MOVED: Modding Current AMI Bioses

This topic has been moved to BETA & MOD BIOS Section.

The BIOS Releases for your system are not written in "standard" AMI BIOS Code but in AMI "Aptio" Code, which basically means that it is an EFI style BIOS (hence the "E" at the start of the BIOS File name).  You cannot use MMTool on an EFI/Aptio coded BIOS Image.  Actually, you can pretty much forget about everything you read about modding AMI BIOS Releases when it comes to this kind of code.  Aptio/EFI Code is a whole different and rather new concept.  There hasn't been that much reverse engineering yet and close to nothing is known about modding procedures. 
For reference:
AMI Aptio:
AMIBIOS8 (the older standard BIOS code):

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  • Modding Current AMI Bioses

    For the MS-1656, I would like mod my bios. What I would like to know is how do I get the rom files from my bios?;topic=138907.0;attach=6864 is the link for my bios. I want to try to mod it. This is my first time working with bioses. I have read a lot online about how to do it, but I can't seem to find anywhere how to open the MSI-AMI bios file. I am trying to use MMTool to try to extract the rom file. Thanks in advanced for any help.

    The BIOS Releases for your system are not written in "standard" AMI BIOS Code but in AMI "Aptio" Code, which basically means that it is an EFI style BIOS (hence the "E" at the start of the BIOS File name).  You cannot use MMTool on an EFI/Aptio coded BIOS Image.  Actually, you can pretty much forget about everything you read about modding AMI BIOS Releases when it comes to this kind of code.  Aptio/EFI Code is a whole different and rather new concept.  There hasn't been that much reverse engineering yet and close to nothing is known about modding procedures. 
    For reference:
    AMI Aptio:
    AMIBIOS8 (the older standard BIOS code):

  • Xorg 7.1 moved to current???

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    I don't find 7.1 in repositories. The current version is:
    What's the problem?.
    Best regards.

    I confirm the same problem of Slackhack.
    X does not work well with vesa. There are delays of about half a second in redrawing windows.
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    But when I have to move a window the redraw takes a significant amount of time. I just guess that the window is redrawn much more often than with the previous version xorg.
    Another very annoying "feature" of the new is related to firefox: also the scrolling of the window of the browser got slower. There is no problem, as I can move in the page with page_down, but thew wheel of the mouse and the down arrow is become unusable.
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    My version of xorg:
    pacman -Qi xorg
    Name           : xorg
    Version        : 11R7.0-1
    Groups         : None
    Packager       : Arch Linux (
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  • Current AMI Bios save instructions?

    1) Am running the KT4VL with 1.1 bios - using liveupdate 2, it does NOT detect the new bios that it available for KT4V' that :(
    I also tried MSI Live Monitor search capabilities and same issue - cannot detect new bios for the board...weird..I could flash it the manual way but I like how it was done when flashing the 1.1 bios using liveupdate2...
    2) Are there any instructions to save current bios out to disk/floppy for AMI? I like to save previous bios eventhough you can get them back from the site...just to be safe...

    I can just add that I have always used the floppy method but then I also have a UPS. I don't trust the Windows LiveUpdate for BIOS.
    I see that my 1.3 disk that I created from MSI does setup a RAM disk and flashes from RAM (although that solves the bad floppy issue - it does not help if you lose power during the flash) - that's why I purchased a BIOS Savior (12 pounds from, not sure about Official 1.4 from MSI as I now use beta's.
    The only flash I have seen fail was when I tried 1.52Beta into my Bios Savior (had to first flash 1.3 then 1.52)

  • MOVED: mod GOP BIOS for MSI R9 270 Gaming

    This topic has been moved to BETA & MOD BIOS Section.

    Alright, I followed the directions and the provided file bricked my XFX Radeon. Fortunately I was able to navigate my way into the USB drive 'in the blind' (no video output) and I had my original VBIOS on my ATI FLASH device and was able to restore to my original.
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  • Moving to current record after execute query

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    Is there any other way?

    If you are sure the record after query will keep the same position, you can before, store the current record in a number variable with Get_Block_Property( CURRENT_RECORD) built-in, then after query use the Go_Record() with stored number variable in parameter.
    If you think that after re-query the record number can change, you have to loop through your records, then stop navidation while you find the corresponding key.

