Moving router (ethernet and coax?)

So,  I apologize if this is redundant to other posts. 
I have a FIOS router that is currently running on ethernet (I think so at least. The light for ethernet is on while the coax is out). It is hooked up to both the ethernet from the outside and the coax. I understand the need for the coax connection for my FIOS TV apps and whatnot.
Here's my issue. My ethernet was installed without a jack. The installer just ran a straight line into the room and put a plug on the end. I need to move the router out to another part of the house as I need the room for a baby room. I tried just unplugging and relocating, but it clearly doesn't work for internet without the ethernet cord.
Here's my question. Can I have FIOS just switch me over to a coax system? Is there a charge for this? Are there benefits/issues with doing this?
Thanks in advance...

There are only two very old models of the ONT (610,611) that do not support a MOCA WAN (coax) connection.
Unless your FIOS installation is very old (2006 or so), it's unlikely you have one of those ONTs.
You don't mention what speed tier you're on.  Ethernet installs are required for speed tiers over 100Mbps.
So if you have a speed tier over 100Mbps, that would preclude switching to a coax WAN connection.
If neither of the above items are a factor, then you can be switched to a coax WAN connection by a phone call to VZ.
There is no charge for doing this by phone.

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    I have fios internet with phone no tv added and the guy came over and installed cat 6 to the router instead of coax, is the wan ethernet faster  for downloads files rather than wan coax??? my plan package is the 15/5 mbps

    Actually the MoCA is 1.0, I believe ... so it's probably topping out at 175mbps, but as you said ... both ethernet @ 100mb and MoCa at 175mbs are both an order of magnitude faster than the 15mb downstream rate the OP is provisioned for.   So it doesn't matter how they provisioned the connection. 

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    suddenly my ethernet and firewall are no longer connected. router is good...and can connect only using wifi...suggestions?

    I've been suffering from this problem for a few months.  I tried everything suggested by everyone, and then, today, I had a mad idea. 
    I used to work in a room in the house that's about 12 metres away from the router. It's on the next storey up and horizontally about 8 metres away.  The problem started when I began to work in the same room as the router. 
    Today I became so frustrated that for some reason I walked into a room about 8 metres away on the same level - Guess what?  I connected with no problem at all. Feeling full of joy I walked back to the room where the router is located - Dropped internet connection within a few minutes!  Walked back to the the room that's 8 metres away and, hey presto! I have a connection. I now realise that the problem was that I moved too close to the router.
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    By the way, I don't know if it has any significance, but the router is a BT Infinity router that has replaced the incredibly unreliable Virgin Media cable connection

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    Some cable mine, a well known company......seem to take anywhere from a few moments to sometimes up to 30 minutes to allow their equipment back at the cable company to fully reset and issue a new fresh connection.
    So, it would not hurt to leave things powered down for 15-20 minutes or more when you perform the reset that John Galt suggests.

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    Are there any specials settings I should be using? IP Address? Subnet? Router?
    Please help as it is making me crazy!

    I can not get my G5 to work with my linxsys router via a built in ethernet and ethernet cord.
    Hard to tell from that short description. It is best to describe what you have tried, what worked, what failed, and any error messages.
    If the router has it's DHCP server enabled, you should configure your Mac's Network preference pane to use Ethernet and DHCP to get an IP address.

  • Help with WRT54GS on FiOS (ethernet, not coax)

