.mov file name

i ran the imovie for the first time ver 4.01,,,and it saved for email to .mov
i sent to someone and they couldnt open, i assumed it was an apple name. becaue it runs fine on mac..
is there another extension name or way to make the file PC user viewable,,

Hi Kim
Just to add to Sue.
How did You do Your QT.mov file ?
1. used that one in the project/media folder/icon
2. Exported from within iMovie as a QT.mov
1. doesn't work = it's not a full movie but just a reference to the real thing on
Your hard disk. So if Your friends are not connected to Your Mac they can't
find Your files.
2. You have to make the QT.mov "self containing" - thick the small box
down left when exporting as QT.
Yours Bengt W

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    then the movie should be
    How can I do this?
    Here is a screenshot of the workflow.

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    on run {input, parameters}
      -- Use the "Make Movie..." command in PowerPoint to make a QuickTime movie
              tell application "System Events"
                        tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
      open input
                                  set frontmost to true
                                  set theNameOfPresentation to title of last window
      -- Click on the Save as Movie... command in the File menu
                                  perform action "AXPress" of menu item "Save as Movie..." of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
                                  repeat until ((exists of sheet 1 of window theNameOfPresentation) is true)
                                  end repeat
      -- Enter the name of the Presentation
                                  set value of text field 1 of sheet 1 of window theNameOfPresentation to theNameOfPresentation & ".mov"
                                  delay 2
      -- Click on the Save button
                                  perform action "AXPress" of button "Save" of sheet 1 of window theNameOfPresentation
                                  delay 2
      close input
                        end tell
              end tell
              return input
    end run

  • Is there any meaning to the iMovie .mov file names?

    I went into iMovie Events folder and looked at the a specific event folder.
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    clip-2007-12-01 14;51;04.mov
    clip-2007-12-01 15;32;09.mov
    clip-2007-12-01 17;00;33.mov
    clip-2007-12-01 17;19;44.mov
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    To add a bit to what Winston has already said... Files imported via the "Import from Camera..." option are typically files captured from a camcorder or a device which iMovie '08 considers to be a camcorder. Thus the prefix "Clip-". Theoretically, the "2007-12-01 14;51;04" represents the date time group when the files was imported or the "time stamp" from the recording device which may or may bear any resemblance to a factual time. And as was previously pointed out, the ".mov" is a standard extension signifying the file container type. Therefore "clip-2007-12-01 14;51;04.mov" is a file clip imported or created on the 1st of December in 2007 at 2:51:04 PM and placed in an MOV (generic) file container.
    With regard to the file container itself, this is determined by the method of import. Files imported at the "Finder" level are imported with their original "Finder" name and in the same file container as the original file. Camcorder files, on the other hand fall into two separate classes -- those requiring some sort of conversion and those that don't. An standard definition DV file is imported in its original DV container since it does not require any conversion. Files encapsulated in MPEG (like HDV, AVCHD, or MPEG-2), however, need to transformed to make them "edit" compatible with iMovie '08. At the very least, the audio is demuxed to "elementary" AIFF file(s) resampled to 48.0 KHz with 16-bit sampling and is now in a "temporal" compression format. In the case of HDV and AVCHD, the video is extracted/converted and can then be merged/synchronized with the audio and saved. This merging and saving of diverse content is what produces the MOV file container in the same manner as using the "Save As..." file command in QT Pro. HDD SD content however must undergo additional processing. Since the 'muxed" MPEG2/AC3 content does not share a common time reference, a "time" track is added to the container for audio time reference and to reduce/minimize drifting between audio and video tracks, the modified MPEG-2 video (now essentially having been turned into an Motion-JPEG video) is provided with an internal track start and/or end time offset and the whole saved in the generic MOV file container.

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    WOW!  it's truly amazing how helpful it is to know where things are and how to use them!  thanks so much! 
    I might as well ask another question.  If I were to make a 4 hr. timeline, but can only burn 2 hrs. to a DVD, is there a way to select pieces of the movie to share, but not the whole thing?

