Mov to swf conversion

I have Quicktime mov files and I need to convert to swf flash files and also to html files. It is a great shame that Quicktime Pro is not more flexible in its output options. I have tried Episode from Flip4Mac and this comes up with 'optimization chain errors' and also tried ffmpegx. The first one also costs a fair amount where the second (and others) are either free or far cheaper. The ffmpegx produces fairly poor quality and also does not show the run controls which would be needed for a web page. Any other suggestions?
Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   Mac Mini 1Gb SD Intel, 23" Apple screen, HP 3320 printer, EyeTV DTT, Nano

I think that Apple should investigate this further and make it far easier to load in plugins that work correctly for their own format files. It is crazy that the QT files do not convert cleanly to other industry standards such as swf, flv, wmv, etc.
Let me see if I understand this correctly... You are openly advocating that Apple engage in the criminal theft of proprietary software and the inclusion of such pirated software in Apple's own multimedia structures.
it would certainly open a huge market and make things far easier for the users.
It would also open the door to criminal prosecution, as well as, civil restitution of monetary damages for loss of fees due the legal copyright holders of such software.
Relying on dubious plugins is not a good idea.
If you are saying the developer's own components are "dubious" in nature, then I submit that you should consider switching to a different "industry standary."

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    Thank you for your time.

    I think that Apple should investigate this further and make it far easier to load in plugins that work correctly for their own format files. It is crazy that the QT files do not convert cleanly to other industry standards such as swf, flv, wmv, etc.
    Let me see if I understand this correctly... You are openly advocating that Apple engage in the criminal theft of proprietary software and the inclusion of such pirated software in Apple's own multimedia structures.
    it would certainly open a huge market and make things far easier for the users.
    It would also open the door to criminal prosecution, as well as, civil restitution of monetary damages for loss of fees due the legal copyright holders of such software.
    Relying on dubious plugins is not a good idea.
    If you are saying the developer's own components are "dubious" in nature, then I submit that you should consider switching to a different "industry standary."

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    Hi Elaine
    Here si what I do:
    Since I tend to message with teh same people I leave the messages available to me.  If you are in one conversation with "Karen"  and want to message with "Kathy" tap the message back arrow and select Kathy.
    As always just be careful to rememeber who you are messaging to!

  • Insert FLV, let it build player, can't move skins, SWF haults

    I am using Dreamweaver CS4 on a mac... I am inserting an FLV file through the file menu prompts... I let it build out the Skins it needs, which default to the root directory.. my FLV file is in a "Videos" folder... It is also creating a "Scripts" folder... It all plays fine...
    In the dreamweaver File Viewer, I move Clear_Skin_1.swf andFLVPlayer_Progress.swf.. dreamweaver notifies me that i may need to update my paths... i do so with the following code... and now the file doesn't work...
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="350" height="234" id="FLVPlayer">
                <param name="movie" value="Videos/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" />
                <param name="quality" value="high">
                <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
                <param name="scale" value="noscale">
                <param name="salign" value="lt">
                <param name="FlashVars" value="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Videos/Clear_Skin_1&streamName=Videos/CDWS_videomanual&autoPlay=true&autoRewind=false" />
                <param name="swfversion" value="8,0,0,0">
                <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
                <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf">
                <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
                <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Videos/FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf" width="350" height="234">
                  <param name="quality" value="high">
                  <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
                  <param name="scale" value="noscale">
                  <param name="salign" value="lt">
                  <param name="FlashVars" value="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&skinName=Videos/Clear_Skin_1&streamName=Videos/CDWS_videomanual&autoPlay=true&autoRewind=false" />
                  <param name="swfversion" value="8,0,0,0">
                  <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf">
                  <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                    <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                    <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
                  <!--[if !IE]>-->
    Now when I move the files BACK to the root, let dreamweaver re-write the code... it works... why can't I organize these SWF skins/players?

    The reason (I am told), is because of the streaming video option (you require a streaming enabled server to use this), which establishes a permanent connection to the page, so the flash insert places the progressive option there as well, ease of coding and possibly making the file placement standardized I imagine.