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    jeneesh wrote:
    Manik wrote:
    select_catalog_role can also help I guess.
    Manik.No ....
    select *
    where role = 'SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE'
    and table_name like 'REGISTRY$HISTORY';
    0 rows selected
    ok just checked it.. thx Jeneesh.. (yet again)

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    Tom Hartman1 wrote:
    I thought speculative posts were not allowed here.
    I posted something about this a month ago after reading an article in an online business section. It was removed because it was "speculative."
    Has Apple announced this officially?
    Saying that you would have to buy a new iPhone to get 3G isn't speculating. Its fact since we know that the current iPhone doesn't have the hardware in it. Now, theorizing about what a 3G iPhone is going to cost, what features it has, or the like is just speculation since a 3G iPhone does not exist. There are certain things we can say about a 3G iPhone based on what is already known about the current iPhone. However anything else assumes that a 3G iPhone already exists, which we cannot assume.

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    Currently there is no way to do this, and will probably never be. You can make a suggestion to Apple at
    For now, don't do an Update All. Just select the apps you want to update and update individually.
     Cheers, Tom

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    How can I enter my serial to repair this?

    You can't. You have the wrong version of Lightroom installed.
    Uninstall the Creative Cloud version and download and install the Perpetual License Version. It will accept your serial number.
    Product updates


    before you get on any moderators cases, remember, you use at your own risk and it is not supported by MSI!
    you can get them here! a full raid version and what is called a pureudma version (raid channels converted to be used as regular udma channels)
    there are also some ultra type hidden settings revealed (ultra system setting, whatever that does) and a few other toys!
    i flashed to this bios this morning (use same procedure as you would to flash the ami bioses using a c:\test folder to flash from hard drive not floppy..and you'll need the ami flash utility that came with the msi standard 5.7 bios
    it works great..i simply installed my cd rom player (set as master) on one of the channels that was raid only before...made sure raid was enabled in bios (as you'll still need to go through the raid bios to use the devices on what were the raid channels) and the cd rom was detected..i booted into windows and got a found new device message...and installed the promise udma driver that was available in my winxp installation (without having to pull out my winxp cd..i just selected let me choose my own device or whatever and pulled up scsi/raid devices..installed..and voila! i finally have 4 active regular ide channels on my board!!!!
    reason i was so excited to try this is of course the issue of having only 2 non raid channels to play with..and i have found twice that having the cd burner on same channel as my cdrom killed my cd everything's separate..and i'm a happy camper!!!!

    I used the Modded Full-Raid BIOS over at Lumberjacker. I must say I was immidietally impressed with the extra options it had considering I was only upgrading for the CPU Halt Option (Which turned out to be a waste because my Sound card went haywire with it enabled...  :O  :O )...  My only thing was I couldnt find any definitions for over half those commands which left me guessing on em..  
    So to make a long story short, a day later I walked in my room after leaving it to run a VERY LONG Defrag cycle (Over 5 HDD Partitions to Degrag) expecting to see it completed.... I was instead surprised with a BSOD which I have not had with this motherboard since I first bought it  a couple years ago (give or take)and was working out the bugs in it....
    So Im sittin back at the 560 Modded Raid BIOS until I can get some answers on those BIOS Definitions.    
    But regardless of my situation (which is most likely just a bad pattern of settings "I HOPE"), I still give Lumberjacker Two Thumbs up on their Goods...  :D

  • Running AMIE in debug mode

    How is it possible to activate debug mode for AMIE (Asset Management Integration Engine) ?

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    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
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    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
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    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
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    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • I forgot my password and am trying to reset my ipod,but it won't work. It says that my ipod is in recovery mode and that I must restore it. I click ok, and then restore, and then restore and update. then it says contacting ipod software update server and

    I forgot my password and am trying to reset my ipod, but it won't work.It says that my ipod is in recovery mode and that I must restore it. I click ok, and then click on restore and update. Then it says connecting ipod software update server and a screen pops up with ipod software update on the top and iOS 5.1. It lists a bunch of stuff this update contains and on the bottom it says next, which I click and nothing happens, it just goes back to the ipod restore page. Help, what am I doing wrong?

