Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 Bit Rate Bug

Every time I try to set the bit rate, under the render as feature, to 13,500,000 it just goes back to 192,000 so I can't save it as a preset. It also changes back if I switch between tabs. However, if I just hit OK with the bit rate at 13,500,000 then it goes through but I constantly have to change it when I render. Any solutions or is it bugged?

Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums, however the forums here are for Sony Vaio and Consumer product user to user assistance only. Sony Creative Software have their own separate forums and so are best qualified to answer any questions you may have on Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11:

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    Thank-you Jim.
    PP version 5.0.3.
    Good thinking on version number, I just did a small update, following CS5 instalation/update 1 month ago.
    I was already on same version numbers and the 20mb 'extension' update hasn't changed anything.
    I usually export direct ftom PP, haven't got in to the habit of using AME yet, though with new fast pc and small test clips I haven't really needed it, but tried via AME to see if had different results but resulting file is 3706KB (1943 KB via flv).
    The 'expected file size says 1MB (though 2MB would be nearest integer for expected results).
    Importing f4v output back into PP, properties give me:
    File Path: D:\adobe_tests\z1e_1_768_432_900.f4v
    Type: MPEG Movie
    File Size: 3.6 MB
    Image Size: 768 x 432
    Pixel Depth: 32
    Frame Rate: 25.00
    Source Audio Format: 44100 Hz - compressed - Stereo
    Project Audio Format: 44100 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
    Total Duration: 00:00:16:01
    Average Data Rate: 231 KB / second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
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    File Path: D:\adobe_tests\z1e_1_768_432_900_30fps.f4v
    Type: MPEG Movie
    File Size: 2.6 MB
    Image Size: 768 x 432
    Pixel Depth: 32
    Frame Rate: 30.00
    Source Audio Format: 44100 Hz - compressed - Stereo
    Project Audio Format: 44100 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
    Total Duration: 00:00:16:01
    Average Data Rate: 165 KB / second
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0
    There is little more I can think of to check as the mysterious bit is in the black hole of dll's.
    A few more cross checks please Jim:
    I am on win7 pro 64 bit.
    Codec on output for f4v preset is Mainconcept H.264 Video.

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    Phil TP

    I suggest posting this in the Final Cut Studio forum where regular users of DVDSP are more likely to see your post and respond. When you do, I would expect someone will ask why you arent using Compressor in your workflow…)
    Good luck.

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    Can you detail what is leading you to ask this question? I mean, has the Compressor 2 preset for 120 minutes (DVD: Best Quality 120 Minutes - 4:3) not worked well for you? If you have gone that route, can you mention what you unhappy about in terms of the encoding quality?
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    Thank you

    This is very interesting isn't it !
    I have had a similar problem in porting audio between STP & Pyramix, a PC based DAW - often files that I have exported from STP will be recognised as 32 bit files in Pyramix, resulting in gross distortion, and a totally unusable file. This is most frustrating.
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    Hi MovieHound! Please check my response to the same query on your other post here. Thanks!

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    I've played the film fine on 5 other DVD players, so maybe it's just the Toshiba. But the bit rate differences are puzzling.
    My concern is that this disc play well on multiple players. As is, it fills 4.29 GB on the disc. Should I recompress the film at Compressor's 120 min. Best Quality setting to lower the bit rate?

    Mike Boedicker wrote:
    Anyone know why different DVD players would display drastically different
    bit rates as a DVD is playing?
    Any system measuring real-time performance is probably doing an estimate.
    Doing an accurate measurement would take so much processing power that
    the performance itself would be affected. So it's quite possible that
    the numbers you're seeing are somewhat inaccurate.
    That said, you seem to be pushing the limits of your test systems,
    so maybe you should back off on your Compressor settings.
    Check out hanumang's advice and silal's links here:

  • Need math help, bit rates

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    p.s. I wouldn't mind learning to fish as well, if you are so inclined...
    Message was edited by: RedTruck

    Thanks for the reply. The file was given to me on a DVD. I have permission to rip and re-burn along with another file that I am creating. It is obviously MPEG2, but I already ripped and demuxed, so I now have the m2v.
    I have another movie going on the same track (has to be a track so I can make a story in Studio Pro and have smooth playback for a presentation.)
    Using MPEG Streamclip for diagnosis, the m2v is 8 Mbs. The audio file is ac3 at 224 Kbs. The entire movie clocked out at 7.15 Mbs. So I need to calculate the average bit rate for the video so I can encode my movie at the same rate.
    The whole 1024 bits to bytes and 4.7GB on a disk which is actually 4.38... ah... bloowey... I can't figure out exactly the bit rate so they will fit in the same track. I am actually re-encoding her movie right now so I can just duplicate the setting. But I would still like to know how to get an accurate calculation for the future. I have had to do this before and I always wind up wasting time re-encoding.
    Thanks for any help you can give.

