Mozilla FireFox para Android processador Intel

Gostaria de instalar o Mozilla FireFox em meu Android com processador Intel Atom .. Motorola Razr I - XT890. Como ?

hello amjallan, there's work going on porting firefox for android onto phones with intel processors, but nothing was released yet (also it might still take a little bit of time until things are stable & launched in the play store).

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    Firefox cannot be downloaded from the Android Market on phones with incompatible processors. For more information, and to check your phone's compatibility, see:

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    Um amigo que usa o FF para android me deu a dica de que as contas a serem acompanhadas via sync devem ser adicionadas na tela do email; Quando você recebe a notificação de mensagem, você clica sobre a notificação que abre a mensagem de email. Nessa tela, no canto superior direito tem o ícone de menu e nesse menu tem a opção de adicionar novas contas de email para sincronizar. Só clicar em adicionar. Se for uma conta existente é só preencher os campos endereço e senha e dar um ok. Você também pode criar contas novas. No meu caso a adição foi imediata pois logo em seguida recebi notificações de emails da novas contas. É isso ai; Valeu pela ajuda.

  • How to uninstall "Mozilla-OS" apps from Firefox *for Android*?

    And no, the answer Jörgen Juel gave some other user does not work: Long-press, select and hold, whatever you want to call it -- on Android it gives you the standard Android editing options, NOT an uninstall button.
    Which makes it hard to decide whether Jörgen's "you might be more used to the Android way, but Firefox OS works more like iOS, just press and hold..." was more infuriatingly arrogant or more hilariously condescending: Yes, of course that user is more used to the Android way, given that it was an Android phone he was asking about. That's why his phone works the Android way, and the iOS / MozillaOS instructions won't work.
    So, the question remains: IS there any way to remove Mozilla-apps from FireFox on Android?

    Tap on the soft menu and tap on Tools then Apps, then go to your apps. Make sure you are logged in and go to my apps. This will list the apps.
    On the homescreen you can tap and hold onto the app and drag to uninstall. If there is an app that does not allow this, please report it.
    We can troubleshoot and reproduce from there.
    Thank you.

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    hello, this is a support forum for the mozilla firefox webbrowser. i'm afraid we cannot offer you any help for general problems on your pc that arise with installing new hardware, since we lack the expertise about it.
    please try to post your question on a portugese forum that specialises on hardware-related issues. thank you!

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    ]'''Michelle -
    I wonder if you realize that the quality of what you did is not equalled in any computer/techical manual that I have read since I had my first computer in the late 80's. Despite all the fancy numbers about how many jillion of computers are out there, I often wonder how many are like 2 or 3 at friends' homes, unused because they have no one to teach them, no manuals that are methodical enough, techie word free, to refer to.
    A forum is a time waster - a beginner can't tell if they are reading a wannabe computer whiz, or someone who is way beyond their needs or understanding. Google occasionally does a pretty good job, but it is all fragmented by product and, at times, their corporate product development structure.In a word,it is not integrated, and certainly not relating parts of the knowledge - e.g. when did you ever read, "What we are doing with this e-mail problem, is really almost identical to how one does an "x" kind of search."
    I have no doubt you have given me what I need. To the extent I might have a problem, you have anticipated - you probably don't realize this method which you used so well lights a sufficient remedy path; if there is a microscopic point of confusion, the user can see where to go.
    As I make the following comments, it is important to preface all by telling you that I spent over half of my business career fixing(not financial engineering) but teaching a large company from the shopfloor up to exec offices, what running a business was about, what was required to manage an organization to make money and positive cash flow while satisfying customers as a way of life; I did this in and for reasonably large private and public companies. I should also say to remove a doubt about my questions, I am very intelligent - my lack of understanding comes from either an industry's failure to truly market their product, which requires consumer education or the fact that, unlike my sons, I didn't have the opportunity or time to play with these machines and their software when DOS was the name of the sandbox. Believe it or not, I did all of the above things successfully without an MBA!
    So let's look at what you did and think what it could mean to Mozilla. First, there is a huge need for a product that does what you just did for me. I do not have to do any market research; when you figure people ask me for help with reasonable regularity, the need must be desperate.
    Mozilla has the opportunity to do, thru Firefox, the Bibles of the business. /they need to find the 100 most trying, difficult things users run into and write process statements as you did. I think it might well have to be part generic (e.g. Microsoft OS basics) and part brand/individual company structured.
    They would give these first 100 pages, in a three ring binder, to any user of Firefox for free. They would then go on to the next 150 difficulty issues (which I think should be enough) and sell that addendum to fit dividers in those notebooks. I would guess at this point, they might even publish such a package.
    Then they would have to have a structured page that any customer tech person was trained to follow such that problems beyond the suggested 250 were always formatted so they could go into the master binder.
    Companies with new products would certainly contract to have the Mozilla-Firefox manual company prepare or rigorously edit manuals or sections for their new product. It is easy for me to see that, every time a new product was launched, there was a marking {"Mozilla/Firefox Manual inside) - apologies to Intel.
    Your competence could breed a collateral business that created enormous goodwill and awareness - properly managed, cash.
    Take this to your boss or whomever is positive, and has an entrepreneurial bone permanently rooted in his or her soul.
    thank you, Stewart Gordon