  • Download files from application server - unknown file name

    Hello everybody,
    I am working on a report allowing users to download XML files from the application server. All these XML files are created by the SAP system and their names can be found in a table. I can simply use OPEN DATASET for these files, put all file content to a buffer and send them to the GUI with CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download.
    The problem is now that some files are touched by an external document management system. These files are moved to another directory and timestamped. The first is no problem since the folder name is always the same and can be replaced before the OPEN DATASET statement. But additionally, the file gets a timestamp, when the filename was xyz.xml before, it now gets xyz.xml.01012008123456123456. As I cannot try all possible values (mircoseconds!), I need a way to search for the right filename on the application server. Is there a function module for this available?
    It can always be stated that the former name (xyz.xml) is still a unique prefix, so I don't have to worry that xyz.xml.* will return multiple files.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    I copy the function GET_DIRECTORY_FILE. In the eyelash of tables create one structures:
    DIR_FILES           LIKE                  ZDIR_FILES
    The single structure has component NAME (char 250).
    I code of the function that I use is:
    FUNCTION zget_directory_file.
    ""Interfase local
    *"  TABLES
      DATA: a_dir_name TYPE  char120,
            a_generic_name TYPE  char120,
            a_must_cs TYPE  char120.
      a_dir_name      = name_of_dir.
      a_generic_name  = name_of_file.
      a_must_cs       = sp_cs.
      DATA: errcnt(2) TYPE p VALUE 0.
      IF a_dir_name IS INITIAL.
       MESSAGE e220.     " 'Place cursor on valid line !'.
      CALL 'C_DIR_READ_FINISH'             " just to be sure
          ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD file_list-errno
          ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD file_list-errmsg.
      CALL 'C_DIR_READ_START' ID 'DIR'    FIELD a_dir_name
                              ID 'FILE'   FIELD a_generic_name
                              ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD file-errno
                              ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD file-errmsg.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        sy-subrc = 4.
      file-dirname = a_dir_name.
        CLEAR file.
        file-name = '*.zip'.
          ID 'TYPE'   FIELD file-type
          ID 'NAME'   FIELD file-name
          ID 'LEN'    FIELD file-len
          ID 'OWNER'  FIELD file-owner
          ID 'MTIME'  FIELD file-mtime
          ID 'MODE'   FIELD file-mode
          ID 'ERRNO'  FIELD file-errno
          ID 'ERRMSG' FIELD file-errmsg.
        file-dirname = a_dir_name.
        MOVE sy-subrc TO file-subrc.
        CASE sy-subrc.
          WHEN 0.
            CLEAR: file-errno, file-errmsg.
            CASE file-type(1).
              WHEN 'F'.                 " normal file.
                PERFORM filename_useable USING file-name file-useable.
              WHEN 'f'.                 " normal file.
                PERFORM filename_useable USING file-name file-useable.
              WHEN OTHERS.              " directory, device, fifo, socket,...
                MOVE sap_no  TO file-useable.
            IF file-len = 0.
              MOVE sap_no TO file-useable.
          WHEN 1.                     " end of directory
          WHEN 4.                     " filename too long
            MOVE sap_no TO file-useable.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            ADD 1 TO errcnt.
            IF errcnt > 90.
            IF sy-subrc = 5.
              MOVE: '???' TO file-type,
                    '???' TO file-owner,
                    '???' TO file-mode.
            WRITE: / 'C_DIR_READ_NEXT', 'SUBRC', SY-SUBRC.
            MOVE sap_no TO file-useable.
       PERFORM p6_to_date_time_tz(rstr0400) USING file-mtime
      * Does the filename contains the requested pattern?
      * Then store it, else forget it.
       MOVE-CORRESPONDING file TO file_list.
       APPEND file_list.
        MOVE file-name TO dir_files-name.
        APPEND dir_files.
       IF a_must_cs = no_cs.
         MOVE-CORRESPONDING file TO file_list.
         APPEND file_list.
         IF file-name CS a_must_cs.
           MOVE-CORRESPONDING file TO file_list.
           APPEND file_list.
    *&      Form  filename_useable
         -->A_NAME     text
         -->A_USEABLE  text
    FORM filename_useable USING a_name a_useable.
      DATA l_name(75).
      l_name = a_name.
      IF l_name(4) = 'core'.
        a_useable = sap_no.
        a_useable = sap_yes.
    ENDFORM.                    "FILENAME_USEABLE
    With this I obtain all the archives XML of that route in a table
        name_of_dir = dsn
        dir_files   = zfiles.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      LOOP AT zfiles .
        IF  zfiles-name+0(2) = 'O_' AND
            zfiles-name+2(3) = sy-mandt AND
            zfiles-name+5(1) = '_' AND
           zfiles-name+22(4) = '.xml'.
          file = zfiles-name.
    I hope this helps you.

