Mounted disk images wont eject or unmount

I have a problem where when I mount a disc image, after installing the software, I cannot eject or unmount the image. Dragging the mounted image to the Trash does nothing.
I can successfully unmount the images from Disk Utility but it's a bit of a hassle to fire up an application just to unmount an image.
Anyone else have this problem or any ideas how to fix it ?

Hey Ken, thanks for all your advice and input. Cheers.
PS - do you ever sleep ?
My user name is Mitch - no spaces or non alpha but it does have a Capital M. Is this likely to cause a problem ?
I am the holder of the admin account as well.
I haven't reset my PRAM but I have repaired my disk to no effect.
My original install was a completely fresh install after a 7 pass erase of my HD. The update to 10.5.1 was via software update.
When I get home tonight I will download the stand alone 10.5.1 updater and reset the PRAM.
This problem isn't a show stopper by any means as I can eject via disk utility but I'm just curious as to what is causing the problem.
As an aside, CD's and DVD's eject fine.
As far as Time Machine is concerned, I have been a long time user of Retrospect Express and I definitely prefer the control Retrospect has over what gets backed up over Time Machine. I also find Time Machine much slower backing up than Retrospect so I think I'll go back to Retrospect. My main backup needs are iTunes and iPhoto and it's quite difficult using Time Machine to exclude everything except those 2 libraries.

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    What you need to do is quit Google Earth, open the Applications folder (with Finder in front, click the "Go" menu then "Applications") and drag the application into the Applications folder. After it copies, eject the installer diskimage and you can delete it.
    Some installers run a program that installs the app and its support files, and others (like Google Earth) just open the diskimage package and show you the application icon, which makes it all to easy to just doubleclick to run. Since diskimages cannot be ejected while files are open, things get messy real fast.
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    Nicely done Scott, thanks!

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    jsd2 wrote:
    Try the following:
    Mount the disk image so that there is a disk icon on the Desktop, and then launch Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities).  Copy-paste the following line into the Terminal window, and then type a single space. Do not type <Return> yet:
    sudo mdutil -i on
    After typing the single space, drag the mounted disk image icon from the Desktop into the Terminal window, click inside the Terminal window, and then type <Return>.  Enter your admin password at the prompt (it will not echo on the screen),  and again type <Return>.
    Hopefully that will enable Spotlght indexing on the mounted image. It might take some time to complete depending on the contents.
    The result for this for me, three times, was "Indexing disabled."

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    Some part of the OS is messed up... I've heard that if you Deltas you must stick with those, if you do Combos you must stick with those, no idea if it's true, as I always use the bigger Combo Updates.
    Most likely the best solution for both of you is an Archive & Install...
    Then apply...
    The combo update for PowerPC-based Macs...
    The combo update for Intel-based Macs...

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    I just recently installed 10.4.9 and now I can't
    mount any disk images. I get an error saying broken
    pipe. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
    Here's what MacFixit says :
    Disk images not mounting [Updated] Several users report an inability mount disk images after applying the Mac OS X 10.4.9 update.
    If you are having a problem where disk images won't mount, try booting in Safe Mode (by holding down the Shift key while starting up), then re-attempting mounting of the disk image.
    This solution is particularly useful for the following scenario: You want to try re-application of the Mac OS X combo updater (a common workaround for issues that occur after an incremental Mac OS X update), but are unable to mount the combo updater disk image.
    Prior to booting in safe mode, however, you can delete the following files:
    * /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
    * /System/Library/
    and re-attempting the mount. These, and other cache files, are automatically deleted when you boot in safe mode, but you can potentially save some time by trying deletion of these files (then logging out and back in) first.
    Another option is to use an alternative tool that can mount disk images, like, FlashMount, or Toast Titanium.
    MacFixIt reader Joy Denton is one user who had success with our posted workaround:
    "Just wanted to let you know that I had the issue of Disk Images not mounting. This occurred after installing Mac OS X 10.4.9 from Software Update. Fortunately, I read your post regarding a possible fix by using the Combo Update and used Toast to mount the disk image. Ran the Combo Update and ran AppleJack once again. I am now able to mount disk images. This was an annoying problem to be sure."
    But imho the best advice that can be given about software updates is to always have a clone of your system on another partition or external HD so you can boot on it if anything goes wrong. From an external system you can repair your internal disk, install the Combo update if the incremental one failed, etc.

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    It seems that Apple changed the AFP setup for Mountain Lion and that this is an error.
    Hope they get it quickly fixed in 10.8.1!

    I can't even see my mounted images via SMB... that *****!