  • How could I upgrade my Firefox for Android directly?

    Hi! Is it possible to upgrade your Android app directly without using Google Play or any other app stores?

    You can download the apk and install Firefox manually however the Release and beta versions do not update in Firefox on Android this way as you would have to manually install each new release.
    However if you phone or tablet has a older ARMv6 cpu or a Intel Atom instead of the most common ARMv7 cpu then see
    The other option is to install Aurora channel build as it will then do software updates each day. It is where 28.0a2 is currently being developed on until move/merge to Beta channel in early February .

  • Problemas com o Adobe Flash Player no Mozilla Firefox

    Olá,eu estou tendo um problema muito irritante com o Adobe Flash Player,mas apenas no Mozilla Firefox,oque acontece? bem vamos por partes para "você" ou "vocês" entenderem:
    Eu tenho um jogo de browser chamado "Dead Frontier" ele é um MMORPG e não precisa ser instalado no computador,apenas requer o Adobe Flash Player e o Unity Web Player...pois bem,jogo esse jogo a anos no Mozilla Firefox,nunca tive nenhum problema como este...que parece ser impossível de se resolver ao meu ver...
    Vamos lá,tenho algumas imagens que podem ajudar a entender o que está havendo:
    Qual o problema?na página inicial deste jogo sempre se executa um vídeo trailer do próprio jogo,mas de uns tempos pra cá(questão de 1 mês ou mais que isso começou)vem aparecendo esta mensagem no lugar do vídeo(sim tive de usar o paint,para facilitar os detalhes):
    Enfim,isso veio do nada,assim sem mais nem menos,o que eu fiz?várias coisas,desinstalei o flash player várias vezes e instalei de novo,verifiquei se o Mozilla estava atualizado(e estava e ainda está),FORMATEI o computador para ver se dava um fim nesse maldito problema que já está me deixando maluco,no fim das contas,nada disso resolveu,recorri a vários fóruns,até recorri ao fórum do próprio Adobe,e eles parecem não conseguir resolver isto...
    Vamos aos pequenos detalhes que observei deste problema,sempre que vejo vídeos(do youtube) ou jogo este jogo,percebo alguns ruídos,"som travando" por pequenos períodos,eles não ficam o tempo todo,mas se repetem....e isso irrita,e MUITO....
    Percebi este pequeno símbolo lá em cima,no canto esquerdo da barra de endereço do site,um pequeno aviso triangular cinza,dêem uma olhada(só aparece neste site,este pequeno aviso triangular):
    Seria esse o problema?e se for,como resolver?
    antes de mais nada,vou adicionando mais coisas antes que falem,sim já desativei o adblock pra ver se resolvia,nada,sim tenho o javascript atualizado,Flash player atualizado....pra vocês verem de tudo que eu ja tentei,isso parece ser uma missão impossivel...repito de novo,o computador foi formatado recentemente....
    Já testei isso em outros navegadores,como o IE,chrome...isso não acontece com eles,o video executa normalmente,o som sai limpo,sem nenhum ruido ou qualquer travada...mas sempre tive minha preferência pelo Mozilla Firefox,como já disse,sempre joguei este jogo no Mozilla mesmo,nunca aconteceu isso....nunca mesmo.
    Enfim,relatei meu problema,espero que alguém entenda e consiga me iluminar aqui,por que sinceramente,já estou cansado disso,estou quase desistindo...sério mesmo,já tentei tudo....a solução até pode ser simples,mas a dor de cabeça está insuportável.
    Obrigado pra quem teve a paciência de ler tudo!

    Tópico duplicado, continue aqui: [/pt-BR/questions/1052849]

  • Como faço para configurar o firefox para que ele sempre perguntar se eu quero baixar ou visualizar um aruquivo antes de baixa-lo?