  • Cannot move any files into trash to delete them. I get a Trash warning box saying "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in 'file name' could not be read or written.(Error code - 36)".Macbook has so much data it is almost not working

    Cannot move any files into trash to delete them. I get a Trash warning box saying "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in 'file name' could not be read or written.(Error code - 36)".Macbook has so much data it is almost not working.
    I have tried reseting to factory settings by removing battery and holding down the power switch for more than 5 sec but this does nothing.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I think with so much unwanted data on the desktop and other places the whole os will crash very soon.
    Thanks, Rick

    The hard drive may be dying anyway, or the directory damaged because it is so full.  You should never let the hard drive get over 85% full.
    A -36 error is a read/write error.
    All you did with the power is reset the SMC.  Does nothing to reset everything to factory settings. 
    Do you have your original 10.4 installer discs for the MacBook?
    Is your data backed up?

  • How move file with space in the name to another foler on Linux from ABAP?

    Hi experts,
    My requirement is to move the file on Linux to another folder via ABAP program.
    IN SM49 is defined ZMOVE command for "mv" operating system command. In ABAP, fm:
    SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE calls ZMOVE external command to move the file to another folder.
    But in case that file has space in the file name, then the fm gives error and the file can not be moved.
    I have tried as given in the Note 1152084 - Parameter for external commands but it doesn't work.
    Don't know if the reason is that the note is for Windows or Unix and we have Linux.
    So, I have tried with ''%file name%' and '''file name'''.
    PLease advice hoe to move file on Linux to another folder from ABAP program if the file has spec in the name.
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,
    Danijela Zivanovic

    You can also try :
    mv "file\ name" /<path_to_new_dir>
    (Put "\" before each space)
    Rajesh Narkhede

  • Trying to move a file based on file name

    ok, so i feel like this should be an easy thing to accomplish, but sadly, i can't seem to get it. here's what i got...i have an automator app that will take a file that has been scanned in (pdf) and rename it to the name in a field in one of my filemaker databases. got that working. now, depending on the name of the file, i need this applescript to move that file to the correct folder. for instance...if the file name starts with "P", then i need it to move to 'folder 1'. if it starts with 'L", it needs to move to 'folder 2'....and so on. this is what i've got, but it doesn't work. can someone point me in the right direction?
    on run {input, parameters}
    set FileName to input as text
    tell application "Finder"
    if name of FileName starts with "P" then
    move file FileName to folder "Drive:Folder:Folder1"
    else if name of FileName starts with "8" then
    move file FileName to folder "Drive:Folder:Folder2"
    else if name of FileName starts with "L" then
    move file FileName to folder "Drive:Folder:Folder3"
    else if name of FileName starts with "T" then
    move file FileName to folder "Drive:Folder:Folder4"
    end if
    end tell
    return input
    end run

    if character 1 of FileName is "P"
    Whoops rereading your code I realized I completely misdiagnosed the problem there as "begins with" is proper applescript. What are you passing in as Filename? Try a "display dialog FileName" near the beginning of your script and see what you get. You might also try ...if fileName contains "string"...so you don't need to worry about starts with etc.

