compatable with my QT Player and FrontRow.

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    Paint strokes are always on a 2D plane in 3D space, and always in "local 3D" which means they cannon interact with other objects (unless you keep them as 2D).
    However, you can animate particle emitters and replicators along a motion path in full 3D space and wrap around objects.

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    No hay muchos usuarios expertos en Premiere que frecuenteneste foro de usuarios, por lo que te aconsejo que contactes al Soporte Tecnico de Adobe y les facilites detalles de hardware asi como el proceso que lleva a ese problema.

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    If you already have a video you want to work from, you can also make a stop-motion from that without too much trouble.
    1. Put your video into a sequence
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    3. In the program monitor export a frame at each marker, be sure to check the import into project box
    4. Select all the exported frames, right-click and set the duration you want for each
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    Assuming you're not shooting in 3D mode, I'm not sure why this is happening.
    As long as you're not shooting in 3D mode, this is a standard AVCHD camcorder, which I've done lots of motion tracking with.
    Since you manually copied the file from SD card rather than getting the media using Premiere Elements' tools, it is quite possible you grabbed the wrong file. Try this: Plug your camcorder (with SD card in the cam) into your computer via USB and set the camcorder to VTR/play. Then go to Premiere Elements' Add Media/From Flip or Camera and use that tool to get the video from the camera to your computer.
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    Jorge Vega

    Importa la inagen PSD con el fondo transparente ya que asi al ponerla en premier sobre una capa de video veras la imagen en 1º plano y de fondo el video luego con el motion en la ventana de efect control en el motion lo acomodas y escalas al tamaño k desees

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    Thanks in advance.

    If you are trying to break into the industry, it would be wise to know who uses what.
    Avid is the brand favorite just about across the's been around a long time, so if you're trying to get a job, being fluent with Avid systems will be very attractive in most places.
    Final Cut Pro is used more and more by various people, often times as a companion suite to Avid systems. It's Mac only, which is not true of Avid or Premiere Pro, so that could come into consideration for you. FCP is used frequently by smaller, "independent" videographers and filmmakers because of the relatively cheaper price point when compared with some Avid systems (although many or all of the Avid systems are dropping in price lately because of competition).
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    Your very best bet is to figure out who you're trying to work with and then find out what they are using. Interoperability is huge. Also, if a studio is FCP and you want a job there, telling them that you are familiar with FCP but are primarily a Premiere Pro user isn't going to meant diddly when they start hiring.
    If you're like me, and you run the show, then pick whichever works best for you. The differences between them all is more on style of editing than feature support. They are very similar across the board in terms of format support, editing tools, panels, effects, etc. Notice I didn't say "identical," but similar. I learned on Final Cut but moved to the Adobe solution - meaning Premiere Pro for editing - years ago, and I've never been able to match my speed/efficiency and overall happiness with Premiere Pro.
    EDIT - something else to consider...many people I know who are purchasing Final Cut Studio are ALSO purchasing Production Premium suites. Here's the deal: Photoshop and After Effects are considered essentials for most people - even if they have the FCP studio, with Motion and all that jazz. Purchasing a copy of Photoshop and a copy of After Effects costs MORE than just buying the whole suite, so people are ending up with both Premiere and FCP (or Avid) on their machines anyway. The flipside is not nearly as often true (that is, most people primarily working in the Adobe production suite do not need FCP studio or Avid, and in a lot of cases, Premiere Pro users are on a PC anyway, thereby prohibiting FCP as a secondary purchase option). So if you can choose, and Premiere Pro suits you best (check the trial for CS4 when it's available soon), then you may save money by making it your primary platform and not bothering with the Apple suite.
    Good luck!

