Mpeg2 import to imovie?

I have mpeg2 dvd that we can't edit with imovie. is there any software that will convert it?

I followed these steps and talked with Apple Tech support 3 times...but I still cannot im port my MPEG2 file into iMovie. The file is 4.3GB.
Here's what I have done so far:
- Purchased Apple's MPEG2 extension ($20)
- Used MPEG Streamclip 1.8 to export the MPEG2 file to DV
- Tried to use iMovie to import or open the DV gives me a vague error.

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    Can I import movies originating from video's that were put on a DVD import into IMovie?

    You need to convert the VOB files in the TS-Folder of the DVD back to DV which iMovie is designed to handle. For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the  Apple mpeg2 plugin : or-mac-os-x
    (unless you are running Lion in which case see below))
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    For the benefit of others who may read this thread:
    Obviously the foregoing only applies to DVDs you have made yourself, or other home-made DVDs that have been given to you. It will NOT work on copy-protected commercial DVDs, which in any case would be illegal.
    And from the TOU of these forums:
    Keep within the Law
    No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.
    Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.
    If you are running Lion:
    From the MPEG Streamclip homepage
    The installer of the MPEG-2 Playback Component may refuse to install the component in Lion. Apple states the component is unnecessary in Lion, however MPEG Streamclip still needs it. See this:
    To install the component in Lion, please download MPEG Streamclip 1.9.3b7 beta above; inside the disk image you will find the Utility MPEG2 Component Lion: use it to install the MPEG-2 Playback Component in Lion. The original installer's disk image (QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg) is required.
    The current versions of MPEG Streamclip cannot take advantage of the built-in MPEG-2 functionality of Lion. For MPEG-2 files you still need to install the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component, which is not preinstalled in Lion. You don't have to install QuickTime 7.

  • Importing into iMovie

    I was wondering what type of files are you able to import into iMovie? Thanks!!

    I was wondering what type of files are you able to import into iMovie?
    DV for all versions. HDV and DV for HD and later versions. Any "conversion" compatible compression format for which you have the appropriate codecs for versions prior to iMovie '08. "Edit" compatible compression formats for Finder level imports to iMovie '08 (to include DV, AIC, M-JPEG, Photo-JPEG, "standard" MPEG-4, "standard" H.264 with DV, Linear PCM (Big Endian, Little Endian, Unsigned Integer, etc.), AAC, etc.); Apple Animation and Apple Video will import and edit but cannot currently be exported properly. Additional compression formats via iMovie '08 "Camera Import" option -- AVCHD (Intel Machines only) and "muxed" MPEG2/AC3 from HDD/DVD camcorders or images thereof. Any file you can convert manually to an iMovie '08 "edit" compatible format in QT or third-party applications (e.g., Voltaic for import of AVCHD to PPC machines).

  • Converting files to import into iMovie HD

    I've been searching the forum but cant find anything that helps me...
    I have an mpeg (a .m2p file)
    I've tried converting it into all sorts of things to import into iMovie, using the likes of "ffmpegx" and "mpeg streamclip".
    I've tried converting to mpeg4 mov files, mpeg4 mp4 files, H264, .DV.
    Most of the time even quicktime will not play them, or in the case of the .DV files, not only is it massive (like 50 gig) but takes hours to import.
    Basically I have a 2gig .m2p (mpeg2) file and want to convert it into something that iMovie will read without taking 6 hours.
    I'm new to OS X, and video editing/converting in general... someone please point me in the right direction.

    .m2p file
    Have you tried this with MPEG Streamclip (Notice that MPEG2 conversions require the $20 Apple MPEG-2 Playback Component):
    "File/Export to DV.../Compression: DV (DV25)". Choose "Split DV stream in Segments" if the content is more than 9 minutes 27 seconds because iMovie 1-4 can't reliably handle longer clip files and it might be a good idea to limit the converted .dv file's size anyway (segmented clips play seamlessly in iMovie).
    You can save the converted DV directly into iMovie project's Media folder to save time and HD space (iMovie prompts you what to do with the clip when the project is opened. Notice that iMovie HD 5 now stores its project folder as a package -- MPEG Streamclip can save straight into the package's /Media folder!)

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    Any suggestions? Is this fixable or does it have something to do with my camera, not my software?

    iMovie 1 to 6 is for miniDV Cameras and connects only via FireWire.
    All other material has to be concerted.
    .mov - is no specific file type - just a container.
    Has to be converted to streamingDV to be imported into iMovie 1 - 6.
    If You try iMovie'08 it might be able to import.
    Or use MPEG Streamclip. Why this doesn't work I can't figure.
    May be You need to buy and install: Apple mpeg2 component - BUT NOT SURE at all.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Movie clip won't import into iMovie.