    This device is not eligible for the requested build (Also sometimes displayed as an "error 3194")
    Update to the latest version of iTunes. Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard) users may need to download iTunes 10.6.3.
    Third-party security software or router security settings can also cause this issue. To resolve this, followTroubleshooting security software issues.
    Downgrading to a previous version of iOS is not supported. If you have installed software to performunauthorized modifications to your iOS device, that software may have redirected connections to the update server ( within the Hosts file. Uninstall the unauthorized modification software from the computer.
    Edit out the "" redirect from your hosts file, and then restart the computer for the host file changes to take affect. For steps to edit the Hosts file and allow iTunes to communicate with the update server, see iTunes: Troubleshooting iTunes Store on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or iPod—follow steps under the heading Blocked by configuration (Mac OS X / Windows) > Rebuild network information > The hosts file may also be blocking the iTunes Store. If you do not uninstall the unauthorized modification software prior to editing the hosts file, that software may automatically modify the hosts file again on restart.
    Avoid using an older or modified .ipsw file. Try moving the current .ipsw file (see Advanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations), or try restoring in a new user to ensure that iTunes downloads a new .ipsw.

  • HT201263 When my ipod touch is in recovery mode, when i try to restore it, the itunes page says the website has timed out so it won't recover. Can anyone please help me?

    When my ipod touch is in recovery mode (when I try to re-store it) the itunes page sayes the website has been timed out and so it won't re-store. There is a limited time, whilst restoring the ipod, it lasts for approx 5 mins, then asks to start again all over again. Can anyone please help me?

    This device is not eligible for the requested build (Also sometimes displayed as an "error 3194")
    Update to the latest version of iTunes. Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard) users may need to download iTunes 10.6.3.
    Third-party security software or router security settings can also cause this issue. To resolve this, followTroubleshooting security software issues.
    Downgrading to a previous version of iOS is not supported. If you have installed software to performunauthorized modifications to your iOS device, that software may have redirected connections to the update server ( within the Hosts file. Uninstall the unauthorized modification software from the computer.
    Edit out the "" redirect from your hosts file, and then restart the computer for the host file changes to take affect. For steps to edit the Hosts file and allow iTunes to communicate with the update server, see iTunes: Troubleshooting iTunes Store on your computer, iPhone, iPad, or iPod—follow steps under the heading Blocked by configuration (Mac OS X / Windows) > Rebuild network information > The hosts file may also be blocking the iTunes Store. If you do not uninstall the unauthorized modification software prior to editing the hosts file, that software may automatically modify the hosts file again on restart.
    Avoid using an older or modified .ipsw file. Try moving the current .ipsw file (see Advanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations), or try restoring in a new user to ensure that iTunes downloads a new .ipsw.

  • Maxdb log mode

    hello experts,
          I need to change the log mode which is in "overwrite mode"
        currently. and increase LOG_IO_QUEUE size.
       how can i do it.
       our maxdb version is 7.6 and O/S linux 2.6.16
       plz suggest steps .
    thanks and regards

    Dear Kavitha,
    -> Please review the SAP notes::
                    869267        FAQ: MaxDB LOG area
         <  "35. Can the log area be overwritten cyclically without having to make a log backup?"
            "52. How large should the LOG_IO_QUEUE be when configured? " >
                 719652     Setting initial parameters for liveCache 7.5 or 7.6
                 819641     FAQ: MaxDB Performance
         If you are SAP customer, you are able to read the SAP notes.
    -> The MAXDB documentation also give you answers on the reported questions::
       -> Open the SAP MaxDB 7.6 Library
                 ->  Glossary
              "Changing the Values of Database Parameters" at
              "Log Queue"
             < The new value of the LOG_IO_QUEUE parameter will be activated only after
                the database will be restarted from offline mode. >
              "Displaying and Changing Database Parameters" using DBMGUI tool at
    -> Please pay attention ::
          "Automatic overwrite of the log area without log backups is NOT    
               recommended for production operation. Since no backup history exists 
               for the following changes in the database, you cannot track transactions
               in the case of recovery. "    
          Run dbm command 'param_getexplain LOG_IO_QUEUE'.
              May be the log devspaces can be moved to a faster disk, to accelerate the physical log I/O.
    -> What is the version of the database? < Please also give the patch and build number >
         Why do you need to change the log mode which is in "overwrite mode"
          and increase the value of the database parameter LOG_IO_QUEUE?
    Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

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