Moving OLD .MAc site to iWeb

How can I import my old .Mac site to iWeb for editing and republishing under my new .Me URL?- Mark my E- Mail address is [email protected]

Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Was this site created with Homepage? iWeb cannot import html files, only create them. So if you want to convert that site to an iWeb site you'll have to recreate it from scratch. However, Chapter 2.3 of the iWeb site has tips on using some of the published files in the reconstruction of the site.
Or, you can just leave the site where it is and link to it from your new iWeb site or embed the site into an iWeb page like this example: Embed One Site Within an iWeb Page. It's a site created with Homepage and still in the Homepage section of iDisk.

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    If you don't have your domain file for your site, then there is nothing you can do except re-build your site with iWeb 09.
    Next time remember to backup your domain file located under User/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites. If you don't have this file then you have to re-build. iWeb cannot import any published site.

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    Unless you saved a copy of the Domain file from your old hard drive, no, there is no way to use iWeb to do anything with your old site.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. The file you need to find is titled domain.sites2 and is normally located in the User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder. Unless you reinstalled the system and iLife with an erase and install it should be there. If you don't find it there download and use Find File to search for "domain". It can search areas that Spotlight cannot.

  • My old mac website

    How is iweb different then mobil me and it's gallery? Also, am I able to use my old mac website with IWEB?

    James Fernald wrote:
    How is iweb different then mobil me and it's gallery?
    James ~ iWeb is a web design app used for designing web pages and publishing them to the internet. It includes some page templates specially designed for presenting photos & videos.
    MobileMe Gallery is special web page published from iPhoto, iMovie or Aperture for displaying photos and videos in a more sophisticated way. A MobileMe Gallery can be embedded into an iWeb site.
    Also, am I able to use my old mac website with IWEB?
    If you're referring to a website made via the old .Mac HomePage app, you cannot import that website directly into iWeb. You could, however, manually drag & drop media from your .Mac HomePage site to iWeb's canvas. See this related Apple doc:
    _MobileMe: Finding your .Mac Homepage_

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    iWeb cannot import webpages.
    If you want these pages in iWeb, add a new page and then copy/paste the content from your current webpage(s).
    Nice detail, if you copy text, do paste in iWeb. No need for adding a textbox first. The text will retain it's formatting.
    Images you simply drag from your webpage to the page in iWeb.

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    transfer the "domain" file located in your user library/application support/Iweb.
    That contains the entire site.
    Also one should always maintain a backup of the file. If it's lost your back to square one.

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    But what can I cut and paste? the html code or image and text directly?
    depend on which template you used.
    if you use iweb photos page template then you need to search for my photos page solutions in this forum.
    @ot: cut and paste from the online version
    @rw: You can drag an image from the website to the Desktop
    have your try your methods in iweb photos page?

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    Simply copy and paste the file. iWeb by default uses the following file:
    /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/iWeb/Domain.sites
    If viewing thru the Finder, you won't see the extension. Also, it is not imperative that you keep the file in that location. Move it to where you want, then double-click it to launch iWeb. It will then know where you are keeping it and automatically open that file in that location when you launch iWeb the next time.

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    That means I'm going back and forth between my old eMac and this one to try and upgrade. I've created a beautiful new art site in iWeb, and it was 100 x as easy as the first one, but I'm having problems getting it online. After ten years in the search engines, I have people enter at many of my old HTML pages and I need to use all my old web pages to forward to my new site. I don't know how to arrange the different files in the site folder to work together, or what to name them. I have tried adding a piece of code recommended for redirecting a page (meta refresh), but that hasn't worked, even when I have the iWeb files in the same folder. My Mac assumes I'll publish on .mac and that isn't the case. I have published to a folder so far. Anybody have instructions?

    Ok, I'm talking to myself here! hahaha! What I was told was this from Mac Fit-it:
    “You don't need to point anything at anything. Simply don't change the names of the HTML files as they are right now; that's all.HTML is HTML is HTML. You do not need PageMill to edit pages created in PageMill. HTML is HTML; any HTML editor can edit pages made in any other HTML editor.“
    Now, this is terrific news, but I still couldn't figure out how to open the old pages with iWeb. So, I simply made new ones with the old names. I don't have to work with PageMill at all, and I have crisp new easily designed pages to point the way to my new site.
    Now if I can just figure out the right meta refresh code (I've come across several) to do the job without giving the search engines a heart attack, and how to arrange them so they work together, I'll be in good shape. Meta refresh has problems, and Java script doesn't pause to see the refresh page. Any ideas?

  • .Mac "Start Site" not the top site in iWeb site organizer

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    My next one will be more friends/work.
    But, when I test out the iweb help entry that says the top site in the site organizer is/will be the start site, it does not hold true when I publish them.
    The help says:
    Your start site is the one that opens when you type this URL (address) into a browser (don't type the brackets):[YourMemberName]
    To change your start site:
    Drag the site you want to be the start site so that it appears first in the site organizer.
    But, after I publish, the start site is still the old start site. Is this a timing/web cache issue? Or, bug? Or, how can one fix this?

