Move an app to another account

I need to move a distributed app from one account to another account?

Tap and hold the icon until it begins to wiggle, then move it to the edge of the screen and hold for a couple seconds. It will then "jump" to the next page.
Hope this helps

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    kambiz.fakhr wrote:
    how can I update my app with another account?
    Anything Downloaded with a Particular Apple ID is tied to that Apple ID and Cannot be Merged or Transferred to a Different Apple ID
    Apple ID FAQs  >

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    Apps are DRM protected & tied to the account that was used to purchase them. They cannot be transferred to another account. However, you are permitted under the EUSLA to "share" apps with up to 5 users in the same household. To do so, you would first disable auto sync when an ipod/iphone is connected under preferences, which in windows is under the edit menu, on the computer in the same household you want to share this app with. Connect your phone, itunes running, DO NOT SYNC!. Sign whoever's computer this is out of itunes.. Sign into itunes using YOUR ACCOUNT INFO. Go up to Store>Authorize This Computer. Then go up to File>Transfer Purchases. All of the purchased content on your phone will be transferred. Sign out of itunes, disconnect your phone. Sign whoever's computer this is back into itunes. You can then sync the app in question to their phone. All updates to this app must be done through YOUR account.
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    First thing you need to answer, is if you got this mac new or not!
    If you got it from a previous owner, and he did not clean it for you, then it's normal that there is stuff on it already.
    If you got it as brand new, then you should have had to create a user account the first time you turned it on.
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    try doing a hard reset (hold the power and home buttons together for 15s) then trying again
    or you could try something silly like adding passbook to a folder moving the folder to another screen then taking it out of said folder

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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    Yes, you can export the design file of the existing form:
    and then import it into the other account:

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    What happens, when you download Dragonvale with your paying account?
    Or does it just say: "already installed"?
    In that case you can try to backup your device, delete the App and then download it from your paying account.
    If your saved data is still there, averything is fine and you have "transfered" the free App.
    If your saved data is gone, you can at least do a restore of your device.

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    I've just learned that this is not yet possible.

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    Credit card.
    You cannot buy gifts with gift card balances.

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    Best Regards

    Shurely i will eliminate apple from my family!!!

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