  • Just bought a new macbook w/ mtn lion. transferred data from my old macbook over n it created another user name. that's actually good--xcept for music, which i want on my new acct. How do i move files from my "old comp" acct to my new one?

    i just bought a new macbook w/ mtn lion. when i transferred data from my old macbook over, it created another user name (i called it "old computer"). That's actually good--I'm not going to be accessing old files frequently--except for music, which i want on my new user name. How do i move files from my "old comp" account to my new one? Is there a way to easily move large #'s of files, or just one by one? I've googled extensively but can only find instructions for OSX 10.6 and previous, which talks about the "Shared folder," which I can't seem to find.      

    jesster03 wrote:
    i just bought a new macbook w/ mtn lion. when i transferred data from my old macbook over, it created another user name (i called it "old computer"). That's actually good
    That's actually bad. Peruse Pondini's Setup New Mac guide and seriously consider starting over.

  • Move files and create unique name something wrong with my script

    Can you see where I might be going wrong here?
    Just trying to create a unique name if something exists.
    In English.
    Move file to the destinationFolder
    Item exists in destinationFolder > Move file in the destination folder to the fake Trash > If it exists in fakeTrash too then give it a new name an ending of_a.psd then out it in the trash
    Once thats done move start file to the destination folder.
    Currently when the file exists in the destination folder and in the trash, I get the prompt then the error
    error "System Events got an error: Can’t get disk item \"NN_FR10WW06290PK3LE.psd\"." number -1728 from disk item "NN_FR10WW06290PK3LE.psd"
    set fileMatrix to {¬
              {folderName:"BHS", prefixes:{"BH", "SM", "AL"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Bu", prefixes:{"BU"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Da", prefixes:{"ES"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Di", prefixes:{"DV"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Do", prefixes:{"DJ", "RA"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"In", prefixes:{"GT", "CC"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Fr", prefixes:{"FR"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"No", prefixes:{"NN"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Ma", prefixes:{"MA", "MF", "FI", "MC", "MH", "MB"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Pr", prefixes:{"PR"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"To", prefixes:{"TM15", "TM11", "TM17"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Wa", prefixes:{"WA"}}, ¬
              {folderName:"Se", prefixes:{"SE"}}}
    tell application "Finder"
              set theHotFolder to folder "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Pictures:HotFolderDone"
              set foldericon to folder "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Pictures:Icons:Rejected Folder Done"
              set fakeTrash to folder "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:FakeTrash"
              repeat with matrixItem in fileMatrix -- look for folder
                        set destinationFolder to (folders of desktop whose name starts with folderName of matrixItem)
                        if destinationFolder is not {} then -- found one
                                  set destinationFolder to first item of destinationFolder -- only one destination
                                  set theFolderName to name of destinationFolder
                                  repeat with aPrefix in prefixes of matrixItem -- look for files
                                            set theFiles to (files of theHotFolder whose namestarts with aPrefix) as alias list
                                            if theFiles is not {} then repeat with startFile intheFiles -- move files
      move startFile to destinationFolder
                                                      on error
                                                                display dialog "File “" & (name ofstartFile) & "” already exists in folder “" & theFolderName & "”. Do you want to replace it?"buttons {"Don't replace", "Replace"} default button 2 with icon 1
                                                                if button returned of result is "Stop"then
                                                                          if (count theLastFolder) is 0 thendelete theLastFolder
                                                                else if button returned of result is"Replace" then
                                                                          set fileName to get name ofstartFile
                                                                          if exists file fileName indestinationFolder then ¬
      --next line moves existing file to the faketrash
      move file fileName of destinationFolder to fakeTrash
      move file startFile to destinationFolder
      --if it already exists in fake trash give it a new name then move that file to fake trash
                                                                                    on error errmess numbererrnum -- oops (should probably check for a specific error number)
                                                                                               log "Error " & errnum& " moving file: " &errmess
                                                                                               set newName to mygetUniqueName(fileName,fakeTrash)
                                                                                               set name of fileNameto "this is a unique name"-- or whatever
                                                                                               set name of fileNameto newName
      --Now move the renamed file to the fake trash
      move file fileName to fakeTrash
      --now move the startfile to destination folder
      move file startFile to destinationFolder
                                                                                    end try
                                                                else -- "Don't replace"
                                                                          if not (exists folder "Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:Rejected Folder Done") then
                                                                                    set theLastFolder toduplicate foldericonto desktop
                                                                                    set theLastFolder to folder"Hal 9000:Users:matthew:Desktop:Rejected Folder Done"
                                                                          end if
                                                                          delay 0.5
      move startFile to theLastFolder with replacing
                                                                end if
                                                      end try
                                            end repeat
                                  end repeat
                        end if
              end repeat
                        if (count theLastFolder) is 0 then delete theLastFolder
              end try
    end tell
    to getUniqueName(someFile, someFolder)
         check if someFile exists in someFolder, creating a new unique file name (if needed) by adding a suffix
              parameters -          someFile [mixed]: a source file path
                                  someFolder [mixed]: a folder to check
              returns [list]:          a unique file name and extension
              set {counter, suffixes, divider} to {0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "_"}
              set someFile to someFile as text -- System Events will use both Finder and POSIX text
              tell application "System Events" to tell disk item someFile to set{theName, theExtension} to {name, name extension}
              if theExtension is not "" then set theExtension to "." & theExtension
              set theName to text 1 thru -((length of theExtension) + 1) of theName -- just the name part
              set newName to theName & theExtension
              tell application "System Events" to tell (get name of files of folder(someFolder as text))
                        repeat while it contains newName
                                  set counter to counter + 1 -- hopefully there aren't more than 26 duplicates (numbers are easier)
                                  set newName to theName & divider & (item counter ofsuffixes) & theExtension
                        end repeat
              end tell
              return newName
    end getUniqueName

