Moving from iPhoto 5 to iPhoto 09

I'm helping a friend who just upgraded from an iBook G4 to a 13" MacBook Pro. She has iPhoto 5 on the G4 and (obviously) iPhoto 09 on the new MacBook. I noticed that the iPhoto 5 library is very different from the new iPhoto libraries in that it is not a "package", but just folders full of jpegs. My question is, what is the best way to transfer the iPhoto 5 library to iPhoto 09 on the new MacBook?
Can I just move the iPhoto 5 library to the Pictures folder on the new MacBook? Doing that I believe will simply replace the iPhoto 09 library (which is empty). Then open iPhoto 09?
I'm not worried about losing the iPhoto 5 pics, as they will be backed up on an external drive, I just don't want to screw up anything in iPhoto 09 on the new MacBook.

Can I just move the iPhoto 5 library to the Pictures folder on the new MacBook? Doing that I believe will simply replace the iPhoto 09 library (which is empty). Then open iPhoto 09?
That's it exactly. 09 will then convert the Library to the newer format.

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    Hello Richieto,
    I have already purchased and download Aperture.
    In the Import window I see the "move files" radiobutton and the "copy files" radiobutton under the "Store Files:" dropdown,  but they are disabled.What i would like to achieve is just to move all my iPhoto Library to Aperture Library. I wont use iPhoto anymore.
    Set the "storeFiles" selector to "in their current location".
    Have you seen this support article. Moving from iPhoto to Aperture - How to move
    If you follow these instructions, you will import your iPhoto Library by referencing - that means, all images remain in your iPhoto library; your iPhoto Library will remain unchanged, but Aperture references the files in in the iPhoto Library. This will save disk space; your images will be stored only once: Set the "Store Files" selector to "in their current location".
    If you decide to do it this way, make sure you have a working backup of your iPhoto library. Also remember at all times that your master image files now are managed independently by two applications, that do know nothing of what the other app does and are not synchronized. So you must not move the iPhoto library, and you must not delete any images that are shared by both applications. Other than that this way to import from iPhoto will be the best deal, if you need to be frugal with disk space.
    What i would like to achieve is just to move all my iPhoto Library to Aperture Library. I wont use iPhoto anymore.
    Once you are happy with  the way Aperture handles the images you can copy your iPhoto library to a backup location and consolidate the master image files (File -> consolidate) by moving them from your iPhoto Library into the Aperture Library. This will delete them from iPhoto and store them inside the Aperture Library package. Then delete the iPhoto Library after testing that the consolidation was successful.
    I im saving to buy a NAS that will solve my space problems in the near future.
    Just a caution - you should not use the NAS to store the Aperture library - an Aperture library needs to bestored on a local volume formatted MacOS X extended.

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    Cheers, Andrew.

    There is no reason to not port a number from another provider (unless leaving a contract early and being charged the ETF) for if one does decide to switch back to their previous provider within the first 30 days after making the switch, the previous provider will take one back with welcome arms and the same phone number can be used this way.
    Your way required getting a new phone number which can't be changed or potted after the fact for single line account.

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    what i have now is a lot of jpg-files in my google drive, size of 33-34k - so i think i've got the thumbnails there.
    when i go into iphoto, i only see the outlines of the rectangles which normally contain the thumbnails but not the thumbnails themselves. when i select a rectangle, double click on it, i get to a screen where i would normally get the big picture the thumbnail stands for. now i get a grey screen with an exclamation mark.
    If you are lucky, and only moved the thumbnails folder from your iPhoto library, use iPhoto's built-in Library First Aid Tools to rebuild the thumbnails.
    Quit iPhoto.
    Hold down the key combination ⌘⌥ firmly, and continue to hold it down, while double clicking the iPhoto icon to launch ipHoto in "First Aid" mode.
    From the panel that appears, select "rebuild Thumbnails":
    I hope, that will restore the thumbnails. You may want to follow this by "repair database".
    Don't remove, rerame, or change anything inside an iPhoto database. That will corrupt your library for sure.

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    Yes, now that we can see your your screenshot it is easier to understand what you are asking. Kirby's brief naming essay will have given you already a very good introduction to the library structure, and I am sure he will elaborate on that when he returns to this thread. Just a few additional pointers  to the different sections of the Inspector window; for coming from iPhoto you might be puzzled; everything seems to be there twice, which can be confusing.
    The upper part of the Inspector panel (With the Heading "Aperture 3 Library and with Projects, Faces, Places, Photos ...) offers different views of your Library: Each view projects (like the vies of a database) the metadata of your images and groups the images in a specific way: in the "Faces View" you can assign names to the faces and browse the images grouped according to persons, in the Places View you assign locations and group according to locations, etc. You use these views for specific tasks.
    The lower part, with the headline "Projects & Albums" organizes your storage structure, like Kirby described in his post.
    A flat structure with 300 projects at the same level will make the access difficult, even if you use smart albums - for you, and or Aperture as well.
    If you think about it, the folder structure is static and created once, when you import your images. That does not need  much processing on Aperture's side when you reopen a Aperture Library.
    The smart albums are dynamic - computed each time you change or assign a metadata tag. And if your smart albums are defined in the scope of the whole library, then each time you change a keyword all of your library has to be processed. So if you are not too fond of watching the beachball spinning, it is wise to be frugal with the use of smart albums and don't use them for tasks that can easily be solved by the static organisation. Also folders can be used to limit the scope of smart albums - why search for images of grizzlies in your Hawaii projects; if all your Alaska projects are contained in one folder, you can define a smart album of bears inside that folder, and thus avoid searching the anniversary images and other vacation shots.
    Bummer - none of the iPhoto keywords seen to have come across
    That really is a bummer - how did you import your iPhoto library?

