Mouse FLIES out of no where on the next slide!!!!

So if one of my slides has a little video camera next to it.
on the next slide the Mouse flies out of the top right of the screen!!!

To FIX this.
Show mouse (an additional mouse) on the previous (video) slide.
Move this mouse to the appropriate area it should be for the next slide.
HIDE this mouse on this previous (video) slide..
--Makes no sense to me.. my wonder colleague discovered this trick!!!!

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    In iPhoto 6 there is no Shuffle option in the slideshow mode. However, if you select an album or a number of photos in the library and use the Play button in the toolbar at the bottom there will be a Shuffle option in the Settings window. That's the only place you'll be able to shuffle the slides.
    Do you Twango?
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    Thank you.

    Hi there
    You do this by inserting a Click Box or a Button object on each slide. Either of these objects will typically pause the slide until clicking the object or another action makes it proceed.
    Cheers... Rick
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    Keynote is programmed to execute all of the effects in a build sequence before it will move to the next slide.
    If you want tobe able to move to the next slide at any time in a sequence of builds, you will need to set all of the builds on that slide to:  "on click". You will then need to execute each build by pressing the space bar or click the left mouse button for each object.

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    Hi there
    When you import a PPT, you have two options. One option allows the PPT to just play through. The other option inserts a Click Box object on slides that prevents the slide from moving forward until clicked by the user. The choice is made in the dialog.
    The default is On mouse click. After your slides arrive, the timeline looks like this:
    To allow the slide to move forward, delete the Click Box.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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    Hi. Why not to make the whole presentation in FLASH? What you have to do is to import all the slides inside FLASH. Then place one by one in the stills and then create the code to make the stills advance and show the slides by means of the button. The code for the button goes as follows:
    on (release) {
    to introduce this code make sure you press the button and no the frame.
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    fscommand ("showmenu",false);
    fscommand ("fullscreen", true);
    You will need also a button to quit the aplication. This is the code:
    on (release) {
    fscommand ("quit");
    Now write all of this in your application and let me know your experience. MamenFLASH$

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    Hi Mariana
    You are correct in thinking you should use something to pause
    a slide. Can you use a picture arrow? Absolutely! You would either
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    has ample time to do things before the button appears.
    Cheers... Rick

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    * You see the orange (on Linux gray) Firefox button if the Menu Bar is hidden (View > Toolbars > Customize or right-click a toolbar).
    * If you need to access the hidden Menu bar then press F10 or hold down the Alt key to make the Menu Bar appear temporarily.

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    I once had the same problem, but it was worse because the length of the video was more than the maximum delay that could be set (Keynote'08, I do not know if this changed in '09). I was helped by someone of this community. She suggested adding invisible text fields, each having a delay, sequenced one after the other. Together they added up to a sufficient delay to play my video and go to the next slide after that. I hope this information will be of use, if need arises.

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    Hi there,
    Swift reply as usual!
    I actually solved this one.. I just had to add "go to next slide" in the advanced action!
    I did have to copy and paste all my work into a new project though.. must have had my second bug of the week!
    Thanks anyway

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    I don't like that approach for adult learners, cannot refrain from mentioning that.
    Don't use a playbar but create custom navigation. You'll need a next button on each slide that appears after the audio (in timeline). Since slides will not all have the same duration you'll need an individual button per slide, a shape button on master slide or timed for the rest of the project will not be possible.

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    The AT&T stores (Apple's premiere partner) can't even get any to sell (other than using Direct Fulfillment), Apple stores now answering their phones, and now the online availability showing no phones in stock 5 days after release within a 15 state area. I think that demands that questions be asked to individuals at Apple's corporate level that determined the marketing and supply strategies for a major product release like this.
    I congratulate Apple on the milestone achievement of selling 1 million iPhone 3G's in a 3 day period, but I find it difficult to believe that a global leader like Apple would have failed to anticipate this kind of demand and the response to consumers to be '...we don't have anymore...' or '...we have a shortage problem...'. The question again; Where are the new iPhone 3G's, and when will they be available for us to purchase again? If the statement that stores are getting shipments daily is true...

    Thanks Nathan, and that's where I have been checking at since Friday evening. IMO though, it's only 50% effective simply because it isn't real time, you can only check it for the 11 - 12 hours a location is closed. If a location receives stock in at 11am today, well you wouldn't know that unless you go into the store every day and ask (and most likely you're not going to get an answer from the store reps other than what I noted above) or after 9PM. A leader in the computer industry such as Apple should be more than capable to provide real-time tracking of produc availability (in fact, they do it all the time for their online store).
    Right now, it's not so much that I can't tell whether a store has stock or not but more of why isn't the phone in stock in most of 15 states on the Tuesday after the launch weekend? Is Apple sold out? Are the stores holding them until this weekend for another 'spectacle' event? Why don't the stores answer their phones to advise customers during the day if the shipment 'they receive most days' is there and you can stop in and pick one up?
    Bottom line, my opinion is that the management of the release, distribution and sales of this particular product (at least where I'm at) is lacking the minimum level of customer service that should be the standard in the industry, let alone for Apple.

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