    There are numerous errors in your script, and it's a large script so there might be more, but these are the standouts for me:
    At line 48 you:
                                                                          set fileName to get name of startFile
    which is fair enough - you then use this to see if the file already exists in the destinationFolder. However, if it does the logic about how to deal with that is flawed.
    At line 56 you catch the error:
                                                                                    on error errmess number errnum -- oops (should probably check for a specific error number)
                                                                                              log "Error " & errnum & " moving file: " & errmess
                                                                                              set newName to my getUniqueName(fileName, fakeTrash)
                                                                                              set name of fileName to "this is a unique name" -- or whatever
                                                                                              set name of fileName to newName
      --Now move the renamed file to the fake trash
      move file fileName to fakeTrash
      --now move the startfile to destination folder
      move file startFile to destinationFolder
                                                                                    end try
    so let's focus on that.
    56: catch the error
    57: log the error
    58: generate a new unique filename
    59: change the name of fileName to some other string
    Hang on, wait a minute.... we already ascertained that at line 48 you defined fileName as a string object that indicates the name of the file. This is just a string. It's no longer associated with the original file... it's just a list of characters. Consequently you cannot set the 'name' of a string, hence your script is doomed to fail.
    Instead, what I think you want to do is set the name of the startFile to the unique string. Files have filenames, and therefore you can set the name.
    You have a similar problem on line 64 where you try to 'move file filename to fakeTrash'. fileName is just a string of characters. It isn't enough to identify a file - let's say the file name is 'some.psd'. You're asking AppleScript to move file some.psd to the trash. The question is which some.psd? The one on the desktop? in your home directory? maybe on the root of the volume? or maybe it should search your drive to find any/all files with that name? nope. None of the above. You can't just reference a file by name without identifying where that file is. So you probably want to 'move file fileName of destinationFolder...'
    There may be other problems, but they're likely to be related - all issues with object classes (e.g. files vs. strings), or not being specific about which object you want.
    As I said before, though, I might be way off - you don't say where the error is triggered to make it easy to narrow down the problem. Usually AppleScript will highlight the line that triggered an error. Knowing what that line is would help a lot.