    Estou usando um mac e sempre que eu clicava no link de download de um arquivo de texto (pdf, word ... etc) aparecia uma tela de dialogo perguntado se eu queria visualizar ou baixar o arquivo. Nessa tela havia um selectbox com a opção de "memorizar essa decisão". Sempre que eu queria visualizar um arquivo eu clicava em visualizar e o arquivo era exibido em uma nova janela do firefox. Certa vez por engano eu cliquei em baixar e marquei o selecbox: "memorizar essa decisão" e a partir de então eu nunca mais consegui visualizar um arquivo pdf sem antes fazer o download deste. Gostaria de saber com faço pra voltar o firefox para a configuração original para que ele volte a exibir uma tela de dialogo perguntado se eu quero visualizar ou baixar o arquivo.

    Não entendi bem o que ocorreu, mas posso te indicar duas possíveis soluções:
    Para ele perguntar onde salvar (e forçar aparecer a caixa de diálogo que você se refere), marque "sempre perguntar onde salvar arquivos", na aba "Geral" das Opções.
    Para editar suas preferências de programas que abrem cada tipo de arquivo, procure na aba "Aplicações" das Opções. (Se entendi bem, acho que é por aqui que você vai resolver seu problema).
    Se o seu problema é só PDF, talvez essa extensão possa te ajudar:

  • How do I get Firefox for Android to download and install?

    I had Firefox installed on my Android tablet, an Asus TF300T. I was notified there was an update so I clicked to let in install. I avoid auto updates as I need to use a website that is always a couple of versions behind in compatibility. Well, the update would not download and I tried several times. It just seems to time out (error 495 is reported). I tried uninstalling Firefox to attempt a fresh install. This has worked with other apps that were being difficult when installing updates. Now I still can't get Firefox for Android to complete a download in order to get it installed. What's the deal with this latest version? I'd like to get Firefox back on my tablet but the options are extremely limited and frankly the amount of help on the website is also extremely limited. Any help would be appreciated.

    From where you try to download Firefox for Android?
    Download it from [ here]

  • How can i install mozilla firefox on my iBook G4

    How can i install mozilla firefox on my iBook G4

    The mozilla-derived Firefox-based browser known as Tenfourfox does a fair job and is about due for code upgrade near the end of  this year from version 17 to version 24. Tenfourfox can run in Tiger 10.4.11 + Leopard 10.5.8.
    I have & use both Tenfourfox + SeamonkeyPPC versions in my PPC G4 Macs. (My third choice is iCab...)
    These both play well together and can be run simultaneosly without odd effects, unlike what can happen if you were to run the original Firefox and then launch Tenfourfox; as those share resources. I use SeaMonkey PPC for my web mail login via google Notifier, and have that set as the default browser through use of Safari's preference settings. Even though my first browser choice is Tenfourfox.
    You can choose to 'enable plugins' of stuff that by default is turned off in tenfourfox, for security reasons, such as an older no-longer supported version of adobe's Flash. However, video such as youtube content will often automatically work OK from most sites via Tenfourfox now.
    {There's also a seamonkey 'modern version' for intel-based macs w/ later OS X, not at the seamonkeyPPC site...}
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • I have downloaded mozilla firefox a number of times. Over a few days it tells me that the firefox is no longer on my computer. I never delete it. Please help. I do use CCLEANER.

    I have downloaded mozilla firefox a number of times. Over a few days it tells me that the firefox is no longer on my computer. I never delete it. Please help. I do use CCLEANER. edit

    You are unfortunately out of luck with an Intel Mac and OS X 10.4.11<br />
    Best would be to update to OS X 10.5 or later if you want to use Firefox 4 and later versions (current is 8.0).<br />
    There is a Firefox 8 compatible third-party version TenFourFox from for a PowerPC Mac, but no alternative for an Intel Mac with Mac OS X 10.4.
    Firefox 4 and later require at least OS X 10.5 and an Intel Mac.
    Firefox 3.6.x (Mac OS X 10.4 and later) can be found here:

  • How to view pdf files without downloading them on firefox for android

    I use an Electronic Medical Record program using Firefox for android on a a Samsung Galaxy Pro 12.2 tablet. I need to view patient pdf files on the tablet. So far, the only way I have been able to accomplish this is to download the file first. It would be more efficient if I could just view the pdf file on the Galaxy tablet without having to download it. Is it possible to do this with Firefox for android? Thanks.

    Not in any reliable manner. There is PDF.js but it has not been optimized for Firefox for Android.

  • I have a rogue software issue with mozilla firefox every time i down load it how can I permently delete it and ensure there is no recurrence ?

    every time i download mozilla firefox 3.6
    get an unwanted pop up spam page that is
    apparently impossible to delete unless i delete
    firefox and use a totally different browser I have windows
    XP and Hewlett Packard /Compaq hardware


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