    Hey guys, I'm new here and just trying to get some help with this unsolvable problem that I just started having with my Linksys WRT54GS and Verizon FiOS last week.
    To simplify my full story and actual issue here, I put it all into points to try and make it simpler to understand:
    -In Fall of 2007, I switch from Comcast to Verizon FiOS after getting screwed over waiting for two weeks and never getting a new router, as the first one was fried in a thunderstorm
    -Little brother knocks over the first Actiontec router and it breaks
    -Actiontec replacement router's wireless is nonexistant (MI42WR)
    -After trying out bridging the Linksys to the Actiontec, it proves to be much more of a pain than actual solution to lack of wireless
    -Switched from coax to full cat5 ethernet last year to use Linksys WRT54GS
    -Been happily directly connected from ONT to Linksys WRT54GS via cat5 ethernet for the past year while the wireless is perfect for the other computers
    (last week)
    -Turned off Linksys router for one night last week to give it an over night rest
    -Has not been able to connect to Verizon with old WRT54GS or brand new WRT54GL router (That I'm now returning)
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    -I do not want to bridge the Actiontec and Linksys again
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    -Has reset the connections of the router, computer and released the DHCP plenty of times, but to no avail
    -Has upgraded the firmware of my WRT54GS before typing this and still nothing
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    I can't think of a solution except perhaps trying one from another company, like D-Link.. (sad face) I'm already returning the new router on monday, since I don't believe that my WRT54GS is even broken if the new one isn't connecting either. So I'm just thinking that perhaps Verizon has done something that isn't allowing any of my Linksys routers to connect, since they happily started charging me an extra $10-12 on the FiOS bill without notice. Though at this point, I have a hard time believing that even switching to another router company and using their products will do anything for me..
    At this very moment, I'm suffering with this awful stock Verizon router and my parents and aunt have been complaining for the past two weeks. Hopefully someone here knows what the real problem may be that can chime in with some help.
    Go to Solution.

    Yep, I sure have done exactly what you said to do. I wasn't able to edit my post, but that's exactly what I had to do when I was doing tests with the Verizon technician over the phone. I also reset all of the settings within my computer and browsers.. Still, the only router that works is the Actiontec router that I have been trying to avoid. The other Verizon techs during the day don't help at all, but the one time I called at like 2am at least TRIED to help me out with my Linksys router..
    I've even gone as far as switching the ethernet cable from the ONT that goes to the WAN port of the Linksys to go to the computer's ethernet port and moving the other end to the Lan 1-4 jacks, while using a whole new cable for the ONT --> Linksys WAN.
    I still got the green light from the ONT and I still got no connection from Verizon.. There's no way I'm switching out from Verizon FiOS, but this is really giving me a headache trying to solve this issue.
    Message Edited by KOkun on 05-10-2009 09:38 PM

  • Connect Fios to Cat5e home network AND Coax connections?

    My Verizon fios system was recently installed.  My home is wired for a Cat5e home network and standard Coax in all rooms.  The fios system is currently connected to the Coax connections and the TVs and Fios router all work fine.  Problem is that I would also like to use the Cat5e connections for devices that access the internet that don't have wireless capability and are not proximate to the Fios router.  Is it possible to connect the ONT to my Cat5e home network so that I can connect other devices directly to the Cat5e outlets, and keep the existing Coax set-up?
    I understand that the standard Fios set-up only allows using either an Ethernet output or the Coax output, but not both.  Any suggestions?
    One option might be to move the router to the basement (where the equipment is located that I want to connect to the Cat5e network), but then the router will likely be too far from the rest of the house to receive the wireless signal.  In that case, is it possible to connect a wireless router in another location (I have a Belkin wireless router).  Or do I need to get another router from Verizon?

    DC_Sox_Fan wrote:
    I just spoke to Verizon Fios Tech Support and they claim that it is NOT possible to use both the Coax and Cat5e connections.  So, for those that have a Cat5e home network, but still want to use th Coax for TV, Verzon says you are out of luck.
    Thats not strickly true but its not bad info either. You cant use both the coax and cat5 at the same time for INTERNET. The coax internet port (moca) is not active at the same time as the ethernet port. However, many systems use the ethernet for internet and coax for TV.
    Depending on how your house is set up this can be accomplished many different ways.
    I would assume that you have some kind of utility closet were all the ethernet cables converge, where you could place the router so that it can connect to all the rooms. Is this correct? If so, is there also a coax connection in there? Again, if so, you could place the verizon router in the closet, connect the coax to the router for the link to verizon and the TV's and then connect the ethernet to the lan for the rest of the house. This would be the simplest way assuming that you have this type of connection available to you. there are many other ways but it would all depend on what you have available to you and how your house wiring is set up
    Error exists between keyboard and chair.