  • Move Excel file to Archive and add timestamp to file name

    I have SQL Server 2012 and using Excel Source and OLE DB Connection to import Excel data to DB.
    Currently file is located on C:\\Excel\filename.xlsx. I'm using File System Task to move file to C:\\Excel\Archive\filename.xlsx after Import Task.
    Now I would like to add timestamp to file name after moving file to archive. I would like to modify file name as C:\Excel\Archive\filename_timestamp.xlsx
    How to add timestamp to filename?

    here you go with example
    thank you

  • Prores files not recognized... most of the time [message -- file '[file name].mov' cannot be imported – this 'MooV' file is damaged or unsupported.]

    Running AE CC 13.2 on iMac with Yosemite 10.10.2
    I just started getting an error message when trying to import any number of ProRes 422 (HQ) files.
    file ‘[file name].mov’ cannot be imported – this ‘MooV’ file is damaged or unsupported.
    This happens approximately 90% of the time. There have been occasions where I can open and view files of this type.
    I have gone through the various troubleshooting options here:
    http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2013/08/solutions-for-problems-with-quicktime-files-in -after-effects-cc-12-0-because-of-conflict-with-dvcprohdvideoout-quicktime-component.html
    I reinstalled ProApps to no avail.
    Permissions are fine.
    Creative Cloud recently updated AE over the past few days. Perhaps this incremental update fouled something up? Last weekend, things worked perfectly fine.
    I have also noticed that it takes a lot longer to load AE (since using last weekend). I have used Time Machine to roll the application back to last week's version to see if that helps.
    Any insight is appreciated.

    The update last week was just to Adobe Camera RAW and not really AE. It would be unlikely to cause the issues you describe. Have you tried turning your Mac all the way off and then back on again?

  • The item couldn't be saved because the file name "Movies" is invalid.

    When opening Quicktime Player OSX10.6.8  and clicking File-New Audio Recording or New Video Recording the audio or video recording window pops up.
    However, when I click on record in that window I the following error message pops up:
    "The item couldn’t be saved because the file name “Movies” is invalid."
    Any tips how to fix this?

    The only legit source for ios 6 is from itunes.
    Open itunes, connect iphone.
    Does it prompt you to update?
    How did you update to 5.1.1 three days ago? There is no legit way to do this at all.  You can ONLY update to the latest available which was ios 6 three days ago.

  • Needing script to move files with name that starts with

    Here is part of the script that takes a excel file for the list to duplicate files from one folder the another. I would like it to use file name starts with instead exact file name. If I can get this to work I will not have to have a try for .jpg and a seperate try for .eps
                tell application "Finder"
                        duplicate (sourceFolder & theItem & ".jpg" as string) to destFolder with replacing
                    on error
                        do shell script "echo " & theItem & ">> $HOME/Desktop/NotFound.txt"
                    end try
                        duplicate (sourceFolder & theItem & ".eps" as string) to destFolder with replacing
                    on error
                        do shell script "echo " & theItem & ">> $HOME/Desktop/NotFound.txt"
                    end try
                end tell

    Ok here is the script that I've been using for a couple of years now with no problems, until I upgraded. Don't know what happened, because I cant even use it on a older system that we have. The error I get is when it tries to get the value of selection from Excel. It times out with no values. Thanks for any help!
    set sourceFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder that contains images to move."
    set destFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the destination folder"
    if sourceFolder is not destFolder then my moveImageFiles(sourceFolder as string, destFolder)
    on moveImageFiles(sFolder, dFolder)
        script o
            property valuesList : {}
        end script
       tell application "Microsoft Excel" to set o's valuesList to value of the selection
        if class of o's valuesList is not list then return -- not multiple selection
        set tc to (count o's valuesList)
        set dFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of dFolder
        set errorFile to quoted form of POSIX path of (sFolder & "filesNotFound or NotMoved.txt")
        do shell script "/bin/rm " & errorFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" -- remove the error file (if it exists)
        repeat with i from 1 to tc
            repeat with thisValue in (get item i of o's valuesList)
                if contents of thisValue is not "" then -- not a blank cell
                    set tFile to quoted form of POSIX path of (sFolder & thisValue)
                        do shell script "shopt -s nocaseglob; /bin/mv -f " & tFile & "* " & dFolder
                    end try
                end if
            end repeat
        end repeat   
        do shell script "/usr/bin/open -b com.apple.textedit " & errorFile & " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
    end moveImageFiles