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    I have a JVC Everio G 30Gb Hard disc camcorder. I can't get my clip to import into iMovie. All I get is the following message...
    "The file could not be imported: The file “File Name Here” can’t be imported; QuickTime couldn’t parse it: -2048"
    Can anybody help or know some way around this?
    I sorta figured that like iPhoto, where you can pretty much download from any big brand digital camera, it would be the same with iMovie.
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Hi iMovieNewbie - welcome to the forum!
    Many people have your ailment!! The problem is that your camera records in MPEG2 format which is really not compatible with iMovie. iMovie's native format is DV, which is designed to be a no-loss, editable format. MPEG is really just a viewing format.
    There are workarounds, but they involve converting MPEG into DV, for which you will need:
    MPEG StreamClip (free):
    Apple MPEG2 PlayBack($20):
    Read about it all here:

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    Any suggestions or advice?

    Your PowerPC G5 is at the very bottom end of machines capable of running iMovie.
    Have you tried rendering your project? Is the final shared project also poor? It should be fine, because in the process of rendering, it will go as slow as it needs to, but make every calculation.
    See this link for iLife System Requirements. iMovie needs minimum G5 with 1.9Ghz or faster
    Message was edited by: AppleMan1958

  • Comment importer dans iMovie un DVD gravé ? Problème d'incompatibilité. Quel logiciel ?

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    My old note on this (some prog. not avail any more and new has come - still no free solution as I know of)
    DVD back for future editing
    A. don't put a mini DVD into Your Mac unless it’s a tray-loaded DVD burner/reader
    B. iMovie’08 prob. 09 can import from DVD (homemade without copy-protection)
    C. I prefer one of these two ways
    • Copy to miniDV tape from set-top DVD-player --> Camera -or-
    • Roxio Toast™ - Can back convert to streamingDV for iMovie or FinalCut
    D. Read what Karsten collected.
    DVD back to iMovie.
    .. and here the complete 'full 9 yards' ... .
    DVDs are in a so-called delivery format (mpeg2), which isn't meant and 
    made for any processing as editing...  or, as honorable forum member 
    QuicktimeKirk stated. [i] I use the analogy of the old Polaroid 
    "instant" cameras. Push the button, wait for the print to develop and 
    show it off.[/i] ..
    for using the iLife apps, you have to convert-'em first, in 
    recommended order, choose one of the following tools/workarounds.
    • DVDxDV (free trial, 25$, Pro. 90$)
    • Apple mpeg2 plugin  (20$) + MPEG-Streamclip (free)
    • Cinematize >60$
    • Mpeg2Works >25$ + Apple plug-in
    • Toast 6/7/8/9/10/11 allows converting to dv/insert dvd, hit apple-k
    • connect a miniDV Camcorder with analogue input to a DVD-player and transfer disk to tape/use as converter
    • Drop2DV (free) a free tool claiming to convert DVDs into dv-stream...
    • Use iSquint for your conversions .
    from. Bobby Keene 
    none of these apps override copy-protection mechanisms as on commercial DVD's...
    be nice to copy rights ^-^
    ... and, next time,  try the forum's search-feature...
    from Beverly M.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Importing to iMovie: How do I use an external usb mic when recording with the built-in FaceTime HD Camera?

    Hello all
    I'm scheduled to work with a friend this week; I'm going to help him make a simple audition DVD.  I promised him I had the necessary equipment and such.
    I was importing from the webcam using iMovie.  If I can't use my external mic to record for the video, there is more involved in the editing process.   I was hoping to record the video and audio into one package.  I'm using the built-in FaceTime webcam on my macbook pro and a ZoomH1 on usb.
    I've tried changing the audio in system preferences: input to H1.  This works when recording with audacity or anything else.  I even changed the input on FaceTime to H1.  There aren't any preferences I can find in iMovie to change the input for importing video directly from the webcam.
    How do I change the audio input for direct import on iMovie?   
    Is there something else I can do to have HD video and HQ audio captured in one video file on my macbook pro?
    I suppose I can record the video and audio separately but that is usually much more involved.  This is why I got this usb microphone lol.
    Thanks in advance,

    I just found using QuickTime Player to record a movie works great.  I can easily change the audio input.  iMovie is silly. lol
    If I missed anything let me know.

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    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    1) If I wanted to give it a try and pull my iMovie into FCP, will the timeline also import?
    2) If I follow your advice and convert the clips to .mov files...I have one more question: Say I captured a 1 minute clip from my video camera into iMovie. I then trimmed and slipt that clip into a 30 second segment. Is there anyway to access JUST that 30 second segment/new clip and convert to .mov? I can only seem to locate the original 1 minute dv file I imported.

  • Importing from iMovie HD

    Can anyone help me? I created a 4GB project in iMovie HD and saved it to my Movies folder. I then opened iMovie 08 and asked it to import an iMovie HD project, and selected the one I'd just saved. It imported only the first couple of frames, that's all. Tried it a couple of times, same result. What am I missing here?