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    Hope this is of help to you.
    M1424WR  Rev F with WPA2
    From Traffic Monitoring screen on Router
    Netwrk(Home Office),Ethernet,Broadband Connection(Ethernet),Coax,Wireless Access Point...ALL CONNECTED
    Broadband Connection(Coax)...CABLE DISCONNECTED.
    ONT feed into house is Coax.
    My FiOS Service 20/5 After Free Speed Upgrade DOWN 30.83 Mbps  UP 27.83 Mbps  Latency 11 ms
    Server NY NY
    Freedom Essentials, QIP 7100 1,Bose SOLO TV Sound System,,QIP 7216 P2,M1424WR Rev F, iPad 2 WiFi,iPhone 5,TV SYST INFO Release 1.9.5 Build No. 17.45
    Data Object 39.45

  • Ethernet over coax question

    I have a coax cable running from the front house to the back house and want to connect my router to the iMac back there that serves up music and movies etc to the rest of the house. It's currently connected via wifi, but there are dropouts etc.
    I've been pointed to a few different devices that can run ethernet over coax, such as this one:
    there are a variety of them, and they all seem to say they have speeds in the 100mps to at the most 500 mps. My questions is this. How fast are current Airport and Ethernet speeds? I know they speak of Gigabit wireless, so does that mean 1000mps and up?
    If I'm currently using wireless in this case, do you think switching to coax would slow things down a lot, or would it work ok?

    802.11g aka "wireless-g" has a maximum theoretical speed of 54 megabits/second.
    802.11n "wireless-n", has a maximum theoretical speed of 300 megabits/second, but to attain that it requires near-perfect conditions. It's normal to observe less than half that in actual use.
    These vary according to many environmental phenomena that influence radio propagation. Observed speeds tend to be considerably less. "Gigabit Ethernet" isn't so influenced, but may also be less than 1000 Mb/s due to other network factors.

  • Routes, gateways, and networks -- Help Please

    Hi Linux gurus:
    I have a problem that I know you will help me resolve...
    I have two network cards in my Linux box.
    1. public network:
    default gw:
    I want this one routed to my router for internet/public use
    2. private network 1000mpbs
    default gw: none
    I don't want this one routed at all. It is used for backups, moving files, etc and is called by individual servers using /etc/hosts.
    Now problem is that I can't get out and/or in to the box. It appears as though the default gateway on this system is I set up the network via the gui and it appeared to be working, but alas it is not. It looks like things are only talking via the 192.168.2.X network, and that is not what I want...and from the outside world, nothing at all is talking to it.
    Below is my ifconfig -a and my netstat -rn
    Please help!
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:18:F3:E8:29:2A
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    Interrupt:193 Base address:0x8000
    eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:27:AC:7C:4D
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:5339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:1891 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:588251 (574.4 KiB) TX bytes:530473 (518.0 KiB)
    eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:B5:43:16:D0
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:300106 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:617831 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:28009736 (26.7 MiB) TX bytes:585354764 (558.2 MiB)
    Interrupt:217 Base address:0xc000
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:816528 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:816528 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:102034952 (97.3 MiB) TX bytes:102034952 (97.3 MiB)
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 eth2 U 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth2 UG 0 0 0 eth2

    Ok...I did the following:
    route add default gw eth1
    route delete default gw eth2
    I am able to get out to the outside world and it seems to work fine, but just curious:
    1. How do I keep this from reverting again? (I could put this in my own script, but would rather not hack it, but do it right)
    2. Are my routing tables below correct now (it works I understand, but want to ensure it is done correctly).
    3. What is this route for (in the below table) and is it needed? U 0 0 0 eth2
    4. Since i'm relying on /etc/hosts files for the systems on the 192.168.2.X interface should there even be a route for this subnet?
    updated routing table:
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface U 0 0 0 eth2 U 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth2 UG 0 0 0 eth1

  • Macbook Pro 10.7.5 internet will not work. HELP!!! Ethernet and WIFI both say connected but still no internet.