  • Utility or script "each clip = new movie and let media file = name"

    I've found out that if I want to split a clip at the playhead and make it a new AS-IS original with a unique media file name designation; I have to go through:
    file>export> as full quality movie > check the "selected clips only " box > copy and paste the name and then designate destination folder> CLICK and then wait until done. (Thank you Karl)
    Unfortunately, completing this process with 180 clips per project x 15 to 20 projects per quarter... well it was more than I was prepared to do.
    Therefore... is there anyone out there who could (or has already) program(ed) some kind of script/utility/add-on that would create a new AS-IS clip from each clip that was "split at the playhead" and ALSO, make those final clips as well as every other existing clip in the project have its media file designation the same as its name.
    ie "each clip = new full quality movie and let its media file = name."
    This would save me around 10 hours per week.
    mac pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Karsten is correct. iMovie itself does not support AppleScript.
    But for applications that don't support AppleScript, Apple offers a "System Events" AppleScripting alternative. It lets an AppleScript script use System Events to do things in OTHER applications. It can act on window objects, like click on a button. Theoretically, System Events can do just about any task in iMovie.
    Except, unfortunately, select a clip.
    That's right, there is no way to select a clip with a script. So a script can't control which object to act on. YOU have to select the clip manually. That's not an insurmountable problem, but it does mean you can't tell the script to export every clip in the Timeline.
    Probably the easiest way to do what you want is with QuicKeys, the third-party software that lets you define tasks, then assign a key to perform that task. Just about any task you can imagine. One kind of task is a macro to perform a series of actions. QuicKeys lets you record macros in any application. Its record function makes macro-writing pretty easy.
    (QuicKeys is one of those utilities I wouldn't be without. I use QuicKey keys hundreds of times a day for repetitive tasks.)
    Back to AppleScript. Theoretically, QuickTime Player Pro can do what you want. QuickTime Player is VERY scriptable.
    Here's the trick: Each time we save the iMovie project, iMovie updates the "Timeline Movie.mov" that's inside the Cache folder (inside the project package). When iMovie saves, it sets the selected frames of that movie to match the selected clip in the TimeLine. When you open the "Timeline Movie.mov" in QuickTime Player, the selected video/audio matches the clip selected in iMovie.
    So after you select a clip in iMovie, an AppleScript could save the iMovie project (to update the Timeline Movie), open the Timeline Movie in QuickTime, Copy the selected frames, Paste them into a new movie, then save the new movie.
    Back to QuicKeys. QuicKeys can work across multiple applications just like an AppleScript. So theoretically you could run part of a macro in iMovie and another part in QuickTime Player. And, if I recall, QuicKeys can run AppleScript scripts.
    What you REALLY want is an application that knows how to read iMovie project files and automatically exports each clip to its own movie.
    Maybe I'm missing some simple work-around. That'd be sweeeeeet!
    Yup. Sometimes the best solution is to avoid the problem, not solve it.
    We can export a project to the camera, then re-import it to a new iMovie project. When we do, most clips on the Timeline return as discrete clips. Clips like titles will not be editable, of course.
    That is best done early on, before we add titles, transitions and such. Import the newly-shot video, do a rough edit to get rid of the stuff you don't want, export the Timeline to the camera, re-import to a new project. All the junk will be gone and now each clip is a discrete clip with its own source file. NOW add titles and such.

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