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    They were all under the June 2012 folder because that is when they were imported.
    Yes, that is how it is supposed to be: The date of the masters folder is the date imported, not the capture date.
    If you want to find a managed image in the "masters" folder quickly, add the "import session" metadata tag to the info panel (it is in the "Aperture brick of the presets in the "Edit" panel). Then you'll know, for which date to look in the "Masters" folder.

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    FYI...New changes are coming.
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    I would prefer to get your advice on how to proceed with this move before doing something that could damage the integrity of the files.
    Your recommendations will be appreciated.

    Trash your Photos library and do it again (Hold down the option key while launching Photos and select your iPhoto library to open)

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    There is an Applescript, File Name to Title,  provided by user léonie that will put the file name of any selected photos into the Title field for that photo.  If there already is a title in that field under the thumbnail it will not replace it with the file name. 
    tell application "Photos"
      set imageSel to (get selection) -- get a list of selected images
      set counter to 1
      set currentfilename to ""
      if imageSel is {} then
      error "Please select an image."
      repeat with im in imageSel
      set title to the name of im
      if not (exists (title)) then
      set currentfilename to the filename of im as text -- retrieve the filename of image "Im"
      set newname to currentfilename & "." & counter
      set counter to counter + 1 -- increment the counter
      set the name of im to newname -- write the newname to the title field
      end if
      end repeat
      end if
      return currentfilename -- return the filename of the last image
    end tell
    Copy the script above, open Applescript Editor and past it into the open window.  Compile and save as an Applescript application.  Put the app in the Applications folder and drag into the Dock. Now you can select images in Photos and launch the app from the Dock and it will do it's thing.  It is a bit slow so can take some time for a large number of images depending on the speed of your Mac.
    Just to be on the safe side create an album with a few titled and untitled photos and run it on them.

  • Moving from iPhoto to Aperture

    I just purchased Aperture. I have been using iPhoto for a few years. Several months ago I downloaded the trial Aperture version. Thus, on the menu on the left, I see hundreds of photos labeled in the Aperture trial library folder and thousands under the iPhoto folder. All of my "master" photos are in my iPhoto library currently. Before I move all iPhoto photos/files to Aperture, should I delete everything from the Aperture folders first (i.e., the Apple trial library and all of the folders previously copied in from iPhoto when I was using the Aperture trial)? I don't want to have duplicate and triplicates in my Aperture library, just one master copy of all my photos? Also, should I move the files to Aperture or keep them in their current folders, which I presume are under iPhoto?

    If your trial period was months ago I'd guess that nothing in the Aperture trial library is very current.
    If that's the case I'd recommend you just start fresh when you download Aperture and start using it for real.

  • Displaying Photo Titles for Photos Moved From iPhoto

    I have added comments in the 'titles' area of a number of photos. When I import the photos to iMovie, the photo titles are lost.
    Is there a way to maintain the photo titles, when photos are imported from iPhoto to iMovie.

    I found the solution, but adding titles in iMovie, rather than bringing the titles from iPhoto.

  • Moving from iPhoto 11' to Aperture 3

    OK everyone, I know this has probably been asked many times before, but after searching previous discussions, I have not been able to find a more recent answer. I want to make sure I am doing this right from to get-go.
    Basically, I would like to make the move from iPhoto 11' to Aperture 3. My biggest concern is duplication of images. I would like to import all images from iPhoto excluding any edits (essentially just masters) and begin using Aperture 3 for all my photo needs. From what I can tell, the easiest way to import would be to go to File > Import > select iPhoto Library. This then would ask me to select to leave them in their current location, or import them to the Aperture Library. If my goal is to get away from iPhoto, would it be best to import them in to the Aperture Library or leave them in their current location? If I chose import to Aperture Library, will they still be listed under iPhoto Albums in Aperture?
    I have read that if I leave them in their current location, I can later select Consolidate Masters and that would allow me to delete my iPhoto Library. Would that be the same as just importing in to the Aperture Library to begin with and deleting the iPhoto Library?
    I've also read something about exporting from iPhoto and then importing from Aperture. Is this an effective way to transfer? Any feedback would be great. These forums are awesome. I get more help on here then I do at the Genius Bar!!