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    -- My most expensive Mitsubishi TV that has worked fine on everthing via HDMI for the past 6 months (Comcast Motorola HD DVR, PS3, Wii, Wireless Media Extender) will not work via HDMI with the Verizon Motorola STB.  Green screen of death.  I don't have any optical audio cables, so I'm currently running with component cables and regular audio (which sucks).  This is horrible.
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    -- The DVR skip buttons are nearly worthless to the impatient (read: me).  If you hit the skip button too fast, it either doesn't skip at all or causes the video to go blank.  On my other TV which is working via HDMI, this makes it have a green screen of death and I have to turn the TV off and back on.  This is a big deal for me.  I'm used to hitting the skip button quickly a set number of times to skip past known lenghts of commercial breaks.  I simply can't do that with Verizon.  I have to hit the skip, wait a couple of seconds, hit the skip again, wait a couple of seconds, hit the skip again, oops... it didn't skip... I must not have waited long enough, hit skip again.  THIS IS INFURIATING.
    -- If I have rewound back into a certain channel's buffer, as far as I can tell there is no way to immediately return to live TV.  Comcast's remote had a LIVE button that would skip to the end of the buffer without clearing it.  The only way I've figured out to do it is change channels then come back to the original channel, but this sometimes clears the buffer so that isn't acceptable.
    -- I can't adjust the end time of an already recording program.  This comes up frequently, especially with sporting events and programs that have been delayed because of sporting events preceding them.  I'll sit down in the middle of a show and start playing the recording from the beginning but notice the basketball game before it is still finishing.  I want to extend the end time of the recording so I can start watching it immediately from the end of the basketball game and not have to worry about whether it will be in the buffer or not.
    -- If I have two succesive shows set to record, there are several seconds dropped between the two shows in the recordings.  Comcast would miss one maybe two seconds... Verizon misses almost 10.  Why does this matter?  Well, sometimes shows run a little long and with Comcast I would be guaranteed to see the end of that program on the beginning of the next recording.  Not so with Verizon.  For example, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report.  Frequently the "moment of zen" at the end of The Daily Show is a few seconds after the end time of the show.  I could always see it at the beginning of the Colbert Report recording with Comcast. Now it is completely gone on the Verizon recordings.  South Park always runs several seconds long, but now I miss the end of every episode because it's not at the beginning of the Reno 911 recording.  THIS IS REALLY INFURIATING.
    -- Whether or not a show is New is not easily discernable from the guide.  The "New" icon needs to be one of the ones that show up in the guide listing, not just the info screen.  Having to hit the Info button to tell if a show is new or not really annoys me.
    -- The DVR does not offer to automatically extend the end time for live events as Comcast's did.  I have to go through several annoying steps to extend the end time.
    -- I can record sporting events as a series, which Comcast didn't let me do.  This is great!  I no longer have to go through the guide and manually record English Premier League, Champions League or MLS games.  I just set up series recordings.  This, I REALLY like.
    -- The channel selection is way better (more HD, more music, more sports)
    -- I don't have to buy the entire latin language channel package just to get Gol TV which has english audio too.  THANK YOU!
    -- The series recordings do a much better job with cable shows that repeat a gazillion times a week than Comcast's did.  I couldn't even set many cable shows to be series recordings on Comcast or it would fill up my DVR.  THIS IS EXCELLENT.
    -- Changing what series are being recorded or their priority doesn't cause all the shows you removed from the recording schedule to magically appear back in the schedule to be recorded like Comcast's DVR does.  THIS ROCKS.
    So, there are several things I like a lot better than Comcast but there are also many things I hate about Verizon so far.  Coupled with the fact that my FiOS router just stopped working last night (blinking red light) requiring a new router to be sent meaning I'll have no internet all weekend (I'm at work right now), the fact that they still haven't buried the fiber and the fact that the installer lied to me about the green screen of death on my Mitsubishi, I'm seriously second guessing my decision to switch.

    Yeah that's exactly why HBO says no HD On Demand, even though it makes zero sense since it's no different than watching a regular HD broadcast. I don't find it too big of a deal though considering all of the HD HBO channels Fios has combined with HBO airing everything a million times a week. Plus, if it keeps HBO from putting those annoying logos and banners like the other premium channels (Starz, Showtime, etc.) then I'm fine with it. If I'm paying extra money for a channel, it shouldn't have those in my opinion. HBO and Fios will have to add more HD On Demand for free relatively soon in order to stay competitive. It should be an easy thing for them to do.
    The SD picture is better with a 7216 DVR than the 6416 DVRs. I also switched from Comcast and the SD picture with my 7216 is very noticeably better than Comcast's boxes, so I'd try playing around with your settings or switching to a 7216 box if you don't have one. Almost everybody I've talked to thinks their SD picture is better than comcast's. Mine, although not as clear as HD obviously, isn't pixelated or blurry at all. Even G4, a channel owned by Comcast, is greatly improved over Comcast's signal. G4 on Comcast was almost unwatchable it was so pixelated. Since Fios is fiber, they don't hav e to compress and degrade the signal as much as Comcast does .

  • How do i blend image and video on premier?

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    Thanks in advance

    Video on track one.  Image on track two.  Use the motion property to locate and size the image.

Maybe you are looking for