  • Problem with bit rate ?

    Hi there,
    Using FCP7.
    After compressing a FCP project with Compressor and burning DVDSP with DVDSP, I realized that  scenes containing objects or people in rapid movement where showing jerked images.
    The slow motion scenes are fine.
    I checked the following
    settings for DVDSP burning: VBR two pass;
    averageBit rate  4,0,
    max rate 7,0
    1) the self-contained QT that I started with is not showing this problem.
    2) the m2v file obtained from compressor (I use preset setting for high quality compression) does not show this problem when I view it with MPEG streamclip
    3) I tried to burn directly the QT file  with Toast 10 …get same problem if not worse !.
    settings for Toast
    automatic re-encoding
    average rate 4,0 Mbps
    max bit rate 8,0 Mbps
    I guess my problem comes from the bit rate I used ?
    I am now confused and I am not sure I understood the impact of the bit rate setting on the quality of the resulting DVD, and I believe that using a high bit rate in DVDSP might result in problems for some clients to play the DVD on their player ?
    Could it be something else ?
    could someone please give me advice ?
    Many thanks in advance

    I can only think of two possibilities based on the info available:
    1. Old DVD player (choking on the bitrate spike)
    2. You need to set some compression markers around the scenes while in FCP. This would flag Compressor to pay extra attention to that area. After you output the new clip, I suggest you use the standard High Quality preset (in Compressor) for your program duration e.g., "Highest Quality 90 minute". Don't get creative with the encoding set-up. And ALWAYS used AC-3 audio.

  • Controlling output video bit rate in FCPX

    I ran into a problem: I created a mp4 file with Share/Export File… (settings: Computer, H.264 Faster Encode, 1920x1080 - edited from an HD camera): its video always freezes at a definite point when played on my BD Player connected to my HDTV through HDMI (audio instead continues on the frozen image).
    It seem that the issue is a sudden video bit rate pick of almost 50 Mbps while its average is around 20-30 Mbps. It is not clear to me if this freeze is caused by the BD Player or by the HDTV not being able to handle such pick.
    As a test I used Compressor to control the output bit rate (settings: average 20 Mbps and pick 25 Mbps) and this seems to fix the problem. To be more certain I should do more tests, but I'm confident I found a possible solution.
    I'd like to know if there is a way in FCPX to control such picks (without using Compressor), either in the Share commands (but it seems to me that they don't provide enough setting controls) or in the timeline. By watching the Video Scopes I can see a quite strong signal in the area where the output file has the bit rate pick. But I don't know any way to have a measure useful to identify them before sharing and avoid a trial and error approach...
    Below the critical point...

    Tried to upload a PDF instead of PNG, but no luck. The picture shows a quite standard (I'd say...) image but with highly dense graphic of Y' component in the Y'CbCr Parade (in the limits of 0-100 IRE): much more dense than most images in the rest of the movie. So I assume this might mean a higher bit rate... but it's just an assumption.
    Let me summarize my tests:
    1st test: FCPX: Share/Export File.. (settings: Computer, H.264 Faster Encode, 1920x1080)
    - copied the .mp4 file to USB drive
    - USB drive into a BD player connected to HDTV through HDMI >> freezing effect
    2nd test: FCPX: Send to Compressor - Compressor: Create Blu-Ray Disk (on Hard Drive) and Video Job with standard Video settings (Automatically select bit rates = ON)
    - Played the .img disk with "Mac Blu-Ray Player" on my iMac >> same freezing effect in same position as before on HDTV
    3rd test: FCPX: Send to Compressor - Compressor: Create Blu-Ray Disk (on Hard Drive) and Video Job with customized Video settings: Automatically select bit rates = OFF - Average = 20 Mbps - Maximum = 25 Mbps
    - Played the .img disk with "Mac Blu-Ray Player" on my iMac >> NO MORE freezing effect (and smaller file by 30%)
    I might do more tests (mainly on my HDTV) but I believe the point is the bit rate... and the only way to control it is by using Compressor.
    So now my question: is there a color setting that helps in controlling such situation ? e.g. lower saturation, or lower exposure, maybe in mid tones or highlights, or what ?
    Thanks so much for your help

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