    If in iMovie 06 have a project with 20 clip in iMovie 08 found less clips but everyone is complete. Entire clips are missing.
    1) If you are counting "rendered" clips in the "Project.PKG > Media folder," they are not included in the import. You will have o move them manually if you want them.
    2) If you are counting clips included in the source bin, then I don't know if they are supposed to import or not. (I.e., I don't use the built-in HD import option in iMovie '08.) You can check and see if these are your missing clips. if they are, then add them to the HD project before import and see if they are imported to iMovie '08. If they aren't, then you may need to send a feedback to Apple regarding this issue.
    And the order in which are imported is not the same as in the original project
    Editing and rendering in an iMovie HD project will change the clip names which, in turn, may re-order the files as the finder "sees" them. (I.e., they are ordered alphabetically in the project media folder.) So, if they are imported in alphabetical order, they would be out of their original "source" or timeline order.

  • Importing from iMovie 09

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    However, I just get a "Media Offline" message... the import doesn't seem to work. I have tried this multiple times.
    I have tried reconnecting the files, but it doesn't seem to let me select the right file...
    Very confused... Is there anything I can do to get this working? (Preferably without having to attempt to reconnect the files)

    Thanks Tom.
    In the video tutorial it appears as if you do not need to reconnect the files. I assumed that this would only be necessary if the files had been moved, but I didn't move them. I thought that the XML files would include directions to where the video clips are stored. Do you have to manually point to the files every time that you import from iMovie?
    My iMovie project is a screen recording. It consists of several .mov files. I have tried removing all the titles / fades / transitions but it still cannot see the video clips when I import them to FCE.
    The movie's about 8 minutes long. It's in widescreen. I haven't changed any settings.

  • Importing from iMovie HD project

    I bought a new iMac and i'm importing in iMovie 08 a project from iMovie06.
    But i have 2 problems: first not all the clips are imported and second that the clips that are imported are not in the same order of the original projct.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    If in iMovie 06 have a project with 20 clip in iMovie 08 found less clips but everyone is complete. Entire clips are missing.
    1) If you are counting "rendered" clips in the "Project.PKG > Media folder," they are not included in the import. You will have o move them manually if you want them.
    2) If you are counting clips included in the source bin, then I don't know if they are supposed to import or not. (I.e., I don't use the built-in HD import option in iMovie '08.) You can check and see if these are your missing clips. if they are, then add them to the HD project before import and see if they are imported to iMovie '08. If they aren't, then you may need to send a feedback to Apple regarding this issue.
    And the order in which are imported is not the same as in the original project
    Editing and rendering in an iMovie HD project will change the clip names which, in turn, may re-order the files as the finder "sees" them. (I.e., they are ordered alphabetically in the project media folder.) So, if they are imported in alphabetical order, they would be out of their original "source" or timeline order.

  • Importing from iMovie to FC Express

    I have attepted to import AVCHD files from my Canon XA20 Camcorder to FC Express with no success. I then attepted to import the same files into iMovie with success.
    I have 2 questions.
    1. How can I import AVCHD files direct int FC Express.
    2. To import from iMovie to FC Express I cannot find where iMovie video file are on the system. In FCE you can nominate a drive for the files to be put.

    That is PAL 25 fps?
    The data rate should be fine.
    AVCHD is possible to ingest directly to FCE.
    Make sure you set the comatching Easy Setup BEFORE trying to capture.
    Use Log and transfer over USB cable.

  • Importing from iMovie 06, lose capture dates

    When I import old iMovie 06 movies, the capture dates gets lost. Here is one of the original clips in iMovie 06:
    However, after importing in iMovie 11, the capture dates are lost.  I tried many variations, like import the iMovie 06 project, or cd to the *.iMovieProject directory and import the actual clips, etc.
    Now, good iMovie11 clips have the capture date imbedded in the file name (as in clip-2010-03-14 hh;mm;ss.dv).  However, the ones imported from iMovie 06 end up in iMovie 11 with simple names such as clip55.dv.  So it's not surprising I cannot see the capture dates in iMovie 11.
    So I looked inside the *.iMovieProject directory hoping to find the capture dates either in the file name or in a plist, but I couldn't (nothing in the plists below)
    ... Jan 23  2010 Cache/Thumbnails.plist
    ... Jan 23  2010 Cache/Timeline Movie Data.plist
    ... Jan 23  2010 Cache/Timeline
    ... Nov  8  2009 Media/Clip55.dv
    Finally, I opened Clip55.dv in QuickTime and looked at MovieInspector, but I could not see any capture date (similar to exif in jpegs).
    So obviously I missed them. My question is where in the iMovie 06 project can I find them?   If accessible, I can write a script to fix the clips imported in iMovie11 by changing their names. I tried it manually, and it worked.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi - Couple of things.
    Click on the offending clip that you imported from iMovie in your FCP Bin and type Command + 9 to see the item properties. Either report those item properties, or if easier, take a screen shot of the item properties and post that.
    Then click any where on the timeline you are having trouble with and type Command + 0 (Zero) to see the sequence settings. Either report those settings or take a screen shot of the Sequence Settings window and post that.
    In order for FCP to use the video without rendering, both the items properties of the source clip, and the sequence settings must match - and both must be within standard production parameters.
    Also, you can click on the source clip in the FCP Bin, then control-click on the clip and select Reveal in Finder from the drop down menu. Once that file is revealed, open it in Quicktime 7 and see if if plays correctly there.
    Hope this helps.

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