  • Trouble Exporting to 16:9 with Quicktime Movie or Quicktime Conversion

    I have created a 5 minute movie using shots taken from my Sony HDR-FX1. The shots were native 16:9. They imported fine into FCEHD. While editing in FCEHD, the clips all displayed in the viewer as 16:9. When I exported to Quicktime Movie, the resulting product was 16:9. When I exported using Quicktime Conversion, my product became 4:3.
    Having read other posts here, I looked closely at all clips (which were all checked as Anamorphic), and my Sequence (which was not checked Anamorphic -- but was instead HD1440x1080). I then created a new sequence, which was checked as Anamorphic, copied my clips to it, then exported it. It got worse. Now, it exports 4:3 using both Quicktime Movie and Quicktime Conversion.
    I then created a new project, created a new sequence set to Anamorphic, then copied one clip into it from my earlier project and exported it -- same result. I then imported a clip into this new project from the original files from my camera and exported -- same result.
    One final note, when looking at the Frame Size in the properties of my sequence and clips, it is set to 720x480. And, when I look at the Get Info on the exported files of the original, I see 1920x1080 (Quicktime Movie export) and 1440x1080 (Quicktime Conversion export) before I created the new sequence; then 720x480 in both after I created the new sequence.
    Any help you can provide would be incredibly appreciated!

    You are right. My original sequence was marked as HD. When I exported that one to Quicktime Movie, it displayed 16:9.
    Then, I created a new sequence that was 720x480 and checked as anamorphic. That one, exported with Quicktime Movie and/or Quicktime Conversion was 720x480 and was squeezed into 4:3 rather than displaying in Quicktime as 16:9.
    Last night, I burned this to DVD using iMovie and it displayed properly on my 16:9 television. But, alas, it is squeezed on my 4:3 television (rather than letterboxed).
    Also, I exported to Quicktime Conversion and used "custom size" of 720x405 and achieved a movie that will play in Quicktime as near 16:9 so I can put it up on the web in the right dimensions.
    Is there a better/easier way to export footage shot 16:9, edited 16:9 so that it automatically exports 16:9 for use in Quicktime and/or on a DVD?

  • Quicktime 7.1.3 won't play .mov or .swf inserted in powerpoint

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    Quicktime Kirk,
    I have downloaded another persons inquiry because it is exactly the problem I am having. Here is his post
    "I make movies of cells and convert them to quick time and insert them into powerpoint for presentations for conferences. I never had a problem with this until I upgraded to office 2004 and now many (but not all) of my movies won't play. They seem to be there but when I click play they go white as though there is only the first image. I had saved them as cinepak and or jpeg A usually with image J or older ones from the original NIH image and I can't figure out what the problem is. I even upgraded to quicktime pro to resave them as self contained but still they don't work when I insert them. I can play them all with quicktime player and when I make new ones now in image j I save them as video and that seems to work but it would be very difficult to go back and do that with everything. Does anyone know why or how to fix this?"
    My additional comments would be I used the from QT and it plays like a champ in PPT. My movies are all from 2004. When I save them in the QT 7.1.3 it doesn't seem to make any difference. The older movies insert into PPT as a QT icon with 4 color quadriant. Everything including .swf are now working in QT. Thanks for your help. When I go back to 7.0.3 they work but then I can't play my videos in iTunes unless I do an erase and a reinstall to get rid of the updated iTunes. Thanks

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    Go here -  Select "iTunes Store", then "iTunes cards and codes".  Continue to follow the on screen instructions

  • Firefox will not show links to flv files. I get the error message for each flv file: "File not found. Firefox can't find the file at (path) .flv." Any mov and swf files in this same path will show. I can see the videos in Safari so the paths are correct.

    Firefox will not show links to flv files. I get the error message for each flv file: "File not found. Firefox can't find the file at http:// (path) .flv." Any mov and swf files in this same path will show. I can see the videos in Safari so the paths are correct.

    Is this a webpage that contains a link to a flv file? Please post a link to the page and tell us which link(s) are the problem flv files or else post a link to the .flv file itself.
    Alternately, click on one of the sample FLV File links on this page and tell us exactly what happens:
    It might also help if you post the exact error message, including the path to the flv file.
    Depending on how you have Firefox set up, clicking on a FLV File link will either save the FLV file to your computer or Firefox may open it automatically in an external application right after downloading (Firefox may ask you first). Firefox itself can't play FLV files so you need a "helper" application (or a plugin for flv files, if ther is one. You can see if Firefox is already set up to download or open FLV files by going to Firefox Preferences and looking in the Applications list. Find the FLV file type in the list and, if the action is "Open with", it should show the application that can play FLV files (e.g., VLC Media Player or Perian). See [[Managing filetypes]] for more information.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 5121: Fixing generated SymbolClass class names to take packages into account during FXG - SWF conversion.