    It could be a cache issue, but I think this is less likely. Never hurts to emtpy your browser cache though. I have seen one other person who's sites are stuck like this. Couldn't tell you why. She is stuck using the long URLs to specify each site. Maybe this is a bug in iWeb. I don't know.
    But here are some things you could try...switch the order of your sites again in the Site Organizer, publish, switch them back and republish. Or you might try a "Publish ALL to .Mac".
    The object here is to get iWeb to generate new index.html files that redirect to your choice of a start page. For a little background, if you look in your iDisk inside the Web folder. There is a folder called Sites. Inside Sites, there is a folder called iWeb. Inside the iWeb folder you will see the first of two redirection index.html files. This first one is what allows the short URL to work...
    Now if you open up the site folder inside the iWeb folder, you will see another index.html file among all the other files there. This is the second index.html file that redirects to the same start page as the first. This allows the "long" URL to be used...
    I have seen situations where either one of these index.html files have not been generated or altered to reflect changes in the Site Organizer...usually the outer index.html file inside the iWeb folder. So anything that you can do to make iWeb publish new files should work....changing the order of your sites, erasing the files from your iDisk and republishing, changing the names of your sites, doing a Publish ALL. Try these things and see if your problem isn't resolved...
    If you have found any of this information to be useful to you, please take the time to provide me with feedback by marking my reply as "solved" or "helpful" using those little buttons that you see in the title bar of this reply. I'd really appreciate it!

  • Canot edit site created on old mac notebook on my new one

    I created a site using iWeb on my old Mac notebook. Everything worked fine,
    Then I bought a new MacBook Pro and gave my old Mac to my partner, after deleting my acount and all data on it,
    I thought that since I have my iWeb data files on my iDisk and I am using the same .Mac account as before that I would be able to edit the existig site with my new notebook.
    However, whenever I open iWeb on the new MacBook, the only option I am presented with is to create a new site. If I say 'cancel' then the programme shuts down. There seems to be no option for opening and editing an existing site. I have searched through all the help and found no answers.
    Am I stuck with a website that cannot be edited and am I forced to re-do all the work I did because I upgraded my Mac? Is there no way to import that existing site into the iWeb on my new Mac?
    This whole experience is leaving me feeling very frustrated. I would appreciate very much finding out how to be able to edit my existing site with the new Mac I bought -- part of the reason for buyig it was better performance on iPhoto and thus making it easier (I thought) to use iWeb.
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Am I stuck with a website that cannot be edited and
    am I forced to re-do all the work I did because I
    upgraded my Mac?
    Yes, unless you have a backup of the Domain file that was used to create the site.

  • Putting link in old Mac homepage to new iWeb page

    Hi there is there anyway of putting a link in my old homepage that would link to my new iWeb page?

    Are you replacing the old homepage site with a new iWeb one or keeping it and just linking? If it's the later you would have to do some html editing since the homepage sites are no longer editable online like they once were. The code would look something like this:
    Go to your iDisk/Sites folder and locate the old site's folder. In it will be the html file for the first page. Open it with a text/html editor like the free TextWrangler, locate where you want to have the link appear and add the code above.
    Replace the URL with the URL of your new site and replace TEXT with whatever you want to appear, like "Click here to go to the new site", etc.
    Let me know if you plan on replacing the old site with the new iWeb site and want a redirect link to automatically send visitors from the old site to the new one.

  • .Mac gallery in iweb site with custom domain name

    This is my first post on the boards and I want to say that switching from pc to mac has been one of the greatest moves of my life. Anyways Im a photographer and have my own domain name. Ive created a site in iweb with .mac photo galleries on it. To upload the site I used an external ftp loader. The site looks great but when I click on the galleries it takes me to the .mac gallery page and there is no link to get back to the home page.

    When you create the link to a .Mac gallery, check the box "Open link in new window" in the "link" inspector.

  • How do I remove old web site when publishing new site with same URL in iweb? Hit replace when publishing new iweb site (so we could have control over changes) but new site name is attached to old via a / after our www address we want to keep.

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    Well yes of course, if you try and publish through iWeb there won't be an option to publish without your site folder which is exactly why I told you to download Cyberduck and use Cyberduck to upload your site to your server having published your site from iWeb to a local folder.  That is what you need to do if you don't want your site name to be included in yoru url.
    It would have been easier also if you had used Cyberduck initially to connect to your server and delete your old site yourself - at least that way you would have deleted the correct files rather than relying on your hosting service to do it and doing it incorrectly.
    Download Cyberduck and then select the publish to a local folder option from iWeb and then use Cyberduck to upload your site to your server, but rather than uploading the whole site folder and separate index file, upload ONLY the contents of your site folder and then your url will be
    It really isn't rocket science!

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