    Basically, I would like to make the move from iPhoto 11' to Aperture 3. My biggest concern is duplication of images. I would like to import all images from iPhoto excluding any edits (essentially just masters) and begin using Aperture 3 for all my photo needs.
    If you have the latest  iPhoto 11'  and the most current Aperture 3.2.3, then you do not need to be worried about duplications. If your iPhoto and Aperture are current and the iPhoto Library has been upgraded by iPhoto 11, then Aperture will be able to import many images as proper master-versions pairs, so that the iPhorto edited versions don't need much additional space.
    The older images, where Aperture cannot create a master-version pair will import as separate masters, one for the original master image file, and one for the edited version. Aperture will stack those two images and tag them with keywords "iPhoto Original" and "iPhoto Edited". You will be able to collect them in a smart album by filtering using these keywords and can use that to delete the edited versions you do not want.
    I have read that if I leave them in their current location, I can later select Consolidate Masters and that would allow me to delete my iPhoto Library. Would that be the same as just importing in to the Aperture Library to begin with and deleting the iPhoto Library?
    Yes, that would be the same.
    If you want to migrate from iPhoto to Aperture and not use iPhoto any longer, then make a backup from your iPhoto Library and import into Aperture directly, without referencing the iPhoto Library. Referencing the iPhoto Library will give no added functionality, but will restrict your use of iPhoto and is not very safe.
    The most versatile option ton import into Aperture is by using 
         File > Import > select iPhoto Library
    This will mirror your iPhoto Library in Aperture exactly as it is now: Folders, events, books, slideshows, albums, keywords, and other metadata tags like ratings.
    I've also read something about exporting from iPhoto and then importing from Aperture. Is this an effective way to transfer?
    This will transfer your images, but not the work you put into organizing your library (albums, etc.)
    Also you will only get the masters or the edited versions. By importing the library you can get both as master-versions pairs (as far as possible).
    Any feedback would be great. These forums are awesome. I get more help on here then I do at the Genius Bar!!
    Thank you for that. We like to share what we have learned here. Post back if you still have questions.

  • Restoring keywords that were deleted when moving from iPhoto to Aperture

    I recently migrated from iPhoto to Aperture, and this apparently involves losing a TON of metadata. One new discovery I've made is that for my older photos (i.e., ones added and edited a few years ago when I was using an earlier version of iPhoto), the keywords have been deleted.
    More specifically, if I have a photo and it has keyword X, then TWO copies appear in the Aperture library:
    - the original image, with the keyword "iPhoto original" AND the keyword X
    - the modified image, with only the keyword "iPhoto external edited"
    (Note that I have not used any external editors; this is just how iPhoto seems to interpret images that were edited with older versions of iPhoto)
    This is definitely buggy behavior.
    This means that if I have a "best-of" keyword and I make a "Smart" album, it gets filled with original, unedited versions of my "best of" photos.
    Is there any way to fix this without going one-by-one through THOUSANDS of older photos and manually copying the keywords from the original to the modified?

    Hope we get an answer - I'm in the same situation as you, though I just went from iPhoto to A2.x on an older G5 tower. I've been debating whether to take the time to go through them, reorganize "better" than they were under iPhoto or wait for a more elegant solution...

  • Duplicate photos moved from iPhoto to different folders?

    My Macbook Pro storage was really low and I wanted to delete some pictures from iPhoto.  Originally, I had many thousands of pictures and albums. When I pulled it up, only the last few film rolls were there.  All my other photos seemed to migrate to another folder.  Either "Originals" or"Modified".  There are also many multiples or duplicates.  I downloaded a free "Duplicate deleter" program, but my computer crashes when I try to run it for the whole folder.  Can I just drag the folder back into iPhoto? Why would all those pictures move without me prompting them?  Does this have anything to do with importing my iPhone 4 pictures?  Very frustrating. Thanx for any insight.

    Third (or maybe fourth) time
    to start with you NEVER enter the iPhoto library for any reason and you NVER, NEVER, NEVER make any changes to the content or structure of the iPhoto library
    That should be clear and very simple  --  It means that you never do this
    Picture > iPhoto Library > Originals (folder) or (Modified)
    Can you explain why after many (8+) years, I open up iPhoto like I have ten thousand times and 99% of my content is gone, yet still in a folder?
    I have 3 or 4 times - you destroyed your library by deleting photos from within the iPhoto library
    There are NO user servicable parts within the iPhoto library and
    you NEVER enter the iPhoto library for any reason and you NVER, NEVER, NEVER make any changes to the content or structure of the iPhoto library
    you only choice now is to restore a backup from before you used the finder to delete photos inside the iPhoto library or to start over from scratch with a new iPhoto library and import your photo into it
    and in the future
    you NEVER enter the iPhoto library for any reason and you NVER, NEVER, NEVER make any changes to the content or structure of the iPhoto library
    Don't open the iPhoto library - period - not for any reason unless specifically direct to by an experianced expert

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    When I move a photo album from iPhoto to an iWeb album page the photos are darker and more saturated. I would think the color space should be the same for both.
    Does anybody have an answer?

    I was having this or a very similar problem a couple of updates ago here is what fixed it for me:
    Hope this helps.

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