    Revision: 5121
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-03-01 19:08:01 -0800 (Sun, 01 Mar 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixing generated SymbolClass class names to take packages into account during FXG -> SWF conversion.
    QE: No
    Doc: No
    Checkintests: Pass
    Reviewer: Discussed with Corey
    Modified Paths:

  • FLA or SWF -- MOV or AVI conversion?

    I have searched the forums already and could not come up with a definitive answer. I understand that the latest QuickTime update broke SWF compatibility, but are there any other solutions, either commercial or not, for converting SWFs or FLAs into a movie file - either MOV, AVI, or whatever else? We can pay for the software if it's out there. Google searches yielded only Winblows garbage. Starting up in a previous OS version is also not an option.
    Basically, we need to get our Flash movies onto DVDs quickly, and repeatedly. Maybe you folks have other ideas for doing that... ?
    Thanks all!

    You can use either Quicktime Pro or Mpeg-Streamclip to convert the flv's to .mov.
    For Quicktime Pro you'll need this component:
    As for .swf, I have no idea. Since Quicktime plays a factor in some programs to convert swf to .mov. I have the flash program so it not a problem for me to convert them.

  • AS3 coding - movie in swf file doesn't show

    I would be so greatful if someone can help with this. I've been sitting for days to find my mistake but my inexperience really holds me back here
    In my spelling game I have letters falling out of the sky - players have to click on them. I tested one letter in this swf. It works as I planned but it was only one letter hard coded.
    So now I have many levels and I added the letters needed for each level in arrays generated through a loop. They trace correctly, but they do not show up in this swf.
    I'm sure I am just missing a bit of code in the function or didn't addChild correctly. I doubble checked that the missing MC is not behind the background by turning the backgroung off, but it is not that.
    Where am I going wrong?
    Here is the relevant code:
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.utils.Timer;
        public  dynamic class WordArray extends MovieClip
                    public var wordtext:wordText =  new wordText;
                    var activeWordArray:Array;
                    var activeLevelofTenWordsArray:Array;
                   var activeLevelofTilesArray:Array;
                    public var letterArray:LetterArray;
                    var tileTimer = new Timer(500,384);
            //Movie clips of letter tiles to be used
            public var a:A = new A();
            public var f:F = new F();
            public var g:G = new G(); //etc. for all mc's
            private var wordArray:WordArray;
            private var letterTiles:Array = [a,f,g..etc];
                                  private var  lettersL01:Array = [a,a,f,f,f,g,g,h,h,i,i,n,n,n,o,o,o,o,s,s,t,t,t];
                                  private var  lettersL02:Array = [th,th,  //etc for all levels..
                                public var letterLevels:Array = [lettersL01,lettersL02,lettersL03,lettersL04,lettersL05,lettersL06,le ttersL07,lettersL08,lettersL09,lettersL10,
                                                                                  lettersL11,lettersL12,lettersL13,lettersL14,lettersL15,lettersL16,let tersL17,lettersL18,lettersL19,lettersL20,
                                                                                  lettersL21,lettersL22,lettersL23,lettersL24,lettersL25,lettersL26,let tersL27,lettersL28,lettersL29,lettersL30];
    public var  wordsL1W1:Array = ["a"];  //etc for all words
    public var  wordsL01:Array = [wordsL1W1,...etc for all levels];
    public var wordLevels:Array = [wordsL01,wordsL02,...etc. for entire word array]
                    private var tf:TextField;
                    // ***constructor code
                    public function WordArray(_tf:TextField)
                        tf = _tf;
                    function levelGenerator():void
                        //**To get next level of 10 words
                        //Game is complete
                    function activeLevelofTenWords():void
                        // na
                    function tileGenerator():void
                                //Game is complete
    function activeLevelofTiles():void
                            activeLevelofTilesArray = letterLevels.shift();
                        function initLetterTiles():void
                            for(var j:int=0; j<3; j++)
                             {  shuffle(activeLevelofTilesArray);
                                for (var i:int=0; i < activeLevelofTilesArray.length; i++)
                                    trace (activeLevelofTilesArray[i]);
                                    activeLevelofTilesArray[i].x = 399;
                                    activeLevelofTilesArray[i].y= 30;
                                function shuffle(a:Array)
                                    var p:int;
                                    var t:*;
                                    var ivar:int;
                                    for (ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--)
                                        t = a[ivar];
                                        a[ivar] = a[p];
                                        a[p] = t;

    part of your problem could be that I am only seeing that you create one instance of every letter but using this letter multiple times in your Arrays
    check this code:
    var a:A = new A();
    for (var i:int = 0; i<=stage.numChildren-1;i++){
        if (getChildAt(i) is A){
            trace("A found");
    Flash will throw no error and you might think that you actually put multiple instances of A on stage, but in fact Flash only creates one instance.
    similar thing with your code:
    will not add multiple instances of your objects if you only use the new keyword once for every letter.
    Another thing: Why do you need WordArray to be dynamic?
    Using dynamic has some caveats:

  • Quicktime movie or Quicktime conversion?

    I shoot a wedding, everything is edited using final cut pro 7, I want avoid using compressor, Should I use Qucik time movie or should I use Quicktime conversion,,, I want to burn on a DVD, video was shoot at 1080p 3ofps... Please help

    Sorry, if you want to make a DVD, Compressor is your best bet.  I mean, you CAN skip it, and take the export directly into DVD Studio Pro to author the DVD...but Compressor will do a much better job.'s a down and dirty way to author a DVD:
    #42 - Quick and dirty way to author a DVD
    Shane's Stock Answer #42 - David Roth Weiss' Secret Quick and Dirty Way to Author a DVD:
    The absolute simplest way to make a DVD using FCP and DVDSP is as follows:
    1. Export a QT movie, either a reference file or self contained using current settings.
    2. Open DVDSP, select the "graphical" tab and you will see two little monitors, one blue, one green.
    3. Select the left blue one and hit delete.
    4. Now, select the green one, right click on it amd select the top option "first play".
    5. Now drag your QT from the broswer and drop it on top of the green monitor.
    6. Now, for a DVD from an HD source, look to the right side and select the "general tab" in the track editor, and see the Display Mode, and select "16:9 pan-scan."
    7. Hit the little black and yellow burn icon at the top of the page and put a a DVD in when prompted. DVDSP will encode and burn your new DVD.
    THATS ALL!!!
    NOW...if you want a GOOD LOOKING DVD, instead of taking your REF movie into DVD SP, instead take it into Compressor and choose the BEST QUALITY ENCODE (2 pass VBR) that matches your show timing.  Then take THAT result into DVD SP and follow the rest of the steps.  Except you can choose "16:9 LETTERBOX" instead of PAN & SCAN if you want to see the entire image.

  • MOV to WMV conversion problem

    I have quicktime pro and am trying to covert quicktime mov files to wmv files. The conversion happens, but when I play the wmv file I find that only part of the mov file was converted. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

    when I play the wmv file I find that only part of the mov file was converted. Any ideas on how I can fix this?
    QT Pro is using the free demo codec (I assume you have the free Flip4Mac player component installed). To export full conversions you must purchase the QT to WMV export codec that comes in the $49 package. (The $29 codec only converts from WMV to QT.)

  • Quicktime Movie inside SWF

    Is there any way to view a quicktime movie from inside a swf
    file without converting it... not a flv???

    Raver301065 wrote:
    > That's what I'm trying to avoid: I want my swf to play
    and show a choice of
    > quicktime movies on demand.
    > If I import the mov into the fla then becoming flv, the
    swf will be that much
    > bigger, I'm trying to avoid having a big swf.
    > The quicktime movie(s) are already on the server.
    You don't have a choice, the only video file flash can load
    is FLV.
    The only way is the covert the MOV to FLV and dynamically
    load on demand.
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Sharing movies between swf's

    I have a flash .fla file that contains a bunch of movieclips
    and components that need to be used in other fla's. What is the
    best way to do this? Currently, I am marking the library entries as
    export for run-time sharing using the same swf name as the fla
    uses. In the .fla file that needs to use these shared clips, I
    simply drag them onto the stage from the library of the .fla that
    contains them. This creates an entry in the second .fla for the
    clip and marks it as imported from the other swf. This works fine
    if the swf's are in the same directory. When I put the SWF's in
    different directories it all stops working.
    Does anyone else use shared swf's in a similar way? I have
    been finding that all examples I see have everything done in the
    same .fla file. For my needs, this will be very inefficient. I am
    building a very large UI that needs to broken into logical pieces
    for maintainability and multiple developer support. Any advice for
    the best way to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.

    You can talk between movies using javascript as the middleman. Here's a link that provides some information on that...

Maybe you are looking for