    I have a macbok pro running 10.7.5. My internet has always worked on it but I decided to try changing my router set up - the set up didn't work so I reverted back to the original setup that had previously worked.
    Now, I have an Imac running tiger - I can connect to the internet via WIFI or Built In Ethernet with no problem.
    When I try to connect to the internet on the Macbook Pro running osx 10.7.5 my internet will not work
    Safari Says (You are not connected to the internet) and Google Chrome says (Page is Unavailbe) and lists some trouble shooting options that I tried.
    When I go to System prefrences > Network my WIFI and Ethernet both say "Connected" and have a green light next to them.
    I have tryed deleting the connections and starting new ones and I have even tried deleting the Location and starting a new one.
    Nothing works - no matter what I do, even know the WIFI or ETHERNET says Connected, the internet will not work on the Macbook Pro.
    The Internet works fine on my Imac and I have tried everything such as swaping cables but there doesn't seem to be a problem with my internet
    or with my router - it all works fine with my Imac running Tiger.
    Can anyone help me get my internet working on my Macbook Pro again? Any ideas?

    Hello ASGR.SYS amd WahWar,
    I tried both of your suggestions and neither of them worked.
    ASGR SYS - When I tried it your way i got a message saying that the that the diagnostic couldn't repair the problem. It shows the thw WIFI, WIFI SETTINGS, NETWORK SETTINGS, ISP, all turn green. But the Internet and Sever stay red. The thing is, there is nothing wrong with my internet connection as I can connect to the internet on my Imac running tiger, both through ethernet and wireless. When I go to System Prefrences and Ntwork the WIFI and ETHERNET both say "Connected" even know I can't veiw any websites.suggestion
    When I tried WAHWAR's suggestion I get a message that says cannot connect to the WIFI network and then it lists your typical trouble shooting tips. Like Make sure you entered the right password and make sure you are in range of the wireless network
    Again, just to confoirm - My internet connection is working fne both the WIFI and the Ethernet. When I use it on my IMAC running tiger, everything connects as it should and it works perfectly. But when I try to connect with the MacBook Pro, Even know the connections in the Network settings window show up as "connected" the MacBook still seems to think that my internet connection isn't working at all.
    I have tried creating new connections, creating new locations, and I have even gone as far to reset my router and start completely from scratch. The result so far has been the same - the IMAC running tiger will connect - my blackberry and iphone will connect - but the macbook pro running lion will not connect..
    I'd apprechiate any other suggestions

  • I am using ethernet and am using a Linksys SE1500 5- port fast etherner switch, i cant seem to sign in on the apple for anything although I have accounts set up in itunes/apple and netflix . Any suggestions PLEASE have spent 3 hours argh. thanks

    I am using ethernet and am using a Linksys SE1500 5- port fast etherner switch, i cant seem to sign in on the apple for anything although I have accounts set up in itunes/apple and netflix . Any suggestions PLEASE have spent 3 hours trying everything I can think of. Any help will be appreciated!
    I have a linksys router but it isn't strong enough to get to this computer, so we are using ethernet.
    Thank you

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Are you getting any messages about date and time.
    Have you tried restarting the Apple TV by removing ALL the cables for 30 seconds.
    Are you connected to the network correctly.

  • How do I connect TC to a new ethernet and share a new ethernet DSL with a new PC and use with my macbook Pro? I tried and get no internet on the PC or Macbook Pro?

    how do I connect TC to a new ethernet and share a new ethernet DSL with a new PC and use with my macbook Pro? I tried and get no internet on the PC or Macbook Pro?