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    I can get this to work if I lock the image, but this makes it a pain to trash.

    jsd2 wrote:
    Try the following:
    Mount the disk image so that there is a disk icon on the Desktop, and then launch Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities).  Copy-paste the following line into the Terminal window, and then type a single space. Do not type <Return> yet:
    sudo mdutil -i on
    After typing the single space, drag the mounted disk image icon from the Desktop into the Terminal window, click inside the Terminal window, and then type <Return>.  Enter your admin password at the prompt (it will not echo on the screen),  and again type <Return>.
    Hopefully that will enable Spotlght indexing on the mounted image. It might take some time to complete depending on the contents.
    The result for this for me, three times, was "Indexing disabled."

  • Mac wont mount disk images, and fails to auto detect some usb devices.

    for some reason, all of a sudden, my mac won't mount disks. even disks I know in the past have worked.
    also, it wont auto detect some external devices. especially jump drives and hard drives and audio interfaces. It has to be rebooted with the the devices connected.
    I know its not a hardware problem, because everything runs smooth in windows on this computer.
    I did some extensive cleaning recently, and installed a lot of new stuff, but i don't know what could be causing this.
    any help would be greatly apreciated!

    This USB faq may help.
    An SMC reset may help you mount disks.
     DALE

  • Disk images suddenly will not unmount.

    One of several intermittent troubles I am having on my new 24" iMac with Leopard:
    suddenly when using disk images none will unmount. Only launching Disk Utility and unmounting them there works. Or logging out of my account. The eject symbol next to the disk image's name doesn't work. Dragging the disk image to the trash doesn't work either. If I have a disk image open and click eject it's Finder window closes, but he disk image remains mounted.
    Three wipes of the HD and reinstalls of Leopard have failed to fix this issue.

    I've got this one too. It also happens with external drives and not just disk images.
    I made a little apple script which ejects disks and disks images.
    on open some_items
    repeat with this_item in some_items
    do shell script "hdiutil detach " & quoted form of POSIX path of this_item
    end try
    end repeat
    end open
    open the above in Script editor and save it as an application. Put this application (or an alias to it) on the desktop. To unmount one or more disks drop them onto this application (you can do it with several disks at once). I find that this works a bit faster than launching disk utility and ejecting the drives manually. Still, it would be preferable if they just fixed it.

  • Mounted Disk Images

    Hope this isn't too dumb a question, but I must admit I've never really fully understood disk images. I suppose my question is: does the icon for the application it represents always have to sit there on my desk top. I ask this based on an experience with Adobe Flash Player. Recently I got the message I needed an update. When I downloaded it I was given instructions that have led to a disk image permanently on my desk top. Yet I'm sure with earlier versions I did not have the Flash Player icon sitting there on my desk top. Is there some way to download things like Adobe Flash Player without having their icon up front staring at me? It seems to me I managed somehow in the past with earlier versions. (I did look through the OS help and on-line with this question before I came here.)

    Think of a disk image (.dmg file) as a CD or DVD.  When you download a .dmg file and open it, it "mounts" to your desktop (the same way when you put a CD or DVD into your computer - it mounts and you can see it on your desktop).
    Install the application either by double-clicking the installer (Adobe Flash is like this) or dragging the application icon to your Applications folder.  Doing either of these installs the application to your internal hard drive.
    Once the install is complete, righ-click (or CTRL-click) the mounted image and "eject" it.  You can then safely DELETE the .dmg file.
    Hope that helps.

  • Problem with mounting disk images

    I have recently downloaded a media player and have had some problems. When I download the file to my desktop and try to run it, it gives me a "warning" window. In the window, it says that "the following disk images failed to mount" and gives "device not configured" as the reason. The file on the desktop's path is .dmg just to be more clear. So...yeah...any advice??

    Just to make sure (I don't think this is your problem, but it's easy to check), make sure /System/ Library/ CoreServices/ is present on your Mac.
    Do you have another user account on your Mac? If necessary, use System Preferences> Accounts to create a new troubleshooting-only administrative user account. Check if that new user account can open .dmg files. If it does, that indicates a problem with the preferences in your normal user account. Use Preferential Treatment to scan your prefs. You can also drag the ~/Users/ [yourusername]/ Library/ Preferences folder tot he desktop, log out and back in, and see if .dmg images work, then move your prefes back from teh Preferences folder on the Desktop to the one in ~/Users/ [yourusername]/ Library. Or you might just try moving these prefs to the Desktop:
    /Users / [yourusername]/ Library/ Preferences/
    If the troubleshooting user account also shows the problem, first run Disk Utility/ Repair Permissions. If that doesn't fix the problem, try running the OS X Update Combo 10.4.7 (Intel) (using Disk Utility to expand that .dmg file after downloading).

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