    I am connected to wi-fi through TC connected to a specific router and is working perfectly and saving data through TM without any issues.
    The TC version is 7.6.1 and am using OS 10.7.3
    The router mode is on Bridge mode and router is connected to TC through USB cable, I suppose for internet access. My Mac is on wi-fi through TC
    I have another location, much further, which recently have been installed with wi-fi through router that has WPA accessibiulity with password, 100% different than the current one.
    Since, I will be most of my time in this new location, I wish to move my TC to this new location, and configure it in similar fashion like what I am having right now.
    Naturally, I do not wish to lose any saved data on the TC.
    Hope I managed to provide enought info.
    Thanks in advance

  • Mac Mini (2007 model) Ethernet and 802.11N dead

    Wow, talk about 13 month old 2007-model Mac Mini just crapped out with a couple of issues. The Ethernet networking reports the cable is unplugged, even though it's not, and the 802.11 wireless networking won't connect at N speeds. Of my four Macs, this was the only one without AppleCare, so no warranty help to be had.
    Anyways, to troubleshoot the system, I've verified that the Ethernet cable I am using provides connectivity on another machine, and that other machines in the same workspace can connect to the 802.11n router via "n" speeds. So it's not anything external to the Mac Mini.
    I also booted from a different OS X version via external USB drive, and the Ethernet and Wireless "n" still display the same symptoms. So it sounds like hardware, since a software glitch shouldn't appear with a different boot drive, right?
    Verify disk and repair permissions also performed, with no anomalies noted.
    System Profiler shows the Ethernet port is there, but in following troubleshooting "cable unplugged" errors tips in another thread I tried removing it from the networking pref pane, and re-adding it, but Ethernet doesn't show as an addable option anymore.
    I am able to connect via 802.11g, so the machine's not totally dead connectivity-wise, but as home theater media server, I am sure going to miss the rapid file transfer rates of Ethernet or "n" wireless.
    So, before I write this machine off as crippled, can anyone think of anything else I might try to get Ethernet working again? I suppose a USB-to-ethernet dongle would be better than Wireless-"g", but it's still less than ideal.
    On another note, oddly, several of my programs started complaining about not being registered, which is what lead me to try permissions and disk verifications. Pretty strange.
    Any ideas appreciated.

    Ah, you're right about the N not being supported. Color me stupid on that one...silly me assumed that since I'd only had it a year, and N was around on my other Macs purchased around then, that it was there, but of course the design was a year old already. I'll update the thread post to drop that part.
    As for the cable, I sort of tried two other cables already. My actual setup is to run the Mini to a gigabit switch, then the switch runs a CAT6 cable 50' to the router. I used two different cables out of the switch, and then plugged the long run directly into the Mini. No go. I guess not a big issue to unplug the Mini and move it to another room. I'll give it a go, but take note that it's been working fine on this same cable/switch/router set-up for a year. Odd that it would suddenly change.
    Thanks for the tips, I'll post back with results when I get home and can check it out.

  • Which is Best... Connect Devices to Airport Extreme OR Modem/Router? And Which is Best for DHCP/NAT?

    I have a modem/router from the ISP and have just purchased an Airport Extreme to use for the WIFI instead of the modem/router.
    I have 3 other devices on the network connected to the modem/router via ethernet: AppleTV, Smart Blueray Player and a NAS drive.
    So I have the modem/router in DHCP/NAT mode, and Airport Extreme in Bridged mode.
    But I wondered if the Airport Extreme should be in DHCP/NAT, the other 3 devices connected to that via Ethernet, and the modem/router in bridged mode.
    Which is better, or are they the same?

    So I have the modem/router in DHCP/NAT mode, and Airport Extreme in Bridged mode.
    This would be the simplest, correct way to configure your network.
    Unless you need some special feature from the AirPort Extreme....that would require that the AirPort Extreme handle DHCP and NAT the Guest Network feature......then it would probably be best to keep things simple and leave them "as is" on your network.
    Either the modem needs to be in Bridge Mode and the AirPort Extreme handles DHCP and NAT.....or.....the modem/router handles DHCP and NAT and the AirPort Extreme is setup in Bridge Mode.
    it does not really matter which device handles DHCP and NAT as long as your feature requirements are being met on the network.
    Personally, I strongly prefer to use a simple modem....not a modem/router....and another separate router to control the network. But, your ISP may not offer that option.

Maybe you are looking for